diff options
authorMichał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org>2018-07-17 21:50:45 +0200
committerZac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org>2018-07-18 16:19:11 -0700
commitbc0fa8d3795ed7e40aaa00f579bb2977897bce25 (patch)
tree2a62c721ee8dec47ddb564254e1cbd967577d1f0 /lib/_emerge/EbuildPhase.py
parentEventLoop: raise TypeError for unexpected call_* keyword args (diff)
Rename pym→lib, for better distutils-r1 interoperability
Closes: https://github.com/gentoo/portage/pull/343
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/_emerge/EbuildPhase.py')
1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/_emerge/EbuildPhase.py b/lib/_emerge/EbuildPhase.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4104cefa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/_emerge/EbuildPhase.py
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+import functools
+import gzip
+import io
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from _emerge.AsynchronousLock import AsynchronousLock
+from _emerge.BinpkgEnvExtractor import BinpkgEnvExtractor
+from _emerge.MiscFunctionsProcess import MiscFunctionsProcess
+from _emerge.EbuildProcess import EbuildProcess
+from _emerge.CompositeTask import CompositeTask
+from _emerge.PackagePhase import PackagePhase
+from _emerge.TaskSequence import TaskSequence
+from portage.package.ebuild.prepare_build_dirs import (_prepare_workdir,
+ _prepare_fake_distdir, _prepare_fake_filesdir)
+from portage.util import writemsg
+from portage.util._async.AsyncTaskFuture import AsyncTaskFuture
+ from portage.xml.metadata import MetaDataXML
+except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
+ raise
+except (ImportError, SystemError, RuntimeError, Exception):
+ # broken or missing xml support
+ # https://bugs.python.org/issue14988
+ MetaDataXML = None
+import portage
+ 'portage.elog:messages@elog_messages',
+ 'portage.package.ebuild.doebuild:_check_build_log,' + \
+ '_post_phase_cmds,_post_phase_userpriv_perms,' + \
+ '_post_src_install_soname_symlinks,' + \
+ '_post_src_install_uid_fix,_postinst_bsdflags,' + \
+ '_post_src_install_write_metadata,' + \
+ '_preinst_bsdflags'
+from portage import os
+from portage import _encodings
+from portage import _unicode_encode
+class EbuildPhase(CompositeTask):
+ __slots__ = ("actionmap", "fd_pipes", "phase", "settings") + \
+ ("_ebuild_lock",)
+ # FEATURES displayed prior to setup phase
+ _features_display = (
+ "ccache", "compressdebug", "distcc", "distcc-pump", "fakeroot",
+ "installsources", "keeptemp", "keepwork", "network-sandbox",
+ "network-sandbox-proxy", "nostrip", "preserve-libs", "sandbox",
+ "selinux", "sesandbox", "splitdebug", "suidctl", "test",
+ "userpriv", "usersandbox"
+ )
+ # Locked phases
+ _locked_phases = ("setup", "preinst", "postinst", "prerm", "postrm")
+ def _start(self):
+ need_builddir = self.phase not in EbuildProcess._phases_without_builddir
+ if need_builddir:
+ phase_completed_file = os.path.join(
+ self.settings['PORTAGE_BUILDDIR'],
+ ".%sed" % self.phase.rstrip('e'))
+ if not os.path.exists(phase_completed_file):
+ # If the phase is really going to run then we want
+ # to eliminate any stale elog messages that may
+ # exist from a previous run.
+ try:
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(self.settings['T'],
+ 'logging', self.phase))
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ if self.phase in ('nofetch', 'pretend', 'setup'):
+ use = self.settings.get('PORTAGE_BUILT_USE')
+ if use is None:
+ use = self.settings['PORTAGE_USE']
+ maint_str = ""
+ upstr_str = ""
+ metadata_xml_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.settings['EBUILD']), "metadata.xml")
+ if MetaDataXML is not None and os.path.isfile(metadata_xml_path):
+ herds_path = os.path.join(self.settings['PORTDIR'],
+ 'metadata/herds.xml')
+ try:
+ metadata_xml = MetaDataXML(metadata_xml_path, herds_path)
+ maint_str = metadata_xml.format_maintainer_string()
+ upstr_str = metadata_xml.format_upstream_string()
+ except SyntaxError:
+ maint_str = "<invalid metadata.xml>"
+ msg = []
+ msg.append("Package: %s" % self.settings.mycpv)
+ if self.settings.get('PORTAGE_REPO_NAME'):
+ msg.append("Repository: %s" % self.settings['PORTAGE_REPO_NAME'])
+ if maint_str:
+ msg.append("Maintainer: %s" % maint_str)
+ if upstr_str:
+ msg.append("Upstream: %s" % upstr_str)
+ msg.append("USE: %s" % use)
+ relevant_features = []
+ enabled_features = self.settings.features
+ for x in self._features_display:
+ if x in enabled_features:
+ relevant_features.append(x)
+ if relevant_features:
+ msg.append("FEATURES: %s" % " ".join(relevant_features))
+ # Force background=True for this header since it's intended
+ # for the log and it doesn't necessarily need to be visible
+ # elsewhere.
+ self._elog('einfo', msg, background=True)
+ if self.phase == 'package':
+ if 'PORTAGE_BINPKG_TMPFILE' not in self.settings:
+ self.settings['PORTAGE_BINPKG_TMPFILE'] = \
+ os.path.join(self.settings['PKGDIR'],
+ self.settings['CATEGORY'], self.settings['PF']) + '.tbz2'
+ if self.phase in ("pretend", "prerm"):
+ env_extractor = BinpkgEnvExtractor(background=self.background,
+ scheduler=self.scheduler, settings=self.settings)
+ if env_extractor.saved_env_exists():
+ self._start_task(env_extractor, self._env_extractor_exit)
+ return
+ # If the environment.bz2 doesn't exist, then ebuild.sh will
+ # source the ebuild as a fallback.
+ self._start_lock()
+ def _env_extractor_exit(self, env_extractor):
+ if self._default_exit(env_extractor) != os.EX_OK:
+ self.wait()
+ return
+ self._start_lock()
+ def _start_lock(self):
+ if (self.phase in self._locked_phases and
+ "ebuild-locks" in self.settings.features):
+ eroot = self.settings["EROOT"]
+ lock_path = os.path.join(eroot, portage.VDB_PATH + "-ebuild")
+ if os.access(os.path.dirname(lock_path), os.W_OK):
+ self._ebuild_lock = AsynchronousLock(path=lock_path,
+ scheduler=self.scheduler)
+ self._start_task(self._ebuild_lock, self._lock_exit)
+ return
+ self._start_ebuild()
+ def _lock_exit(self, ebuild_lock):
+ if self._default_exit(ebuild_lock) != os.EX_OK:
+ self.wait()
+ return
+ self._start_ebuild()
+ def _get_log_path(self):
+ # Don't open the log file during the clean phase since the
+ # open file can result in an nfs lock on $T/build.log which
+ # prevents the clean phase from removing $T.
+ logfile = None
+ if self.phase not in ("clean", "cleanrm") and \
+ self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND") != "subprocess":
+ logfile = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE")
+ return logfile
+ def _start_ebuild(self):
+ if self.phase == "package":
+ self._start_task(PackagePhase(actionmap=self.actionmap,
+ background=self.background, fd_pipes=self.fd_pipes,
+ logfile=self._get_log_path(), scheduler=self.scheduler,
+ settings=self.settings), self._ebuild_exit)
+ return
+ if self.phase == "unpack":
+ alist = self.settings.configdict["pkg"].get("A", "").split()
+ _prepare_fake_distdir(self.settings, alist)
+ _prepare_fake_filesdir(self.settings)
+ fd_pipes = self.fd_pipes
+ if fd_pipes is None:
+ if not self.background and self.phase == 'nofetch':
+ # All the pkg_nofetch output goes to stderr since
+ # it's considered to be an error message.
+ fd_pipes = {1 : sys.__stderr__.fileno()}
+ ebuild_process = EbuildProcess(actionmap=self.actionmap,
+ background=self.background, fd_pipes=fd_pipes,
+ logfile=self._get_log_path(), phase=self.phase,
+ scheduler=self.scheduler, settings=self.settings)
+ self._start_task(ebuild_process, self._ebuild_exit)
+ def _ebuild_exit(self, ebuild_process):
+ self._assert_current(ebuild_process)
+ if self._ebuild_lock is None:
+ self._ebuild_exit_unlocked(ebuild_process)
+ else:
+ self._start_task(
+ AsyncTaskFuture(future=self._ebuild_lock.async_unlock()),
+ functools.partial(self._ebuild_exit_unlocked, ebuild_process))
+ def _ebuild_exit_unlocked(self, ebuild_process, unlock_task=None):
+ if unlock_task is not None:
+ self._assert_current(unlock_task)
+ if unlock_task.cancelled:
+ self._default_final_exit(unlock_task)
+ return
+ # Normally, async_unlock should not raise an exception here.
+ unlock_task.future.result()
+ fail = False
+ if ebuild_process.returncode != os.EX_OK:
+ self.returncode = ebuild_process.returncode
+ if self.phase == "test" and \
+ "test-fail-continue" in self.settings.features:
+ # mark test phase as complete (bug #452030)
+ try:
+ open(_unicode_encode(os.path.join(
+ self.settings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"], ".tested"),
+ encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'),
+ 'wb').close()
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ fail = True
+ if not fail:
+ self.returncode = None
+ logfile = self._get_log_path()
+ if self.phase == "install":
+ out = io.StringIO()
+ _check_build_log(self.settings, out=out)
+ msg = out.getvalue()
+ self.scheduler.output(msg, log_path=logfile)
+ if fail:
+ self._die_hooks()
+ return
+ settings = self.settings
+ _post_phase_userpriv_perms(settings)
+ if self.phase == "unpack":
+ # Bump WORKDIR timestamp, in case tar gave it a timestamp
+ # that will interfere with distfiles / WORKDIR timestamp
+ # comparisons as reported in bug #332217. Also, fix
+ # ownership since tar can change that too.
+ os.utime(settings["WORKDIR"], None)
+ _prepare_workdir(settings)
+ elif self.phase == "install":
+ out = io.StringIO()
+ _post_src_install_write_metadata(settings)
+ _post_src_install_uid_fix(settings, out)
+ msg = out.getvalue()
+ if msg:
+ self.scheduler.output(msg, log_path=logfile)
+ elif self.phase == "preinst":
+ _preinst_bsdflags(settings)
+ elif self.phase == "postinst":
+ _postinst_bsdflags(settings)
+ post_phase_cmds = _post_phase_cmds.get(self.phase)
+ if post_phase_cmds is not None:
+ if logfile is not None and self.phase in ("install",):
+ # Log to a temporary file, since the code we are running
+ # reads PORTAGE_LOG_FILE for QA checks, and we want to
+ # avoid annoying "gzip: unexpected end of file" messages
+ # when FEATURES=compress-build-logs is enabled.
+ fd, logfile = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ os.close(fd)
+ post_phase = _PostPhaseCommands(background=self.background,
+ commands=post_phase_cmds, fd_pipes=self.fd_pipes,
+ logfile=logfile, phase=self.phase, scheduler=self.scheduler,
+ settings=settings)
+ self._start_task(post_phase, self._post_phase_exit)
+ return
+ # this point is not reachable if there was a failure and
+ # we returned for die_hooks above, so returncode must
+ # indicate success (especially if ebuild_process.returncode
+ # is unsuccessful and test-fail-continue came into play)
+ self.returncode = os.EX_OK
+ self._current_task = None
+ self.wait()
+ def _post_phase_exit(self, post_phase):
+ self._assert_current(post_phase)
+ log_path = None
+ if self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND") != "subprocess":
+ log_path = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE")
+ if post_phase.logfile is not None and \
+ post_phase.logfile != log_path:
+ # We were logging to a temp file (see above), so append
+ # temp file to main log and remove temp file.
+ self._append_temp_log(post_phase.logfile, log_path)
+ if self._final_exit(post_phase) != os.EX_OK:
+ writemsg("!!! post %s failed; exiting.\n" % self.phase,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ self._die_hooks()
+ return
+ if self.phase == "install":
+ out = io.StringIO()
+ _post_src_install_soname_symlinks(self.settings, out)
+ msg = out.getvalue()
+ if msg:
+ self.scheduler.output(msg, log_path=log_path)
+ self._current_task = None
+ self.wait()
+ return
+ def _append_temp_log(self, temp_log, log_path):
+ temp_file = open(_unicode_encode(temp_log,
+ encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'rb')
+ log_file, log_file_real = self._open_log(log_path)
+ for line in temp_file:
+ log_file.write(line)
+ temp_file.close()
+ log_file.close()
+ if log_file_real is not log_file:
+ log_file_real.close()
+ os.unlink(temp_log)
+ def _open_log(self, log_path):
+ f = open(_unicode_encode(log_path,
+ encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'),
+ mode='ab')
+ f_real = f
+ if log_path.endswith('.gz'):
+ f = gzip.GzipFile(filename='', mode='ab', fileobj=f)
+ return (f, f_real)
+ def _die_hooks(self):
+ self.returncode = None
+ phase = 'die_hooks'
+ die_hooks = MiscFunctionsProcess(background=self.background,
+ commands=[phase], phase=phase, logfile=self._get_log_path(),
+ fd_pipes=self.fd_pipes, scheduler=self.scheduler,
+ settings=self.settings)
+ self._start_task(die_hooks, self._die_hooks_exit)
+ def _die_hooks_exit(self, die_hooks):
+ if self.phase != 'clean' and \
+ 'noclean' not in self.settings.features and \
+ 'fail-clean' in self.settings.features:
+ self._default_exit(die_hooks)
+ self._fail_clean()
+ return
+ self._final_exit(die_hooks)
+ self.returncode = 1
+ self.wait()
+ def _fail_clean(self):
+ self.returncode = None
+ portage.elog.elog_process(self.settings.mycpv, self.settings)
+ phase = "clean"
+ clean_phase = EbuildPhase(background=self.background,
+ fd_pipes=self.fd_pipes, phase=phase, scheduler=self.scheduler,
+ settings=self.settings)
+ self._start_task(clean_phase, self._fail_clean_exit)
+ return
+ def _fail_clean_exit(self, clean_phase):
+ self._final_exit(clean_phase)
+ self.returncode = 1
+ self.wait()
+ def _elog(self, elog_funcname, lines, background=None):
+ if background is None:
+ background = self.background
+ out = io.StringIO()
+ phase = self.phase
+ elog_func = getattr(elog_messages, elog_funcname)
+ global_havecolor = portage.output.havecolor
+ try:
+ portage.output.havecolor = \
+ self.settings.get('NOCOLOR', 'false').lower() in ('no', 'false')
+ for line in lines:
+ elog_func(line, phase=phase, key=self.settings.mycpv, out=out)
+ finally:
+ portage.output.havecolor = global_havecolor
+ msg = out.getvalue()
+ if msg:
+ log_path = None
+ if self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BACKGROUND") != "subprocess":
+ log_path = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_LOG_FILE")
+ self.scheduler.output(msg, log_path=log_path,
+ background=background)
+class _PostPhaseCommands(CompositeTask):
+ __slots__ = ("commands", "fd_pipes", "logfile", "phase", "settings")
+ def _start(self):
+ if isinstance(self.commands, list):
+ cmds = [({}, self.commands)]
+ else:
+ cmds = list(self.commands)
+ if 'selinux' not in self.settings.features:
+ cmds = [(kwargs, commands) for kwargs, commands in
+ cmds if not kwargs.get('selinux_only')]
+ tasks = TaskSequence()
+ for kwargs, commands in cmds:
+ # Select args intended for MiscFunctionsProcess.
+ kwargs = dict((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()
+ if k in ('ld_preload_sandbox',))
+ tasks.add(MiscFunctionsProcess(background=self.background,
+ commands=commands, fd_pipes=self.fd_pipes,
+ logfile=self.logfile, phase=self.phase,
+ scheduler=self.scheduler, settings=self.settings, **kwargs))
+ self._start_task(tasks, self._default_final_exit)