#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # Author: # source /lib/gentoo/functions.sh scriptpath=${BASH_SOURCE[0]} scriptname=${scriptpath##*/} IFS=':' for path in ${PATH}; do [[ -x ${path}/${scriptname} ]] || continue [[ ${path}/${scriptname} -ef ${scriptpath} ]] && continue unset IFS eerror "Deprecation warning: Calling ${scriptname} from wrong path: '${scriptpath}'" eerror "Correct path should be '${path}/${scriptname}', Please correct your scripts or file a bug with the maintainer..." exec "${path}/${scriptname}" "$@" done unset IFS eerror "ERROR: portage file: deprecated-path: Failed to locate ${scriptname} in PATH" eerror "PATH: ${PATH}" exit 1