# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ EAPI=4 MODULE_AUTHOR=ETHER MODULE_VERSION=0.32 inherit perl-module DESCRIPTION='A glimpse at an Enlightened Perl.' LICENSE=" || ( Artistic GPL-2 )" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="+basic-toolchain +testing +oop async webdev db crawl module-devel date config cli scripting xml +exceptions spreadsheet email scalability +logging" perl_meta_configure() { # ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.36 ( 6.360.0 ) echo \>=virtual/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.360.0 } perl_meta_build() { # ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.36 ( 6.360.0 ) echo \>=virtual/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.360.0 } feature() { local name="$1"; shift; echo "$name? ("; echo "$@"; echo ")"; } sfeature() { local name="$1"; local suffix="$2"; feature "$name" "dev-perl/Task-Kensho-${suffix}" } perl_meta_runtime() { sfeature 'basic-toolchain' 'Toolchain'; sfeature 'exceptions' 'Exceptions'; sfeature 'testing' 'Testing'; sfeature 'oop' 'OOP'; sfeature 'async' 'Async'; sfeature 'xml' 'XML'; sfeature 'webdev' 'WebDev'; sfeature 'db' 'DBDev'; sfeature 'crawl' 'WebCrawling'; sfeature 'module-devel' 'ModuleDev'; sfeature 'scalability' 'Scalability'; sfeature 'date' 'Dates'; sfeature 'config' 'Config'; sfeature 'cli' 'CLI'; sfeature 'scripting' 'Hackery'; sfeature 'spreadsheet' 'ExcelCSV'; sfeature 'email' 'Email'; sfeature 'logging' 'Logging'; } DEPEND=" $(perl_meta_configure) $(perl_meta_build) $(perl_meta_runtime) " RDEPEND=" $(perl_meta_runtime) " SRC_TEST="do"