## Policy for tmpfiles, a boot-time temporary file handler ######################################## ## ## Read resources in /run/tmpfiles.d/. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed to transition. ## ## # interface(`tmpfiles_read_var_run',` gen_require(` type tmpfiles_var_run_t; ') files_search_pids($1) allow $1 tmpfiles_var_run_t:dir list_dir_perms; allow $1 tmpfiles_var_run_t:file read_file_perms; ') ######################################## ## ## Create files in /run/tmpfiles.d/. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`tmpfiles_create_var_run_files',` gen_require(` type tmpfiles_var_run_t; ') create_files_pattern($1, tmpfiles_var_run_t, tmpfiles_var_run_t) tmpfiles_read_var_run($1) ') ######################################## ## ## Write to files in /run/tmpfiles.d/. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`tmpfiles_write_var_run_files',` gen_require(` type tmpfiles_var_run_t; ') write_files_pattern($1, tmpfiles_var_run_t, tmpfiles_var_run_t) tmpfiles_read_var_run($1) ') ######################################## ## ## Manage files in /run/tmpfiles.d/. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`tmpfiles_manage_var_run_files',` gen_require(` type tmpfiles_var_run_t; ') tmpfiles_read_var_run($1) manage_files_pattern($1, tmpfiles_var_run_t, tmpfiles_var_run_t) ') ######################################## ## ## Read files in /etc/tmpfiles.d/. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed to transition. ## ## # interface(`tmpfiles_read_conf',` gen_require(` type tmpfiles_conf_t; ') files_search_etc($1) allow $1 tmpfiles_conf_t:dir list_dir_perms; allow $1 tmpfiles_conf_t:file read_file_perms; ') ######################################## ## ## Create files in /etc/tmpfiles.d/. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`tmpfiles_create_conf_files',` gen_require(` type tmpfiles_conf_t; ') create_files_pattern($1, tmpfiles_conf_t, tmpfiles_conf_t) tmpfiles_read_conf($1) ') ######################################## ## ## Write to files in /etc/tmpfiles.d/. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`tmpfiles_write_conf_files',` gen_require(` type tmpfiles_conf_t; ') write_files_pattern($1, tmpfiles_conf_t, tmpfiles_conf_t) tmpfiles_read_conf($1) ') ######################################## ## ## Manage files in /etc/tmpfiles.d/. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`tmpfiles_manage_conf_files',` gen_require(` type tmpfiles_conf_t; ') manage_files_pattern($1, tmpfiles_conf_t, tmpfiles_conf_t) tmpfiles_read_conf($1) ')