# Gentoo Docker Images [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/gentoo/gentoo-docker-images.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/gentoo/gentoo-docker-images) A collection of Dockerfiles for generating Gentoo docker images. These images are intended to be created automatically by a travis cron job and pushed to [docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/u/gentoo/). This repository include basic stage3 images and an image usable as a `/usr/portage` volume # DockerHub https://hub.docker.com/u/gentoo/ ## Inventory * portage * stage3 * stage3-amd64 * stage3-amd64-hardened * stage3-amd64-nomultilib * stage3-amd64-hardened-nomultilib * stage3-x86 * stage3-x86-hardened # Building the containers The containers are created using a multi-stage build, which requires docker-17.05.0 or later. The container being built is defined by the TARGET environment variable: `` TARGET=stage-amd64 ./build.sh `` # Using the portage container as a data volume ``` docker create -v /usr/portage --name myportagesnapshot gentoo/portage:latest /bin/true docker run --volumes-from myportagesnapshot gentoo/stage-amd64:latest /bin/bash ``` # Contributing We'd love to hear any ideas. Feel free to contact us via any of the following methods: * IRC: irc://freenode.net/#gentoo-containers * EMAIL: gentoo-containers@lists.gentoo.org * GITHUB: https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo-docker-images ## Policy * Use topic branches (i.e. foo) and fix branches (i.e. fix/foo) when submitting pull requests * Make meaningful commits ideally with the following form: * Subject line–what this commit does * Blank line * Body–why this commit is necessary or desired * Pull requests should not include merge commits * Use amend and rebase to fix commits after a pull request has been submitted