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Diffstat (limited to 'cvs2svn_lib/symbol_transform.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 236 deletions
diff --git a/cvs2svn_lib/symbol_transform.py b/cvs2svn_lib/symbol_transform.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a4995b8..0000000
--- a/cvs2svn_lib/symbol_transform.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-# (Be in -*- python -*- mode.)
-# ====================================================================
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html.
-# If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
-# newer version instead, at your option.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/.
-# ====================================================================
-"""This module contains classes to transform symbol names."""
-import os
-import re
-from cvs2svn_lib.log import Log
-from cvs2svn_lib.common import FatalError
-from cvs2svn_lib.common import IllegalSVNPathError
-from cvs2svn_lib.common import normalize_svn_path
-class SymbolTransform:
- """Transform symbol names arbitrarily."""
- def transform(self, cvs_file, symbol_name, revision):
- """Possibly transform SYMBOL_NAME, which was found in CVS_FILE.
- Return the transformed symbol name. If this SymbolTransform
- doesn't apply, return the original SYMBOL_NAME. If this symbol
- should be ignored entirely, return None. (Please note that
- ignoring a branch via this mechanism only causes the branch *name*
- to be ignored; the branch contents will still be converted.
- Usually branches should be excluded using --exclude.)
- REVISION contains the CVS revision number to which the symbol was
- attached in the file as a string (with zeros removed).
- This method is free to use the information in CVS_FILE (including
- CVS_FILE.project) to decide whether and/or how to transform
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class ReplaceSubstringsSymbolTransform(SymbolTransform):
- """Replace specific substrings in symbol names.
- If the substring occurs multiple times, replace all copies."""
- def __init__(self, old, new):
- self.old = old
- self.new = new
- def transform(self, cvs_file, symbol_name, revision):
- return symbol_name.replace(self.old, self.new)
-class NormalizePathsSymbolTransform(SymbolTransform):
- def transform(self, cvs_file, symbol_name, revision):
- try:
- return normalize_svn_path(symbol_name)
- except IllegalSVNPathError, e:
- raise FatalError('Problem with %s: %s' % (symbol_name, e,))
-class CompoundSymbolTransform(SymbolTransform):
- """A SymbolTransform that applies other SymbolTransforms in series.
- Each of the contained SymbolTransforms is applied, one after the
- other. If any of them returns None, then None is returned (the
- following SymbolTransforms are ignored)."""
- def __init__(self, symbol_transforms):
- """Ininitialize a CompoundSymbolTransform.
- SYMBOL_TRANSFORMS is an iterable of SymbolTransform instances."""
- self.symbol_transforms = list(symbol_transforms)
- def transform(self, cvs_file, symbol_name, revision):
- for symbol_transform in self.symbol_transforms:
- symbol_name = symbol_transform.transform(
- cvs_file, symbol_name, revision
- )
- if symbol_name is None:
- # Don't continue with other symbol transforms:
- break
- return symbol_name
-class RegexpSymbolTransform(SymbolTransform):
- """Transform symbols by using a regexp textual substitution."""
- def __init__(self, pattern, replacement):
- """Create a SymbolTransform that transforms symbols matching PATTERN.
- PATTERN is a regular expression that should match the whole symbol
- name. REPLACEMENT is the replacement text, which may include
- patterns like r'\1' or r'\g<1>' or r'\g<name>' (where 'name' is a
- reference to a named substring in the pattern of the form
- r'(?P<name>...)')."""
- self.pattern = re.compile('^' + pattern + '$')
- self.replacement = replacement
- def transform(self, cvs_file, symbol_name, revision):
- return self.pattern.sub(self.replacement, symbol_name)
-class SymbolMapper(SymbolTransform):
- """A SymbolTransform that transforms specific symbol definitions.
- The user has to specify the exact CVS filename, symbol name, and
- revision number to be transformed, and the new name (or None if the
- symbol should be ignored). The mappings can be set via a
- constructor argument or by calling __setitem__()."""
- def __init__(self, items=[]):
- """Initialize the mapper.
- ITEMS is a list of tuples (cvs_filename, symbol_name, revision,
- new_name) which will be set as mappings."""
- # A map {(cvs_filename, symbol_name, revision) : new_name}:
- self._map = {}
- for (cvs_filename, symbol_name, revision, new_name) in items:
- self[cvs_filename, symbol_name, revision] = new_name
- def __setitem__(self, (cvs_filename, symbol_name, revision), new_name):
- """Set a mapping for a particular file, symbol, and revision."""
- cvs_filename = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(cvs_filename))
- key = (cvs_filename, symbol_name, revision)
- if key in self._map:
- Log().warn(
- 'Overwriting symbol transform for\n'
- ' filename=%r symbol=%s revision=%s'
- % (cvs_filename, symbol_name, revision,)
- )
- self._map[key] = new_name
- def transform(self, cvs_file, symbol_name, revision):
- cvs_filename = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(cvs_file.filename))
- return self._map.get(
- (cvs_filename, symbol_name, revision), symbol_name
- )
-class SubtreeSymbolMapper(SymbolTransform):
- """A SymbolTransform that transforms symbols within a whole repo subtree.
- The user has to specify a CVS repository path (a filename or
- directory) and the original symbol name. All symbols under that
- path will be renamed to the specified new name (which can be None if
- the symbol should be ignored). The mappings can be set via a
- constructor argument or by calling __setitem__(). Only the most
- specific rule is applied."""
- def __init__(self, items=[]):
- """Initialize the mapper.
- ITEMS is a list of tuples (cvs_path, symbol_name, new_name)
- which will be set as mappings. cvs_path is a string naming a
- directory within the CVS repository."""
- # A map {symbol_name : {cvs_path : new_name}}:
- self._map = {}
- for (cvs_path, symbol_name, new_name) in items:
- self[cvs_path, symbol_name] = new_name
- def __setitem__(self, (cvs_path, symbol_name), new_name):
- """Set a mapping for a particular file and symbol."""
- try:
- symbol_map = self._map[symbol_name]
- except KeyError:
- symbol_map = {}
- self._map[symbol_name] = symbol_map
- cvs_path = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(cvs_path))
- if cvs_path in symbol_map:
- Log().warn(
- 'Overwriting symbol transform for\n'
- ' directory=%r symbol=%s'
- % (cvs_path, symbol_name,)
- )
- symbol_map[cvs_path] = new_name
- def transform(self, cvs_file, symbol_name, revision):
- try:
- symbol_map = self._map[symbol_name]
- except KeyError:
- # No rules for that symbol name
- return symbol_name
- cvs_path = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(cvs_file.filename))
- while True:
- try:
- return symbol_map[cvs_path]
- except KeyError:
- new_cvs_path = os.path.dirname(cvs_path)
- if new_cvs_path == cvs_path:
- # No rules found for that path; return symbol name unaltered.
- return symbol_name
- else:
- cvs_path = new_cvs_path
-class IgnoreSymbolTransform(SymbolTransform):
- """Ignore symbols matching a specified regular expression."""
- def __init__(self, pattern):
- """Create an SymbolTransform that ignores symbols matching PATTERN.
- PATTERN is a regular expression that should match the whole symbol
- name."""
- self.pattern = re.compile('^' + pattern + '$')
- def transform(self, cvs_file, symbol_name, revision):
- if self.pattern.match(symbol_name):
- return None
- else:
- return symbol_name