Allow mozilla to read generic user content (i.e. content that is not specific to an application).

Allow mozilla to read all user content (including content that is specific to an application, such as the configuration files of other applications in the users home directory).

Allow mozilla to manage generic user content (i.e. content that is not specific to an application).

Allow mozilla to manage all user content (including content that is specific to an application, such as the configuration files of other applications in the users home directory).

Allow chromium to read generic user content (i.e. content that is not specific to an application).

Allow chromium to read all user content (including content that is specific to an application, such as the configuration files of other applications in the users home directory).

Allow chromium to manage generic user content (i.e. content that is not specific to an application).

Allow chromium to manage all user content (including content that is specific to an application, such as the configuration files of other applications in the users home directory).