diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'repoman/lib/repoman/modules/vcs/svn/changes.py')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/repoman/lib/repoman/modules/vcs/svn/changes.py b/repoman/lib/repoman/modules/vcs/svn/changes.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfed1655b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repoman/lib/repoman/modules/vcs/svn/changes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+Subversion module Changes class submodule
+from itertools import chain
+from repoman.modules.vcs.changes import ChangesBase
+from repoman._subprocess import repoman_popen
+from repoman._subprocess import repoman_getstatusoutput
+from repoman.modules.vcs.vcs import vcs_files_to_cps
+from repoman._portage import portage
+from portage import os
+from portage.output import green
+from portage.package.ebuild.digestgen import digestgen
+class Changes(ChangesBase):
+ '''Class object to scan and hold the resultant data
+ for all changes to process.
+ '''
+ vcs = 'svn'
+ def __init__(self, options, repo_settings):
+ '''Class init
+ @param options: the run time cli options
+ @param repo_settings: RepoSettings instance
+ '''
+ super(Changes, self).__init__(options, repo_settings)
+ def _scan(self):
+ '''VCS type scan function, looks for all detectable changes'''
+ with repoman_popen("svn status") as f:
+ svnstatus = f.readlines()
+ self.changed = [
+ "./" + elem.split()[-1:][0]
+ for elem in svnstatus
+ if elem and elem[:1] in "MR"]
+ self.new = [
+ "./" + elem.split()[-1:][0]
+ for elem in svnstatus
+ if elem.startswith("A")]
+ self.removed = [
+ "./" + elem.split()[-1:][0]
+ for elem in svnstatus
+ if elem.startswith("D")]
+ @property
+ def expansion(self):
+ '''VCS method of getting the expanded keywords in the repository'''
+ if self._expansion is not None:
+ return self._expansion
+ # Subversion expands keywords specified in svn:keywords properties.
+ with repoman_popen("svn propget -R svn:keywords") as f:
+ props = f.readlines()
+ self._expansion = dict(
+ ("./" + prop.split(" - ")[0], prop.split(" - ")[1].split())
+ for prop in props if " - " in prop)
+ del props
+ return self._expansion
+ @property
+ def unadded(self):
+ '''VCS method of getting the unadded files in the repository'''
+ if self._unadded is not None:
+ return self._unadded
+ with repoman_popen("svn status --no-ignore") as f:
+ svnstatus = f.readlines()
+ self._unadded = [
+ "./" + elem.rstrip().split()[1]
+ for elem in svnstatus
+ if elem.startswith("?") or elem.startswith("I")]
+ del svnstatus
+ return self._unadded
+ def thick_manifest(self, updates, headers, no_expansion, expansion):
+ '''Create a thick manifest
+ @param updates:
+ @param headers:
+ @param no_expansion:
+ @param expansion:
+ '''
+ svn_keywords = dict((k.lower(), k) for k in [
+ "Rev",
+ "Revision",
+ "LastChangedRevision",
+ "Date",
+ "LastChangedDate",
+ "Author",
+ "LastChangedBy",
+ "URL",
+ "HeadURL",
+ "Id",
+ "Header",
+ ])
+ for _file in updates:
+ # for SVN, expansion contains files that are included in expansion
+ if _file not in expansion:
+ continue
+ # Subversion keywords are case-insensitive
+ # in svn:keywords properties,
+ # but case-sensitive in contents of files.
+ enabled_keywords = []
+ for k in expansion[_file]:
+ keyword = svn_keywords.get(k.lower())
+ if keyword is not None:
+ enabled_keywords.append(keyword)
+ headerstring = r"'\$(%s).*\$'" % "|".join(enabled_keywords)
+ _out = repoman_getstatusoutput(
+ "egrep -q %s %s" % (headerstring, portage._shell_quote(_file)))
+ if _out[0] == 0:
+ headers.append(_file)
+ print("%s have headers that will change." % green(str(len(headers))))
+ print(
+ "* Files with headers will"
+ " cause the manifests to be changed and committed separately.")
+ def digest_regen(self, updates, removed, manifests, scanner, broken_changelog_manifests):
+ '''Regenerate manifests
+ @param updates: updated files
+ @param removed: removed files
+ @param manifests: Manifest files
+ @param scanner: The repoman.scanner.Scanner instance
+ @param broken_changelog_manifests: broken changelog manifests
+ '''
+ if updates or removed:
+ for x in sorted(vcs_files_to_cps(
+ chain(updates, removed, manifests),
+ scanner.repo_settings.repodir,
+ scanner.repolevel, scanner.reposplit, scanner.categories)):
+ self.repoman_settings["O"] = os.path.join(self.repo_settings.repodir, x)
+ digestgen(mysettings=self.repoman_settings, myportdb=self.repo_settings.portdb)