' . __( 'Snow' , 'jetpack') . '' , array( &$this, 'blog_field_html' ) , 'general' ); add_action( 'update_option_' . jetpack_holiday_snow_option_name(), array( &$this, 'holiday_snow_option_updated' ) ); } public function blog_field_html() { $id = esc_attr( jetpack_holiday_snow_option_name() ); ?> = $first_snow_day || $today < $last_snow_day ); /** * Filter whether it's winter or not. * * You can use this filter if, for example, you live in the * Southern Hemisphere. In that case, the dates for winter * above are incorrect for your location. * * @module theme-tools * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param bool $snow True if it's snow season, false if not. */ return apply_filters( 'jetpack_is_holiday_snow_season', $snow ); } jetpack_maybe_holiday_snow();