0) { echo ($class !== NULL) ? '
' : ''; echo ''; echo ($class !== NULL) ? '
' : ''; $ret = count($_SESSION['messages']); } else { $ret = 0; } unset($_SESSION['messages']); return $ret; } /** * Add an error message to SESSION['errors'] array. * The $_SESSION['errors'] array stores error messages. * @param string $str message to add (optional) */ function set_error($str=null) { if (!empty($str)) { $_SESSION['errors'][]=$str; } } /** * Show errors messages. * Iterates through $_SESSION['errors'] and displays them in a ul. * @param string $class css class for message style */ function show_error($class='error') { if (@is_array($_SESSION['errors']) && count($_SESSION['errors']) > 0) { echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; $ret = count($_SESSION['errors']); unset($_SESSION['errors']); } else { $ret = 0; } return $ret; } /** * Print out an varible enclosed by <pre> tags * @param mixed $var the variable to print by print_r */ function debug_r(&$var) { echo '
	echo '
'; } /** * Generate a random string good for passwords * @param in $len the length of the password string * @return string password */ function password_gen($len=6) { $set = array( '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','e','i','o','u','y','b','c','d','f','g','h','j','k','l','m','n','p','q','r','s','t','v','w','x','y','z' ); $pw = ''; while (strlen($pw) <= $len) { // random alphanum $char = $set[array_rand($set)]; $pw .= $char; } return $pw; } /** * This recursive function empty values in an 'multi-dimensional' array. * @param mixed $needle it accepts just one value or an array of values * @return mixed false if an empty needle passed in, else a copy of the array with needle values replaced with empty strings */ function emptify_in_array($array, $needle) { if ($needle == '') return FALSE; foreach ($array as $key=>$val) { if (is_array($val)) $array[$key] = emptify_in_array($val, $needle); elseif (is_array($needle) && in_array($val, $needle)) $array[$key] = ''; elseif ($val === $needle) $array[$key] = ''; } return $array; } /** * This function checks for the existence of a particular row in a particular table matching a value. * Use this with libdb, unless you want lots of problems. :) * @param string $table name of table * @param string $column name of column containing value to match * @param string $val value to match against database (goes in WHERE clause) * @param string $extra (optional) any AND or ORDER BY or LIMIT or anything you want to add. * @ret bool if a match exists, return true -- otherwise return false */ function record_exists($table,$column,$val,$extra=NULL) { $result = DB::query("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE {$column}='{$val}' {$extra}"); if ($result&&$result->rowCount()>0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Show user tabs, based on an array. * @param array $tabs array of tabs (name=>href) * @param string $current name of tab to highlight */ function show_tabs($tabs,$current) { if ( is_array($tabs) ) { echo "\n".'
'; } } /** * Sort a two dimensional array based on a 'column' key * @param array $array the array to be sorted * @param mixed $key the column key to be used for sorting, an array of keys are also acceptable * @param mixed $order the order of the sort, either 'asc' (ascending) or 'desc' (descending), can also be an array (with matching array keys to the $key param) * @param bool $retain_keys option to retain the original keys; default to true * @param bool $case_sensitive option for a case sensitive sort; default to false * @return array the original array on argument errors, the sorted array on success */ function array_order_by(&$array, $key=null, $order=null, $retain_keys=TRUE, $case_sensitive=FALSE) { if (is_array($key) && count($key)==1) { $temp = each($key); $key = $temp['value']; $order = $order[$temp['key']]; unset($temp); } if (is_array($key)) { if (!is_array($order)) { $order = array(); } if (count($key) > count($order)) { $order = array_pad($order, count($key), 'asc'); } // sort it according to the first key $temp_sort_key = reset($key); $temp_order_val = $order[key($key)]; $return_arr = array_order_by($array, $temp_sort_key, $temp_order_val, $retain_keys, $case_sensitive); // set up the arrays for the 'inner', next recursion $key_copy = $key; $order_copy = $order; unset($key_copy[key($key)]); unset($order_copy[key($key)]); // get the sorting column's value in the first row $temp = current($return_arr); $temp_prev_sort_val = $temp[$temp_sort_key]; unset($temp); $temp_return_arr = array(); $temp_partial_array = array(); foreach ($return_arr as $return_arr_key=>$return_arr_val) { if ($return_arr_val[$temp_sort_key] == $temp_prev_sort_val) { $temp_partial_array[$return_arr_key] = $return_arr_val; } else { if ($retain_keys) { $temp_return_arr = $temp_return_arr + array_order_by($temp_partial_array, $key_copy, $order_copy, $retain_keys, $case_sensitive); } else { $temp = array_order_by($temp_partial_array, $key_copy, $order_copy, $retain_keys, $case_sensitive); foreach ($temp as $temp_val) { $temp_return_arr[] = $temp_val; } unset($temp); } $temp_prev_sort_val = $return_arr_val[$temp_sort_key]; $temp_partial_array = array(); $temp_partial_array[$return_arr_key] = $return_arr_val; } } // important! if the last n $temp_prev_sort_val has the same value, then they aren't sorted and added to the temp array if (count($return_arr) > count($temp_return_arr)) { if ($retain_keys) { $temp_return_arr = $temp_return_arr + array_order_by($temp_partial_array, $key_copy, $order_copy, $retain_keys, $case_sensitive); } else { $temp = array_order_by($temp_partial_array, $key_copy, $order_copy, $retain_keys, $case_sensitive); foreach ($temp as $temp_val) { $temp_return_arr[] = $temp_val; } unset($temp); } } return $temp_return_arr; } if (empty($array) || is_null($key)) return $array; if (!array_key_exists($key, reset($array))) return $array; $order = strtolower($order); if ($order == '' || ($order != 'asc' && $order != 'desc')) $order = 'asc'; // construct an array that will be used to order the keys foreach($array as $row_key => $row) { $x[$row_key] = $row[$key]; } if ($case_sensitive) natsort($x); else natcasesort($x); if ($order == 'desc') $x = array_reverse($x, TRUE); // now use those keys to order the original array foreach($x as $row_key => $uselessvalue) { if ($retain_keys) $return_arr[$row_key] = $array[$row_key]; else $return_arr[] = $array[$row_key]; } return $return_arr; }