# elog/mod_save.py - elog dispatch module # Copyright 2006-2011 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 import io import time import portage from portage import os from portage import _encodings from portage import _unicode_decode from portage import _unicode_encode from portage.data import portage_gid, portage_uid from portage.package.ebuild.prepare_build_dirs import _ensure_log_subdirs from portage.util import apply_permissions, ensure_dirs, normalize_path def process(mysettings, key, logentries, fulltext): if mysettings.get("PORT_LOGDIR"): logdir = normalize_path(mysettings["PORT_LOGDIR"]) else: logdir = os.path.join(os.sep, mysettings["EPREFIX"].lstrip(os.sep), "var", "log", "portage") if not os.path.isdir(logdir): # Only initialize group/mode if the directory doesn't # exist, so that we don't override permissions if they # were previously set by the administrator. # NOTE: These permissions should be compatible with our # default logrotate config as discussed in bug 374287. uid = -1 if portage.data.secpass >= 2: uid = portage_uid ensure_dirs(logdir, uid=uid, gid=portage_gid, mode=0o2770) cat = mysettings['CATEGORY'] pf = mysettings['PF'] elogfilename = pf + ":" + _unicode_decode( time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", time.gmtime(time.time())), encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='replace') + ".log" if "split-elog" in mysettings.features: log_subdir = os.path.join(logdir, "elog", cat) elogfilename = os.path.join(log_subdir, elogfilename) else: log_subdir = os.path.join(logdir, "elog") elogfilename = os.path.join(log_subdir, cat + ':' + elogfilename) _ensure_log_subdirs(logdir, log_subdir) elogfile = io.open(_unicode_encode(elogfilename, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='w', encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='backslashreplace') elogfile.write(_unicode_decode(fulltext)) elogfile.close() # Copy group permission bits from parent directory. elogdir_st = os.stat(log_subdir) elogdir_gid = elogdir_st.st_gid elogdir_grp_mode = 0o060 & elogdir_st.st_mode # Copy the uid from the parent directory if we have privileges # to do so, for compatibility with our default logrotate # config (see bug 378451). With the "su portage portage" # directive and logrotate-3.8.0, logrotate's chown call during # the compression phase will only succeed if the log file's uid # is portage_uid. logfile_uid = -1 if portage.data.secpass >= 2: logfile_uid = elogdir_st.st_uid apply_permissions(elogfilename, uid=logfile_uid, gid=elogdir_gid, mode=elogdir_grp_mode, mask=0) return elogfilename