#!/usr/bin/python -b # Copyright 2009-2015 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # unicode_literals for compat with TextIOWrapper in Python 2 from __future__ import print_function import argparse import platform import signal import stat import sys # This block ensures that ^C interrupts are handled quietly. try: def exithandler(signum, _frame): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN) sys.exit(128 + signum) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(128 + signal.SIGINT) def debug_signal(_signum, _frame): import pdb pdb.set_trace() if platform.python_implementation() == 'Jython': debug_signum = signal.SIGUSR2 # bug #424259 else: debug_signum = signal.SIGUSR1 signal.signal(debug_signum, debug_signal) import io import logging import subprocess import time import textwrap import re from os import path as osp if osp.isfile(osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__))), ".portage_not_installed")): sys.path.insert(0, osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__))), "lib")) import portage portage._internal_caller = True from portage import os, _encodings, _unicode_encode, _unicode_decode from _emerge.MetadataRegen import MetadataRegen from portage.cache.cache_errors import CacheError, StatCollision from portage.cache.index.pkg_desc_index import pkg_desc_index_line_format from portage.const import TIMESTAMP_FORMAT from portage.package.ebuild._parallel_manifest.ManifestScheduler import ManifestScheduler from portage.util import cmp_sort_key, writemsg_level from portage.util._async.AsyncFunction import AsyncFunction from portage.util._async.run_main_scheduler import run_main_scheduler from portage.util._async.TaskScheduler import TaskScheduler from portage.util._eventloop.global_event_loop import global_event_loop from portage.util.changelog import ChangeLogTypeSort from portage import cpv_getkey from portage.dep import Atom, isjustname from portage.versions import vercmp try: from xml.etree import ElementTree except ImportError: pass else: try: from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError except ImportError: pass else: from portage.xml.metadata import parse_metadata_use def parse_args(args): usage = "egencache [options] ... [atom] ..." parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage) actions = parser.add_argument_group('Actions') actions.add_argument("--update", action="store_true", help="update metadata/md5-cache/ (generate as necessary)") actions.add_argument("--update-use-local-desc", action="store_true", help="update the use.local.desc file from metadata.xml") actions.add_argument("--update-changelogs", action="store_true", help="update the ChangeLog files from SCM logs") actions.add_argument("--update-pkg-desc-index", action="store_true", help="update package description index") actions.add_argument("--update-manifests", action="store_true", help="update manifests") common = parser.add_argument_group('Common options') common.add_argument("--repo", action="store", help="name of repo to operate on") common.add_argument("--config-root", help="location of portage config files", dest="portage_configroot") common.add_argument("--gpg-dir", help="override the PORTAGE_GPG_DIR variable", dest="gpg_dir") common.add_argument("--gpg-key", help="override the PORTAGE_GPG_KEY variable", dest="gpg_key") common.add_argument("--repositories-configuration", help="override configuration of repositories (in format of repos.conf)", dest="repositories_configuration") common.add_argument("--sign-manifests", choices=('y', 'n'), metavar="", help="manually override layout.conf sign-manifests setting") common.add_argument("--strict-manifests", choices=('y', 'n'), metavar="", help="manually override \"strict\" FEATURES setting") common.add_argument("--thin-manifests", choices=('y', 'n'), metavar="", help="manually override layout.conf thin-manifests setting") common.add_argument("--tolerant", action="store_true", help="exit successfully if only minor errors occurred") common.add_argument("--ignore-default-opts", action="store_true", help="do not use the EGENCACHE_DEFAULT_OPTS environment variable") common.add_argument("--write-timestamp", action="store_true", help="write metadata/timestamp.chk as required for rsync repositories") update = parser.add_argument_group('--update options') update.add_argument("--cache-dir", help="location of the metadata cache", dest="cache_dir") update.add_argument("-j", "--jobs", type=int, action="store", help="max ebuild processes to spawn") update.add_argument("--load-average", type=float, action="store", help="max load allowed when spawning multiple jobs", dest="load_average") update.add_argument("--rsync", action="store_true", help="enable rsync stat collision workaround " + \ "for bug 139134 (use with --update)") uld = parser.add_argument_group('--update-use-local-desc options') uld.add_argument("--preserve-comments", action="store_true", help="preserve the comments from the existing use.local.desc file") uld.add_argument("--use-local-desc-output", help="output file for use.local.desc data (or '-' for stdout)", dest="uld_output") uc = parser.add_argument_group('--update-changelogs options') uc.add_argument("--changelog-reversed", action="store_true", help="log commits in reverse order (oldest first)") uc.add_argument("--changelog-output", help="output filename for change logs", dest="changelog_output", default="ChangeLog") options, args = parser.parse_known_args(args) if options.jobs: jobs = None try: jobs = int(options.jobs) except ValueError: jobs = -1 if jobs < 1: parser.error("Invalid: --jobs='%s'" % \ (options.jobs,)) options.jobs = jobs else: options.jobs = None if options.load_average: try: load_average = float(options.load_average) except ValueError: load_average = 0.0 if load_average <= 0.0: parser.error("Invalid: --load-average='%s'" % \ (options.load_average,)) options.load_average = load_average else: options.load_average = None options.config_root = options.portage_configroot if options.config_root is not None and \ not os.path.isdir(options.config_root): parser.error("Not a directory: --config-root='%s'" % \ (options.config_root,)) if options.cache_dir is not None: if not os.path.isdir(options.cache_dir): parser.error("Not a directory: --cache-dir='%s'" % \ (options.cache_dir,)) if not os.access(options.cache_dir, os.W_OK): parser.error("Write access denied: --cache-dir='%s'" % \ (options.cache_dir,)) for atom in args: try: atom = portage.dep.Atom(atom) except portage.exception.InvalidAtom: parser.error('Invalid atom: %s' % (atom,)) if not isjustname(atom): parser.error('Atom is too specific: %s' % (atom,)) if options.update_use_local_desc: try: ElementTree ExpatError except NameError: parser.error('--update-use-local-desc requires python with USE=xml!') if options.uld_output == '-' and options.preserve_comments: parser.error('--preserve-comments can not be used when outputting to stdout') return parser, options, args class GenCache: def __init__(self, portdb, cp_iter=None, max_jobs=None, max_load=None, rsync=False): # The caller must set portdb.porttrees in order to constrain # findname, cp_list, and cpv_list to the desired tree. tree = portdb.porttrees[0] self._portdb = portdb self._eclass_db = portdb.repositories.get_repo_for_location(tree).eclass_db self._auxdbkeys = portdb._known_keys # We can globally cleanse stale cache only if we # iterate over every single cp. self._global_cleanse = cp_iter is None if cp_iter is not None: self._cp_set = set(cp_iter) cp_iter = iter(self._cp_set) self._cp_missing = self._cp_set.copy() else: self._cp_set = None self._cp_missing = set() write_auxdb = "metadata-transfer" in portdb.settings.features self._regen = MetadataRegen(portdb, cp_iter=cp_iter, consumer=self._metadata_callback, max_jobs=max_jobs, max_load=max_load, write_auxdb=write_auxdb, main=True) self.returncode = os.EX_OK conf = portdb.repositories.get_repo_for_location(tree) self._trg_caches = tuple(conf.iter_pregenerated_caches( self._auxdbkeys, force=True, readonly=False)) if not self._trg_caches: raise Exception("cache formats '%s' aren't supported" % (" ".join(conf.cache_formats),)) if rsync: for trg_cache in self._trg_caches: if hasattr(trg_cache, 'raise_stat_collision'): trg_cache.raise_stat_collision = True # Make _metadata_callback write this cache first, in case # it raises a StatCollision and triggers mtime # modification. self._trg_caches = tuple([trg_cache] + [x for x in self._trg_caches if x is not trg_cache]) self._existing_nodes = set() def _metadata_callback(self, cpv, repo_path, metadata, ebuild_hash, eapi_supported): self._existing_nodes.add(cpv) self._cp_missing.discard(cpv_getkey(cpv)) # Since we're supposed to be able to efficiently obtain the # EAPI from _parse_eapi_ebuild_head, we don't write cache # entries for unsupported EAPIs. if metadata is not None and eapi_supported: for trg_cache in self._trg_caches: self._write_cache(trg_cache, cpv, repo_path, metadata, ebuild_hash) def _write_cache(self, trg_cache, cpv, repo_path, metadata, ebuild_hash): if not hasattr(trg_cache, 'raise_stat_collision'): # This cache does not avoid redundant writes automatically, # so check for an identical existing entry before writing. # This prevents unnecessary disk writes and can also prevent # unnecessary rsync transfers. try: dest = trg_cache[cpv] except (KeyError, CacheError): pass else: if trg_cache.validate_entry(dest, ebuild_hash, self._eclass_db): identical = True for k in self._auxdbkeys: if dest.get(k, '') != metadata.get(k, ''): identical = False break if identical: return try: chf = trg_cache.validation_chf metadata['_%s_' % chf] = getattr(ebuild_hash, chf) try: trg_cache[cpv] = metadata except StatCollision as sc: # If the content of a cache entry changes and neither the # file mtime nor size changes, it will prevent rsync from # detecting changes. Cache backends may raise this # exception from _setitem() if they detect this type of stat # collision. These exceptions are handled by bumping the # mtime on the ebuild (and the corresponding cache entry). # See bug #139134. It is convenient to include checks for # redundant writes along with the internal StatCollision # detection code, so for caches with the # raise_stat_collision attribute, we do not need to # explicitly check for redundant writes like we do for the # other cache types above. max_mtime = sc.mtime for _ec, ec_hash in metadata['_eclasses_'].items(): if max_mtime < ec_hash.mtime: max_mtime = ec_hash.mtime if max_mtime == sc.mtime: max_mtime += 1 max_mtime = int(max_mtime) try: os.utime(ebuild_hash.location, (max_mtime, max_mtime)) except OSError as e: self.returncode |= 1 writemsg_level( "%s writing target: %s\n" % (cpv, e), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) else: ebuild_hash.mtime = max_mtime metadata['_mtime_'] = max_mtime trg_cache[cpv] = metadata self._portdb.auxdb[repo_path][cpv] = metadata except CacheError as ce: self.returncode |= 1 writemsg_level( "%s writing target: %s\n" % (cpv, ce), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) def run(self): signum = run_main_scheduler(self._regen) if signum is not None: sys.exit(128 + signum) self.returncode |= self._regen.returncode for trg_cache in self._trg_caches: self._cleanse_cache(trg_cache) def _cleanse_cache(self, trg_cache): cp_missing = self._cp_missing dead_nodes = set() if self._global_cleanse: try: for cpv in trg_cache: cp = cpv_getkey(cpv) if cp is None: self.returncode |= 1 writemsg_level( "Unable to parse cp for '%s'\n" % (cpv,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) else: dead_nodes.add(cpv) except CacheError as ce: self.returncode |= 1 writemsg_level( "Error listing cache entries for " + \ "'%s': %s, continuing...\n" % \ (trg_cache.location, ce), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) else: cp_set = self._cp_set try: for cpv in trg_cache: cp = cpv_getkey(cpv) if cp is None: self.returncode |= 1 writemsg_level( "Unable to parse cp for '%s'\n" % (cpv,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) else: cp_missing.discard(cp) if cp in cp_set: dead_nodes.add(cpv) except CacheError as ce: self.returncode |= 1 writemsg_level( "Error listing cache entries for " + \ "'%s': %s, continuing...\n" % \ (trg_cache.location, ce), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) if cp_missing: self.returncode |= 1 for cp in sorted(cp_missing): writemsg_level( "No ebuilds or cache entries found for '%s'\n" % (cp,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) if dead_nodes: dead_nodes.difference_update(self._existing_nodes) for k in dead_nodes: try: del trg_cache[k] except KeyError: pass except CacheError as ce: self.returncode |= 1 writemsg_level( "%s deleting stale cache: %s\n" % (k, ce), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) if not trg_cache.autocommits: try: trg_cache.commit() except CacheError as ce: self.returncode |= 1 writemsg_level( "committing target: %s\n" % (ce,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) if hasattr(trg_cache, '_prune_empty_dirs'): trg_cache._prune_empty_dirs() class GenPkgDescIndex: def __init__(self, portdb, output_file): self.returncode = os.EX_OK self._portdb = portdb self._output_file = output_file def run(self): portage.util.ensure_dirs(os.path.dirname(self._output_file)) f = portage.util.atomic_ofstream(self._output_file, encoding=_encodings["repo.content"]) portdb = self._portdb for cp in portdb.cp_all(): pkgs = portdb.cp_list(cp) if not pkgs: continue desc, = portdb.aux_get(pkgs[-1], ["DESCRIPTION"]) f.write(pkg_desc_index_line_format(cp, pkgs, desc)) f.close() class GenUseLocalDesc: def __init__(self, portdb, output=None, preserve_comments=False): self.returncode = os.EX_OK self._portdb = portdb self._output = output self._preserve_comments = preserve_comments def run(self): repo_path = self._portdb.porttrees[0] ops = {'<':0, '<=':1, '=':2, '>=':3, '>':4} prev_mtime = None prev_md5 = None if self._output is None or self._output != '-': if self._output is None: prof_path = os.path.join(repo_path, 'profiles') desc_path = os.path.join(prof_path, 'use.local.desc') try: os.mkdir(prof_path) except OSError: pass else: desc_path = self._output try: prev_md5 = portage.checksum.perform_md5(desc_path) prev_mtime = os.stat(desc_path)[stat.ST_MTIME] except (portage.exception.FileNotFound, OSError): pass try: if self._preserve_comments: # Probe in binary mode, in order to avoid # potential character encoding issues. output = open(_unicode_encode(desc_path, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'r+b') else: output = io.open(_unicode_encode(desc_path, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='w', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='backslashreplace') except IOError as e: if not self._preserve_comments or \ os.path.isfile(desc_path): writemsg_level( "ERROR: failed to open output file %s: %s\n" \ % (desc_path, e), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) self.returncode |= 2 return # Open in r+b mode failed because the file doesn't # exist yet. We can probably recover if we disable # preserve_comments mode now. writemsg_level( "WARNING: --preserve-comments enabled, but " + \ "output file not found: %s\n" % (desc_path,), level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1) self._preserve_comments = False try: output = io.open(_unicode_encode(desc_path, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='w', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='backslashreplace') except IOError as e: writemsg_level( "ERROR: failed to open output file %s: %s\n" \ % (desc_path, e), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) self.returncode |= 2 return else: output = sys.stdout if self._preserve_comments: while True: pos = output.tell() if not output.readline().startswith(b'#'): break output.seek(pos) output.truncate() output.close() # Finished probing comments in binary mode, now append # in text mode. output = io.open(_unicode_encode(desc_path, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), mode='a', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='backslashreplace') output.write('\n') else: output.write(textwrap.dedent('''\ # This file is deprecated as per GLEP 56 in favor of metadata.xml. Please add # your descriptions to your package's metadata.xml ONLY. # * generated automatically using egencache * ''')) # The cmp function no longer exists in python3, so we'll # implement our own here under a slightly different name # since we don't want any confusion given that we never # want to rely on the builtin cmp function. def cmp_func(a, b): if a is None or b is None: # None can't be compared with other types in python3. if a is None and b is None: return 0 elif a is None: return -1 else: return 1 return (a > b) - (a < b) class _MetadataTreeBuilder(ElementTree.TreeBuilder): """ Implements doctype() as required to avoid deprecation warnings since Python >=2.7 """ def doctype(self, name, pubid, system): pass for cp in self._portdb.cp_all(): metadata_path = os.path.join(repo_path, cp, 'metadata.xml') try: metadata = ElementTree.parse(_unicode_encode(metadata_path, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), parser=ElementTree.XMLParser( target=_MetadataTreeBuilder())) except IOError: pass except (ExpatError, EnvironmentError) as e: writemsg_level( "ERROR: failed parsing %s/metadata.xml: %s\n" % (cp, e), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) self.returncode |= 1 else: try: usedict = parse_metadata_use(metadata) except portage.exception.ParseError as e: writemsg_level( "ERROR: failed parsing %s/metadata.xml: %s\n" % (cp, e), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) self.returncode |= 1 else: for flag in sorted(usedict): def atomcmp(atoma, atomb): # None is better than an atom, that's why we reverse the args if atoma is None or atomb is None: return cmp_func(atomb, atoma) # Same for plain PNs (.operator is None then) elif atoma.operator is None or atomb.operator is None: return cmp_func(atomb.operator, atoma.operator) # Version matching elif atoma.cpv != atomb.cpv: return vercmp(atoma.version, atomb.version) # Versions match, let's fallback to operator matching else: return cmp_func(ops.get(atoma.operator, -1), ops.get(atomb.operator, -1)) def _Atom(key): if key is not None: return Atom(key) return None resdict = usedict[flag] if len(resdict) == 1: resdesc = next(iter(resdict.items()))[1] else: try: reskeys = dict((_Atom(k), k) for k in resdict) except portage.exception.InvalidAtom as e: writemsg_level( "ERROR: failed parsing %s/metadata.xml: %s\n" % (cp, e), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) self.returncode |= 1 resdesc = next(iter(resdict.items()))[1] else: resatoms = sorted(reskeys, key=cmp_sort_key(atomcmp)) resdesc = resdict[reskeys[resatoms[-1]]] output.write('%s:%s - %s\n' % (cp, flag, resdesc)) output.close() if (prev_mtime is not None and prev_md5 == portage.checksum.perform_md5(desc_path)): # Preserve mtime for rsync. mtime = prev_mtime else: # For portability, and consistency with the mtime preservation # code, set mtime to an exact integer value. mtime = int(time.time()) os.utime(desc_path, (mtime, mtime)) class GenChangeLogs: def __init__(self, portdb, changelog_output, changelog_reversed, max_jobs=None, max_load=None): self.returncode = os.EX_OK self._portdb = portdb self._wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper( width = 78, initial_indent = ' ', subsequent_indent = ' ' ) self._changelog_output = changelog_output self._changelog_reversed = changelog_reversed self._max_jobs = max_jobs self._max_load = max_load self._repo_path = self._portdb.porttrees[0] # --work-tree=... must be passed to Git if GIT_DIR is used # and GIT_DIR is not a child of the root of the checkout # eg: # GIT_DIR=$parent/work/.git/ # work-tree=$parent/staging/ # If work-tree is not passed, Git tries to use the shared # parent of the current directory and the $GIT_DIR, which can # be outside the root of the checkout. self._work_tree = '--work-tree=%s' % self._repo_path @staticmethod def grab(cmd): p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return _unicode_decode(p.communicate()[0], encoding=_encodings['stdio'], errors='strict') def generate_changelog(self, cp): os.chdir(os.path.join(self._repo_path, cp)) # Determine whether ChangeLog is up-to-date by comparing # the newest commit timestamp with the ChangeLog timestamp. lmod = self.grab(['git', self._work_tree, 'log', '--format=%ct', '-1', '.']) if not lmod: # This cp has not been added to the repo. return lmod = int(lmod) try: cmod = os.stat('ChangeLog')[stat.ST_MTIME] except OSError: cmod = 0 # Use exact comparison, since commit times are # not necessarily ordered. if cmod == lmod: return try: output = io.open(self._changelog_output, mode='w', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='backslashreplace') except IOError as e: writemsg_level( "ERROR: failed to open ChangeLog for %s: %s\n" % (cp,e,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) self.returncode |= 2 return output.write(textwrap.dedent('''\ # ChangeLog for %s # Copyright 1999-%s Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # (auto-generated from git log) ''' % (cp, time.strftime('%Y')))) # now grab all the commits revlist_cmd = ['git', self._work_tree, 'rev-list'] if self._changelog_reversed: revlist_cmd.append('--reverse') revlist_cmd.extend(['HEAD', '--', '.']) commits = self.grab(revlist_cmd).split() for c in commits: # Explaining the arguments: # --name-status to get a list of added/removed files # --no-renames to avoid getting more complex records on the list # --format to get the timestamp, author and commit description # --root to make it work fine even with the initial commit # --relative=$cp to get paths relative to ebuilddir # -r (recursive) to get per-file changes # then the commit-id and path. cinfo = self.grab(['git', self._work_tree, 'diff-tree', '--name-status', '--no-renames', '--format=%ct %cN <%cE>%n%B', '--root', '--relative=%s' % (cp, ), '-r', c, '--', '.']).rstrip('\n').split('\n') # Expected output: # timestamp Author Name # commit message l1 # ... # commit message ln # # status1 filename1 # ... # statusn filenamen changed = [] for n, l in enumerate(reversed(cinfo)): if not l: body = cinfo[1:-n-1] break else: f = l.split() if f[1] == 'Manifest': pass # XXX: remanifest commits? elif f[1].startswith('ChangeLog'): pass elif f[0].startswith('A'): changed.append(ChangeLogTypeSort("+", f[1])) elif f[0].startswith('D'): changed.append(ChangeLogTypeSort("-", f[1])) elif f[0].startswith('M'): changed.append(ChangeLogTypeSort("", f[1])) else: writemsg_level( "ERROR: unexpected git file status for %s: %s\n" % (cp,f,), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) self.returncode |= 1 if not changed: continue (ts, author) = cinfo[0].split(' ', 1) date = time.strftime('%d %b %Y', time.gmtime(float(ts))) changed = [str(x) for x in sorted(changed)] wroteheader = False # Reverse the sort order for headers. for c in reversed(changed): if c.startswith('+') and c.endswith('.ebuild'): output.write('*%s (%s)\n' % (c[1:-7], date)) wroteheader = True if wroteheader: output.write('\n') # strip ': ', '[] ', and similar body[0] = re.sub(r'^\W*' + re.escape(cp) + r'\W+', '', body[0]) # strip trailing newline if not body[-1]: body = body[:-1] # strip git-svn id if body[-1].startswith('git-svn-id:') and not body[-2]: body = body[:-2] # strip the repoman version/manifest note if body[-1] == ' (Signed Manifest commit)' or body[-1] == ' (Unsigned Manifest commit)': body = body[:-1] if body[-1].startswith('(Portage version:') and body[-1].endswith(')'): body = body[:-1] if not body[-1]: body = body[:-1] # don't break filenames on hyphens self._wrapper.break_on_hyphens = False output.write(self._wrapper.fill( '%s; %s %s:' % (date, author, ', '.join(changed)))) # but feel free to break commit messages there self._wrapper.break_on_hyphens = True output.write( '\n%s\n\n' % '\n'.join(self._wrapper.fill(x) for x in body)) output.close() os.utime(self._changelog_output, (lmod, lmod)) def _task_iter(self): if not os.path.isdir(os.environ.get('GIT_DIR', os.path.join(self._repo_path, '.git'))): writemsg_level( "ERROR: --update-changelogs supported only in git repos\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) self.returncode = 127 return for cp in self._portdb.cp_all(): yield AsyncFunction(target=self.generate_changelog, args=[cp]) def run(self): return run_main_scheduler( TaskScheduler(self._task_iter(), event_loop=global_event_loop(), max_jobs=self._max_jobs, max_load=self._max_load)) def egencache_main(args): # The calling environment is ignored, so the program is # completely controlled by commandline arguments. env = {} if not sys.stdout.isatty(): portage.output.nocolor() env['NOCOLOR'] = 'true' parser, options, atoms = parse_args(args) config_root = options.config_root if options.repositories_configuration is not None: env['PORTAGE_REPOSITORIES'] = options.repositories_configuration if options.cache_dir is not None: env['PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR'] = options.cache_dir settings = portage.config(config_root=config_root, local_config=False, env=env) default_opts = None if not options.ignore_default_opts: default_opts = portage.util.shlex_split( settings.get('EGENCACHE_DEFAULT_OPTS', '')) if default_opts: parser, options, args = parse_args(default_opts + args) if options.cache_dir is not None: env['PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR'] = options.cache_dir settings = portage.config(config_root=config_root, local_config=False, env=env) if not (options.update or options.update_use_local_desc or options.update_changelogs or options.update_manifests or options.update_pkg_desc_index): parser.error('No action specified') return 1 if options.repo is None: if len(settings.repositories.prepos) == 2: for repo in settings.repositories: if repo.name != "DEFAULT": options.repo = repo.name break if options.repo is None: parser.error("--repo option is required") repo_path = settings.repositories.treemap.get(options.repo) if repo_path is None: parser.error("Unable to locate repository named '%s'" % (options.repo,)) return 1 repo_config = settings.repositories.get_repo_for_location(repo_path) if options.strict_manifests is not None: if options.strict_manifests == "y": settings.features.add("strict") else: settings.features.discard("strict") if options.update and 'metadata-transfer' not in settings.features: # Forcibly enable metadata-transfer if portdbapi has a pregenerated # cache that does not support eclass validation. cache = repo_config.get_pregenerated_cache( portage.dbapi.dbapi._known_keys, readonly=True) if cache is not None and not cache.complete_eclass_entries: settings.features.add('metadata-transfer') cache = None settings.lock() portdb = portage.portdbapi(mysettings=settings) # Limit ebuilds to the specified repo. portdb.porttrees = [repo_path] if options.update: if options.cache_dir is not None: # already validated earlier pass else: # We check write access after the portdbapi constructor # has had an opportunity to create it. This ensures that # we don't use the cache in the "volatile" mode which is # undesirable for egencache. if not os.access(settings["PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR"], os.W_OK): writemsg_level("ecachegen: error: " + \ "write access denied: %s\n" % (settings["PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR"],), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return 1 if options.sign_manifests is not None: repo_config.sign_manifest = options.sign_manifests == 'y' if options.thin_manifests is not None: repo_config.thin_manifest = options.thin_manifests == 'y' gpg_cmd = None gpg_vars = None force_sign_key = None if options.update_manifests: if repo_config.sign_manifest: sign_problem = False gpg_dir = None gpg_cmd = settings.get("PORTAGE_GPG_SIGNING_COMMAND") if gpg_cmd is None: writemsg_level("egencache: error: " "PORTAGE_GPG_SIGNING_COMMAND is unset! " "Is make.globals missing?\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) sign_problem = True elif "${PORTAGE_GPG_KEY}" in gpg_cmd and \ options.gpg_key is None and \ "PORTAGE_GPG_KEY" not in settings: writemsg_level("egencache: error: " "PORTAGE_GPG_KEY is unset!\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) sign_problem = True elif "${PORTAGE_GPG_DIR}" in gpg_cmd: if options.gpg_dir is not None: gpg_dir = options.gpg_dir elif "PORTAGE_GPG_DIR" not in settings: gpg_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.gnupg") else: gpg_dir = os.path.expanduser(settings["PORTAGE_GPG_DIR"]) if not os.access(gpg_dir, os.X_OK): writemsg_level(("egencache: error: " "Unable to access directory: " "PORTAGE_GPG_DIR='%s'\n") % gpg_dir, level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) sign_problem = True if sign_problem: writemsg_level("egencache: You may disable manifest " "signatures with --sign-manifests=n or by setting " "\"sign-manifests = false\" in metadata/layout.conf\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1) return 1 gpg_vars = {} if gpg_dir is not None: gpg_vars["PORTAGE_GPG_DIR"] = gpg_dir gpg_var_names = [] if options.gpg_key is None: gpg_var_names.append("PORTAGE_GPG_KEY") else: gpg_vars["PORTAGE_GPG_KEY"] = options.gpg_key for k in gpg_var_names: v = settings.get(k) if v is not None: gpg_vars[k] = v force_sign_key = gpg_vars.get("PORTAGE_GPG_KEY") ret = [os.EX_OK] if options.update: cp_iter = None if atoms: cp_iter = iter(atoms) gen_cache = GenCache(portdb, cp_iter=cp_iter, max_jobs=options.jobs, max_load=options.load_average, rsync=options.rsync) gen_cache.run() if options.tolerant: ret.append(os.EX_OK) else: ret.append(gen_cache.returncode) if options.update_pkg_desc_index: if repo_config.writable: writable_location = repo_config.location else: writable_location = os.path.join(portdb.depcachedir, repo_config.location.lstrip(os.sep)) msg = [ "WARNING: Repository is not writable: %s" % ( repo_config.location,), " Using cache directory instead: %s" % ( writable_location,) ] msg = "".join(line + '\n' for line in msg) writemsg_level(msg, level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1) gen_index = GenPkgDescIndex(portdb, os.path.join( writable_location, "metadata", "pkg_desc_index")) gen_index.run() ret.append(gen_index.returncode) if options.update_use_local_desc: gen_desc = GenUseLocalDesc(portdb, output=options.uld_output, preserve_comments=options.preserve_comments) gen_desc.run() ret.append(gen_desc.returncode) if options.update_changelogs: gen_clogs = GenChangeLogs(portdb, changelog_output=options.changelog_output, changelog_reversed=options.changelog_reversed, max_jobs=options.jobs, max_load=options.load_average) signum = gen_clogs.run() if signum is not None: sys.exit(128 + signum) ret.append(gen_clogs.returncode) if options.update_manifests: cp_iter = None if atoms: cp_iter = iter(atoms) event_loop = global_event_loop() scheduler = ManifestScheduler(portdb, cp_iter=cp_iter, gpg_cmd=gpg_cmd, gpg_vars=gpg_vars, force_sign_key=force_sign_key, max_jobs=options.jobs, max_load=options.load_average, event_loop=event_loop) signum = run_main_scheduler(scheduler) if signum is not None: sys.exit(128 + signum) if options.tolerant: ret.append(os.EX_OK) else: ret.append(scheduler.returncode) if options.write_timestamp: timestamp_path = os.path.join(repo_path, 'metadata', 'timestamp.chk') try: portage.util.write_atomic(timestamp_path, time.strftime('%s\n' % TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, time.gmtime())) except (EnvironmentError, portage.exception.PortageException): ret.append(os.EX_IOERR) else: ret.append(os.EX_OK) return max(ret) if __name__ == "__main__": portage._disable_legacy_globals() portage.util.noiselimit = -1 try: sys.exit(egencache_main(sys.argv[1:])) finally: global_event_loop().close()