\chapter{Ebuild File Format} \label{sec:ebuild-format} The ebuild file format is in its basic form a subset of the format of a bash script. The interpreter is assumed to be GNU bash, version 3.2 or later, see footnote \ref{fn:bash3.2} on page \pageref{fn:bash3.2}. The file encoding must be UTF-8 with Unix-style newlines. When sourced, the ebuild must define certain variables and functions (see sections~\ref{sec:ebuild-vars} and \ref{sec:ebuild-functions} for specific information), and must not call any external programs, write anything to standard output or standard error, or modify the state of the system in any way. % vim: set filetype=tex fileencoding=utf8 et tw=100 spell spelllang=en : %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "pms" %%% LaTeX-indent-level: 4 %%% LaTeX-item-indent: 0 %%% TeX-brace-indent-level: 4 %%% End: