eGroupWare: Multiple XSS vulnerabilities The eGroupWare software contains multiple cross site scripting vulnerabilities. eGroupWare September 02, 2004 May 22, 2006: 02 61510 remote

eGroupWare is a suite of web-based group applications including calendar, address book, messenger and email.

Joxean Koret recently discovered multiple cross site scripting vulnerabilities in various modules for the eGroupWare suite. This includes the calendar, address book, messenger and ticket modules.

These vulnerabilities give an attacker the ability to inject and execute malicious script code, potentially compromising the victim's browser.

There is no known workaround at this time. All users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest available version of eGroupWare.

All eGroupWare users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge sync # emerge -pv ">=www-apps/egroupware-" # emerge ">=www-apps/egroupware-"
eGroupWare Announcement Bugtraq Announcement CVE-2004-1467 koon lewk