Setting up Indefero =================== 1) First, using your database of choice, set up a database, username, and passord for Indefero. ie: If using mysql: 1) mysql -u root -h localhost -p 2) create user ''@'localhost' identified by ''; 3) create database ; 4) grant all on .* to ''@'localhost'; 2) Depending on where Indefero was installed to (if no USE="vhost" it will be under /var/www/localhost/htdocs), edit the file /src/IDF/conf/idf.php . Make sure to use the values for the database that you used in step 1. 3) To actually create the needed tables for indefero, cd /src and run 4) Lastly, edit /bootstrap.php. Change the places where it says to point to the install you're using. Then update it to use a username / password of your choice. Then run php /bootstrap.php. When this is done and you see the success, rm /bootstrap.php.