.TH LOCALEPURGE 8 .SH NAME localepurge \- removing superfluous locale data .SH SYNOPSIS .B localepurge .br .SH "DESCRIPTION" .BR localepurge is a small script to recover disk space wasted for unneeded locale files and localized man pages. It will be automagically invoked by \fBemerge\fP some day... You have to define the locale directory names you want to keep from removal in the \fB/etc/locale.nopurge\fP configuration file. .br Any other directory (or file) in \fB/usr/share/locale\fP not containing a subdirectory named \fBLC_MESSAGES\fP will be discreetly ignored. .SH OPTIONS The configurable options consist of toggling verbose output, reporting a summary of freed space, and deletion of localized manual pages in addition to locale files. Some actions can be specified in the \fB/etc/locale.nopurge\fP configuration file. .IP "\fB\-u\fP \fB\-update\fP" 8 Update the used localelist. .IP "\fB\-d\fP \fB\-debug\fP" 8 Enable detailed debugging. .IP "\fB\-p\fP \fB\-pretend\fP" 8 Lists the files that would be removed when not pretending. .IP "\fB\-v\fP \fB\-verbose\fP" 8 Enable verbose output. .IP "\fB\-h\fP \fB\-help\fP" 8 Output all options. .IP "\fB\-nc\fP \fB\-nocolor\fP" 8 Disables the use of colors in the output. .IP "\fB\-version\fP" 8 Outputs the installed version. .SH "A Word of CAUTION" Please note, that \fBthis tool is a hack which is not integrated with the Gentoo Portage system\fP and therefore is not meant for the faint of heart. Responsibility for its usage and possible breakage of your system therefore lies in the sysadmin's (your) hands. .br Please definitely do abstain from reporting any bugs blaming localepurge if \fByou\fP break your system by using it. If you don't know what you are doing and can't handle any resulting breakage on your own then please simply don't use it. .br All locale directories containing a subdirectory named LC_MESSAGES which are either commented out or not even listed at all in \fB/etc/locale.nopurge\fP will be irreversibly deleted. The only way to reinstall any lost locales is "remerging" the ebuild. .SH FILES .IP "\fB/etc/locale.nopurge\fP" 8 This is the main configuration file. You can set the localedirs to check and locales to keep. Also configure some of the available options. .IP "\fB/var/cache/localepurge/localelist\fP" 8 This file contains all locales that can potentially be removed. If this file does not exist, don't worry, it will be made when localepurge runs for the first time or by updating the localelist. .IP "\fB/var/cache/localepurge/localelist-glibc\fP" 8 This file is generated using the \fB/usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED\fP file from glibc and contains all locales that can be used by localepurge. This file is also generated when starting for the first time or updating the localelist. .IP "\fB/var/cache/localepurge/localelist-extra\fP" 8 This packaged file contains locales that can be installed on the system, but are not in localelist-glibc. .SH AUTHOR \fBlocalepurge\fP and its accompanying manual page was written for the \fBGentoo Linux\fP system by Jos� Alberto Su�rez L�pez. Based in the great job for Debian GNU/Linux of Paul Seelig .