#!/usr/bin/perl # Given a bunch of IP's figure out how fast you can look up their # regions and then determine how good we are at this. use locale; use DBI; use Data::Dumper; use LWP; use LWP::UserAgent; use Config::Tiny; use File::Basename; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout(4); $ua->agent("Gentoo Mirror Monitor/1.0"); my $DEBUG = 1; my %products = (); my %oss = (); my $dirname = dirname(__FILE__); my $Config = Config::Tiny->read( $dirname . '/db.conf' ); # Some db credentials my $host = $Config->{database}->{host}; my $user = $Config->{database}->{user}; my $pass = $Config->{database}->{pass}; my $db = $Config->{database}->{db}; my $dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:mysql:$db:$host",$user,$pass) or die "Connecting : $dbi::errstr\n"; $location_sql = qq{SELECT * FROM mirror_locations JOIN mirror_products USING (product_id) WHERE product_priority > 0 ORDER BY product_priority DESC}; #$mirror_sql = qq{SELECT * FROM mirror_mirrors WHERE mirror_active IN ('1') ORDER BY mirror_rating DESC, mirror_name}; $mirror_sql = qq{SELECT * FROM mirror_mirrors WHERE mirror_active IN ('1') ORDER BY RAND()}; $update_sql = qq{REPLACE mirror_location_mirror_map SET location_id=?, mirror_id=?, location_active=?, last_check=NOW()}; my $location_sth = $dbh->prepare($location_sql); my $mirror_sth = $dbh->prepare($mirror_sql); my $update_sth = $dbh->prepare($update_sql); # populate a product and os hash if we're debugging stuff # this way we don't have to make too many selects against the DB if ( $DEBUG ) { print "Getting raw\n"; my $product_sql = qq{SELECT * FROM mirror_products}; my $oss_sql = qq{SELECT * FROM mirror_os}; my $product_sth = $dbh->prepare($product_sql); $product_sth->execute(); while ( my $product = $product_sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) { $products{$product->{product_id}} = $product->{product_name}; } $oss_sth = $dbh->prepare($oss_sql); $oss_sth->execute(); while ( my $os = $oss_sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) { $oss{$os->{os_id}} = $os->{os_name}; } } # let's build the location information print "Building location info\n"; $location_sth->execute(); my @locations = (); while (my $location = $location_sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) { push(@locations, $location); } print "Building location info\n"; $mirror_sth->execute(); while (my $mirror = $mirror_sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) { print "Testing $mirror->{mirror_baseurl}\n"; foreach my $location (@locations) { my $req = HTTP::Request->new(HEAD => $mirror->{mirror_baseurl} . $location->{location_path}); my $res; #next if !($location->{location_path} =~ /2009/); #next if !($location->{location_path} =~ /10.0\//); $res = $ua->request($req); if ( $res->{_rc} == 200 ) { print "$mirror->{mirror_name} for $products{$location->{product_id}} on $oss{$location->{os_id}} is okay.\n" if $DEBUG; $update_sth->execute($location->{location_id}, $mirror->{mirror_id}, '1'); } else { print "$mirror->{mirror_name} for $products{$location->{product_id}} on $oss{$location->{os_id}} FAILED.\n" if $DEBUG; $update_sth->execute($location->{location_id}, $mirror->{mirror_id}, '0'); } # content-type == text/plain hack here for Mac dmg's #if ( $location->{os_id} == 4 ) { # print "Testing: $products{$location->{product_id}} on $oss{$location->{os_id}} content-type: " . # $res->{_headers}->{'content-type'} . "\n" if $DEBUG; # if ( $res->{_headers}->{'content-type'} !~ /application\/octet-stream/ && # $res->{_headers}->{'content-type'} !~ /application\/x-apple-diskimage/ ) { # print "$mirror->{mirror_name} for $products{$location->{product_id}} on $oss{$location->{os_id}} FAILED due to content-type mis-match.\n" if $DEBUG; # $update_sth->execute($location->{location_id}, $mirror->{mirror_id}, '0'); # } #} } }