# Copyright John N. Laliberte # LICENSE - GPL2 #ftp module # large amount of this taken from # added in debug statements # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/436211 ################ # my ftp module that should be easier to understand. import os, ftplib DEBUG = False class FTPWalker: def __init__(self, site, user, passwd): self.ftp = ftplib.FTP(site, user, passwd) if DEBUG: print "logged into ftp" def cd(self, path): try: self.ftp.cwd(path) #sys.stdout.write(".") if DEBUG: print "successfully changed path to " + path return True except: print "Directory does not exist " + path return False def pwd(self): return self.ftp.pwd() def ls(self, cwd): lines = [] self.ftp.retrlines("LIST", lines.append) return map(lambda x: self.extract_info(cwd, x), lines) def str2perm(self, str): return str[0] == 'd', str[0] == 'l' def extract_info( self, cwd, line ): fullmode, links, owner, group, size, rest = line.split(None, 5) isdir, islink = self.str2perm(fullmode) name = rest[13:] #if 0 < string.find(name,"->"): if islink: name, symbolic = name.split("->") name = name.strip() symbolic = symbolic.strip() if DEBUG: print "Name of the file is: " + name return FileInformation(name, isdir) class FileInformation: def __init__(self, name, isdirectory): self.name = name self.isdir = isdirectory def pattern(p, v): return fnmatch.fnmatch(v, p) def dropslashes( str ): i, n = 0, len( str ) while i < n and str[i] == '/': i += 1 return str[i:] def excluded(exclude_patterns, dir): for exclude_pattern in exclude_patterns: if pattern(exclude_pattern, dir): return True return False def listSiteGen(walker, dir, excluded_names): path = walker.pwd() #if not excluded( excluded_names, dir ) and walker.cd( dir ): if walker.cd(dir): newpath = dropslashes(os.path.join(path, dir)) lsresult = walker.ls(newpath) for info in lsresult: if info.isdir: for rec_info in listSiteGen(walker, info.name, excluded_names): yield rec_info else: yield info walker.cd(path) def find_files(walker, dir, excluded_names, excluded_suffixes): file_listing = [] for fileinfo in listSiteGen(walker, dir, excluded_names): #if not excluded( excluded_suffixes, fileinfo): if DEBUG: print "Appending: " + str(fileinfo.name) file_listing.append(fileinfo.name) return file_listing