diff options
-rw-r--r--files/gentoo-keys/seeds/gentoo-devs.seeds.sigbin639 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--files/gentoo-keys/seeds/gentoo.seeds.sigbin639 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63-recommended.spec.sigbin639 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63.spec.sigbin639 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep63-gpg-conf.skel.sigbin639 -> 0 bytes
28 files changed, 5295 insertions, 7022 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd299ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+name: CI
+on: [push, pull_request]
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: |
+ sudo apt update
+ sudo apt install libxml2-utils
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+ with:
+ python-version: '3.x'
+ - name: Install pip dependencies
+ run: pip install lxml
+ - name: Check
+ run: make check
diff --git a/.github/workflows/repositories.yml b/.github/workflows/repositories.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df5d534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/repositories.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+name: repositories
+ pull_request:
+ paths:
+ - 'files/overlays/repositories.xml'
+ validate-content:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v3
+ with:
+ python-version: '3.x'
+ - name: Install pip dependencies
+ run: pip install lxml
+ - name: Check repositories.xml
+ run: |
+ BASE_REF=$(git merge-base --fork-point origin/${{ github.base_ref }})
+ python bin/ --github <(git show ${BASE_REF}:files/overlays/repositories.xml) files/overlays/repositories.xml
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee2feab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+.PHONY: check
+check: check-overlays check-mirrors
+.PHONY: check-overlays
+ $(MAKE) -C files/overlays check
+.PHONY: check-mirrors
+ $(MAKE) -C files/mirrors check
diff --git a/bin/gpl-3.0.txt b/bin/gpl-3.0.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f288702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/gpl-3.0.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+ The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+ Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+ For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+ Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+ Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. Definitions.
+ "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+ "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+ "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+ To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+ A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+ To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+ To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+ An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+ 1. Source Code.
+ The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+ A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+ The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+ The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+ The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+ The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+ 2. Basic Permissions.
+ All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+ You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+ Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+ 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+ No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+ When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+ 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+ You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+ You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+ 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+ You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+ it, and giving a relevant date.
+ b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+ released under this License and any conditions added under section
+ 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+ "keep intact all notices".
+ c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+ License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
+ License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+ additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+ regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
+ permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+ invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+ d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+ Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+ interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+ work need not make them do so.
+ A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+ 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+ You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+ a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+ Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+ customarily used for software interchange.
+ b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+ written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+ long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+ model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+ copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+ product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+ medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+ more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+ conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+ Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+ c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+ written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
+ alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+ only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+ with subsection 6b.
+ d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+ place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+ Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+ further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
+ Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
+ copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+ may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+ that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+ clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+ Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
+ Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+ available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+ e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+ you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+ Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+ charge under subsection 6d.
+ A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+ A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+ "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+ If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+ The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+ Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+ 7. Additional Terms.
+ "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+ When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+ a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+ terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+ b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+ author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+ Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+ c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+ requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+ reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+ d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+ authors of the material; or
+ e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+ trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+ f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+ material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+ it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+ any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+ those licensors and authors.
+ All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+ If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+ Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+ 8. Termination.
+ You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+ However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+ Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+ Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+ 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+ You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+ 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+ Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+ An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+ You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+ 11. Patents.
+ A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+ A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+ Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+ In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+ If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+ If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+ A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+ Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+ 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+ If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+ 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+ 14. Revised Versions of this License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+ Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+ 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+ 16. Limitation of Liability.
+ 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+ If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+ If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+ The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2810bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Arthur Zamarin <>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import argparse
+import sys
+from http.client import HTTPSConnection
+from typing import Iterable, Tuple
+from urllib.parse import quote_plus
+from lxml import etree
+ok_flag = True
+def output_xml_error(xml: etree._Element, title: str, content: str):
+ start = xml.sourceline
+ if args.github:
+ end = start + len(etree.tostring(xml).strip().split(b'\n')) - 1
+ print(f'::error file={args.current},line={start},endLine={end},title={title}::{content}')
+ else:
+ print(f'\033[91m{args.current}:{start} - {title} - {content}\033[0m')
+ global ok_flag
+ ok_flag = False
+def output_xml_warning(xml: etree._Element, title: str, content: str):
+ start = xml.sourceline
+ if args.github:
+ end = start + len(etree.tostring(xml).strip().split())
+ print(f'::warning file={args.current},line={start},endLine={end},title={title}::{content}')
+ else:
+ print(f'\033[93m{args.current}:{start} - {title} - {content}\033[0m')
+class Overlay:
+ def __init__(self, xml: etree._Element):
+ self.xml = xml
+ if (repo_name := xml.find('./name')) is not None:
+ self.repo_name = repo_name.text
+ else:
+ self.repo_name = ''
+ output_xml_error(xml, 'Missing overlay name', 'Missing tag "name" for the overlay')
+ if (owner_email := xml.find('./owner/email')) is not None:
+ self.owner_email = owner_email.text
+ else:
+ output_xml_error(xml.find('./owner'), 'Missing owner email', 'Missing tag "email" for the overlay\'s owner')
+ def check_details(self, client: HTTPSConnection):
+ if not getattr(self, 'owner_email', None):
+ return
+ try:
+ client.request("GET", f"/rest/user?names={quote_plus(self.owner_email)}")
+ resp = client.getresponse()
+ if resp.status != 200:
+ output_xml_error(self.xml.find('owner/email'), 'Unknown email', f'email address "{self.owner_email}" not found at bugzilla')
+ else:
+ print(f'\033[92m\u2713 repo="{self.repo_name}" <{self.owner_email}>\033[0m')
+ except Exception:
+ output_xml_warning(self.xml.find('owner/email'), 'Failed check against bugzilla',
+ f'Checking for bugzilla email [{self.owner_email}] failed')
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.repo_name)
+ def __eq__(self, o) -> bool:
+ return isinstance(o, Overlay) and o.repo_name == self.repo_name
+def read_repositories(file: str) -> Iterable[Overlay]:
+ return map(Overlay, etree.parse(file).findall('./repo'))
+def check_maintainers(overlays: Iterable[Overlay]):
+ try:
+ client = HTTPSConnection('')
+ for m in overlays:
+ m.check_details(client)
+ finally:
+ client.close()
+def check_sorted(curr: Tuple[Overlay, ...], adds: Iterable[Overlay]):
+ for addition in adds:
+ index = curr.index(addition)
+ repo_name = addition.repo_name
+ if index > 0 and curr[index - 1].repo_name.lower() >= repo_name.lower():
+ output_xml_error(addition.xml, 'Unsorted overlay list',
+ f"overlay {repo_name!r} in wrong place: {repo_name!r} isn't before {curr[index - 1].repo_name!r}")
+ elif index + 1 < len(curr) and curr[index + 1].repo_name.lower() <= repo_name.lower():
+ output_xml_error(addition.xml, 'Unsorted overlay list',
+ f"overlay {repo_name!r} in wrong place: {repo_name!r} isn't after {curr[index + 1].repo_name!r}")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check repositories.xml')
+ parser.add_argument('base', help='Original repositories.xml, pass "-" to perform full check')
+ parser.add_argument('current', help='Current repositories.xml')
+ parser.add_argument('--github', help='print errors in GitHub Actions format', action='store_true')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ current = tuple(read_repositories(args.current))
+ if args.base != '-':
+ base = tuple(read_repositories(args.base))
+ additions = frozenset(current).difference(base)
+ check_maintainers(additions)
+ check_sorted(current, additions)
+ else:
+ check_sorted(current, current)
+ sys.exit(int(not ok_flag))
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..18e512e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+This script is aimed to automate repositories.xml file formatting.
+<repo> nodes are sorted by name field value as a part of the process.
+python version >= 3.5 is required
+Copyright (C) 2018 Eugene Bright <>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import sys
+import argparse
+from lxml import etree
+import typing
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ "Sort overlay repos list by name")
+ "path",
+ help="path to repositories.xml")
+def find_repositories_node(
+ etree: etree.ElementTree
+ ) -> etree.Element:
+ return repo_etree.xpath("/repositories")[0]
+def find_repo_nodes(
+ repositories_node: etree.Element
+ ) -> typing.List[etree.Element]:
+ """
+ This function is designed to work
+ on <repositories> node, returned
+ by `find_repositories_node()` function.
+ """
+ return repositories_node.xpath("./repo")
+name_xpath = etree.XPath("./name/text()")
+def extract_repo_name(
+ repo_node: etree.Element
+ ) -> str:
+ """
+ Extract repo name from repo node.
+ """
+ return name_xpath(repo_node)[0]
+def sort_repo_nodes(
+ repo_nodes: typing.List[etree.Element]
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Sort nodes list by name case insensitively.
+ It does work in-place on the list provided.
+ Python sorting algorithm is stable,
+ so original order must be preserved
+ if appropriate.
+ """
+ repo_nodes.sort(
+ key=lambda node:
+ extract_repo_name(node)
+ .lower())
+def reinsert_repo_nodes(
+ repositories_node: etree.Element,
+ repo_nodes: typing.List[etree.Element]
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Remove all <repo> node from <repositories>
+ and reinsert them back in the order
+ provided in the list.
+ """
+ for repo_node in repo_nodes:
+ repositories_node.remove(repo_node)
+ for repo_node in repo_nodes:
+ repositories_node.append(repo_node)
+def vim_modelines_fixup(
+ repositories_node: etree.Element
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Find, remove and reinsert modeline comment
+ to the end of the file.
+ """
+ vim_comments = []
+ for node in repositories_node:
+ if (
+ isinstance(node, etree._Comment)
+ and node.text.startswith(" vim:")
+ ):
+ vim_comments.append(node)
+ for vim_comment in vim_comments:
+ repositories_node.remove(vim_comment)
+ repositories_node.append(vim_comment)
+def format_xml(
+ repo_etree: etree.Element
+ ) -> str:
+ """
+ Return text pretty-printed representation
+ of chosen XML node.
+ Works best on document root as it preserves <!DOCTYPE>.
+ """
+ return (
+ etree.tostring(
+ repo_etree,
+ xml_declaration=True,
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ pretty_print=2)
+ .decode())
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ repo_file = open(args.path, "rb")
+ repo_etree = etree.parse(
+ repo_file,
+ etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True))
+ repositories_node = find_repositories_node(repo_etree)
+ repo_nodes = find_repo_nodes(repositories_node)
+ sort_repo_nodes(repo_nodes)
+ reinsert_repo_nodes(
+ repositories_node,
+ repo_nodes)
+ vim_modelines_fixup(repositories_node)
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ format_xml(repo_etree))
diff --git a/bin/uidgid2wiki.awk b/bin/uidgid2wiki.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6387e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/uidgid2wiki.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
+# Copyright 2019-2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license
+ print "<!-- DO NOT EDIT, generated automatically by uidgid2wiki.awk -->"
+ print "{|class=\"wikitable sortable\""
+ print "! Name"
+ print "! data-sort-type=\"number\" | UID"
+ print "! data-sort-type=\"number\" | GID"
+ print "! Provider"
+ print "! class=unsortable | Notes"
+function md2wiki(str) {
+ return gensub(/\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^)]+)\)/, "[\\2 \\1]", "g", str)
+/^[^#]/ {
+ print "|-"
+ # name
+ print "| " $1
+ # uid
+ print "| " $2
+ # gid
+ print "| " $3
+ # provider
+ switch ($4) {
+ case "baselayout":
+ print "| style=\"background: #cff;\" | baselayout (linux)"
+ break
+ case "baselayout-fbsd":
+ print "| style=\"background: #ccf;\" | baselayout (fbsd)"
+ break
+ case "acct":
+ printf "%s", "| style=\"background: #9fc;\" |"
+ if ($2 != "-") printf " %s", "[" $1 " u:" $1 "]"
+ if ($3 != "-") printf " %s", "[" $1 " g:" $1 "]"
+ print ""
+ break
+ case "requested":
+ print "| style=\"background: #ffe;\" | requested"
+ break
+ case "reserved":
+ print "| style=\"background: #fcf;\" | reserved"
+ break
+ case "user.eclass":
+ print "| style=\"background: #dca;\" | user.eclass"
+ break
+ case "historical":
+ print "| style=\"background: #fee;\" | historical"
+ break
+ default:
+ print "| " $4
+ }
+ # notes
+ $1=$2=$3=$4=""
+ print gensub(/[ \t]+$/, "", 1, "| " md2wiki(substr($0, 5)))
+END {
+ print "|}"
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b845e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import os.path
+import requests
+import subprocess
+import sys
+def main(argv):
+ default_api_url = ''
+ default_script_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'uidgid2wiki.awk')
+ default_title = 'UID_GID_Assignment_Table'
+ argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=argv[0])
+ argp.add_argument('--api-url', default=default_api_url,
+ help='URL to MediaWiki API (default: {})'
+ .format(default_api_url))
+ argp.add_argument('-p', '--password', required=True,
+ help='Bot password to log in with')
+ argp.add_argument('--script', default=default_script_path,
+ help='Path to uidgid2wiki script')
+ argp.add_argument('--title', default=default_title,
+ help='Title of page to edit (default: {})'
+ .format(default_title))
+ argp.add_argument('-u', '--username', required=True,
+ help='Username to log in with')
+ argp.add_argument('path', nargs=1, metavar='uid-gid.txt',
+ type=argparse.FileType('r', encoding='utf-8'),
+ help='UID/GID listing to process')
+ args = argp.parse_args(argv[1:])
+ # Get converted contents first.
+ with subprocess.Popen([args.script],
+ stdin=args.path[0],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as s:
+ page_data, _ = s.communicate()
+ assert s.returncode == 0
+ # MediaWiki API is just HORRIBLE! Editing a page requires obtaining
+ # a login token, logging in, obtaining a CSRF (!) token
+ # and apparently preserving cookies as well!
+ with requests.Session() as s:
+ # get login token
+ params = {
+ 'action': 'query',
+ 'meta': 'tokens',
+ 'type': 'login',
+ 'format': 'json',
+ }
+ with s.get(args.api_url, params=params) as r:
+ token = r.json()['query']['tokens']['logintoken']
+ # log in
+ params = {
+ 'action': 'login',
+ 'lgname': args.username,
+ 'lgpassword': args.password,
+ 'lgtoken': token,
+ 'format': 'json',
+ }
+ with, data=params) as r:
+ assert r.json()['login']['result'] == 'Success', r.json()
+ # get CSRF token (wtf?!)
+ params = {
+ 'action': 'query',
+ 'meta': 'tokens',
+ 'format': 'json',
+ }
+ with s.get(args.api_url, params=params) as r:
+ token = r.json()['query']['tokens']['csrftoken']
+ # edit page (finally)
+ params = {
+ 'action': 'edit',
+ 'title': args.title,
+ 'token': token,
+ 'format': 'json',
+ 'text': page_data,
+ 'summary': 'Automatic update from uid-gid.txt',
+ 'bot': True,
+ }
+ with, data=params) as r:
+ assert 'error' not in r.json(), r.json()
+ print(r.json())
+ # logout
+ params = {
+ 'action': 'logout',
+ 'token': token,
+ }
+ with s.get(args.api_url, params=params) as r:
+ pass
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dae2517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# Copyright 2021 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Author: Jaco Kroon <>
+# So that you can contact me if you need help with the below insanity.
+# Configuration options:
+# selection_ranges => an array of start-stop values. There is an assumption of
+# incremental ordering, ie, start values should be in incrementing order, and
+# debug => if non-zero outputs some cryptic debug output (will inherit from environment).
+ 499-101
+ 500-749
+ #60001-60999
+debug=${debug:+1} # set non-zero to enable debug output.
+# Basic Design:
+# There is nothing beautiful about this script, it's downright nasty and I
+# (Jaco Kroon <>) will be the first to admit that.
+# For each of the uid and gid ranges, we primarily keep two variables.
+# ranges and reason. reason is simply one of USED or RESERVED. Free ranges
+# are not mapped into these arrays.
+# ranges_ maps a start index onto an end index. So for example, let's say
+# uid range 0..10 is USED (allocated, for whatever purposes):
+# ranges_uid[0]=10
+# reasons_uid[0]=USED
+# The above says that UID 0 to 10 is USED.
+# We start with an initially empty set, and then insert into, either merging or
+# potentially splitting as we go, by way of the consume function, once completed
+# we compact some things and then output.
+# Colours to be used if output is a TTY.
+colour_USED="\e[0;91m" # brightred
+colour_FREE="\e[0;92m" # brightgreen
+colour_RESERVED="\e[0;94m" # brightblue
+colour_RESET="\e[0m" # reset all styles.
+if ! [[ -t 1 ]]; then
+ colour_USED=
+ colour_FREE=
+ colour_RESERVED=
+ colour_RESET=
+# Find input file if not piped in on stdin, or show a warning about it on
+# stderr if we can't find the file.
+if [[ -t 0 ]]; then
+ def_infile="$(dirname "$0")/../files/uid-gid.txt"
+ if ! [[ -r "${def_infile}" ]] || ! exec <"${def_infile}"; then
+ echo "Reading from stdin (which happens to be a tty, you should pipe input file to stdin)" >&2
+ fi
+ # The basic principle here is that we can either add a new range, or split
+ # an existing range. Partial overlaps not dealt with, nor range
+ # extensions. Which would (I believe) negate the need for compact.
+ # TODO: deal with range merging here, eg, if we have 0..10, and adding 11, then
+ # we can simply adjust the range to 0..11, for example.
+ local variant="$1"
+ local ids="$2"
+ local type=$([[ "$3" == reserved ]] && echo RESERVED || echo USED)
+ local range_start="${ids%..*}"
+ local range_end="${ids#*..}"
+ declare -n ranges="ranges_${variant}"
+ declare -n reasons="reason_${variant}"
+ [[ -z "${ids}" ]] && return
+ [[ "${ids}" == - ]] && return
+ for k in "${!ranges[@]}"; do
+ # can the new range be inserted before the next range already in the set?
+ [[ ${k} -gt ${range_end} ]] && break
+ [[ ${ranges[k]} -lt ${range_start} ]] && continue
+ if [[ ${k} -le ${range_start} && ${range_end} -le ${ranges[k]} ]]; then
+ # new range is contained completely inside.
+ [[ ${reasons[k]} == ${type} ]] && return # same type.
+ [[ ${type} == RESERVED ]] && return # USED takes precedence over RESERVED.
+ if [[ ${range_end} -lt ${ranges[k]} ]]; then
+ ranges[range_end+1]=${ranges[k]}
+ reasons[range_end+1]=${reasons[k]}
+ fi
+ [[ ${range_start} -gt ${k} ]] && ranges[k]=$(( range_start - 1 ))
+ break
+ else
+ echo "${range_start}..${range_end} (${type}) overlaps with ${k}..${ranges[k]} (${reasons[k]}"
+ echo "Cannot handle partial overlap."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+ ranges[range_start]="${range_end}"
+ reasons[range_start]="${type}"
+ # This simply coalesces ranges that follow directly on each other. In
+ # other words, if range ends at 10 and the next range starts at 11, just
+ # merge the two by adjusting the end of the first range, and removing the
+ # immediately following.
+ # Param: uid or gid to determine which set we're working with.
+ declare -n ranges="ranges_$1"
+ declare -n reasons="reason_$1"
+ local k e ne
+ for k in "${ranges[@]}"; do
+ [[ -n "${ranges[k]:+set}" ]] || continue
+ e=${ranges[k]}
+ while [[ -n "${ranges[e+1]:+set}" && "${reasons[k]}" == "${reasons[e+1]}" ]]; do
+ ne=${ranges[e+1]}
+ unset "ranges[e+1]"
+ e=${ne}
+ done
+ ranges[k]=${e}
+ done
+ # Outputs the raw list as provided (param: uid or gid)
+ declare -n ranges="ranges_$1"
+ declare -n reasons="reason_$1"
+ local k c=0
+ echo "$1 list:"
+ for k in "${!ranges[@]}"; do
+ echo "$(( c++ )): ${k} => ${ranges[k]} / ${reasons[k]}"
+ done
+# Read the input file which is structured as "username uid gid provider and
+# potentially more stuff" Lines starting with # are comments, thus we can
+# filter those out.
+while read un uid gid provider rest; do
+ [[ "${un}" == \#* ]] && continue
+ consume uid "${uid}" "${provider}"
+ consume gid "${gid}" "${provider}"
+compact uid
+compact gid
+# If we're debugging, just output both lists so we can inspect that everything is correct here.
+if [[ -n "${debug}" ]]; then
+ output uid
+ output gid
+# Get the various range starts.
+# Set max to 2^32-1 if set to -.
+if [[ ${max} == - ]]; then
+ max=$((2 ** 32 - 1))
+ui=0 # index into uids array.
+gi=0 # index into gids array.
+for r in "${selection_ranges[@]}"; do
+ min=${r%-*} # "start" of range about to be output.
+ max=${r#*-} # "end" of range about to be output.
+ selection=min
+ if [[ $max -lt $min ]]; then
+ selection=max
+ t=${max}
+ max=${min}
+ min=${t}
+ fi
+ freeuid=0 # count number of free UIDs
+ freegid=0 # count number of free GIDs
+ freepair=0 # count number of free UID+GID pairs.
+ echo "Range: ${min}..${max} (${selection})"
+ printf "%-*s%10s%10s\n" $(( ${#max} * 2 + 5 )) "#ID" UID GID
+ idbase=${min}
+ while [[ ${idbase} -le ${max} ]]; do
+ # skip over uid and gid ranges that we're no longer interested in (end of range is
+ # lower than start of output range).
+ while [[ ${ui} -lt ${#uids[@]} && ${ranges_uid[uids[ui]]} -lt ${idbase} ]]; do
+ (( ui++ ))
+ done
+ while [[ ${gi} -lt ${#gids[@]} && ${ranges_gid[gids[gi]]} -lt ${idbase} ]]; do
+ (( gi++ ))
+ done
+ # Assume that range we're going to output is the remainder of the legal
+ # space we're interested in, and then adjust downwards as needed. For each
+ # of the UID and GID space, if the start range is beyond the current output
+ # start we're looking at a FREE range, so downward adjust re (range end) to
+ # the next non-FREE range's start - 1, or if we're in the non-FREE range,
+ # adjust downward to that range's end.
+ re=${max}
+ uid_start=-1
+ gid_start=-1
+ if [[ ${ui} -lt ${#uids[@]} ]]; then
+ uid_start=${uids[ui]}
+ if [[ ${uid_start} -gt ${idbase} && ${uid_start} -le ${re} ]]; then
+ re=$(( ${uid_start} - 1 ))
+ fi
+ if [[ ${ranges_uid[uid_start]} -lt ${re} ]]; then
+ re=${ranges_uid[uid_start]}
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ ${gi} -lt ${#gids[@]} ]]; then
+ gid_start=${gids[gi]}
+ if [[ ${gid_start} -gt ${idbase} && ${gid_start} -le ${re} ]]; then
+ re=$(( ${gid_start} - 1 ))
+ fi
+ if [[ ${ranges_gid[gid_start]} -lt ${re} ]]; then
+ re=${ranges_gid[gid_start]}
+ fi
+ fi
+ # If we're debugging, just dump various variables above, which allows
+ # validating that the above logic works correctly.
+ [[ -n "${debug}" ]] && echo "ui=${ui} (${uid_start}..${ranges_uid[uid_start]}), gi=${gi} (${gid_start}..${ranges_gid[gid_start]}), idbase=${idbase}, re=${re}"
+ # Determine the state of the UID and GID ranges.
+ if [[ ${ui} -lt ${#uids[@]} && ${uid_start} -le ${idbase} ]]; then
+ uidstate="${reason_uid[uid_start]}"
+ else
+ uidstate=FREE
+ freeuid=$(( freeuid + re - idbase + 1 ))
+ fi
+ if [[ ${gi} -lt ${#gids[@]} && ${gid_start} -le ${idbase} ]]; then
+ gidstate="${reason_gid[gids[gi]]}"
+ else
+ gidstate=FREE
+ freegid=$(( freegid + re - idbase + 1 ))
+ fi
+ # If the ranges are FREE (or at least one of), adjust selection recommendations
+ # accordingly.
+ if [[ "${gidstate}" == FREE ]]; then
+ if [[ "${uidstate}" == FREE ]]; then
+ case "${selection}" in
+ min)
+ [[ -z "${uidgidboth}" ]] && uidgidboth=${idbase}
+ ;;
+ max)
+ [[ -z "${uidgidboth}" || ${uidgidboth} -ge ${min} ]] && uidgidboth=${re}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ freepair=$(( freepair + re - idbase + 1 ))
+ else
+ case "${selection}" in
+ min)
+ [[ -z "${gidonly}" ]] && gidonly=${idbase}
+ ;;
+ max)
+ [[ -z "${gidonly}" || ${gidonly} -ge ${min} ]] && gidonly=${re}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ elif [[ "${uidstate}" == FREE ]]; then
+ case "${selection}" in
+ min)
+ [[ -z "${uidonly}" ]] && uidonly=${idbase}
+ ;;
+ max)
+ [[ -z "${uidonly}" || ${uidonly} -ge ${min} ]] && uidonly=${re}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ vn="colour_${uidstate}"
+ colour_uid="${!vn}"
+ vn="colour_${gidstate}"
+ colour_gid="${!vn}"
+ printf "%-*s${colour_uid}%10s${colour_gid}%10s${colour_RESET}\n" $(( ${#max} * 2 + 5 )) "${idbase}$([[ ${re} -gt ${idbase} ]] && echo "..${re}")" "${uidstate}" "${gidstate}"
+ idbase=$(( re + 1 ))
+ done
+ echo "Range Free UIDs: ${freeuid}"
+ echo "Range Free GIDs: ${freegid}"
+ echo "Range Free UID+GID pairs: ${freepair}"
+ echo
+ (( free_total_uid += freeuid ))
+ (( free_total_gid += freegid ))
+ (( free_total_pair += freepair ))
+echo "Free UIDs: ${free_total_uid}"
+echo "Free GIDs: ${free_total_gid}"
+echo "Free UID+GID pairs: ${free_total_pair}"
+for out in "Recommended GID only: ${gidonly:-${uidgidboth:-none}}" \
+ "Recommended UID only: ${uidonly:-${uidgidboth:-none}}" \
+ "Recommended UID+GID pair: ${uidgidboth:-none}"; do
+ [[ ${out} == *none ]] && colour=${colour_USED} || colour=${colour_FREE}
+ echo -e "${out%%: *}: ${colour}${out#*: }${colour_RESET}"
diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/seeds/README b/files/gentoo-keys/seeds/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bf5301..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/seeds/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-This README is to describle the current form of the seed files
-and the fields data they contain.
-CAUTION: These specs are not to be considered stable and
-are likely to change in the future.
-Python file excerpt of the GKEY named tuple class used to
-represent the data in the seed file.
-# some constants used in gkeyldap/
-# they map the index values of the GKEY input data fields
-NICK = 0
-NAME = 1
-KEYID = 2
-# set some defaults
-KEY_LEN = {
- 'keyid': 8,
- 'longkeyid': 16,
-class GKEY(namedtuple('GKEY', ['nick', 'name', 'keyid', 'longkeyid',
- 'keydir', 'fingerprint'])):
- '''Class to hold the relavent info about a key'''
- field_types = {'nick': str, 'name': str, 'keyid': list,
- 'longkeyid': list, 'keydir': str, 'fingerprint': list}
- field_separator = "|"
- list_separator = ":"
- __slots__ = ()
-Current fileds data in the seed files are:
-['nick', 'name', 'keyid', 'longkeyid', 'keydir', 'fingerprint']
-fields2,3,5 may be lists with a ":" separating list members.
-This is going to change to use a "," as the list separator.
-Also, the keyid and longkeyid fileds are likely to be dropped, as version 3
-gpg key types will not be used/allowed.
-Therefore since the keyid and longkeyid are just substrings of the fingerprint.
-They do not need to be tracked.
diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/seeds/gentoo-devs.seeds b/files/gentoo-keys/seeds/gentoo-devs.seeds
deleted file mode 100644
index 324b41f..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/seeds/gentoo-devs.seeds
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3420 +0,0 @@
- "a3li": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "53687A1A7BACAA700721F9AB36BA656112EE3000",
- "F8983D196A520EF17451C53493EA2A85F3C06469"
- ],
- "keydir": "a3li",
- "keys": [
- "53687A1A7BACAA700721F9AB36BA656112EE3000",
- "F8983D196A520EF17451C53493EA2A85F3C06469"
- ],
- "name": "Alex Legler",
- "nick": "a3li",
- "uid": [
- "Alex Legler <>"
- ]
- },
- "aballier": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "A93B16B16998A428D54D96C60E2548BBC607E5AE"
- ],
- "keydir": "aballier",
- "keys": [
- "A93B16B16998A428D54D96C60E2548BBC607E5AE"
- ],
- "name": "Alexis Ballier",
- "nick": "aballier",
- "uid": [
- "Alexis Ballier <>"
- ]
- },
- "ackle": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "E58AAABDDD2D03AF0A7A2F14187772ECE928357A"
- ],
- "keydir": "ackle",
- "keys": [
- "E58AAABDDD2D03AF0A7A2F14187772ECE928357A"
- ],
- "name": "Sean Amoss",
- "nick": "ackle",
- "uid": [
- "Sean Amoss <>"
- ]
- },
- "ago": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "9D326AF1BA78207D3E55DBDBBA7BD3507194459F",
- "1E58AD6230C55E7019118DABE4C382367CD2DC5D"
- ],
- "keydir": "ago",
- "keys": [
- "9D326AF1BA78207D3E55DBDBBA7BD3507194459F",
- "1E58AD6230C55E7019118DABE4C382367CD2DC5D"
- ],
- "name": "Agostino Sarubbo",
- "nick": "ago",
- "uid": [
- "Agostino Sarubbo <>"
- ]
- },
- "aidecoe": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "AC6337A027243EFCCAD40C9AE420A389C19FB5B7"
- ],
- "keydir": "aidecoe",
- "keys": [
- "AC6337A027243EFCCAD40C9AE420A389C19FB5B7"
- ],
- "name": "Amadeusz Piotr \u017bo\u0142nowski",
- "nick": "aidecoe",
- "uid": [
- "Amadeusz Piotr \u017bo\u0142nowski <>"
- ]
- },
- "alexxy": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "2EC99BA7DE04CEB42058EBF2E7FE13EFF82F92E6"
- ],
- "keydir": "alexxy",
- "keys": [
- "2EC99BA7DE04CEB42058EBF2E7FE13EFF82F92E6"
- ],
- "name": "Alexey Shvetsov",
- "nick": "alexxy",
- "uid": [
- "Alexey Shvetsov <>"
- ]
- },
- "alicef": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "2E4E0856461C05851336F4965621A6B28638781A"
- ],
- "keydir": "alicef",
- "keys": [
- "2E4E0856461C05851336F4965621A6B28638781A"
- ],
- "name": "Alice Ferrazzi",
- "nick": "alicef",
- "uid": [
- "Alice Ferrazzi <>"
- ]
- },
- "alonbl": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "8A2FE85CFCA42D74480B4B235D893D18BF20DC51"
- ],
- "keydir": "alonbl",
- "keys": [
- "8A2FE85CFCA42D74480B4B235D893D18BF20DC51"
- ],
- "name": "Alon Bar-Lev",
- "nick": "alonbl",
- "uid": [
- "Alon Bar-Lev <>"
- ]
- },
- "alunduil": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "C83139FA4A306FD8C529FE0FE71B7695E1D6AA7D"
- ],
- "keydir": "alunduil",
- "keys": [
- "C83139FA4A306FD8C529FE0FE71B7695E1D6AA7D"
- ],
- "name": "Alex Brandt",
- "nick": "alunduil",
- "uid": [
- "Alex Brandt <>"
- ]
- },
- "amadio": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "7B413A847FAF4D43AEF57C3D41F3D401762A0D12"
- ],
- "keydir": "amadio",
- "keys": [
- "7B413A847FAF4D43AEF57C3D41F3D401762A0D12"
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- "name": "Guilherme Amadio",
- "nick": "amadio",
- "uid": [
- "Guilherme Amadio <>"
- ]
- },
- "amynka": {
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- "6606755DC669B857855EE4DBA6CC832E4E670EB9"
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- "keydir": "amynka",
- "keys": [
- "6606755DC669B857855EE4DBA6CC832E4E670EB9"
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- "name": "Amy Winston",
- "nick": "amynka",
- "uid": [
- "Amy Winston <>"
- ]
- },
- "anarchy": {
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- "D4AC8D630B16F7C908E9B909A0CCC3BAB4D088B4"
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- "keydir": "anarchy",
- "keys": [
- "D4AC8D630B16F7C908E9B909A0CCC3BAB4D088B4"
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- "name": "Jory Pratt",
- "nick": "anarchy",
- "uid": [
- "Jory Pratt <>"
- ]
- },
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- "F9DAF7C8EC130722B220FC5E996AB56D84F20B43"
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- "keydir": "angelos",
- "keys": [
- "F9DAF7C8EC130722B220FC5E996AB56D84F20B43"
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- "name": "Christoph Mende",
- "nick": "angelos",
- "uid": [
- "Christoph Mende <>"
- ]
- },
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- "7013C4B9199180F3EF4F52EE5319CA56A2C0A9F1"
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- "keydir": "araujo",
- "keys": [
- "7013C4B9199180F3EF4F52EE5319CA56A2C0A9F1"
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- "name": "Luis Francisco Araujo",
- "nick": "araujo",
- "uid": [
- "Luis Francisco Araujo <>"
- ]
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- "3B7A700006367015B3786CC30AF8B3A860381DD4"
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- "keydir": "asturm",
- "keys": [
- "3B7A700006367015B3786CC30AF8B3A860381DD4"
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- "name": "Andreas Sturmlechner",
- "nick": "asturm",
- "uid": [
- "Andreas Sturmlechner <>"
- ]
- },
- "axs": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "A2C4D5C5A3D795BF11CB1838DAE81A237F0008F0"
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- "keydir": "axs",
- "keys": [
- "A2C4D5C5A3D795BF11CB1838DAE81A237F0008F0"
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- "name": "Ian Stakenvicius",
- "nick": "axs",
- "uid": [
- "Ian Stakenvicius <>"
- ]
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- "beandog": {
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- "F07CDA3EE0299F773FE0DCC9C03F921A96F8EB58"
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- "keydir": "beandog",
- "keys": [
- "F07CDA3EE0299F773FE0DCC9C03F921A96F8EB58"
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- "name": "Steve Dibb",
- "nick": "beandog",
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- "Steve Dibb <>"
- ]
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- "6F100BDFB3B6A1EA31E854D146D0A5AD705073B5"
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- "6F100BDFB3B6A1EA31E854D146D0A5AD705073B5"
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- "nick": "bernalex",
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- "Alexander Berntsen <>"
- ]
- },
- "betelgeuse": {
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- "76BCD50B8550FFC48DA9799E7312F3A48182B0B4",
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- "keydir": "betelgeuse",
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- "76BCD50B8550FFC48DA9799E7312F3A48182B0B4",
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- "name": "Petteri R\u00e4ty",
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- "uid": [
- "Petteri R\u00e4ty <>"
- ]
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- "bicatali": {
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- "keydir": "bicatali",
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- "328B38E323C8B2F85F0575BA7009F3DC6752A7F0"
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- "name": "Sebastien Fabbro",
- "nick": "bicatali",
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- "Sebastien Fabbro <>"
- ]
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- "F79C6470EE590B016C7816002DC21BCEC5E80123"
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- "F79C6470EE590B016C7816002DC21BCEC5E80123"
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- "Daniel Pielmeier <>"
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- "184B7CEB69B57FD42BAF9AF9743A52E86BA81050"
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- "184B7CEB69B57FD42BAF9AF9743A52E86BA81050"
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- "nick": "binki",
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- "Nathan Phillip Brink <>"
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- "Andrew Savchenko <>"
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- "D34A474DCDC313A243F0F33B315CEC520A5F7D12"
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- "Nicholas D. Wolfwood <>"
- ]
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- "Vladimir Romanov <>"
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- "Yury German <>"
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- "Anthony G. Basile <>"
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- "Aaron Bauman <>"
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- "Denis Dupeyron <>"
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- "Doug Goldstein <>"
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- "C\u00e9dric Krier <>"
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- "Tony Vroon <>"
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- "James Le Cuirot <>"
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- "John Christian Stoddart <>"
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- "Jimi Huotari <>"
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- "Patrick McLean <>"
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- "Vladimir Smirnov <>"
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- "Stefan Behte <>"
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- "nick": "creffett",
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- "Chris Reffett <>"
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diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63-recommended.spec b/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63-recommended.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b4fc45..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63-recommended.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<GnupgKeyParms format="internal">
- Key-Type: RSA
- Key-Length: 4096
- Expire-Date: 36m
- Key-Usage: ,
- Subkey-Type: RSA
- Subkey-Length: 4096
- Subkey-Usage: sign
- Name-Real: {0}
- Name-Email: {1}
- %ask-passphrase
diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63-recommended.spec.sig b/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63-recommended.spec.sig
deleted file mode 100644
index 82b8b8f..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63-recommended.spec.sig
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63.spec b/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c2e554..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<GnupgKeyParms format="internal">
- Key-Type: RSA
- Key-Length: 2048
- Expire-Date: 60m
- Key-Usage: ,
- Subkey-Type: RSA
- Subkey-Length: 2048
- Subkey-Usage: sign
- Name-Real: {0}
- Name-Email: {1}
- %ask-passphrase
diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63.spec.sig b/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63.spec.sig
deleted file mode 100644
index 19e2944..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63.spec.sig
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep63-gpg-conf.skel b/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep63-gpg-conf.skel
deleted file mode 100644
index 73e8708..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep63-gpg-conf.skel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# GLEP 63 specifications for OpenPGP key creation
-# Keyserver
-# -- All of the below portion from the OpenPGP best practices, and
-# -- many of them are also in the Debian GPG documentation.
-# when outputting certificates, view user IDs distinctly from keys:
-# Long keyids are more collision-resistant than short keyids (it's trivial to make a key
-# with any desired short keyid)
-# NOTE: this breaks KMail GnuPG support!
-keyid-format 0xlong
-# When multiple digests are supported by all recipients, choose the strongest one:
-personal-digest-preferences SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224
-# Preferences chosen for new keys should prioritize stronger algorithms:
-default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 BZIP2 ZLIB ZIP Uncompressed
-# If you use a graphical environment (and even if you don't) you should be using an agent:
-# (similar arguments as
-# You should always know at a glance which User IDs gpg thinks are legitimately bound to
-# the keys in your keyring:
-verify-options show-uid-validity
-list-options show-uid-validity
-# Include an unambiguous indicator of which key made a signature:
-# (see
-# (and
-# When making an OpenPGP certification, use a stronger digest than the default SHA1:
-cert-digest-algo SHA256
diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep63-gpg-conf.skel.sig b/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep63-gpg-conf.skel.sig
deleted file mode 100644
index 493a5d7..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep63-gpg-conf.skel.sig
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/files/mirrors/.gitignore b/files/mirrors/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df8ee85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/mirrors/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/files/mirrors/Makefile b/files/mirrors/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..621742c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/mirrors/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+.%.expected-format.xml: %.xml
+ xmllint --format $^ > $@
+.%.expected-format.xml.ok: SHELL = /bin/bash
+.%.expected-format.xml.ok: .%.expected-format.xml
+ if ! cmp -s $*.xml $^; then
+ diff -u $*.xml $^
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ touch $@
+.PHONY: check
+check: .distfiles.expected-format.xml.ok .rsync.expected-format.xml.ok
+.PHONY: format
+format: SHELL = /bin/bash
+format:.distfiles.expected-format.xml .rsync.expected-format.xml
+ for FILE in distfiles rsync; do
+ if cmp -s "$${FILE}.xml" ".$${FILE}.expected-format.xml"; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ cp ".$${FILE}.expected-format.xml" "$${FILE}.xml"
+ done
diff --git a/files/mirrors/distfiles.xml b/files/mirrors/distfiles.xml
index a5a0976..64cd3a7 100644
--- a/files/mirrors/distfiles.xml
+++ b/files/mirrors/distfiles.xml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
@@ -11,257 +12,356 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<name>University of Waterloo</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>Gossamer Threads</name>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirrorgroup>
- <mirrorgroup region="North America" country="US" countryname="USA">
- <mirror>
- <name>OSU Open Source Lab</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name> (Anycast: Los Angeles, New York)</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name>Georgia Tech</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <name>Sandia National Labs</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Reenigne</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <name>Indiana University</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>OVHcloud (Anycast: Beauharnois)</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="North America" country="US" countryname="USA">
- <name>TDS Internet Services</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>OSU Open Source Lab (Corvallis; New York; Chicago)</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <name>NetNITCO Internet Services</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>LeaseWeb (Anycast: San Francisco; Dallas; Washington, D.C.; Miami)</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Utah State University</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Georgia Tech</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Easynews NNTP Hosting</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>University of Utah (Flux Group)</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <name>University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Massachusetts Institute of Technology</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Michigan Tech University</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Rochester Institute of Technology</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>University of Delaware, Delaware Linux Users Group</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Rochester Institute of Technology</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>Clarkson University</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>University of Northern Iowa</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>ServaxNet, LLC</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="South America" country="AR" countryname="Argentina">
- <name>Pair Networks</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name></name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="South America" country="BR" countryname="Brazil">
- <name>Laboratory of System Administration</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
<name>C3SL, Federal University of Paraná</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirrorgroup region="South America" country="CL" countryname="Chile">
+ </mirrorgroup>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="AT" countryname="Austria">
- <!--<mirror>
- <name>Inode</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirror>-->
- <name>Vienna Univ. of Technology</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Kumi Systems e.U.</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="BE" countryname="Belgium">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Belnet</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="BG" countryname="Bulgaria">
- <name></name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>Telepoint Ltd</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="CZ" countryname="Czech Republic">
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="CH" countryname="Switzerland">
- <name>Masaryk University Brno</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv6="y" ipv4="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>Init7</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="CZ" countryname="Czech Republic">
- <name>Advokatni Kancelar Kindl &amp; Partneri</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Masaryk University Brno</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>Web4U Mirror</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<name>UPC Česká republika, a.s.</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirrorgroup>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="FI" countryname="Finland">
- <name></name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>IT4Innovations / Technical University of Ostrava</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="FR" countryname="France">
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="DK" countryname="Denmark">
- <name>OVH</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name></name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="FR" countryname="France">
- <name></name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>OVHcloud (Anycast: Gravelines; Roubaix; Strasbourg)</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Ircam</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <mirror>
- <name></name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="DE" countryname="Germany">
- <name></name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>LeaseWeb (Anycast: Frankfurt)</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>Ruhr-Universität Bochum</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>Dresden University of Technology/AG DSN</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>University of Applied Sciences, Esslingen</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>1&amp;1 Internet SE</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>RWTH Aachen University</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>TU Ilmenau</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Leibniz Universität Hannover</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Universität Stuttgart</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Freie Universität Berlin - Spline</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirrorgroup>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="GR" countryname="Greece">
- <name></name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Netzwerge GmbH</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>dogado GmbH</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="GR" countryname="Greece">
+ <mirror>
<name>National Technical University of Athens</name>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="HU" countryname="Hungary">
+ <!-- <mirror>
+ <name>Free Software Network Hungary</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror> -->
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Quantum Mirror</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>JSS &amp; Hayer</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="IE" countryname="Ireland">
<name>HEAnet - Ireland's National Education and Research Network</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="IT" countryname="Italy">
- <name> (Anycast: Milan)</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>GARR</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="LU" countryname="Luxembourg">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>root S.A.</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="MD" countryname="Moldova">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Trabia Network</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="NL" countryname="Netherlands">
<name>Universiteit Twente</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>LeaseWeb</name>
+ <name>LeaseWeb (Anycast: Amsterdam)</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name></name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="PL" countryname="Poland">
@@ -270,51 +370,58 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <mirror>
- <name>Rzeszow University of Technology</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="PT" countryname="Portugal">
<name>RNL - Técnico Lisboa</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>University of Coimbra</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirrorgroup>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="RO" countryname="Romania">
- <name> (Anycast: Bucharest)</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name> Gazduire Web</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>PTISP</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="RO" countryname="Romania">
<name>Romanian Organization Network</name>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="RS" countryname="Serbia">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Serbian Open eXchange</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="SE" countryname="Sweden">
- <name></name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Linköping University - Lysator</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name></name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="SK" countryname="Slovakia">
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
@@ -324,130 +431,219 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="ES" countryname="Spain">
- <name>Politechnic University of Catalonia</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name> (Anycast: Madrid)</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirror>
- </mirrorgroup>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="CH" countryname="Switzerland">
- <mirror>
- <name>SWITCHmirror</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Institute of Physics of Cantabria (CSIC-UC)</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="TR" countryname="Turkey">
<name>Turkish Linux Users Group - Linux Kullanicilari Dernegi(LKD)</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <!--
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="UA" countryname="Ukraine">
- <mirror>
- <name>ITEAM gentoo mirror</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirror>
+ -->
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="UK" countryname="UK">
<name>Bytemark Hosting</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name> (Anycast: London)</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Get Hosted online</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
<name>The UK Mirror Service</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Qube Managed Services</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <mirrorgroup region="Australia" country="AU" countryname="Australia">
+ <mirrorgroup region="Australia and Oceania" country="AU" countryname="Australia">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>AARnet</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
<name>Swinburne University of Technology</name>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Australia and Oceania" country="NC" countryname="New Caledonia">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Lagoon</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="CN" countryname="China">
- <name>Xiamen University</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>Alibaba Cloud Computing</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
<name>, Inc.</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Tsinghua University</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Zhejiang University</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>University of Science and Technology of China</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>eScience Center, Nanjing University</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Lanzhou University Open Source Society</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="HK" countryname="Hong Kong">
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
- <mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="JP" countryname="Japan">
+ <mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="IN" countryname="India">
- <name>Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>NxtGen</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="JP" countryname="Japan">
<name>Internet Initiative Japan</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>JAIST</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>RIKEN</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Jing Luo</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="KZ" countryname="Kazakhstan">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>PS Internet Company LLC</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="PH" countryname="Philippines">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>RISE</name>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="KR" countryname="South Korea">
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="BY" countryname="Belarus">
- <name>Daum Communications Corp</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name></name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="RU" countryname="Russia">
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <name></name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name></name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <name></name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>National Research Nuclear University - MEPhI</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <!--
+ <mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="SG" countryname="Singapore">
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ -->
<mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="TW" countryname="Taiwan">
<name>National Center for High-Performance Computing</name>
@@ -458,16 +654,21 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<mirrorgroup region="Middle East" country="IL" countryname="Israel">
<name>Hamakor FOSS Society</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <mirrorgroup region="Middle East" country="KZ" countryname="Kazakhstan">
+ <!--
+ <mirrorgroup region="Africa" country="NA" countryname="Namibia">
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ -->
+ <mirrorgroup region="Africa" country="ZA" countryname="South Africa">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Dimension Data</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
- <name>Neo Lab's</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>Ultimate Linux Solutions</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
diff --git a/files/mirrors/rsync.xml b/files/mirrors/rsync.xml
index 0a1f820..20a4195 100644
--- a/files/mirrors/rsync.xml
+++ b/files/mirrors/rsync.xml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
@@ -23,6 +24,10 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<name>University of Waterloo -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Reenigne -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="North America (" country="US" countryname="USA">
@@ -34,56 +39,32 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Rochester Institute of Technology -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name>University of Northern Iowa -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
<name>Steadfast Networks -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>NetNITCO Internet Services -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name>Michigan Tech University -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name>Indiana University, Unix Systems Support Group -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
<name>TDS Internet Services -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="South America (" country="BR" countryname="Brazil">
<name>Any available mirror -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <mirror>
- <name>Laboratory of System Administration -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="AT" countryname="Austria">
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="BG" countryname="Bulgaria">
- <name>Any available mirror -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>Any available mirror -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <!--<mirror>
- <name>Inode -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>-->
- <name>Lagis -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>Telepoint Ltd -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="CZ" countryname="Czech Republic">
@@ -95,10 +76,6 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<name>UPC Česká republika, a.s -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <mirror>
- <name>Advokatni Kancelar Kindl &amp; Partneri -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="DE" countryname="Germany">
@@ -107,15 +84,7 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<name>Gentoo e.V. -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name>I-Node -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name> -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name> -</name>
@@ -139,17 +108,11 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<name>RWTH Aachen University</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirrorgroup>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="FI" countryname="Finland">
- <name>Any available mirror -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name> -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name> -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="FR" countryname="France">
@@ -161,30 +124,6 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<name> -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <mirror>
- <name>Ovh Hosting Provider -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- </mirrorgroup>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="GR" countryname="Greece">
- <mirror>
- <name>Any available mirror -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name> -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- </mirrorgroup>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="HU" countryname="Hungary">
- <mirror>
- <name>Any available mirror -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name>IND Group -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="IE" countryname="Ireland">
@@ -193,7 +132,7 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<name>HEAnet - Ireland's National Education and Research Network -
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
@@ -217,10 +156,6 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Rzeszow University of Technology -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
<name>Vectranet -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
@@ -245,6 +180,16 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="SE" countryname="Sweden">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Any available mirror -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name> -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="SK" countryname="Slovakia">
<name>Any available mirror -</name>
@@ -259,36 +204,18 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="UA" countryname="Ukraine">
- <mirror>
- <name>Any available mirror -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name>ITEAM gentoo mirror -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name>Telcom ISP -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- </mirrorgroup>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="UK" countryname="UK">
<name>Any available mirror -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Qube Managed Services -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
<name>Bytemark Hosting -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name> -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Australia (" country="AU" countryname="Australia">
@@ -300,6 +227,14 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<name>Swinburne University of Technology -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Viktor Villafuerte</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Asia (" country="CN" countryname="China">
@@ -307,8 +242,12 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name> -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>Tsinghua University -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Asia (" country="JP" countryname="Japan">
@@ -317,11 +256,6 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology -
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
<name> -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
@@ -336,16 +270,6 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <mirrorgroup region="Asia (" country="KZ" countryname="Kazakhstan">
- <mirror>
- <name>Any available mirror -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name>Neo Lab's -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- </mirrorgroup>
<mirrorgroup region="Asia (" country="RU" countryname="Russia">
<name>Any available mirror -</name>
@@ -366,12 +290,26 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name> -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>NCTU CSCC -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>National Center for High-Performance Computing -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Africa" country="ZA" countryname="South Africa">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Any available mirror -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Interexcel World Connection (Pty) Ltd / Ultimate Linux Solutions (Pty) Ltd</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Dimension Data</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
diff --git a/files/overlays/.gitignore b/files/overlays/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1281487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/overlays/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/files/overlays/Makefile b/files/overlays/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6e73eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/overlays/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+.PHONY: check
+check: .repositories-dtd-valid .repositories-xsd-valid .repositories-check-successful .repositories-style-ok
+# Check repositories.xml against the Document Type Definition (DTD).
+.repositories-dtd-valid: repositories.xml repositories.dtd
+ xmllint --noout --dtdvalid repositories.dtd repositories.xml
+ touch $@
+ifeq ($(OFFLINE), true)
+ [ ! -f repositories.dtd ] && exit 1
+ wget --timestamping
+# Check repositories.xml against the XML Schema Definition (XSD)
+.repositories-xsd-valid: repositories.xsd repositories.xml
+ xmllint --noout --schema $^
+ touch $@
+ifeq ($(OFFLINE), true)
+ [ ! -f repositories.xsd ] && exit 1
+ wget --timestamping
+# Run a full check of repositories.xml via
+.repositories-check-successful: repositories.xml
+ ../../bin/ - $^
+ touch $@
+.PHONY: format
+format: .repositories-expected-format.xml
+ cmp -s repositories.xml $^ || cp $^ repositories.xml
+.repositories-expected-format.xml: repositories.xml
+ xmllint --format $^ > $@
+.repositories-style-ok: SHELL = /bin/bash
+.repositories-style-ok: .repositories-expected-format.xml
+ if ! cmp -s repositories.xml $^; then
+ diff -u repositories.xml $^
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ touch $@
diff --git a/files/overlays/repositories.xml b/files/overlays/repositories.xml
index 3b666e5..26c9fe3 100644
--- a/files/overlays/repositories.xml
+++ b/files/overlays/repositories.xml
@@ -1,78 +1,63 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE repositories SYSTEM "">
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+<!DOCTYPE repositories SYSTEM "">
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- <name>XXXXXX</name>
- <description lang="en">XXXXXX</description>
- <homepage>XXXXXX</homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email>XXXXXX</email>
+ <!--
+ When adding repositories, please keep this file ordered by repository name.
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- </owner>
- <source type="git">XXXXXX</source>
- <feed>XXXXXXXXX</feed>
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- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email>XXXXX</email>
- <name>XXXXX</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
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- <name>XXXXX</name>
- <description lang="en">XXXXXX</description>
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- <email>XXXXX</email>
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+ <feed>XXXXXXXXX</feed>
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- <source type="git">git://</source>
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- <description lang="en">XXXXXX</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email>XXXXX</email>
+ <description lang="en">XXXXXX</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email>XXXXX</email>
+ <name>XXXXX</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- </owner>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>0x4d4c</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay with no special focus</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Martin Lambertz</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
+ <description lang="en">XXXXXX</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email>XXXXX</email>
+ <name>XXXXX</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>XXXX</name>
+ <description lang="en">XXXXXX</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email>XXXXX</email>
+ <name>XXXXX</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="mercurial"></source>
+ <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">An experimental portage overlay</description>
@@ -82,45 +67,20 @@ FIN
<name>Aleksei Kaveshnikov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>abendbrot</name>
- <description lang="en">Desktop oriented overlay for various ebuilds and the occasional gamer</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stefan Reuter</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>abnorm</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay with live ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Faust</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Personal overlay with ebuilds that were missing at one point or another</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>Alexander Olofsson</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -128,7 +88,7 @@ FIN
<description lang="ru">Оверлей для ebuild'ов связанных созданием самодельного умного дома</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -137,6 +97,30 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>adasss</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay for Android Studio experimental packages</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Adam Giergun</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>ag-ops</name>
+ <description lang="en">Useful tools for SysAdmins or DevOps</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>John Johnson</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
@@ -160,18 +144,20 @@ FIN
<name>Yi Yang</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>aidecoe</name>
- <description>aidecoe's experimental overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>akater</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal ebuild repository. Emacs, Lisp, minimalism.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Amadeusz Żołnowski</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>akater</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -182,11 +168,21 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>alesharik</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo portage overlay of alesharik</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Aleksei Arsenev</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Alexandre Fournier's personal overlay</description>
@@ -195,75 +191,66 @@ FIN
<name>Alexandre Fournier</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>alexcepoi</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal User Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alexandru Cepoi</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <description>Some random work in progress stuff from alexxy</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>Alexey Shvetsov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
<source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>aluco</name>
- <description lang="en">From drm-next to phoronix-test-suite ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>alxu</name>
+ <description lang="en">Alex Xu (Hello71) personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Anthoine Bourgeois</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alex Xu (Hello71)</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>alunduil</name>
- <description lang="en">alunduil's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>amano-kenji</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alex Brandt</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>amano.kenji</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>amielke-overlay</name>
- <description>Overlay with focus on VDR and software that is not in Portage</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>ambasta</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Andreas Mielke</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Amit Prakash Ambasta</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>amedeos</name>
+ <description lang="en">amedeos's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Amedeo Salvati</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -280,6 +267,18 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>anard</name>
+ <description lang="en">Anard's personnal repository, with some new ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Anard</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">anaximander's user overlay</description>
@@ -294,64 +293,27 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>and3k-sunrise</name>
- <description>and3ks unstable ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Bela Hausmann</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>A few packages that are not hosted elsewhere.</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Anders Larsson</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>andjscott</name>
- <description>Few ebuilds that others may find useful</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>andy</name>
- <description lang="en">Development tools for embedded systems and misc stuff</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Andrew Karpow</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>angelos</name>
+ <name>andrey_utkin</name>
<description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Christoph Mende</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>andrey_utkin</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -362,11 +324,22 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>antons-matrix-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Packages related to messaging system</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Anton</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Testing ebuilds for out-of-tree applications</description>
@@ -375,67 +348,65 @@ FIN
<name>Mario Kicherer</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>arax-os-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Arax OS overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>ap-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal Gentoo Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Abhinav Praveen</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>archenroot</name>
- <description lang="en">ArchenROOT Gentoo Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>apn</name>
+ <description lang="en">APN-Pucky's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ladislav Jech</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alexander Puck Neuwirth</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>argent-main</name>
- <description>Argent Linux</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>apriluwu</name>
+ <description lang="en">apriluwu's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stefan Cristian Brindusa</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>April C.</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>argent-server</name>
- <description>Argent enterprise and servers oriented overlay of ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>ArchFeh</name>
+ <description lang="en">ArchFeh's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stefan Cristian Brindusa</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>ArchFeh</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>Armageddon</name>
- <description lang="en">User overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>argent-main</name>
+ <description>Argent Linux</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Elijah El Lazkani (Armageddon)</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Stefan Cristian Brindusa</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -446,7 +417,19 @@ FIN
<name>Daniel Scharrer</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>asahi</name>
+ <description lang="en">Asahi Linux Overlay - support for Apple Silicon Macs</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>James Calligeros</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -463,67 +446,39 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>atom</name>
- <description lang="en">Atom Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>audio-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Pro audio overlay. Please file bugs or package suggestions at</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Audio overlay</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>average</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal playground for some ebuilds not found elsewhere</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Elvis Pranskevichus</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jeffrey Lin</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Awesome ebuilds</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Daniel Morlock</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Daniel Morlock</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>axs</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ian Stakenvicius</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>AzP</name>
- <description lang="en">Peter's own software playground</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Peter Asplund</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>bar</name>
- <description lang="en">Ebuilds that end up in Funtoo ports-2012</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>tokiclover</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">BarnOwl IM client</description>
@@ -533,49 +488,49 @@ FIN
<name>William Throwe</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>barzog-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Oleg Gawriloff's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>beatussum-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Beatussum's overlay</description>
+ <description lang="fr">Overlay de Beatussum</description>
+ <longdescription lang="en">
+ My Gentoo overlay aims to provide some packages that are not (yet) in the main Gentoo tree.
+ </longdescription>
+ <longdescription lang="fr">
+ Mon overlay a pour but de fournir certains paquets qui ne sont pas (encore) disponibles dans l'arbre principal.
+ </longdescription>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Oleg Gawriloff</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Mattéo Rossillol--Laruelle</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>benf</name>
- <description lang="en">ben's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>bell07</name>
+ <description>Some ebuilds not found in other overlays, including my server and desktop (xfce) profiles</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Benjamin Franzke</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alexander Weber (bell07)</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>benklop</name>
- <description lang="en">Customized Media Center ebuilds (benklop)</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>benzene-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Universebenzene's personal Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ben Klopfenstein</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Universebenzene</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -586,34 +541,9 @@ FIN
<name>Vladimir Varlamov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>betagarden</name>
- <description lang="en">Joint beta-quality overlay effort to reduce overlay scatter. Any dev is welcome to join.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Team Betagarden</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>bezerker</name>
- <description>Bezerker's Packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Bezerker</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">BibleTime overlay</description>
@@ -628,19 +558,17 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>bicatali</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>binaryden</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for Cinnamon and other Gentoo packages</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sébastien Fabbro</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Thomas Kemmer</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -657,105 +585,26 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>bitcetera</name>
- <description lang="en">Miscellaneous Gentoo ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sven Schwyn</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>Bitcoin and CPU/GPU mining related ebuilds</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Florian Schmaus</name>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>blawheen-overlay</name>
- <description>Personal overlay for experimenting (read: breaking things)</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Bláithín Nic Aoidh</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>bleeding-edge</name>
- <description>Gentoo ebuilds for "bleeding edge" versions of packages - newest, untested - running on ~amd64.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Jan Psota</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>blender-gentoo-logo</name>
- <description lang="en">Software needed to render the Blender-based gentoo Logo of 2003</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sebastian Pipping</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>bliss-overlay</name>
- <description>FearedBliss's Gentoo Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>bloody</name>
- <description lang="en">krita bleeding edge and artists tools/resources</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Pierre Geier</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>blueness</name>
- <description>Developer Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>blackburn29</name>
+ <description lang="en">collection of various development ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Anthony G. Basile</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Blake LaFleur</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -766,11 +615,22 @@ FIN
<name>Bob Wya</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>bombo82</name>
+ <description lang="en">Bombo82's own gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Gianni Bombelli (bombo82)</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>L29Ah personal overlay</description>
@@ -779,9 +639,22 @@ FIN
<name>Sergey Alirzaev</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>bratishkaerik-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay + Zig stuff</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Eric Joldasov</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Brother printer and scanner software</description>
@@ -790,11 +663,29 @@ FIN
<name>Stefan Langenmaier</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>broverlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">
+ Overlay containing ebuilds made by a small Gentoo community, learning how to do them.
+ The focus is to have general-purpose ebuilds, available to everyone.
+ </description>
+ <description lang="pt">
+ Overlay contendo ebuilds feitas por uma pequena comunidade de usuários de Gentoo, aprendendo como faze-los.
+ O foco é ter pacotes de propósito geral, disponível para todos.
+ </description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Redson dos Santos Silva</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">"Bubba" platform support for Excito B2|3</description>
@@ -803,16 +694,18 @@ FIN
<name>Gordon Bos</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Packages related to the bumblebee project</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -824,22 +717,20 @@ FIN
<name>Denis Buzdalov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>c2p-overlay</name>
- <description>Personal overlay of Karol Grudziński</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>CachyOS-kernels</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay containing ebuilds of CachyOS kernels and some other things</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Karol Grudziński</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jakub Wroński</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -848,106 +739,110 @@ FIN
<owner type="person">
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>carreira</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay for personal project and forks</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>calendulish</name>
+ <description lang="en">calendulish Gentoo Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Joao Carreira</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Lara Maia</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>causelay</name>
- <description>Ari Malinen's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>canutethegreat-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for personal projects, forks, and customizations</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ari Malinen</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ronald Farrer</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>centerim</name>
- <description>Latest tarballs from the CenterIM Mob-branch and a live ebuild.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>Case_Of</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Boris "transacid" Petersen</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Quentin Retornaz</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>cg</name>
- <description>Computer graphics ebuilds for gentoo</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>cdlp</name>
+ <description>Random/Custom ebuilds, no-(dbus,systemd,pam,polkit,elogind ...) stuff</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Francesco Palumbo</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>chaos</name>
- <description>Personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>ceamac</name>
+ <description lang="en">This is a small Gentoo overlay with ebuilds that I could not find elsewhere or that I had to modify for some reason.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Jon Feldman</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Viorel Munteanu</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>chemoelectric</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Barry Schwartz</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>certbot-dns-plugins</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for the DNS plugins of the ACME client certbot</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Barry Schwartz</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Osiris Inferi</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>chrytoo</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay for packages that usually aren't in the official repository...</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>cg</name>
+ <description>Computer graphics ebuilds for gentoo</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Miloš Đ. Omeragić</name>
+ <email></email>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>chutzpah</name>
- <description>Random stuff I am working on which isn't ready for the tree for some reason</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>chiyuki-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Chiyuki's Personal Gentoo Linux Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Patrick McLean</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Chiyuki Kagura</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>chymeric</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for scientific software and desktop minimalism</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Horea Christian</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -956,19 +851,32 @@ FIN
<owner type="person">
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>concaveoverlay</name>
- <description lang="en">KNX32542's overlay.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>cosmicmod-overlay</name>
+ <description>CosmicMod Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Oz</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>cova</name>
+ <description lang="en">Fabio Coatti Personal Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Kawin Nikomborirak</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Fabio Coatti</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -976,120 +884,48 @@ FIN
<description lang="ru">Пакеты для встраиваемых систем</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>cvut</name>
- <description>A Gentoo overlay of CTU</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>dargor</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay for packages I care of</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Jakub Jirutka (Czech Technical University in Prague)</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Gabriel Linder</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>cynede</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo user overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>darkelf</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay focusing on improved user experience for working in darkness on Xfce or zsh (including vim)</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mikhail Pukhlikov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Simon</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>daks</name>
- <description lang="en">Some useful ebuilds. Includes 1C-Predpriyatie and postgres with patches for work with 1C.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Dmitry Fomenko</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>damex-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">damex's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Roman Kuzmitsky</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dannyboy48888</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay of Daniel Witzel</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Daniel Witzel</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>das-labor</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay from Hackerspace Bochum</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Philipp Deppenwiese</name>
- </owner>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Kai Michaelis</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dawan</name>
- <description lang="en">OCaml and proof-search related ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Quentin Heath</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>deadbeef-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">DeaDBeeF player overlay for Gentoo Linux</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Roman Kuzmitsky</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>deepin</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo Overlay for Deepin Desktop Environment</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>darthgandalf-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Aten Zhang</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alexey Sokolov</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1100,81 +936,31 @@ FIN
<name>Dan Molik</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>desktop-effects</name>
- <description>Experimental overlay for desktop effects
- packages.</description>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>deter</name>
- <description lang="en">Custom stuff from deterenkelt.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Deter Enkelt</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>devpump-gor</name>
- <description lang="en">DevPump Gentoo Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Matt Fleming</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>dev-zero</name>
- <description>Dev-zeros personal developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Tiziano Mueller</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dfreise</name>
- <description lang="en">ISDN, network and other stuff</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>dev1990-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay focused on Qt application development and 3d-printing.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Dennis Freise</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Bartlomiej Burdukiewicz</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>didactic-duck</name>
- <description>Some ebuilds that might work</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>didos</name>
+ <description lang="en">DidOS overlay gentoo edition</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Lucian Poston</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Seirra Blake</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -1191,17 +977,16 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>discworld</name>
- <description lang="en">Various VoIP-related ebuils</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>dinolay</name>
+ <description lang="en">TruncatedDinosour's overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>George Diamantopoulos</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ari Archer</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1222,9 +1007,9 @@ FIN
<description>Calculate Linux Profiles</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1235,22 +1020,10 @@ FIN
<name>Dirkjan Ochtman</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dlan</name>
- <description lang="en">Dennis Lan's testing grounds and bleeding edge ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Lan Yixun (dlan)</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>A collection of ebuilds related to the D programming
@@ -1260,67 +1033,22 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dMaggot</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay of David E. Narváez</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>David E. Narváez</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dmol</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay to store java-related ebuilds, for further reviewing</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ivan Baidakou</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>docker</name>
- <description>Overlay for docker by dotCloud</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Tianon Gravi</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>dotnet</name>
- <description>Experimental overlay for .NET packages.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>dm9pZCAq</name>
+ <description lang="en">personal overlay with different packages, mainly with packages with KISS mindset</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mikhail Pukhlikov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>dm9pZCAq</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>Ebuilds related to game dev</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>Albert Diserholt</name>
@@ -1331,70 +1059,6 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>drdim</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo Layman portage repository for Jetbrains Products</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Dmitriy Bogatkin</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dsr</name>
- <description>Andrew Reyes' personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Andrew Reyes</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dswm</name>
- <description lang="en">Deep Space Window Manager - StumpWM-based windowmanager with better usability</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alexander aka 'CosmonauT' Vynnyk</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>DuPol</name>
- <description lang="en">DuPol's own and modified portage ebuilds.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Dustin Polke</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dustin</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay of Dustin C. Hatch</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Dustin C. Hatch</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">My random Gentoo packages</description>
@@ -1406,6 +1070,18 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>dwosky</name>
+ <description lang="en">Dwosky's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Pedro Arizmendi</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>personal overlay, mostly games related</description>
@@ -1414,21 +1090,20 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>eclipse</name>
- <description lang="en">Community effort at packaging Eclipse Java SDK</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Eclipse team</name>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>edgets</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay that brings you the newest versions of modern software.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ivo Šmerek</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1441,6 +1116,42 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>einflay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Einstok Fair</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>ejabberd</name>
+ <description>Fresh ejabberd versions and dependencies</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sergey Ilinykh</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>electron</name>
+ <description lang="en">Electron Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Elvis Pranskevichus</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">The elementary OS experience for Gentoo Linux. </description>
@@ -1449,7 +1160,7 @@ FIN
<name>Pim Vullers</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -1457,7 +1168,7 @@ FIN
<description>Provide Emacs and XEmacs related ebuilds which are
experimental or work-in-progress. Don't rely on them, but don't
hesitate to file bugs or write emails.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="project">
<name>Gentoo Emacs team</name>
@@ -1468,31 +1179,17 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>emery</name>
- <description lang="en">Ebuild testing playground of Emery Hemingway</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Emery Hemingway</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>enlightenment</name>
- <description>Support for the Enlightenment project, most notably
- DR17/e17.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>EmilienMottet</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo Overlay for Emilien Mottet personal/work needs.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Emilien Mottet</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1503,34 +1200,32 @@ FIN
<name>Raffaele Spinelli</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>enlightenment-niifaq</name>
- <description lang="en">FAQ RI: E17+ overlay</description>
- <description lang="ru">НИИ ЧаВО: Оверлей с E17+</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>equaeghe</name>
+ <description lang="en">Erik Quaeghebeur's personal Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Erik Quaeghebeur</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>ennui</name>
- <description>Facilitate running hardened-desktop hybrid system</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>eras-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">random ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Nicholas Fish</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Eray Aslan</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1541,72 +1236,43 @@ FIN
<name>Steve Gilberd</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>erikmack</name>
- <description lang="en">Erik Mackdanz' overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>escpr2</name>
+ <description lang="en">Epson Inkjet Printer Driver 2 (ESC/P-R) repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Erik Mackdanz</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Andreas Thalhammer</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>eroen</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Erik Moen</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>eugene-bright</name>
+ <description lang="en">The personal overlay of Eugene Bright</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Erik Moen</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Eugene Bright</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>eva</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Gilles Dartiguelongue</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Mostly c/c++ and python libraries</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>David Sveningsson</name>
- <source type="svn">svn://</source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>ezod</name>
- <description lang="en">Aaron Mavrinac's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Aaron Mavrinac</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1617,11 +1283,71 @@ FIN
<name>Enrico Horn</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>fd-gentoo</name>
+ <description lang="en">fd-gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Federico Justus Denkena</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>fem-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">FeM Gentoo Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>FeM e.V. Gentoo Overlay maintainers</name>
+ </owner>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Paul Michel</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>feniksa</name>
+ <description lang="en">Graphics, C++ libs and additional software</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Maksym Sditanov</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>ferki</name>
+ <description lang="en">Ebuilds used and/or proxy maintained by FErki</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ferenc Erki</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>fictitiousexistence</name>
+ <description lang="en">FictitiousExistence ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Dale Showers</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Overlay of Benny Pedersen</description>
<owner type="person">
@@ -1638,31 +1364,20 @@ FIN
<name>Mike Lothian</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>fkmclane</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of fkmclane containing patched ebuilds and new ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Foster McLane</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">An overlay for gentoo for things Flammie's worked on: Apertium, HFST, computational linguistics, spell-checking, obscure languages...</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Flammie Pirinen</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1674,7 +1389,29 @@ FIN
<name>Wim Muskee</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>flewkey-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal Gentoo overlay for flewkey</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ryan Fox</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>flexibeast</name>
+ <description lang="en">General-purpose overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alexis</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1685,52 +1422,66 @@ FIN
<name>Rafael G. Martins</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>floppym's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>Mike Gilbert</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Ebuilds by Florian Schmaus</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Florian Schmaus</name>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>fm</name>
- <description lang="en">Fated Mariner Gentoo Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>flussence</name>
+ <description lang="en">Ant P.'s personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Anthony Parsons</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>fol4</name>
+ <description lang="en">fol4 overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Mads</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>Piotr's fixes and new packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Piotr Karbowski</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -1747,106 +1498,76 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>fouxlay</name>
- <description>Plex media ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>fortunelay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for fortunes</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>François-Xavier Payet</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alessandro Barbieri</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>frabjous</name>
- <description lang="en">Frabjous! Yet another personal Gentoo overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>fowlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Collection of ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ian Moone</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Rabbe Fogelholm</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>freeswitch</name>
- <description lang="en">Freeswitch Gentoo overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>foxiverlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay for unofficial ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>José Pekkarinen</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>frostyx</name>
- <description lang="en">FrostyX's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>fritteli</name>
+ <description lang="en">fritteli's Gentoo Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>FrostyX</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Manuel Friedli</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>furikake</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay of Alex Wilson</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alex Wilson (antoligy)</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>fuverlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Funkill's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Funkill</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>fw-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">fw-overlay experimental overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ketoth Xupack</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>gamarouns</name>
- <description>Bits and pieces missing in gentoo or layman repos I need</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="stable" status="official">
+ <name>frr-gentoo</name>
+ <description lang="en">Free Range Routing Gentoo Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>amaroun</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Daniel 'f0o' Preussker</name>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>gambas-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Gambas IDE overlay for Gentoo Linux</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>fyn-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">fyn 's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Roman Kuzmitsky</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Yining Feng</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1855,7 +1576,7 @@ FIN
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -1865,40 +1586,21 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>games-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">gentoo overlay containing games ebuilds only</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>gbrlsnchs</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gabriel Sanches's personal ebuild repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Julian Ospald</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Gabriel Sanches</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>geki</name>
- <description>The playground of gekis hacking on Gentoo Linux distribution.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>genealogy</name>
- <description>Gentoo overlay for Gramps and other packages related to genealogy</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>tecknicaltom</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="core" status="official">
<description>Official Gentoo ebuild repository</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="project">
@@ -1908,102 +1610,126 @@ FIN
<source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>gentoo-bsd</name>
- <description>Gentoo/BSD Project Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>gentoo-bootstrap</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay providing packages to bootstrap OpenJDK and Rust</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Andrius Štikonas</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>gentoo-gpu</name>
- <description lang="en">Bleeding-edge GPU support for Gentoo - OpenCL, GLVND, Vulkan</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>gentoo-linux-surface-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for running Gentoo Linux on Microsoft Surface devices.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Steven Newbury</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ronald Farrer</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>gentoo-htpc</name>
- <description>viddi87 HTPC overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>gentoo-unity7</name>
+ <description lang="en">A Gentoo overlay to build the Unity7 user interface</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vidar</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>c4pp4</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>gentoo-mate</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo MATE Desktop Project Repo</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>MATE Desktop Project</name>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>gentoo-zh</name>
+ <description>To provide programs useful to Chinese speaking users (merged
+ from gentoo-china and gentoo-taiwan).</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>gentoo-openbsd</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo/OpenBSD Project Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>gentoobr</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay containing experimental packages developed
+ by the brazilian community, with focus on providing programs useful to
+ portuguese speaking users and introducing new people to contribute.</description>
+ <description lang="pt">Overlay contendo pacotes experimentais desenvolvidos
+ pela comunidade brasileira, com foco em oferecer programas úteis à falantes
+ da língua portuguesa e em introduzir novas pessoas a contribuir.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Anthony G. Basile</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Leonardo Henrique Neumann</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>gentoo-playground</name>
- <description lang="en">zeq's Playground for experimental ebuilds and eclasses</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>gentoofreak</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay containing newer upstream versions of different packages</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Steven Newbury</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Martin Wohlert</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>gentoo-zh</name>
- <description>To provide programs useful to Chinese speaking users (merged
- from gentoo-china and gentoo-taiwan).</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>gentooplusplus</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay especially for lightweight software</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Eugeniusz Gienek</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>gerislay</name>
+ <description lang="en">A personal overlay with no specific focus (mainly to
+ test ebuilds). Highly experimental. It is meant as a playground for me,
+ but others might be interested.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>gerion</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>gig</name>
+ <description>Gig OS's Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Unofficial ebuilds for Gitlab</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Daniel Morlock</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Horst Prote</name>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -2022,16 +1748,16 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>gnome-next</name>
- <description>experimental newer gnome ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>gnu-elpa</name>
+ <description lang="en">Mirror of GNU ELPA emacs package repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mikhail Pukhlikov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>houseofsuns</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -2047,40 +1773,28 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>godin</name>
- <description lang="en">Godin's Gentoo Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>goduck777</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay containing some not-so-popular apps</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Evgeny Mandrikov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Chang Liu</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>go-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Golang related ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>gogooverlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">GoGo's Cool Overlay For Attractive People</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mauro Toffanin</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>GoGo de Sica</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>goris</name>
- <description lang="en">Goris overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Norayr Mirakyan</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -2098,31 +1812,40 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>graveyard</name>
- <description lang="en">packages tree-cleaned from the official
- portage repository</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>griffon_overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of GriffOn Yi</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>William Hubbs</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>GriffOn Yi</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>grub2-themes</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay dedicated to Grub2 themes (of any distribution)</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>gsview-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for the gsview and some other plotting/scientific soft</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sebastian Pipping</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Michael Uleysky</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
+ <name>guru</name>
+ <description lang="en">GURU: Ebuild repository entirely maintained by Gentoo users</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>GURU</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2135,14 +1858,16 @@ FIN
<source type="git">git://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>hacking-gentoo</name>
- <description lang="en">Ebuilds of Hacking Network Solutions Ltd</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>hamari</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of hamari</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Max Hacking</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Mario Haustein</name>
- <source type="rsync">rsync://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2153,18 +1878,20 @@ FIN
<name>Alexander Pilipenko</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>hardened-development</name>
- <description>Development Overlay for Hardened Gcc 4.x Toolchain</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>han</name>
+ <description lang="en">Han's personal ebuild repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Han Mertens</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -2174,9 +1901,20 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>hep-forge</name>
+ <description lang="en">Inofficial HEPForge ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alexander Puck Neuwirth</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2187,135 +1925,90 @@ FIN
<name>Richard Hering</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>heroxbd</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Benda Xu</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>hexedit-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Ebuilds for infrastructure-related packages and my own projects</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Timofey Negrebetsky</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="svn"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>hhvm</name>
- <description>hhvm gentoo overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alex Guzman</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>hibiscus</name>
- <description lang="en">Hibiscus homebanking overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>holgersson-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Nils "holgersson" Freydank's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Fabian Köster</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Nils Freydank</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>hnaparst</name>
- <description lang="en">Harold Naparst's Gentoo overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>HomeAssistantRepository</name>
+ <description lang="en">Home Assistant on Gentoo Linux without virtualenv or docker.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Harold Naparst</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Andreas Billmeier</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>holgersson-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Nils "holgersson" Freydank's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>hossie</name>
+ <description lang="en">gentoo-overlay from hossie</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Nils Freydank</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Daniel Augustin</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>hossie</name>
- <description>gentoo-overlay from hossie</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>hotstoast</name>
+ <description lang="en">Tom Hotston's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Tom Hotston</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>humble</name>
- <description lang="en">Humble Indie Bundle unofficial overlay for Gentoo</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>icinga</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo Overlay Repository for Icinga2 related stuff</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name> Pavel Borisov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Anton Fischl</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>ikelos</name>
- <description>Ikelos's hospice for broken and damaged ebuilds.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>inode64-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Server overlay, virtualization, developer tools and misc apps</description>
+ <description lang="es">Overlay de servidores, virtualización, herramientas para desarrolladores y aplicaciones varias</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mike Auty</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>F.Javier Félix</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>imaging</name>
- <description>Gentoo overlay for image processing and visualization</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>interactive-fiction</name>
- <description>Packages for players and authors of interactive
- fiction</description>
+ <name>iritmaximus</name>
+ <description lang="en">iritmaximus' overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Aaro Koivukangas</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2326,44 +2019,20 @@ FIN
<name>David Heidelberger</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jacendi-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Various ebuilds (mostly idTech-related)</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>jabuxas</name>
+ <description lang="en">jabuxas personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vladimir Gavrilov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Lucas Barbieri</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jamesbroadhead</name>
- <description lang="en">James Broadhead's personal overlay and pre-sunrise testing ground</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>James Broadhead</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jamestr</name>
- <description lang="en">My random Gentoo packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>James Taylor</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -2380,26 +2049,16 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>javer</name>
- <description lang="en">HipHop PHP and misc ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vadim Borodavko</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jboro-overlay</name>
- <description>personal experimental ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>jjakob</name>
+ <description lang="en">Jernej Jakob's unofficial ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>justin borodinsky</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jernej Jakob</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2411,129 +2070,54 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>jmbsvicetto</name>
- <description>Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jmesmon</name>
- <description lang="en">miscellanious fixes, modifications, and newer versions of ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>jl1990</name>
+ <description lang="en">jl1990's Custom Gentoo Overlay.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Cody Schafer</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>jl1990</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Personal overlay with more or less random ebuilds</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>johnmh</name>
- <description>Personal overlay of johnmh</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>John Harris</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>johu</name>
- <description>Johannes Huber developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Johannes Huber</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>joinge</name>
- <description>joinge's user overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Jo Inge Buskenes</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jokleinn</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal Gentoo overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Johann Weiß</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jorgicio</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo repository made by Jorgicio.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Jorge Pizarro Callejas</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jps-gentoo</name>
- <description lang="en">Random set of ebuilds, focus on Finnish software.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>jmbsvicetto</name>
+ <description>Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto developer overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>juippis</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ <!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jranvier</name>
- <description lang="en">Experimental cryptoanarchism-related ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>joecool-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">joecool's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Justus Ranvier</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Joe Kappus</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2544,11 +2128,22 @@ FIN
<name>John R. Graham</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>jsteward</name>
+ <description lang="en">jsteward's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>KireinaHoro</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Various development tools, libraries, and patches not in Gentoo (yet)</description>
@@ -2557,6 +2152,7 @@ FIN
<name>Daniel M. Weeks</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2567,70 +2163,59 @@ FIN
<name>Oleg Kravchenko</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>KBrown-pub</name>
+ <description lang="en">KBrown's public overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sandino Araico Sanchez</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>kcning</name>
+ <description lang="en">kcning's personal gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Kai-Chun Ning</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description>Official KDE team's testing overlay.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="project">
<name>KDE Team</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>keruspe</name>
- <description lang="en">Keruspe's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Marc-Antoine Perennou</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>k_f</name>
- <description>K_F's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage>;a=summary</homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Kristian Fiskerstrand</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed>;a=atom</feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>klondike</name>
- <description lang="en">Ebuilds made and modified by klondike, mainly sound and virtualization</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>khoverlay</name>
+ <description>Khumba's overlay, mainly Haskell packages</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Francisco Blas Izquierdo Riera</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>kolab</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo ebuilds for Kolab</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Daniel Morlock</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Bryan Gardiner</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2641,148 +2226,175 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>kork</name>
- <description lang="en">Cool, new, useful, and unmaintained packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>kostas-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal ebuild repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Henry Gebhardt</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Kostas Ereksonas</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>Krontage</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Kron</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>kripton-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo portage overlay with packages needed or developed by kripton</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Kron</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jannis Achstetter</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>lacimarsik-overlay</name>
- <description>Various patches and improvements on Gentoo Linux ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>kzd</name>
+ <description lang="en">kzd's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ladislav Marsik</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Kyle Dixon</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>lab-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Lab Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Stanislav Romanov</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <description lang="en">Additionnal goals; experiments, necromancy, portability, diversity, …</description>
- <description lang="fr">Buts additionnels; Expérimentations, nécromancie, portabilitée, diversitée, …</description>
+ <description lang="en">Personal repository of lanodan, mostly experiments and personal changes</description>
<owner type="person">
<name>Haelwenn (lanodan) Monnier</name>
- <!-- https:// certificate not accepted by ca-certificates
- <source type="git"></source> -->
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>last-hope</name>
- <description>A gentoo portage overlay with a set of too exotic, or unusal ebuilds for the sunrise overlay or the main tree.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Johann Schmitz</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>laurentb</name>
- <description>Various packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>ledgersmb</name>
+ <description lang="en">LedgerSMB and dependencies not yet in Gentoo</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Laurent Bachelier</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Chris Travers</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>leio</name>
- <description>Mart Raudsepp developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>leechcraft</name>
+ <description>Overlay with LeechCraft ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mart Raudsepp</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Georg Rudoy</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>levenkov</name>
- <description>levenkov personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>lemon-lime</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal ebuild repository containing ebuilds that I could not find anywhere else.</description>
+ <description lang="es">Repositorio personal con ebuilds que no logre encontrar en ningun otro lugar.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Artem Levenkov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Tomas Fabrizio Orsi</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description lang="en">LibreSSL ebuilds testing repository</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="project">
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>librewolf</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for LibreWolf</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>James McClain</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>liftm</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal Overlay</description>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Julius Michaelis</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>lilium</name>
+ <description lang="en">owl4ce's personal portage overlay for ebuild repairs or feature-upgrades</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Harry Kurn</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>linux-be</name>
+ <description lang="en">Port of Boot Environments for GNU/Linux</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Witaut Bajaryn</name>
+ </owner>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Aleksander Mistewicz</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>experimental ebuilds from</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>lisp</name>
- <description>Common Lisp/Scheme development, recruitment and live overlay.
- Support and feedback in `#gentoo-lisp' and via
- `'.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2795,91 +2407,64 @@ FIN
<source type="git">git://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>lootr</name>
- <description lang="en">dev-python/netzob and maybe some i3 hacks</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>lmkra</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of lmkra</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alexandre PIGNÉ</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>lorelei</name>
- <description lang="en">Pre-release ebuilds for lorelei's projects</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ronan Bignaux</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>lua</name>
- <description lang="en">Lua development overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Rafael G. Martins</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Łukasz Krawiec</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>luke-jr</name>
- <description>Misc ebuilds by Luke-Jr</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>loatchi</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Loatchi</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Francois Turcan</name>
- <source type="svn">svn://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>luman</name>
- <description lang="en">ccube's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>loongson</name>
+ <description lang="en">
+ Overlay for Loongson systems.
+ Both MIPS and LoongArch (ARCH=loong) are supported, but recent
+ development is focused on LoongArch bring-up.
+ </description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Lukas Elsner</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>WANG Xuerui</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>luxifer</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal Overlay, contains stoken ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>lto-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">A Portage configuration for O3, Graphite, and LTO system-wide</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Dominik Keil</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Shane Peelar</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>lxde-gtk3</name>
- <description lang="en">lxde-gtk3 overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>luke-jr</name>
+ <description>Misc ebuilds by Luke-Jr</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Konstantin</name>
+ <email></email>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -2896,32 +2481,6 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>maggu2810-overlay</name>
- <description>maggu2810's Gentoo portage overlay.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Markus Rathgeb</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>maksbotan</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay for testing my ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Maxim Koltsov</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Updated ebuilds for mate-desktop environment</description>
@@ -2930,6 +2489,18 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>mate-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Testbed for new mate-desktop environment ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ian Jordan</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2940,168 +2511,138 @@ FIN
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>mgorny</name>
- <description>Michał Górny developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Michał Górny</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>mhammill</name>
- <description lang="en">Mike's user overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>melpa</name>
+ <description lang="en">Mirror of MELPA emacs package repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mike Hammill</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>houseofsuns</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>miramir</name>
- <description lang="en">Miramir repository</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>melpa-stable</name>
+ <description lang="en">Mirror of MELPA Stable emacs package repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>houseofsuns</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>mistafunk</name>
- <description lang="en">Packages mostly related to graphics and multimedia</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>menelkir</name>
+ <description lang="en">Various ebuilds from different sources</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Simon Haegler</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Daniel Menelkir</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>mkeyoverlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay of Markus Knetschke</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>metahax</name>
+ <description lang="en">Some ebuilds that didn't seem to exist yet.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Markus Knetschke</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Miles V.</name>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>mklich</name>
- <description lang="en">For learning purposes.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>Miezhiko</name>
+ <description>Miezhiko personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Michał Klich</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Miezhiko</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>moaxcp</name>
- <description lang="en">gentoo overlay for packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>milos-rs</name>
+ <description>A pocket repository for few unavailable packages</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>John Mercier</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Miloš E. Đurđević</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>moltonel</name>
- <description lang="en">Vincent de Phily's private overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>miramir</name>
+ <description lang="en">Miramir repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vincent de Phily</name>
+ <email></email>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>moonrise</name>
- <description lang="en">Bleeding edge, experimental overlay for Gentoo</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>mnt-reform</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay containing ebuilds for the MNT Reform line of open hardware computers</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mariusz Kozakowski</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Niklaus 'vimja' Hofer</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>mooyooma</name>
- <description lang="en">mooyooma's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="testing" status="unofficial">
+ <name>moexiami</name>
+ <description lang="en">Contains updated ebuilds (w/ more feature/control)
+ for packages in the Gentoo tree, latest version ebuilds and newpackages
+ not yet in the tree. Targeting high-quality for production use.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>mooyooma</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>mozilla</name>
- <description>New mozilla development that is not yet in tree</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Xiami</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>mpd</name>
- <description>The experimental gentoo overlay was designed as a way to keep
- up-to-date. Most of it are live ebuilds, ebuilds that pull the latest HEAD
- from whatever repository. It also includes ebuilds for clients that are not
- yet in portage. It is maintained by avuton, send new ebuilds, corrections
- or bugs directly to him.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>moltonel</name>
+ <description lang="en">Vincent de Phily's private overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Kaleb Elwert</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Vincent de Phily</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>mrueg</name>
- <description lang="en">User overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>mrtnvgr</name>
+ <description lang="en">mrtnvgr's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Manuel Rüger (mrueg)</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Egor Martynov</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -3128,20 +2669,6 @@ FIN
<source type="git">git://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>multimedia</name>
- <description>Repository for development of (mostly bleeding-edge)
- multimedia packages for Gentoo Linux. This is the official overlay
- for Gentoo's media herds.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description>musl development overlay</description>
@@ -3156,6 +2683,18 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>musl-clang</name>
+ <description>musl clang/libc++ overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Bjorn Pagen</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>Ebuilds for packages not in the Gentoo tree
(lack of maintainer or too experimental) and live ebuilds
@@ -3174,15 +2713,39 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">mva's sandbox overlay</description>
- <homepage> </homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>myov</name>
+ <description lang="en">My Overlay - custom Gentoo overlay from XGQT</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Maciej Barć</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>myrvolay</name>
+ <description lang="en">myrvogna's personal Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Octiabrina Terrien-Puig</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description lang="en">Gentoo MySQL overlay</description>
@@ -3198,79 +2761,51 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>nashedelo</name>
- <description lang="en">Experimental ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>natinst</name>
+ <description lang="en">VISA and National Instruments drivers</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Evgeniy Gurevich</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Andrew Ammerlaan</name>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>necromancy</name>
- <description lang="en">This repository contains the ebuild from Necrose99 (some are works in progress)</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>nelson-graca</name>
+ <description lang="en">Nelson Graça personal Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Nelson Graça</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>nektoo</name>
- <description lang="en">neko259's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>neko259</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>netcrave</name>
- <description lang="en">Netcrave Communications Gentoo Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Paige Thompson</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>nextoo</name>
- <description lang="en">Nextoo ("Next Gentoo") overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>nest</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Aaron Ten Clay</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Vladimir Pavljuchenkov</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>nginx-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Nginx overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>nez</name>
+ <description lang="en">nezbednik's overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Johan Bergström</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>nezbednik</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3287,205 +2822,206 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>nightmare</name>
- <description lang="en">nightmare is a gentoo overlay with some stuff</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>nightfreedom-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Edmund Leong's personal gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>r3lgar</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Edmund Leong Yook Lum</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>nigoro-fbsd</name>
- <description>nigoro's Gentoo/FreeBSD experimental overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>nitratesky</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Vladimir Timofeenko</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Vladimir Timofeenko</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>nikai</name>
- <description>nikai user overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>nongnu-elpa</name>
+ <description lang="en">Mirror of NonGNU ELPA emacs package repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Nicolas Kaiser</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>houseofsuns</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>nirvana</name>
- <description lang="en">Ebuilds not good enough to make it to Sabayon's for-gentoo.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>nordvpn</name>
+ <description lang="en">NordVPN client overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Danilo Pianini</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Dawid Chemloul</name>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>nixphoeni</name>
- <description lang="en">Joe Sapp's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>nryotaro</name>
+ <description lang="en">nryotaro overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Joe Sapp</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ryotaro Nakamura</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>noiselabs</name>
- <description lang="en"> Gentoo Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>nymphos</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for ebuilds used in NymphOS</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vítor Brandão (noisebleed)</name>
+ <email></email>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>np-hardass-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">NP-Hardass's Personal Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>oddlama</name>
+ <description lang="en">oddlama's gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>NP-Hardass</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>oddlama</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>nx</name>
- <description>Overlay for the NX/FreeNX packages for Gentoo.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>odroidc4</name>
+ <description lang="en">Ebuilds for Gentoo on ODROID-C4</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sven Schwyn</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>oboeverlay</name>
- <description lang="en">ChrisOboe's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>okh</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay with no special focus.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Chris Oboe</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Olexiy Khokhlov</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>observer</name>
- <description>Contains ebuilds I need, but not in Gentoo portage tree yet.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>olifre</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Oliver Freyermuth.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Chen Meng</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Oliver Freyermuth</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>octave</name>
- <description lang="en">octave-forge packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>openclonk</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for the game OpenClonk</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name> Rafael G. Martins</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Julius Michaelis</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="stable" status="official">
+ <name>opentransactions</name>
+ <description lang="en">Open-Transactions Gentoo Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Open-Transactions</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>octopus</name>
- <description lang="en">Own and claimed ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>oubliette</name>
+ <description lang="en">personal overlay of forgotten ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Bfgeshka</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>nic</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>openwrt</name>
- <description>Overlay for network configuration packages found in OpenWRT</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>overseerr-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">third party overlay to install overseerr</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Pavel Šimerda</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Chris Pritchard</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>owncloud-client</name>
- <description lang="en">Ebuilds related to the ownCloud Sync Client</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>oxen-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay for OXEN projects</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Norman Rieß</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Xutax Kamay</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Unofficial Gentoo overlay for the Pale Moon ( web browser.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>deu</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>deu</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>palmer</name>
- <description lang="en">User overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>parona-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay for ebuilds I don't see in other overlay or want to modify</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Palmer Dabbelt</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alfred Wingate</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>pchrist</name>
- <description>Panagiotis Christopoulos developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Panagiotis Christopoulos</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3496,10 +3032,21 @@ FIN
<name>Pavol Dilung</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>peec</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal Gentoo overlay of Petre Rodan</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Petre Rodan</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description>The overlay contains new or updated security tools.</description>
@@ -3508,36 +3055,8 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>perl-experimental</name>
- <description>Experimental ebuilds for Perl packages in Gentoo. Comments and
- bugreports are welcome!</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Perl Team</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>perl-experimental-snapshots</name>
- <description>Unofficial mirror of overlay "perl-experimental" with metadata cache</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Kent Fredric</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Personal overlay of Jean-Christophe Petkovich</description>
@@ -3547,20 +3066,78 @@ FIN
<name>Jean-Christophe Petkovich</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>pf4public</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>PF4Public</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">User overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>Perfect Gentleman</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>phackerlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for phackers</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alexander B. Ustinov</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>phoenix591</name>
+ <description lang="en">My personal overlay with a few random packages</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Kyle Elbert</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>pholthaus-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">pholthaus' personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Patrick Holthaus</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>php-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Unofficial PHP Overlay for Gentoo Linux</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>php-overlay</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3571,6 +3148,7 @@ FIN
<name>Anton Sviridenko</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3586,6 +3164,18 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>piniverlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Various packages and patches for developers</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Pierre-Nicolas Clauss</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description lang="en">Pinkbyte's developer overlay</description>
@@ -3595,56 +3185,48 @@ FIN
<name>Sergey Popov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>plab</name>
- <description lang="en">Paul Labedan user overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Paul Labedan</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>poly-c</name>
- <description lang="en">Polynomial-C's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>pixlra</name>
+ <description lang="en">Pixlra collaborative overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Lars Wendler</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Joao Carreira</name>
- <source type="rsync">rsync://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ <!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>portage-backup</name>
- <description lang="en">Backup-related ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>pkalin</name>
+ <description lang="en">My Gentoo overlay, somewhat regularly maintained</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Lenno Nagel</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Kalin KOZHUHAROV</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>posativ</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay of Martin Zimmermann</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>plex-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of comio containing Plex related ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Martin Zimmermann</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Luigi Mantellini</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3655,138 +3237,79 @@ FIN
<name>Alex Efros</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>ppc64le</name>
- <description lang="en">ppc64le development overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Anthony G. Basile</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>printer-drivers</name>
- <description lang="en">User-submitted ebuilds for printer drivers</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Gentoo printing team</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>proaudio</name>
- <description>Evermind's overlay with ebuilds for a lot of pro-audio
- production software.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>ppfeufer-gentoo-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">ppfeufer's personal overlay.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Peter Pfeufer</name>
- <source type="svn">svn://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>procyon</name>
- <description>Procyon Overlay</description>
+ <name>proaudio-gentoo</name>
+ <description lang="en">New generation ProAudio overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>donat-b</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Dominique Michel</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>programmador</name>
- <description lang="en">Programmador overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alexander Konotop</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="testing" status="unofficial">
- <name>progress</name>
- <description>Progress Overlay: Python packages (including Pyramid, Zope) and other packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="svn"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>prometheanfire</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Matthew Thode</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <description lang="en">User overlay</description>
+ <description lang="en">Up to date ck-sources</description>
<owner type="person">
<name>Simon Prosser</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>psix-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">zabuldon's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>pyfa</name>
+ <description lang="en">Newest versions of Pyfa (Python fitting assistant for EVE Online)</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sergey Isachenko</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Andreas Zuber</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>pypy_alice</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal User Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>pypi</name>
+ <description lang="en">Mirror of PyPI python package repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alice Ferrazzi</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>houseofsuns</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>python</name>
- <description lang="en">Python project repository</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Gentoo Python project</name>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>pypi-sci</name>
+ <description lang="en">Scientific packages from PyPI by the gentoo-pypi-generator</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Benda Xu</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -3802,10 +3325,34 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>qownnotes-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">QOwnNotes overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Patrizio Bekerle</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>qsx</name>
+ <description lang="en">qsx’ ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Thomas Schneider</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description>Official testing overlay for Qt and related packages, provided
- by Gentoo's Qt team. Contains ebuilds for Qt4 and Qt5 prereleases and live ebuilds,
+ by Gentoo's Qt team. Contains ebuilds for Qt5 and Qt6 prereleases and live ebuilds,
plus various (non-KDE) applications and utilities that use Qt.</description>
<owner type="project">
@@ -3820,49 +3367,59 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <description>Quarks's overlay; needful things around Gentoo Hardened, Security and Penetration Testing</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <description>Quarks's overlay; needful things around Security, Penetration Testing and gaming</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>Stefan Reimer</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>qutebrowser</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay providing qutebrowser ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>qv2ray-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for Qv2ray.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Martin Zimmermann</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>blackteahamburger</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>qwin-overlay</name>
- <description>Gentoo overlay with some patched packages.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>r7l</name>
+ <description lang="en">r7l Gentoo overlay with custom Ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>r7l</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>rafaelmartins</name>
- <description lang="en">Rafael Martins' Gentoo overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>R_Overlay</name>
+ <description>Gentoo overlay of R packages</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Rafael G. Martins</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Benda Xu</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="rsync">rsync://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>racket-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Racket packages overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Maciej Barć</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3872,19 +3429,19 @@ FIN
<name>Cecil Curry</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>rasdark personal overlay</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Andrey Senik</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Andrey Senik</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3895,45 +3452,9 @@ FIN
<name>Denis Kaganovich (aka Dzianis Kahanovich)</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>reagentoo</name>
- <description lang="en">reagentoo's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>rebutia</name>
- <description lang="en">Rebutia overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Pavel Sanda</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>regina-gentoo</name>
- <description lang="en">Regina packages for Gentoo</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>William Pettersson</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description lang="en">Rich0's developer overlay</description>
@@ -3942,44 +3463,21 @@ FIN
<name>Richard Freeman</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>rinaldus-overlay</name>
- <description>Rinaldus overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>rimio</name>
+ <description lang="en">rimio's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Rinaldus</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Vasile Vilvoiu</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="testing" status="unofficial">
- <name>rindeal</name>
- <description lang="en">Rindeal's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <name>Jan Chren (rindeal)</name>
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>ring-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Ring is free software for universal communication which respects freedoms and privacy of its users.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stefan Langenmaier</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3988,21 +3486,73 @@ FIN
<owner type="person">
+ <name>Sergey Ilinykh</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>riru</name>
+ <description lang="en">Home overlay for development, patches and live ebuilds</description>
+ <description lang="ru">Домашний оверлей для разработки, патчей и лайв ебилдов</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Pavel Kulyov</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
+ <name>riscv</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo RISC-V Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Gentoo RISC-V Development</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
+ <name>rnp</name>
+ <description lang="en">High performance C++ OpenPGP library, fully compliant to RFC 4880</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Anton Sviridenko</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">personal overlay of robert7k</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>robertgzr</name>
+ <description lang="en">robertgzr's personal overlay.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Robert Günzler</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Unofficial ebuilds for gentoo based distributions.</description>
@@ -4011,63 +3561,29 @@ FIN
<name>Alexandrow Rosen</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>roslin</name>
- <description>This is roslin, my small overlay. Enjoy! (:</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Piotr Szymaniak</name>
- </owner>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Michał Ziąbkowski</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>Ebuilds for the Robot Operating System (ROS).</description>
<owner type="person">
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>R_Overlay</name>
- <description>Gentoo overlay of R packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Benda Xu</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="rsync">rsync://</source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>rpm</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay for RPM packagers targeting Fedora, EPEL, CentOS and similar distros</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Pavel Šimerda</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>rs-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay for conveniance</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>roslin</name>
+ <description>This is roslin, my small overlay. Enjoy! (:</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Tristan Mahé</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Michał Ziąbkowski</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -4084,6 +3600,16 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>ruixi-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Ruixi-rebirth's personal Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ruixi-rebirth</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">some packages not found in other overlays, for issues create ticket in github</description>
@@ -4092,110 +3618,66 @@ FIN
<name>Aivars Sterns</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>rust</name>
- <description lang="en">rust modules and tools</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mikhail Pukhlikov</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>rwald</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Randall Wald</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>ryans</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal ebuild repository.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Randall Wald</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ryan Qian</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sabayon</name>
- <description>Sabayon ebuilds that could be upstreamed to
- Gentoo (or just being useful for Gentoo users as well):
- hot fixes, ebuild updates, etc.
- For Sabayon-only ebuilds, please use the sabayon-distro overlay.
- Bugs to</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>sage-on-gentoo</name>
+ <description>Split ebuilds for the Sage computer algebra system</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Francois Bissey</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sabayon-distro</name>
- <description>Sabayon related ebuilds such as artwork, kernel binaries,
- split packages, etc.
- Bugs to</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>salfter</name>
+ <description lang="en">Scott Alfter's ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Scott Alfter</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sabayon-tools</name>
- <description lang="en">Brenton's Sabayon Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>sam_c</name>
+ <description lang="en">sam_c's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Brenton Horne</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sam James</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sage-on-gentoo</name>
- <description>Split ebuilds for the Sage computer algebra system</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>SarahMiaOverlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Everything for Budgie-Desktop and a little bit SarahMia's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Francois Bissey</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sarah Mia Leibbrand</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>salfter</name>
- <description lang="en">Scott Alfter's ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Scott Alfter</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sardemff7</name>
- <description lang="en">Sardem FF7's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sardem FF7</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4211,6 +3693,17 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>schplaf</name>
+ <description lang="en">slash's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>slash</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description>The Gentoo Science Overlay is intended as a place to work
@@ -4218,9 +3711,9 @@ FIN
increase the rate of development of scientific packages for Gentoo, but
ebuilds in this repository are by their very nature more experimental. If
you wish to use them you should be willing to help test and report
- bugs. For contribution read
+ bugs. For contribution read
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="project">
@@ -4229,7 +3722,6 @@ FIN
<source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
@@ -4243,71 +3735,68 @@ FIN
<name>Sergey Zhuga</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>seadep</name>
- <description lang="en">just a few ebuilds, I couldn't find elsewhere</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>seden</name>
+ <description lang="en">Experimental ebuilds that are still unmaintained</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Rasmus Thomsen</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sven Eden</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ <!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>seafile</name>
- <description lang="en">Portage overlay to maintain seafile ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>sergiotarxz</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stefan Junker</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sergio Iglesias</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sebasmagri</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay of Sebastián Ramírez Magrí</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>serioussam</name>
+ <description lang="en">Serious Sam Classic v1.10 with mods</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sebastián Ramírez Magrí</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>tx00100xt</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>seden</name>
- <description lang="en">Experimental ebuilds that are still unmaintained</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>setkeh</name>
+ <description lang="en">setkeh maintained ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sven Eden</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>James (setkeh) Griffis</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>seeds</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay for Gentoo from vonavi</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>sevz</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal Custom Gentoo Overlay.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vladimir Ivanov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Leonardo Hernández Hernández</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed>ttps://</feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4318,9 +3807,22 @@ FIN
<name>Jonas Jelten</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>sgs</name>
+ <description lang="en">Simeon Simeonov's personal Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Simeon Simeonov</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">packages for mono environment and other</description>
<description lang="ru">пакеты для моно и разное прочее</description>
@@ -4330,51 +3832,10 @@ FIN
<name>Arsen Shnurkov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>ShyPixie</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Lara Maia</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Lara Maia</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sihnon</name>
- <description lang="en">optiz0r's sihnon overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>optiz0r</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>silmano</name>
- <description lang="en">Peter's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Pedro Arizmendi</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Personal Gentoo overlay focused on music production and engineering applications</description>
@@ -4383,7 +3844,6 @@ FIN
<name>Simon van der Veldt</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -4396,30 +3856,55 @@ FIN
<name>Zoltan Puskas</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>slyfox</name>
- <description lang="en">slyfox's ebuild den</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>sk-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">The Scriptkitties overlay for additional ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Patrick Spek</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>slonko</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal portage overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Marcin Deranek</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>smaeul</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay, mainly packages patched for musl compatibility</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sergei Trofimovich</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Samuel Holland</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>soft</name>
- <description>Soft's personal overlay for miscellaneous ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>snapd</name>
+ <description lang="en">ebuilds for canaonicals snapd</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Samuel Laurén</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jesse Harris</name>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4436,48 +3921,50 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sorinp</name>
- <description lang="en">A collection of ebuilds that are missing or outdated or incomplete on the Gentoo portage official repository..</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>soltys</name>
+ <description lang="en">tools usefull on CTFs and things that aren't in the portage tristelune</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sorin Panca</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Krzysztof Korościk</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sortsmill</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Barry Schwartz for font projects</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>sorrow</name>
+ <description lang="en">Ebuilds for some wayland-related software and some other stuff</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Barry Schwartz</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>sorrow</name>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>spike</name>
- <description lang="en">This repository contains the ebuild used to build spike, a pentesting distro based on Sabayon.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
+ <name>spark-overlay</name>
+ <description>Java Big Data Infrastructure</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Yuan Liao</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>spike-community-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Spike community overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>spikyatlinux</name>
+ <description>Here are some of my own or modified ebuilds. Also some of them I've found in the web.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>SpikyAtLinux</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -4488,42 +3975,37 @@ FIN
<name>Sebastian Pipping</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>squeezebox</name>
- <description lang="en">Packages for the Squeezebox network audio player from Logitech</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>spring</name>
+ <description lang="en">Spring RTS Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stuart Hickinbottom</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>abma</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>srcshelton</name>
- <description lang="en">Out-of-tree ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>src_prepare-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">src_prepare group's Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stuart Shelton</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Maciej Barć</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>Gentoo repository made by ssnb</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>Samuel Bernardo</name>
@@ -4534,6 +4016,18 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>sspreitz</name>
+ <description lang="en">My Gentoo repository and ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sascha Spreitzer</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Gentoo overlay for Valve's Steam client and Steam-based games</description>
@@ -4542,24 +4036,9 @@ FIN
<name>Mario Kicherer</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="testing" status="official">
- <name>steev</name>
- <description>Steev Klimaszewski's Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stephen Klimaszewski</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Gentoo overlay with ebuilds by Stefan Talpalaru that are not in the tree</description>
@@ -4569,30 +4048,39 @@ FIN
<name>Stefan Talpalaru</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>steveeJ</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Stefan Junker</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>stephdewit</name>
+ <description lang="en">Stéphane de Wit's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Stéphane de Wit</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>stintel</name>
+ <description>stintel's gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stefan Junker</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Stijn Tintel</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <description>Few things that have either broken elsewhere or fallen unmaintained, such as winexe, a source-based version of logitech media server, a patched version of dansguardian</description>
+ <description>A handful of things that are otherwise unmaintained or not-as-frequently maintained</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Michael Stowe</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Michael Stowe</name>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -4605,9 +4093,8 @@ FIN
<name>Matěj Laitl</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4618,37 +4105,50 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>stuge</name>
- <description>Various ebuilds by Konsult Stuge</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>suckless_wl_zh</name>
+ <description lang="en">contains dwl integrated with Chinese input method. rfm file manager, which works well with dwl and dwm</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>guyuming</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>sunset-repo</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay. Small programs and utils, X11
+ themes, and version bumps of ebuilds from main repo.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Peter Stuge</name>
+ <email></email>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sublime-text</name>
- <description lang="en">Collection of ebuilds to install Sublime Text 2 or Sublime Text 3</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>suntar</name>
+ <description lang="en">Suntar's overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Oscar Campos</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Elena Sergeicheva</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Phil's overlay</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Philip Miess</name>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -4657,54 +4157,51 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>supertux88</name>
+ <description lang="en">SuperTux88's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Benjamin Neff</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description>This overlay contains some experimental stuff, but mostly
stuff I quickly wrote an ebuild for or grabed it from bugzilla and did not
have the time to commit it to the official tree or do not consider it ready
for it.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<source type="rsync">rsync://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>systemd</name>
- <description lang="en">User collaboration on ebuilds for the systemd init system</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Henry Gebhardt</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>systemd-love</name>
- <description lang="en">Put more love between systemd, users and openrc</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>SwordArMor</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personnal overlay of alarig/SwordArMor</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Fabio Erculiani</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alarig Le Lay</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>TAJJADA</name>
- <description>Ebuilds for random stuff, including own/personal software, by Jasen Borisov.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>Systole</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for the Systole OS</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Jasen Borisov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Rafael Palomar</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4721,15 +4218,6 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>tante</name>
- <description>Overlay of tante</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Tarantool Gentoo Overlay</description>
@@ -4738,92 +4226,124 @@ FIN
<name>Alexander Turenko</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>tengine-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Tengine overlay for Gentoo Linux</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>tastytea</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay of tastytea</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Roman Kuzmitsky</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>tastytea</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>tf201</name>
- <description lang="en">TF201 (Asus Transformer Prime) overlay for Gentoo</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>tatsh-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay from Tatsh - emulators/fonts/game/misc</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Yan A.</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Andrew Udvare</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>timboudreau</name>
- <description lang="en">Tim Boudreau's Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>telans</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay from telans - gaming/misc</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Tim Boudreau</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>telans</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
+ <name>tex-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Experimental ebuilds for TeX Live</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="project">
+ <email></email>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>timroes</name>
- <description lang="en">timroes' personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>tezeta</name>
+ <description lang="en">tezeta's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Tim Roes</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>tezeta</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>tgbugs-overlay</name>
+ <description>tgbugs portage overlay for custom ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Tom Gillespie</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>thegreatmcpain</name>
+ <description lang="en">TheGreatMcPain's personal ebuild overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>James McClain</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>third-party-certbot-plugins</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for unofficial, third party plugins of the ACME client Certbot</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Osiris Inferi</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>User Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>Tiago Macedo</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>tocaro</name>
- <description lang="en">tocaro personnal o.g.o</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Thomas Carrié</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>TomWij</name>
- <description lang="en">New, staging and experimental ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>toniz4-overlay</name>
+ <description>Useful packages for your person use</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Tom Wijsman</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Cássio Ribeiro Alves de Ávila</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -4848,98 +4368,82 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>tranquility</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>touchfish-os</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Haonan Chen</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ole Reifschneider</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Haonan Chen</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>trash</name>
- <description lang="en">Some ugly ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>trolltoo</name>
+ <description lang="en">An ebuild overlay for Gentoo.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Dallen Wilson</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>triquetra</name>
- <description lang="en">User overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>tryton</name>
+ <description>Tryton</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>David Crandall</name>
+ <email></email>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="mercurial"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>tristelune</name>
- <description>Cédric's user overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>turret-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">turret.'s portage overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Cédric</name>
+ <email></email>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>trollerlay</name>
- <description>Overlay for packages that I use, which doesn't exist in main tree or layman's overlays</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>ubuilds</name>
+ <description lang="en">Ebuilds to live long and prosper</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vladimir "fat0troll" Kozlov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Michael Pirogov</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>tryton</name>
- <description>Tryton</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
+ <name>ukui</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo Overlay for UKUI Desktop Environment</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Yachen Wang</name>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>twister</name>
- <description lang="en">Unoffical gentoo overlay for twister</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Johannes Schwab</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Burgess Chang</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>twitch153</name>
- <description lang="en">Experimental ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Devan Franchini</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Handsome Feng</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -4955,31 +4459,33 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>ultrabug</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>unc3nsored</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for software I didn't find in the main tree</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alexys Jacob</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Oskari Pirhonen</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>undesktop</name>
- <description>Overlay containing Undesktop projects</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>underworld</name>
+ <description lang="en">DakEnviy's Gentoo Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Chizuru Tachibana</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Mikhail Golbakh</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Eridan Domoratskiy</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4989,21 +4495,32 @@ FIN
<name>Rick Harris</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>vaca</name>
- <description>Just another personal Gentoo overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>usenet-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal Overlay for Lidarr, Radarr and Sonarr </description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>hashashin</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Michael Crawford</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>vaacus</name>
+ <description lang="en">A personal overlay for the void.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Quentin Lombardo</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -5013,6 +4530,7 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -5023,34 +4541,32 @@ FIN
<name>Vasiliy Yeremeyev</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>vdr-devel</name>
- <description>Overlay for VDR, that contains ebuilds for development version
- of VDR, and specific plugins for that version.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>vespa</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Thiago G. Vespa</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Thiago Galbiatti Vespa</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>v-fox</name>
- <description lang="en">Public Gentoo overlay for games, emulators and more of nifty stuff</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
+ <name>vGist</name>
+ <description>vGist overlay, for personal use.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sergey Kondakov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>havee</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -5061,23 +4577,32 @@ FIN
<name>Adrian "vifino" Pistol</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>virtualization</name>
- <description lang="en">Experimental virtualization stuff</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Gentoo virtualization team</name>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>violet-funk</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay for FNF-related ebuilds as well as some useful software.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sebastian France</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>vklimovs</name>
+ <description lang="en">vklimovs' personal portage overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Vjaceslavs Klimovs</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -5093,20 +4618,6 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>vmware</name>
- <description>VMware desktop ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Gentoo VMware team</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
@@ -5116,14 +4627,24 @@ FIN
<name>Yuri 'nE0sIghT' Konotopov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>vowstar</name>
+ <description lang="en">Ebuilds from vowstar's git</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description>Voyageur's random ebuilds stuff</description>
- <homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
@@ -5131,6 +4652,51 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>vulkano-edge</name>
+ <description lang="en">A repository just for Vulkan stuff for Gentoo</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>waebbl</name>
+ <description lang="en">waebbl's overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Bernd Waibel</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>waffle-builds</name>
+ <description lang="en">FlyingWaffle's personal ebuild overlay.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>FlyingWaffle</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>wayland-desktop</name>
+ <description lang="en">gentoo overlay for wayland related ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Aisha Tammy</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">wbrana's overlay</description>
@@ -5145,33 +4711,6 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>wdzierzan</name>
- <description lang="en">Stuff I'd rather `emerge' than `stow'</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Wojciech Dzierżanowski</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>webos</name>
- <description>Ported Open WebOS components and libraries</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Maksym Sditanov</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>Weuxels Personal Overlay</description>
@@ -5180,21 +4719,10 @@ FIN
<name>Norman Rieß</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>whiledev</name>
- <description>Collection of ebuilds with experimental features</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Felix Sanz</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Personal overlay of Baptiste Wicht</description>
@@ -5203,65 +4731,35 @@ FIN
<name>Baptiste Wicht</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>wine-a-holics</name>
- <description>An overlay filled with lots of goodies for those who are hooked on WINE.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
+ <name>without-systemd</name>
+ <description lang="en">Without Systemd overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sandino Araico Sanchez</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>wjn-overlay</name>
- <description>wjn's overlay for Gentoo Linux</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>wjn</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>write2David</name>
- <description lang="en">David's Overlay for Misc Utils</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>David Phillips</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>wschlich</name>
- <description>A collection of ebuilds from Wolfram Schlich</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>x0rzavi</name>
+ <description lang="en">x0rzavi's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Wolfram Schlich</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Avishek Sen</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <description>Gentoo X11 team overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <description>Gentoo X11 team ebuild repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="project">
@@ -5271,19 +4769,50 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>xarthisius</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>XaetaCore</name>
+ <description lang="en">Collection of various missing or modified packages</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Kacper Kowalik</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>XaetaCore</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>xarblu-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Xarblu's personal ebuild overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jonas Rakebrandt</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>xbt573</name>
+ <description lang="en">xbt573's Personal Gentoo Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alexey Lunev</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>xdch47</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo portage overlay of xdch47</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Felix Neumärker</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -5294,147 +4823,123 @@ FIN
<source type="git">git://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>xfce-dev</name>
- <description>Experimental ebuilds for the Xfce4 Desktop
- Environment</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>XFCE team</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>xmw</name>
- <description>Michael Weber developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>xira</name>
+ <description lang="en">An LLVM-centric personal overlay, with clang fixes to existing builds, and newly found software, patched or not.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Michael Weber</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Kirin "Xira" Etheridge</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>xtreemfs</name>
- <description lang="en">XtreemFS, a cloud filesystem</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>xoreos</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay for the xoreos project, providing a WIP reimplementation of the BioWare Aurora engine and related modding tools.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Patrick Hieber</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sven "DrMcCoy" Hesse</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <description>This overlay contains some experimental stuff, such as
- turboprint printers driver (bug #61311), intel-536ep driver for lastest 2.6
- kernels (bug #127464), lastest grisbi version (proxy maintainer) before
- it's portage integration and so on.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <description>Guillaume Castagnino’s personal overlay.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
+ <name>Guillaume Castagnino</name>
<source type="rsync">rsync://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>y2kbadbug</name>
- <description lang="en">All ebuilds made by Daniel Shafer</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Daniel Shafer</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Gentoo overlay with packages for software made by Yandex</description>
<description lang="ru">Оверлей с софтом, выпущенным Яндексом</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>yarik-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Some new packages plus uncommitted patches and ebuilds for the main tree</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>yurij-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Yurij's overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Yaroslav Gorbunov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Yurij Mikhalevich</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>yngwin</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>zeldu</name>
+ <description lang="en">3elDU's overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Zakhar Voloschuk</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>zerodaysfordays</name>
+ <description>Jakob L. Kreuze's personal overlay.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ben de Groot</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jakob L. Kreuze</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>yoreek</name>
- <description lang="en">Ebuilds related to nginx webserver modules</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>zGentoo</name>
+ <description lang="en">ZappeL's Gentoo-Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Yuri U.</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Armas Spann</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>youbroketheinternet</name>
- <description lang="en">This overlay is a collaborative maintained Gentoo developer overlay. Some of us are involved with SecuShare, but we try out all sorts of XKEYSCORE-resistant technology. Some of our unique ebuilds are the full GNUnet suite, and software around the psyced chatserver. Some ebuilds are experimental/testing - refer to the included README for more info and details. If you would like to get involved read</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>zozx-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Raymond Kwok's personal Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>lynX</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Raymond Kwok</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://cheettyiapsyciew.onion/youbroketheinternet-overlay</source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>zoobab</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Benjamin Henrion</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>zscheile</name>
+ <description>Zscheile Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Benjamin Henrion</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alain Zscheile</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -5445,18 +4950,17 @@ FIN
<source type="rsync">rsync://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>zx2c4</name>
- <description lang="en">zx2c4's repository of additional ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>zyrenth</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Jason A. Donenfeld</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Amy Nagle</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<!-- vim:se et sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 :-->
diff --git a/files/uid-gid.txt b/files/uid-gid.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a04125e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/uid-gid.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
+# Copyright 2019-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# This file provides a registry of active, requested and historical UID
+# and GID assignments in the Gentoo repository. Each line represents
+# a single record, with the '#!' line providing field headers. Empty
+# lines and comments are ignored. Fields are separated by whitespace,
+# with the last (note) field extending to end of line. Note that
+# additional fields may be added in the future.
+# A single record can represent a user, a group or a combination of both
+# using the same name. Same user/group/UID/GID can be repeated
+# in mutiple records to reflect reality. If you can't express something
+# with a single record, split it.
+# NAME: user/group name
+# UID: UID assigned to the user, or '-' if only group is defined
+# GID: GID assigned to the group, or '-' if only user is defined
+# PROVIDER: keyword identifying provider of user/group, see below
+# NOTES: human-readable notes about the assignment, optional, can use
+# Markdown syntax
+# Valid values for PROVIDER are:
+# - acct: acct-user/${NAME} and/or acct-group/${NAME} packages
+# - baselayout: user/group defined in passwd/group files from baselayout
+# - baselayout-fbsd: same as baselayout but on FreeBSD system
+# - historical: historical UID/GID assignment, no longer used nowadays
+# - requested: assignment requested on the ml, not yet pushed
+# - reserved: special reserved range
+# - user.eclass: user/group created via user.eclass directly in package
+# Use PROVIDERs that apply best at the moment. For example, if user
+# was migrated from user.eclass to acct-user/ with the same UID, just
+# list the latter.
+# Please keep the list sorted by UID, GID, PROVIDER, NAME (in order),
+# and keep columns aligned (tab stops every 8 positions).
+# The wiki page at
+# should be kept in sync with this file. The bin/
+# helper script can be used for this.
+root 0 0 acct
+root 0 0 baselayout
+root 0 - baselayout-fbsd
+toor 0 - baselayout-fbsd
+wheel - 0 baselayout-fbsd
+bin 1 1 baselayout
+daemon 1 1 baselayout-fbsd
+daemon 2 2 baselayout
+operator 2 5 baselayout-fbsd
+adm 3 4 baselayout
+bin 3 7 baselayout-fbsd
+sys - 3 baselayout
+sys - 3 baselayout-fbsd
+lp 4 7 baselayout
+tty 4 4 baselayout-fbsd
+adm - 4 acct
+sync 5 - baselayout
+kmem 5 2 baselayout-fbsd
+tty - 5 acct
+tty - 5 baselayout
+shutdown 6 - baselayout
+mail 6 6 baselayout-fbsd
+disk - 6 acct
+disk - 6 baselayout
+halt 7 - baselayout
+games 7 - baselayout-fbsd
+lp - 7 acct
+news 8 8 baselayout-fbsd
+mail 8 12 acct Removed from baselayout on Linux in [r3093](
+mem - 8 baselayout
+man 9 - baselayout-fbsd
+news 9 13 baselayout
+kmem - 9 acct
+kmem - 9 baselayout
+man - 9 historical Removed from baselayout on BSD in [r2528](, now GID 15
+uucp 10 14 baselayout
+wheel - 10 acct
+wheel - 10 baselayout
+operator 11 - baselayout
+floppy - 11 baselayout
+man 13 15 acct Removed from baselayout in [r2528]( and before in [r1474](
+postmaster 14 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r3093](
+uucp - 14 acct
+cron 16 16 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1476](
+console - 17 baselayout
+audio - 18 acct Duplicated in media-sound/{pulseaudio,timidity}.
+audio - 18 baselayout
+audio - 18 baselayout-fbsd
+cdrom - 19 acct
+cdrom - 19 baselayout
+dialout - 20 acct
+dialout - 20 baselayout Historically removed from baselayout in [r2444](, reintroduced in [18fe9e87](
+ftp 21 21 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1475](
+sshd 22 22 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1476](
+smtpd 25 25 acct
+smmsp 25 - baselayout-fbsd
+smmsp - 25 historical Removed from baselayout on BSD in [r2528](
+at 25 25 historical Removed from baselayout in [r1479](, now UID/GID 246
+tape - 26 acct
+tape - 26 baselayout
+video - 27 acct
+video - 27 baselayout
+render - 28 acct
+www 30 - historical Removed from baselayout in [r176](
+squid 31 31 historical Removed from baselayout in [r1477](, now UID/GID 301
+guest - 31 baselayout-fbsd
+gdm 32 32 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1571](
+xfs 33 33 historical X Font Server, removed from baselayout in [r1572](
+games 35 35 historical Removed from baselayout in [r1478](; group: deprecated by Council decision
+games 36 - historical
+gamestat - 36 acct
+named 40 40 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1369](
+tor 43 43 acct
+mpd 45 - acct
+openctd 46 - acct
+openct - 46 acct
+pcscd 47 47 acct
+docker - 48 acct
+knot 53 53 acct
+tss 59 59 acct
+mysql 60 60 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1335](
+avahi 61 61 acct
+avahi-autoipd 62 62 acct
+authpf - 63 user.eclass
+netdev - 64 acct
+uucp 66 66 baselayout-fbsd
+duende 66 - acct
+dialer - 68 baselayout-fbsd
+network - 69 baselayout-fbsd
+postgres 70 70 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1861](
+dovenull 74 74 acct
+redis 75 75 acct
+dovecot 76 76 acct
+qemu 77 77 acct
+kvm - 78 acct
+libvirt - 79 acct
+cdrw - 80 baselayout
+apache 81 81 acct Removed from baselayout in [r916](
+nginx 82 82 acct
+nut 84 84 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1862](
+cyrus 85 - historical Removed from baselayout in [r1326](, now UID 415
+usb - 85 acct
+usb - 85 baselayout
+nullmail 88 88 acct
+vpopmail 89 89 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1319](
+partimag 91 91 acct
+radius 95 95 acct
+dovecot 97 97 historical Now UID/GID 76
+input - 97 acct
+input - 97 baselayout
+maradns 99 99 acct
+users - 100 acct
+users - 100 baselayout
+messagebus 101 101 acct
+polkitd 102 102 acct
+plex 103 103 acct
+grok_exporter 104 104 acct
+freenet 105 105 acct
+lpadmin - 106 acct
+rabbitmq_exporter 107 107 acct
+snmp_exporter 108 108 acct
+rundeck 109 109 acct
+cockroach 110 110 acct
+rpc 111 111 historical Used by net-nds/portmap, removed in [36e60cce11d7](
+drone 112 112 acct
+unifi 113 113 acct
+ejabberd 114 114 acct
+prosody 115 115 acct
+badvpn 116 116 acct
+mythtv 117 117 acct
+karma 118 118 acct
+trickster 119 119 acct
+fcron 120 120 acct
+rabbitmq 121 121 acct
+murmur 122 122 acct
+ntp 123 123 acct
+fetchmail 124 124 acct
+vacation 125 125 acct
+rt 126 126 acct
+opm 127 127 acct
+foldingathome 128 128 acct
+rbot 129 129 acct
+ros 130 130 acct
+icecast 131 131 acct
+gopherd 132 132 acct
+rtkit 133 133 acct
+lightdm 134 134 acct
+pgagent 135 135 acct
+subsonic 136 136 acct
+beanstalk 137 137 acct
+gauth 138 138 acct
+shellinaboxd 139 139 acct
+resin 140 140 acct
+h2o 141 141 acct
+nm-openconnect 142 142 acct
+nm-openvpn 143 143 acct
+munge 144 144 acct
+icecream 145 145 acct
+dbskkd 146 146 acct
+axtls 147 147 acct
+bitflu 148 148 acct
+monkeyd 149 149 acct
+owfs 150 150 user.eclass Ebuild allows overriding username.
+opendnssec 151 151 acct
+taskd 152 152 acct
+rbldns 153 153 acct
+redsocks 154 154 acct
+thttpd 155 155 acct
+stapusr - 156 acct
+stapsys - 157 acct
+stapdev - 158 acct
+spread 159 159 acct
+gnump3d 160 160 acct
+rplayd 161 161 acct
+ices 162 162 acct
+ipsentinel 163 163 acct
+smokeping 164 164 acct
+sguil 165 165 acct
+scanlogd 166 166 acct
+inspircd 167 167 acct
+netperf 168 168 acct
+transmission 169 169 acct
+arpwatch 170 170 acct
+pulse 171 171 acct
+pulse-access - 172 acct
+sispmctl - 173 acct
+android - 174 acct
+rslsync 175 175 acct
+stg 176 176 acct
+munin 177 177 acct
+munin-async 178 - acct
+vlock - 178 acct
+samplicator 179 179 acct
+bird 180 180 acct
+defang 181 181 acct
+ftpproxy 182 182 acct
+elasticsearch 183 183 acct
+pdnsd 184 184 acct
+ngrep 185 185 acct
+tinyproxy 186 186 acct
+iroffer 187 187 acct
+haproxy 188 188 acct
+postfwd 189 189 acct
+systemd-journal - 190 acct
+systemd-journal-remote 191 191 acct
+systemd-network 192 192 acct
+systemd-resolve 193 193 acct
+systemd-coredump 194 194 acct
+systemd-timesync 195 195 acct
+git 196 196 acct
+cgit 197 197 acct
+systemd-oom 198 198 acct
+ipsec 199 199 acct
+alias 200 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+nofiles - 200 acct Removed from baselayout in [r2445](
+qmaild 201 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+qmail - 201 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+qmaill 202 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+seat - 202 acct Used by sys-auth/seatd
+qmailp 203 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+roccat - 203 acct
+qmailq 204 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+haclient - 204 acct
+qmailr 205 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+xwax - 205 acct
+qmails 206 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+realtime - 206 acct
+postfix 207 207 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1863](
+postdrop - 208 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1863](
+smmsp 209 209 acct Removed from baselayout: user in [r2446](, group in [r2445](
+aerospike-amc 210 210 acct
+zookeeper 211 211 acct
+cmd5checkpw 212 212 acct
+cancd 213 213 acct
+sockd 214 214 acct
+radvd 215 215 acct
+aspnet 216 216 acct
+hsqldb 217 217 acct
+energi3 218 218 acct Used by net-p2p/energi3
+sddm 219 219 acct
+uptimed 220 220 acct
+gkrellmd 221 221 acct
+msmtpd 222 222 acct
+nsd 223 223 acct
+zeppelin 224 224 acct Used by www-apps/zeppelin-bin
+dnscache 225 - acct
+dnslog 226 - acct
+tinydns 227 - acct
+gpio - 225 acct
+i2c - 226 acct
+spi - 227 acct
+fritzbox_smarthome_exporter 228 228 acct
+vnstat 229 229 acct
+carbon 230 230 acct
+icingadirector 231 - acct
+#mogile 460 231 acct See below
+fvwm-crystal - 232 acct
+postgres_exporter 233 233 acct
+memcached_exporter 234 234 acct
+turnserver 235 235 acct
+tox 236 236 acct
+rspamd 237 237 acct
+github-exporter 238 238 acct
+scponly 239 239 acct
+distcc 240 240 acct
+icingaweb2 - 241 acct
+asterisk 242 242 acct
+fingerprint - 243 acct
+opendmarc 244 244 acct
+locate - 245 acct
+slocate - 245 historical Removed from baselayout in [r1328](
+at 246 246 acct
+svxlink 247 247 acct
+fdm 248 248 acct
+logsurfer 249 249 acct
+portage 250 250 acct
+portage 250 250 baselayout
+portage 250 250 baselayout-fbsd
+wwwoffle 251 251 acct
+smtpq 252 252 acct
+zetcd 253 253 acct
+havp 254 254 acct
+cntlm 255 255 acct
+litecoin 256 256 acct
+sstpc 257 257 acct
+rwhoisd 258 258 acct
+psybnc 259 259 acct
+minbif 260 260 acct
+ez-ipupd 261 261 acct
+dnrd 262 262 acct
+polw 263 263 acct
+artifactory 264 264 acct
+tomcat 265 265 acct
+groonga 266 266 acct
+ceph 267 267 acct
+cvmfs 268 268 acct
+kibana 269 269 acct
+logstash 270 270 acct
+spire 271 271 acct
+plugdev - 272 acct
+bacula 273 273 acct
+dnsmasq_exporter 274 274 acct
+dnsmasq 275 275 acct
+bind_exporter 276 276 acct
+mongodb_exporter 277 277 acct
+consul_exporter 278 278 acct
+unbound-telemetry 279 279 acct
+notary 280 280 acct
+gnupg-pkcs11-scd-proxy 281 281 acct
+backuppc 282 282 acct
+tenshi 283 283 acct
+logcheck 284 284 acct
+pvpgn 285 285 acct
+sauerbraten 286 286 acct
+gopher 287 287 acct
+pushgateway 288 288 acct
+uwsgi_exporter 289 289 acct
+netdata 290 290 acct
+x2gouser 291 291 acct
+x2goprint 292 292 acct
+blackbox_exporter 293 293 acct
+alertmanager 294 294 acct
+registry 295 295 acct Used by app-emulation/docker-registry
+ntopng 296 296 acct
+http 297 297 acct Used by www-servers/caddy
+redis_exporter 298 298 acct
+gpsd 299 - acct
+ssmtp - 299 acct
+dhcp 300 300 acct
+squid 301 301 acct
+lighttpd 302 302 acct
+dhcpcd 303 303 acct
+hacluster 304 - acct
+vboxusers - 304 acct
+vboxguest 305 305 acct
+timidity 306 - acct
+vboxsf - 306 acct
+clair 307 307 acct
+mysqld_exporter 308 308 acct
+minio 309 309 acct
+croc 310 310 acct
+ulogd 311 311 acct
+coredns 312 312 acct
+flatpak 313 313 acct
+serf 314 314 acct
+lldpd 315 315 acct
+exabgp 316 316 acct
+sagan 317 317 acct
+fp-multiuser 318 318 acct
+apt-cacher-ng 319 319 acct
+fax 320 320 acct
+openntpd 321 321 acct
+sobby 322 322 acct
+vault_exporter 323 323 acct
+oragono 324 324 acct
+err 325 325 acct
+trojan 326 326 acct
+radicale 327 327 acct
+snort 328 328 acct
+zabbix 329 329 acct
+ossec 330 330 acct
+ossecm 331 - acct
+pkcs11 - 331 acct
+ossecr 332 - acct
+scanner - 332 acct
+amavis 333 333 acct
+opendkim 334 334 acct
+epmd 335 335 acct
+sqlgrey 336 336 acct
+spamd 337 337 acct
+automatic 338 338 acct
+minidlna 339 339 acct
+sanlock 340 340 acct
+stunnel 341 341 acct
+influxdb 342 342 acct
+kapacitor 343 343 acct
+chronograf 344 344 acct
+docker_auth 345 345 acct
+dirsrv 346 346 acct
+tpm 347 347 acct
+unifi-video 348 348 acct
+ushare 349 349 acct
+colord 350 350 acct
+geoclue 351 351 acct
+boinc 352 352 acct
+dnscrypt-proxy 353 353 acct
+nginx-vts-exporter 354 354 acct
+openvpn_exporter 355 355 acct
+postfix_exporter 356 356 acct
+nslcd 357 357 acct
+lxc 358 358 acct
+smsd 359 - acct
+sms - 359 acct
+postgrey 360 360 acct
+dehydrated 361 361 acct
+amanda 362 362 acct
+sigh 363 363 acct
+gatling 364 364 acct
+dbmail 365 365 acct
+sniproxy 366 366 acct
+ziproxy 367 367 acct
+octoprint 368 368 historical
+ultimaker 369 369 acct
+sks 370 370 acct
+frr 371 371 acct
+upmpdcli 372 372 acct
+snapclient 373 - acct
+gnupg-pkcs11 - 373 acct
+snapserver 374 374 acct
+popa3d 375 375 acct Used by net-mail/popa3d
+mgraph 376 376 acct Used by net-mail/mailgraph
+pcap 377 377 acct Used by net-analyzer/tcpdump and net-analyzer/wireshark
+p2p 378 378 acct Used by net-im/mldonkey
+jabber 379 379 acct Used by net-im/jabber-base
+darkstat 380 - acct
+bumblebee - 380 acct
+dictd 381 381 acct
+sancp 382 382 acct
+argus 383 383 acct
+flows 384 384 acct
+fnordlog 385 - acct
+gamemode - 385 acct
+ttrssd 386 386 acct
+sobexsrv 387 387 acct
+kismet 388 388 acct
+grafana 389 389 acct
+monkeysphere 390 390 acct
+unbound 391 391 acct
+privoxy 392 392 acct
+buildbot 393 393 acct Used by dev-util/buildbot, dev-util/buildbot-worker
+openvpn 394 394 acct
+motion 395 395 acct
+greetd 396 396 acct
+sabnzbd 397 397 acct
+nzbget 398 398 acct
+svn 399 - acct Used by dev-vcs/subversion[-apache2]
+svnusers - 399 acct Used by dev-vcs/subversion[-apache2]
+slurm 400 400 acct
+monitorix 401 401 acct
+fnord 402 - acct
+lxd - 402 acct
+bareos 403 403 acct
+miniflux 404 - acct Used by www-apps/miniflux
+simplevirt - 404 acct
+guest 405 - historical Removed from baselayout in [r889](
+sgx - 405 acct
+sendpage 406 - acct
+utmp - 406 acct
+utmp - 406 baselayout
+bitlbee 407 407 acct
+consul-template 408 408 acct
+saned 409 - acct
+gpib - 409 acct Used by sci-libs/linux-gpib
+vault 410 410 acct
+consul 411 411 acct
+atheme-services 412 412 acct
+ngircd 413 413 acct
+dnsdist 414 414 acct
+cyrus 415 - acct
+scsi - 415 acct
+gluster 416 416 acct
+anope 417 417 acct
+usbmux 418 - acct
+epam - 418 acct Used by dev-erlang/epam
+wesnoth 419 419 acct
+davfs2 420 420 acct Used by net-fs/davfs2
+znc 421 421 acct
+abrt 422 422 acct
+pdns 423 423 acct Used by net-dns/pdns
+quagga 424 424 acct
+kafka 425 425 acct
+etcd 426 426 acct
+cadvisor 427 427 acct
+telegraf 428 428 acct
+gerbera 429 429 acct
+prometheus 430 430 acct
+netbox 431 431 acct
+kube-apiserver 432 432 acct
+kube-controller-manager 433 433 acct
+kube-scheduler 434 434 acct
+clamav 435 435 acct
+nagios 436 436 acct
+automx2 437 437 acct
+milter-regex 438 438 acct
+ldap 439 439 acct
+collectd 440 440 acct
+memcached 441 441 acct
+cinder 442 442 acct
+glance 443 443 acct
+heat 444 444 acct
+keystone 445 445 acct
+neutron 446 446 acct
+nova 447 447 acct
+placement 448 448 acct
+swift 449 449 acct
+firebird 450 450 acct
+redmine 451 451 acct
+vdr 452 452 acct
+vdradmin 453 453 acct Used by www-misc/vdradmin-am
+deluge 454 454 acct
+puppet 455 455 acct
+puppetdb 456 456 acct
+icinga 457 457 acct
+nvpd 458 - acct
+icingacmd - 458 acct
+node_exporter 459 459 acct
+mogile 460 231 acct
+crontab - 460 acct
+sndiod 461 - acct
+ubridge - 461 acct
+tvheadend 462 - acct
+xpra - 462 acct Used by x11-wm/xpra
+pgbouncer 463 - acct
+supervisor - 463 acct
+airdcppd 464 464 acct
+ippl 465 - acct Used by net-analyzer/ippl
+tsm - 465 acct Used by app-backup/tsm
+rstudio-server 466 466 acct Used by sci-mathematics/rstudio
+geneweb 467 467 acct
+amule 468 468 acct
+xrootd 469 469 acct
+i2pd 470 470 acct
+i2p 471 471 acct
+quassel 472 472 acct
+jenkins 473 473 acct
+varnish 474 474 acct
+sogo 475 475 acct
+stubby 476 476 acct Used by net-dns/getdns
+suricata 477 477 acct
+graylog 478 478 acct
+openrct2 479 479 acct
+minetest 480 480 acct
+mongodb 481 481 acct
+mosquitto 482 482 acct
+bitcoin 483 483 acct
+ipfs 484 484 acct
+bedrock 485 485 acct
+spectrum 486 486 acct
+ddclient 487 487 acct
+teamspeak 488 488 acct
+steamcmd 489 489 acct
+minecraft 490 490 acct
+fhem 491 491 acct
+oprofile 492 492 acct
+oidentd 493 493 acct
+unrealircd 494 494 acct
+gvm 495 495 acct
+strelaysrv 496 496 acct
+stdiscosrv 497 497 acct
+burp 498 498 acct
+syncthing 499 499 acct
+slurm 500 500 historical Now UID/GID 400
+elasticsearch_exporter 501 501 acct
+burrow_exporter 502 502 acct
+reg 503 503 acct
+fluentd 504 504 acct
+systemd-hostname - 505 acct
+brltty 506 506 acct
+brlapi - 507 acct
+biboumi 508 508 acct Used by net-im/biboumi
+pipewire 509 509 acct
+gitlab-runner 510 510 acct
+rrdcached 511 511 acct
+libreoffice 512 512 acct
+openttd 513 513 acct
+headscale 514 514 acct Used by net-vpn/headscale daemon user
+sonarr 515 515 acct
+radarr 516 516 acct
+prowlarr 517 517 acct
+jellyfin 518 518 acct
+synapse 519 519 acct Used by net-im/synapse Matrix server
+_cron-failure 520 520 acct Used by sys-process/systemd-cron
+readarr 521 521 acct
+gns3 522 522 acct
+goaccess 523 523 acct
+owntracks 524 524 acct Used by sci-geosciences/owntracks-recorder
+knot-resolver 525 525 acct Used by net-dns/knot-resolver
+soju - 526 acct
+nginx-unit 527 527 acct
+yubihsm-connector 528 528 acct Used by app-crypt/yubihsm-connector
+inadyn 529 529 acct Used by net-dns/inadyn
+lidarr 530 530 acct
+jackett 531 531 acct
+incus - 532 acct Used by app-containers/incus
+incus-admin - 533 acct Used by app-containers/incus
+qbittorrent 534 534 acct Used by net-p2p/qbittorrent
+sandmann 535 535 acct Used by sys-power/sandmann-bin
+atuin 536 536 acct Used by app-shells/atuin
+openhab 537 537 acct Used by app-misc/openhab-bin
+- 750..999 750..999 reserved Dynamic allocation by user.eclass. Do not use!
+- 1000..60000 1000..60000 reserved `UID_MIN`..`UID_MAX` / `GID_MIN`..`GID_MAX` in login.defs
+ventrilo 3784 3784 historical Used by media-sound/ventrilo-server-bin, removed in [15c6a556cef2](
+- 60001..65533 60001..65532 reserved
+- 61184..65519 61184..65519 reserved Used by systemd DynamicUser feature
+nogroup - 65533 baselayout
+nogroup - 65533 baselayout-fbsd
+nobody 65534 65534 acct
+nobody 65534 65534 baselayout
+nobody 65534 65534 baselayout-fbsd
+- 65535 65535 reserved -1 on systems with 16 bit uid_t
+- 524288..1878982656 524288..1878982656 reserved Used by systemd for containers
+# Local Variables:
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+# tab-width: 8
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