# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ EAPI=4 MODULE_AUTHOR=DAGOLDEN MODULE_VERSION="0.010" inherit perl-module perl-declaredeps DESCRIPTION="Twitter when you release with Dist::Zilla" LICENSE="|| ( Artistic GPL-2 )" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="" cdepend-virtual ExtUtils-MakeMaker 6.56 bdepend Dist-Zilla 4 # Dist-Zilla-App-Tester #bdepend Dist-Zilla 4 # Dist-Zilla-Role-Releaser #bdepend Dist-Zilla 4 # Dist-Zilla-Tester # bdepend-virtual File-Find # CORE bdepend-virtual File-Temp bdepend libwww-perl # HTTP-Response #bdepend libwww-perl # LWP-USerAgent bdepend Params-Util bdepend Path-Class bdepend Sub-Exporter bdepend-virtual Test-Simple 0.88 # Test-More #depend Carp # CORE depend Dist-Zilla 4 # depend Dist-Zilla 4 # Dist-Zilla-Role-AfterRelease # depend Dist-Zilla 4 # Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplate # depend Math-BigFloat # CORE depend Moose 0.99 depend-virtual libnet # Net-Netrc depend Net-Twitter 3 depend WWW-Shorten 3.20 depend WWW-Shorten-Simple #depend WWW-Shorten # WWW-Shorten-TinyURL depend namespace-autoclean 0.90.0 #depend-virtual utf8 # CORE ddep_setup SRC_TEST="do"