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Diffstat (limited to 'pym/gentoolkit/helpers.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/helpers.py b/pym/gentoolkit/helpers.py
index e7185c3..236a379 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/helpers.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/helpers.py
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
__all__ = (
- 'ChangeLog',
@@ -43,178 +42,6 @@ from gentoolkit.versionmatch import VersionMatch
# Classes
# =======
-class ChangeLog:
- """Provides methods for working with a Gentoo ChangeLog file.
- Example usage:
- >>> from gentoolkit.helpers import ChangeLog
- >>> portage = ChangeLog('/usr/portage/sys-apps/portage/ChangeLog')
- >>> print(portage.latest.strip())
- *portage-2.2.0_alpha142 (26 Oct 2012)
- 26 Oct 2012; Zac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org> +portage-2.2.0_alpha142.ebuild:
- 2.2.0_alpha142 version bump. This includes all of the fixes in Bug
- #210077 tracks all bugs fixed since portage-2.1.x.
- >>> len(portage.full)
- 270
- >>> len(portage.entries_matching_range(
- ... from_ver='',
- ... to_ver='9999'))
- 140
- """
- def __init__(self, changelog_path, invalid_entry_is_fatal=False):
- if not (os.path.isfile(changelog_path) and
- os.access(changelog_path, os.R_OK)):
- raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError(
- "%s does not exist or is unreadable" % pp.path(changelog_path)
- )
- self.changelog_path = changelog_path
- self.invalid_entry_is_fatal = invalid_entry_is_fatal
- # Process the ChangeLog:
- self.entries = self._split_changelog()
- self.indexed_entries = self._index_changelog()
- self.full = self.entries
- self.latest = self.entries[0]
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.changelog_path)
- def entries_matching_atom(self, atom):
- """Return entries whose header versions match atom's version.
- @type atom: L{gentoolkit.atom.Atom} or str
- @param atom: a atom to find matching entries against
- @rtype: list
- @return: entries matching atom
- @raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom: if atom is a string and malformed
- """
- result = []
- if not isinstance(atom, Atom):
- atom = Atom(atom)
- for entry_set in self.indexed_entries:
- i, entry = entry_set
- # VersionMatch doesn't store .cp, so we'll force it to match here:
- i.cp = atom.cp
- if atom.intersects(i):
- result.append(entry)
- return result
- def entries_matching_range(self, from_ver=None, to_ver=None):
- """Return entries whose header versions are within a range of versions.
- @type from_ver: str
- @param from_ver: valid Gentoo version
- @type to_ver: str
- @param to_ver: valid Gentoo version
- @rtype: list
- @return: entries between from_ver and to_ver
- @raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError: if neither vers are set
- @raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidVersion: if either ver is invalid
- """
- result = []
- # Make sure we have at least one version set
- if not (from_ver or to_ver):
- raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError(
- "Need to specifiy 'from_ver' or 'to_ver'"
- )
- # Create a VersionMatch instance out of from_ver
- from_restriction = None
- if from_ver:
- try:
- from_ver_rev = CPV("null-%s" % from_ver)
- except errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV:
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidVersion(from_ver)
- from_restriction = VersionMatch(from_ver_rev, op='>=')
- # Create a VersionMatch instance out of to_ver
- to_restriction = None
- if to_ver:
- try:
- to_ver_rev = CPV("null-%s" % to_ver)
- except errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV:
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidVersion(to_ver)
- to_restriction = VersionMatch(to_ver_rev, op='<=')
- # Add entry to result if version ranges intersect it
- for entry_set in self.indexed_entries:
- i, entry = entry_set
- if from_restriction and not from_restriction.match(i):
- continue
- if to_restriction and not to_restriction.match(i):
- # TODO: is it safe to break here?
- continue
- result.append(entry)
- return result
- def _index_changelog(self):
- """Use the output of L{self._split_changelog} to create an index list
- of L{gentoolkit.versionmatch.VersionMatch} objects.
- @rtype: list
- @return: tuples containing a VersionMatch instance for the release
- version of each entry header as the first item and the entire entry
- as the second item
- @raise ValueError: if self.invalid_entry_is_fatal is True and we hit an
- invalid entry
- """
- result = []
- for entry in self.entries:
- # Extract the package name from the entry header, ex:
- # *xterm-242 (07 Mar 2009) => xterm-242
- pkg_name = entry.split(' ', 1)[0].lstrip('*')
- if not pkg_name.strip():
- continue
- try:
- entry_ver = CPV(pkg_name, validate=True)
- except errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV:
- if self.invalid_entry_is_fatal:
- raise ValueError(entry_ver)
- continue
- result.append((VersionMatch(entry_ver, op='='), entry))
- return result
- def _split_changelog(self):
- """Split the ChangeLog into individual entries.
- @rtype: list
- @return: individual ChangeLog entries
- """
- result = []
- partial_entries = []
- with open(_unicode_encode(self.changelog_path,
- encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors="replace"),
- encoding=_encodings['content']) as log:
- for line in log:
- if line.startswith('#'):
- continue
- elif line.startswith('*'):
- # Append last entry to result...
- entry = ''.join(partial_entries)
- if entry and not entry.isspace():
- result.append(entry)
- # ... and start a new entry
- partial_entries = [line]
- else:
- partial_entries.append(line)
- else:
- # Append the final entry
- entry = ''.join(partial_entries)
- result.append(entry)
- return result
class FileOwner:
"""Creates a function for locating the owner of filename queries.