diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lintool/')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lintool/ b/lintool/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..721c744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lintool/
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+# Copyright 2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2.0
+# Author Karl Trygve Kalleberg <>
+# About:
+# lintool aims to check the stylistic and syntactical correctness for
+# ebuilds, changelogs and digest files for the Gentoo packaging system.
+# - Make HTMLFormatter
+import sys
+import getopt
+from lintool import ebuild, changelog, digest
+class TextFormatter:
+ def section(self, s):
+ print "\n" + "-"*79
+ print " " + s + "\n"
+ def bullet(self, s):
+ print "* " + s
+ def sub(self, s):
+ print "- " + s
+ def subwarn(self, s):
+ print "- (W) " + s
+ def suberr(self, s):
+ print "- (E) " + s
+ def subsub(self, s):
+ print " |" + s
+ def subsubwarn(self, s):
+ print " (W) |" + s
+ def subsuberr(self, s):
+ print " (E) |" + s
+ def line(self,s):
+ print s
+ def div(self, left, right):
+ l = len(left)
+ r = len(right)
+ return left + " " * (78-l-r) + right
+class MunchieFormatter:
+ def section(self, s):
+ print "[lintool] " + "-" * (78 - len("[lintool] "))
+ print "[lintool] " + s + "\n"
+ def bullet(self, s):
+ print "[lintool] * " + s
+ def sub(self, s):
+ print "[lintool] - " + s
+ def subwarn(self, s):
+ print "[lintool] - (W) " + s
+ def suberr(self, s):
+ print "[lintool] - (E) " + s
+ def subsub(self, s):
+ print "[lintool] |" + s
+ def subsubwarn(self, s):
+ print "[lintool] (W) |" + s
+ def subsuberr(self, s):
+ print "[lintool] (E) |" + s
+ def line(self,s):
+ print "[lintool] " + s
+ def div(self, left, right):
+ l = len("[lintool] " + left)
+ r = len(right)
+ return left + " " * (78-l-r) + right
+formatters = { "text" : TextFormatter(), "munchie" : MunchieFormatter() }
+def extractFilename(path):
+ return path
+def runTests(tests,results,ins):
+ for j in tests:
+ j.reset()
+ ln = 1
+ for i in ins.readlines():
+ for j in tests:
+ j.checkLine(i, ln)
+ ln += 1
+ hasWarning = 0
+ hasError = 0
+ for j in xrange(len(tests)):
+ if tests[j].hasErrors():
+ results[j][0] += 1
+ hasError = 1
+ if tests[j].hasWarnings():
+ results[j][1] += 1
+ hasWarning = 1
+ return (hasError, hasWarning)
+def showStatus(options,tests,formatter,file):
+ if options['showDetails'] or options['showSeparate']:
+ formatter.section("Status for " + file)
+ for j in tests:
+ if options['showSeparate'] or options['showDetails']:
+ l = len(j.getDesc())
+ formatter.bullet(formatter.div(j.getDesc(), ": " + j.getStatus()))
+ if options['showDetails']:
+ elif options['showShort']:
+ allOK = 1
+ for j in tests:
+ if j.hasErrors():
+ allOK = 0
+ break
+ if allOK:
+ formatter.div(file, ": OK")
+ else:
+ formatter.div(file, ": Not OK")
+ # else fall through the bottom
+def usage(opts):
+ print sys.argv[0], "[options] ebuild [ebuild ebuild ... ]"
+ print
+ if opts:
+ print "Where [options] include:"
+ for (short,long_,desc) in opts:
+ short_ = ''
+ for s in short:
+ short_ = short_ + '-' + s + ','
+ long_ = '--' + long_
+ opt = short_ + long_
+ opt = opt.rjust(18)
+ print opt + ' ' + desc
+ print
+def parse_opts(argv):
+ options = { 'showSeparate': 0,
+ 'showTotal': 1,
+ 'showDetails': 1,
+ 'showShort': 1,
+ 'listTests': 0,
+ 'desiredTests': 0,
+ 'testMode' : "ebuild",
+ 'licenseDirs' : [ "/usr/portage/licenses" ],
+ 'formatter' : 'text'
+ }
+ opts = (('', 'show-separate',
+ 'Show short summary of tests for each ebuild checked'),
+ ('v', 'version',
+ 'Show program version'),
+ ('', 'no-summary',
+ 'Do not show total summary'),
+ ('', 'no-details',
+ 'Do not show full details of tests for each ebuild checked'),
+ ('', 'ebuild',
+ 'Files to check are ebuilds'),
+ ('', 'changelog',
+ 'Files to check are changelogs'),
+ ('', 'digest',
+ 'Files to check are digests'),
+ ('', 'tests=',
+ 'Comma-separated list of tests to run'),
+ ('', 'list-tests',
+ 'List available tests'),
+ ('', 'from-file=<file>',
+ 'Read ebuilds from <file>'),
+ ('', 'formatter=<formatter>',
+ "Use 'text' (default) or 'munchie' formatter"),
+ ('', 'aux-license-dir=<dir>',
+ 'Add <dir> to directories to search for licenses'),
+ ('?h', 'help',
+ 'Show this help'),
+ )
+ short_options = ''
+ long_options = []
+ for (short,long_,desc) in opts:
+ short_options = short_options + short
+ if '=' in long_:
+ long_ = long_.split('=', 1)[0] + '='
+ long_options.append(long_)
+ try:
+ (option_list,args) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_options, long_options)
+ except getopt.GetoptError, details:
+ print 'Error parsing command line:',str(details)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ for (option,value) in option_list:
+ if option in [ '--no-details' ]:
+ options['showShort'] = 1
+ options['showDetails'] = 0
+ elif option in [ '--show-separate' ]:
+ options['showShort'] = 0
+ options['showSeparate'] = 1
+ elif option in [ '--no-summary']:
+ options['showTotal'] = 0
+ elif option in [ '--from-file' ]:
+ lines = open(value, 'r').readlines()
+ lines = [o.strip() for o in lines]
+ args = lines + args
+ elif option in [ '--tests' ]:
+ options['desiredTests'] = value.split(",")
+ elif option in [ '--formatter' ]:
+ options['formatter'] = value
+ elif option in [ '--list-tests' ]:
+ options['listTests'] = 1
+ elif option in [ '--ebuild' ]:
+ options['testMode'] = 'ebuild'
+ elif option in [ '--changelog' ]:
+ options['testMode'] = 'changelog'
+ elif option in [ '--digest' ]:
+ options['testMode'] = 'digest'
+ elif option in [ '--aux-license-dir' ]:
+ options['licenseDirs'].append(value)
+ elif option in [ '-v', '--version' ]:
+ print "Lintool " + VERSION
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif option in [ '-h', '-?', '--help' ]:
+ usage(opts)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ # shouldn't ever happen. better to be safe
+ print "Unknown option - '%s'!" % (option)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return (options,args)
+def main():
+ (options,args) = parse_opts(sys.argv[1:])
+ formatter = formatters[options['formatter']]
+ # Get test suite for given mode
+ if options['testMode'] == "ebuild":
+ available_tests = ebuild.getTests(formatter, options)
+ elif options['testMode'] == "changelog":
+ available_tests = changelog.getTests(formatter, options)
+ elif options['testMode'] == "digest":
+ available_tests = digest.getTests(formatter, options)
+ # List available tests, if that was the users request
+ if options['listTests']:
+ maxlen = 0
+ for i in available_tests:
+ maxlen = max(len(i.__class__.__name__), maxlen)
+ for i in available_tests:
+ n = i.__class__.__name__
+ print n + " " * (maxlen - len(n)) + " - " + i.getDesc()
+ # Quit with short usage string, if no params given
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ usage(None)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Create final list of tests to run
+ tests = []
+ notTests = []
+ if options['desiredTests']:
+ for i in options['desiredTests']:
+ for j in available_tests:
+ if len(i) and i[0] == "-":
+ notTests.append(i[1:])
+ if j.__class__.__name__ == i:
+ tests.append(j)
+ else:
+ tests = available_tests
+ if len(notTests):
+ for i in available_tests:
+ if i.__class__.__name__ not in notTests:
+ tests.append(i)
+ results = [[0, 0] for x in range(len(tests))]
+ # Set up for test run
+ numFiles = 0
+ totalErrors = 0
+ totalWarnings = 0
+ # Iterate through all files given as arguments, testing each file
+ # against the final list of tests
+ for i in args:
+ fn = extractFilename(i)
+ ins = open(i, "r")
+ numFiles += 1
+ (hasError, hasWarning) = runTests(tests,results,ins)
+ totalErrors += hasError
+ totalWarnings += hasWarning
+ showStatus(options,tests,formatter,fn)
+ # Show totals, if options allow it
+ if options['showTotal']:
+ formatter.section(formatter.div("Summary for all " + str(numFiles) + " " + options['testMode'] + "(s) checked", "#errors/warns"))
+ for i in xrange(len(tests)):
+ l = len(tests[i].getDesc())
+ formatter.line(formatter.div(tests[i].getDesc(), ": %3d / %3d" % (results[i][0], results[i][1])))
+ formatter.line(formatter.div("Total number of ebuilds with errors", \
+ "%3d (%3d%%)" % (totalErrors, totalErrors*100/numFiles)))
+ formatter.line(formatter.div("Total number of ebuilds with warnings", \
+ "%3d (%3d%%)" % (totalWarnings, totalWarnings*100/numFiles)))
+ if totalErrors:
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()