/* * Copyright 2005-2014 Gentoo Foundation * Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 * * Copyright 2006 Thomas A. Cort - */ #ifdef APPLET_qcache #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /********************************************************************/ /* Required portage-utils stuff */ /********************************************************************/ #define QCACHE_FLAGS "p:c:idtans" COMMON_FLAGS static struct option const qcache_long_opts[] = { {"matchpkg", a_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {"matchcat", a_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"imlate", no_argument, NULL, 'i'}, {"dropped", no_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"testing", no_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"stats", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, {"all", no_argument, NULL, 'a'}, {"not", no_argument, NULL, 'n'}, COMMON_LONG_OPTS }; static const char * const qcache_opts_help[] = { "match pkgname", "match catname", "list packages that can be marked stable on a given arch", "list packages that have dropped keywords on a version bump on a given arch", "list packages that have ~arch versions, but no stable versions on a given arch", "display statistics about the portage tree", "list packages that have at least one version keyworded for on a given arch", "list packages that aren't keyworded on a given arch.", COMMON_OPTS_HELP }; #define qcache_usage(ret) usage(ret, QCACHE_FLAGS, qcache_long_opts, qcache_opts_help, lookup_applet_idx("qcache")) /********************************************************************/ /* Structs */ /********************************************************************/ typedef struct { char *category; char *package; char *ebuild; portage_cache *cache_data; unsigned char cur; unsigned char num; } qcache_data; /********************************************************************/ /* Global Variables */ /********************************************************************/ static char **archlist; /* Read from PORTDIR/profiles/arch.list in qcache_init() */ static int archlist_count; const char status[3] = {'-', '~', '+'}; int qcache_skip, qcache_test_arch, qcache_last = 0; char *qcache_matchpkg = NULL, *qcache_matchcat = NULL; /********************************************************************/ /* Enumerations */ /********************************************************************/ enum { none = 0, testing, stable, minus }; /********************************************************************/ /* Keyword functions */ /********************************************************************/ /* * int decode_status(char c); * * Decode keyword status * * IN: * char c - status to check * OUT: * int - one of the following enum { none = 0, testing, stable, minus }; */ _q_static int decode_status(char c) { switch (c) { case '-': return minus; case '~': return testing; default: return stable; } } /* * int decode_arch(const char *arch); * * Decode the architecture string * * IN: * const char *arch - name of an arch (alpha, amd64, ...) * OUT: * int pos - location of arch in archlist[] */ _q_static int decode_arch(const char *arch) { int a; const char *p; p = arch; if (*p == '~' || *p == '-') p++; for (a = 0; a < archlist_count; ++a) if (strcmp(archlist[a], p) == 0) return a; return -1; } /* * void print_keywords(char *category, char *ebuild, int *keywords); * * Prints the keywords to stdout * * IN: * char *category - current category of the current package * int *keywords - an array of keywords that coincides with archlist */ _q_static void print_keywords(const char *category, const char *ebuild, int *keywords) { int a; char *package; package = xstrdup(ebuild); package[strlen(ebuild)-7] = '\0'; printf("%s%s/%s%s%s ", BOLD, category, BLUE, package, NORM); for (a = 0; a < archlist_count; ++a) { switch (keywords[a]) { case stable: printf("%s%c%s%s ", GREEN, status[keywords[a]], archlist[a], NORM); break; case testing: printf("%s%c%s%s ", YELLOW, status[keywords[a]], archlist[a], NORM); break; default: break; } } printf("\n"); free(package); } /* * int read_keywords(char *s, int *keywords); * * Read the KEYWORDS string and decode the values * * IN: * char *s - a keywords string (ex: "alpha ~amd64 -x86") * int *keywords - the output * ERR: * int rc - -1 is returned on error (if !s || !keywords) */ _q_static int read_keywords(char *s, int *keywords) { char *arch, delim[2] = { ' ', '\0' }; size_t slen; int a; if (!s) return -1; memset(keywords, 0, sizeof(*keywords) * archlist_count); slen = strlen(s); if (slen >= 2 && s[0] == '-' && s[1] == '*') for (a = 0; a < archlist_count; ++a) keywords[a] = minus; if (!slen) return 0; arch = strtok(s, delim); do { a = decode_arch(arch); if (a == -1) continue; keywords[a] = decode_status(arch[0]); } while ((arch = strtok(NULL, delim))); return 0; } /********************************************************************/ /* File reading helper functions */ /********************************************************************/ /* * inline unsigned int qcache_count_lines(char *filename); * * Count the number of new line characters '\n' in a file. * * IN: * char *filename - name of the file to read. * OUT: * unsigned int count - number of new lines counted. * ERR: * -1 is returned if the file cannot be read. */ _q_static unsigned int qcache_count_lines(char *filename) { int count, fd; char c; if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC)) != -1) { count = 0; while (read(fd, &c, 1) == 1) if (c == '\n') count++; close(fd); return count; } return -1; } /* * char **qcache_read_lines(char *filename); * * Reads in every line contained in a file * * IN: * char *filename - name of the file to read. * OUT: * char **lines - number of new lines counted. * ERR: * NULL is returned if an error occurs. */ _q_static char **qcache_read_lines(char *filename) { int len, fd, count, i, num_lines; char **lines, c; if (-1 == (num_lines = qcache_count_lines(filename))) return NULL; len = sizeof(char*) * (num_lines + 1); lines = xzalloc(len); if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC)) != -1) { for (i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) { count = 0; /* determine the space needed for storing the line */ while (read(fd, &c, 1) == 1 && c != '\n') count++; lseek(fd, (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) - count - 1), SEEK_SET); lines[i] = xzalloc(sizeof(char) * (count+1)); /* copy the line into lines[i] */ assert(read(fd, lines[i], count) == count); assert(read(fd, &c, 1) == 1); /* skip '\n' */ } close(fd); return lines; } return NULL; } /* * void qcache_free_lines(char **lines); * * free()'s memory allocated by qcache_read_lines */ _q_static void qcache_free_lines(char **lines) { int i; for (i = 0; lines[i]; i++) free(lines[i]); free(lines); } /* * portage_cache *qcache_read_cache_file(const char *file); * * Read a file from the edb cache and store data in portage_cache. * * IN: * const char *filename - cache file to read * OUT: * portage_cache *pkg - cache data * ERR: * NULL is returned when an error occurs. */ _q_static portage_cache *qcache_read_cache_file(const char *filename) { struct stat s; char *ptr, *buf; FILE *f; portage_cache *ret = NULL; size_t len, buflen; if ((f = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) goto err; if (fstat(fileno(f), &s) != 0) { fclose(f); goto err; } buf = NULL; len = sizeof(*ret) + s.st_size + 1; ret = xzalloc(len); while (getline(&buf, &buflen, f) != -1) { if ((ptr = strrchr(buf, '\n')) != NULL) *ptr = 0; if (strncmp(buf, "DEPEND=", 7) == 0) ret->DEPEND = xstrdup(buf + 7); if (strncmp(buf, "DESCRIPTION=", 12) == 0) ret->DESCRIPTION = xstrdup(buf + 12); if (strncmp(buf, "HOMEPAGE=", 9) == 0) ret->HOMEPAGE = xstrdup(buf + 9); if (strncmp(buf, "INHERITED=", 10) == 0) ret->INHERITED = xstrdup(buf + 10); if (strncmp(buf, "IUSE=", 4) == 0) ret->IUSE = xstrdup(buf + 4); if (strncmp(buf, "KEYWORDS=", 9) == 0) ret->KEYWORDS = xstrdup(buf + 9); if (strncmp(buf, "LICENSE=", 8) == 0) ret->LICENSE = xstrdup(buf + 8); if (strncmp(buf, "PDEPEND=", 8) == 0) ret->PDEPEND = xstrdup(buf + 8); if (strncmp(buf, "PROVIDE=", 8) == 0) ret->PROVIDE = xstrdup(buf + 8); if (strncmp(buf, "RDEPEND=", 8) == 0) ret->RDEPEND = xstrdup(buf + 8); if (strncmp(buf, "RESTRICT=", 9) == 0) ret->RESTRICT = xstrdup(buf + 9); if (strncmp(buf, "SLOT=", 5) == 0) ret->SLOT = xstrdup(buf + 5); if (strncmp(buf, "SRC_URI=", 8) == 0) ret->SRC_URI = xstrdup(buf + 8); } free(buf); ret->atom = atom_explode(filename); fclose(f); return ret; err: if (ret) cache_free(ret); return NULL; } /* * void qcache_free_data(portage_cache *cache); * * free()'s a portage_cache * * IN: * portage_cache *cache - the portage_cache to be free()'d */ _q_static void qcache_free_data(portage_cache *cache) { int i; char **c; if (!cache) errf("Cache is empty !"); for (i = 0, c = (char**) cache; i < 15; i++) if (c[i]) free(c[i]); atom_implode(cache->atom); free(cache); } /********************************************************************/ /* Comparison functions */ /********************************************************************/ /* * int qcache_vercmp(const void *x, const void *y); * * Compare 2 struct dirent d_name strings based with atom_compare_str(). * Used with dirscan() to sort ebuild filenames by version. * * IN: * 2 (const struct dirent **) with d_name filled in * OUT: * -1 (NEWER) * 1 (OLDER) * 0 (SAME) */ _q_static int qcache_vercmp(const struct dirent **x, const struct dirent **y) { switch (atom_compare_str((*x)->d_name, (*y)->d_name)) { case NEWER: return -1; case OLDER: return 1; default: return 0; } } /********************************************************************/ /* Selection functions */ /********************************************************************/ /* * int qcache_file_select(const struct dirent *entry); * * Selects filenames that do not begin with '.' and are not name "metadata.xml" * or that file matches ".cpickle" * * IN: * const struct dirent *entry - entry to check * OUT: * int - 0 if filename begins with '.' or is "metadata.xml", otherwise 1 */ _q_static int qcache_file_select(const struct dirent *entry) { return !(entry->d_name[0] == '.' || (strcmp(entry->d_name, "metadata.xml") == 0) || (strstr(entry->d_name, ".cpickle") != 0)); } /* * int qcache_ebuild_select(const struct dirent *entry); * * Select filenames that end in ".ebuild" * * IN: * const struct dirent *entry - entry to check * OUT: * int - 1 if the filename ends in ".ebuild", otherwise 0 */ _q_static int qcache_ebuild_select(const struct dirent *entry) { return ((strlen(entry->d_name) > 7) && !strcmp(entry->d_name+strlen(entry->d_name)-7, ".ebuild")); } /********************************************************************/ /* Traversal function */ /********************************************************************/ /* * int qcache_traverse(void (*func)(qcache_data*)); * * visit every version of every package of every category in the tree * * IN: * void (*func)(qcache_data*) - function to call * OUT: * int - 0 on success. * ERR: * exit or return -1 on failure. */ _q_static int qcache_traverse(void (*func)(qcache_data*)) { qcache_data data; char *catpath, *pkgpath, *ebuildpath, *cachepath; int i, j, k, len, num_cat, num_pkg, num_ebuild; struct dirent **categories, **packages, **ebuilds; xasprintf(&catpath, "%s/dep/%s", portedb, portdir); if (-1 == (num_cat = scandir(catpath, &categories, qcache_file_select, alphasort))) { errp("%s", catpath); free(catpath); } if (!num_cat) warn("%s is empty!", catpath); /* traverse categories */ for (i = 0; i < num_cat; i++) { xasprintf(&pkgpath, "%s/%s", portdir, categories[i]->d_name); if (-1 == (num_pkg = scandir(pkgpath, &packages, qcache_file_select, alphasort))) { if (errno != ENOENT) warnp("Found a cache dir, but unable to process %s", pkgpath); free(categories[i]); free(pkgpath); continue; } if (qcache_matchcat) { if (strcmp(categories[i]->d_name, qcache_matchcat) != 0) { for (j = 0; j < num_pkg; j++) free(packages[j]); free(categories[i]); free(packages); free(pkgpath); continue; } } /* traverse packages */ for (j = 0; j < num_pkg; j++) { len = sizeof(char) * (strlen(portdir) + strlen("/") + strlen(categories[i]->d_name) + strlen("/") + strlen(packages[j]->d_name) + 1); ebuildpath = xzalloc(len); snprintf(ebuildpath, len, "%s/%s/%s", portdir, categories[i]->d_name, packages[j]->d_name); if (-1 == (num_ebuild = scandir(ebuildpath, &ebuilds, qcache_ebuild_select, qcache_vercmp))) { warnp("%s", ebuildpath); free(packages[i]); free(pkgpath); continue; } if (qcache_matchpkg) { if (strcmp(packages[j]->d_name, qcache_matchpkg) != 0) { for (k = 0; k < num_ebuild; k++) free(ebuilds[k]); free(packages[j]); free(ebuilds); free(ebuildpath); continue; } } qcache_skip = 0; /* traverse ebuilds */ for (k = 0; k < num_ebuild; k++) { len = sizeof(char) * (strlen(catpath) + strlen("/") + strlen(categories[i]->d_name) + strlen("/") + strlen(ebuilds[k]->d_name) + 1); cachepath = xzalloc(len); snprintf(cachepath, len, "%s/%s/%s", catpath, categories[i]->d_name, ebuilds[k]->d_name); cachepath[len-8] = '\0'; /* remove ".ebuild" */ data.category = categories[i]->d_name; data.package = packages[j]->d_name; data.ebuild = ebuilds[k]->d_name; data.cur = k + 1; data.num = num_ebuild; data.cache_data = qcache_read_cache_file(cachepath); if (data.cache_data != NULL) { /* is this the last ebuild? */ if (i+1 == num_cat && j+1 == num_pkg && k+1 == num_ebuild) qcache_last = 1; if (!qcache_skip) func(&data); qcache_free_data(data.cache_data); } else warnp("unable to read cache '%s'\n" "\tperhaps you need to `egencache -j 4` ?", cachepath); free(ebuilds[k]); free(cachepath); } free(packages[j]); free(ebuilds); free(ebuildpath); } free(categories[i]); free(packages); free(pkgpath); } free(categories); free(catpath); return 0; } /********************************************************************/ /* functors */ /********************************************************************/ _q_static void qcache_imlate(qcache_data *data) { int *keywords; int a; keywords = xmalloc(sizeof(*keywords) * archlist_count); if (read_keywords(data->cache_data->KEYWORDS, keywords) < 0) { warn("Failed to read keywords for %s%s/%s%s%s", BOLD, data->category, BLUE, data->ebuild, NORM); free(keywords); return; } switch (keywords[qcache_test_arch]) { case stable: qcache_skip = 1; case none: case minus: break; default: for (a = 0; a < archlist_count && !qcache_skip; ++a) { if (keywords[a] != stable) continue; qcache_skip = 1; print_keywords(data->category, data->ebuild, keywords); } } free(keywords); } _q_static void qcache_not(qcache_data *data) { int *keywords; keywords = xmalloc(sizeof(*keywords) * archlist_count); if (read_keywords(data->cache_data->KEYWORDS, keywords) < 0) { warn("Failed to read keywords for %s%s/%s%s%s", BOLD, data->category, BLUE, data->ebuild, NORM); free(keywords); return; } if (keywords[qcache_test_arch] == testing || keywords[qcache_test_arch] == stable) { qcache_skip = 1; } else if (data->cur == data->num) { printf("%s%s/%s%s%s\n", BOLD, data->category, BLUE, data->package, NORM); } free(keywords); } _q_static void qcache_all(qcache_data *data) { int *keywords; keywords = xmalloc(sizeof(*keywords) * archlist_count); if (read_keywords(data->cache_data->KEYWORDS, keywords) < 0) { warn("Failed to read keywords for %s%s/%s%s%s", BOLD, data->category, BLUE, data->ebuild, NORM); free(keywords); return; } if (keywords[qcache_test_arch] == stable || keywords[qcache_test_arch] == testing) { qcache_skip = 1; printf("%s%s/%s%s%s\n", BOLD, data->category, BLUE, data->package, NORM); } free(keywords); } _q_static void qcache_dropped(qcache_data *data) { static int possible = 0; int *keywords, i; if (data->cur == 1) possible = 0; keywords = xmalloc(sizeof(*keywords) * archlist_count); if (read_keywords(data->cache_data->KEYWORDS, keywords) < 0) { warn("Failed to read keywords for %s%s/%s%s%s", BOLD, data->category, BLUE, data->ebuild, NORM); free(keywords); return; } if (keywords[qcache_test_arch] == testing || keywords[qcache_test_arch] == stable) { qcache_skip = 1; if (possible) { printf("%s%s/%s%s%s\n", BOLD, data->category, BLUE, data->package, NORM); } free(keywords); return; } if (!possible) { /* don't count newer versions with "-*" keywords */ for (i = 0; i < archlist_count; ++i) { if (keywords[i] == stable || keywords[i] == testing) { possible = 1; break; } } } free(keywords); } _q_static void qcache_stats(qcache_data *data) { static time_t runtime; static int numpkg = 0; static int numebld = 0; static int numcat; static int *packages_stable; static int *packages_testing; static int *current_package_keywords; static int *keywords; int a, i; if (!numpkg) { struct dirent **categories; char *catpath; xasprintf(&catpath, "%s/dep/%s", portedb, portdir); if (-1 == (numcat = scandir(catpath, &categories, qcache_file_select, alphasort))) { errp("%s", catpath); free(catpath); } for (i = 0; i < numcat; i++) free(categories[i]); free(categories); runtime = time(NULL); packages_stable = xcalloc(archlist_count, sizeof(*packages_stable)); packages_testing = xcalloc(archlist_count, sizeof(*packages_testing)); keywords = xcalloc(archlist_count, sizeof(*keywords)); current_package_keywords = xcalloc(archlist_count, sizeof(*current_package_keywords)); } if (data->cur == 1) { numpkg++; memset(current_package_keywords, 0, archlist_count * sizeof(*current_package_keywords)); } ++numebld; memset(keywords, 0, archlist_count * sizeof(*keywords)); if (read_keywords(data->cache_data->KEYWORDS, keywords) < 0) { warn("Failed to read keywords for %s%s/%s%s%s", BOLD, data->category, BLUE, data->ebuild, NORM); return; } for (a = 0; a < archlist_count; ++a) { switch (keywords[a]) { case stable: current_package_keywords[a] = stable; break; case testing: if (current_package_keywords[a] != stable) current_package_keywords[a] = testing; default: break; } } if (data->cur == data->num) { for (a = 0; a < archlist_count; ++a) { switch (current_package_keywords[a]) { case stable: packages_stable[a]++; break; case testing: packages_testing[a]++; default: break; } } } if (qcache_last) { printf("+-------------------------+\n"); printf("| general statistics |\n"); printf("+-------------------------+\n"); printf("| %s%13s%s | %s%7d%s |\n", GREEN, "architectures", NORM, BLUE, archlist_count, NORM); printf("| %s%13s%s | %s%7d%s |\n", GREEN, "categories", NORM, BLUE, numcat, NORM); printf("| %s%13s%s | %s%7d%s |\n", GREEN, "packages", NORM, BLUE, numpkg, NORM); printf("| %s%13s%s | %s%7d%s |\n", GREEN, "ebuilds", NORM, BLUE, numebld, NORM); printf("+-------------------------+\n\n"); printf("+----------------------------------------------------------+\n"); printf("| keyword distribution |\n"); printf("+----------------------------------------------------------+\n"); printf("| %s%12s%s |%s%8s%s |%s%8s%s |%s%8s%s | %s%8s%s |\n", RED, "architecture", NORM, RED, "stable", NORM, RED, "~arch", NORM, RED, "total", NORM, RED, "total/#pkgs", NORM); printf("| | |%s%8s%s | | |\n", RED, "only", NORM); printf("+----------------------------------------------------------+\n"); for (a = 0; a < archlist_count; ++a) { printf("| %s%12s%s |", GREEN, archlist[a], NORM); printf("%s%8d%s |", BLUE, packages_stable[a], NORM); printf("%s%8d%s |", BLUE, packages_testing[a], NORM); printf("%s%8d%s |", BLUE, packages_testing[a]+packages_stable[a], NORM); printf("%s%11.2f%s%% |\n", BLUE, (100.0*(packages_testing[a]+packages_stable[a]))/numpkg, NORM); } printf("+----------------------------------------------------------+\n\n"); printf("Completed in %s%d%s seconds.\n", BLUE, (int)(time(NULL)-runtime), NORM); free(packages_stable); free(packages_testing); free(keywords); free(current_package_keywords); } } _q_static void qcache_testing_only(qcache_data *data) { static int possible = 0; int *keywords; if (data->cur == 1) possible = 0; keywords = xmalloc(sizeof(*keywords) * archlist_count); if (read_keywords(data->cache_data->KEYWORDS, keywords) < 0) { warn("Failed to read keywords for %s%s/%s%s%s", BOLD, data->category, BLUE, data->ebuild, NORM); free(keywords); return; } if (keywords[qcache_test_arch] == stable) { qcache_skip = 1; free(keywords); return; } /* the qcache_test_arch must have at least 1 ~arch keyword */ if (keywords[qcache_test_arch] == testing) possible = 1; if (data->cur == data->num && possible) { printf("%s%s/%s%s%s\n", BOLD, data->category, BLUE, data->package, NORM); } free(keywords); } /********************************************************************/ /* Misc functions */ /********************************************************************/ /* * int qcache_init(); * * Initialize variables (archlist, num_arches) * * OUT: * 0 is return on success. * ERR: * -1 is returned on error. */ _q_static int qcache_init(void) { char *filename; unsigned int len; len = sizeof(char) * (strlen(portdir) + strlen("/profiles/arch.list") + 1); filename = xzalloc(len); snprintf(filename, len, "%s/profiles/arch.list", portdir); if (NULL == (archlist = qcache_read_lines(filename))) { free(filename); return -1; } len = 0; while (archlist[len]) ++len; archlist_count = len; free(filename); return 0; } /* * int qcache_free(); * * Deallocate variables (archlist) */ _q_static void qcache_free(void) { qcache_free_lines(archlist); } /********************************************************************/ /* main */ /********************************************************************/ int qcache_main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, action = 0; DBG("argc=%d argv[0]=%s argv[1]=%s", argc, argv[0], argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "NULL?"); while ((i = GETOPT_LONG(QCACHE, qcache, "")) != -1) { switch (i) { case 'p': qcache_matchpkg = optarg; break; case 'c': qcache_matchcat = optarg; break; case 'i': case 'd': case 't': case 's': case 'a': case 'n': if (action) qcache_usage(EXIT_FAILURE); /* trying to use more than 1 action */ action = i; break; COMMON_GETOPTS_CASES(qcache) } } if (-1 == qcache_init()) err("Could not initialize arch list"); if (optind < argc) qcache_test_arch = decode_arch(argv[optind]); if ((qcache_test_arch == -1 && action != 's') || optind + 1 < argc) qcache_usage(EXIT_FAILURE); switch (action) { case 'i': return qcache_traverse(qcache_imlate); case 'd': return qcache_traverse(qcache_dropped); case 't': return qcache_traverse(qcache_testing_only); case 's': return qcache_traverse(qcache_stats); case 'a': return qcache_traverse(qcache_all); case 'n': return qcache_traverse(qcache_not); } qcache_free(); qcache_usage(EXIT_FAILURE); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #else DEFINE_APPLET_STUB(qcache) #endif