#!/usr/bin/python -b # Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 from __future__ import division, print_function import argparse import errno import math import signal import subprocess import sys import tarfile from os import path as osp if osp.isfile(osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__))), ".portage_not_installed")): sys.path.insert(0, osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__))), "lib")) import portage portage._internal_caller = True from portage import os from portage import xpak from portage.dbapi.dep_expand import dep_expand from portage.dep import Atom, use_reduce from portage.exception import (AmbiguousPackageName, InvalidAtom, InvalidData, InvalidDependString, PackageSetNotFound, PermissionDenied) from portage.util import ConfigProtect, ensure_dirs, shlex_split, varexpand, _xattr xattr = _xattr.xattr from portage.dbapi.vartree import dblink, tar_contents from portage.checksum import perform_md5 from portage._sets import load_default_config, SETPREFIX from portage.process import find_binary from portage.util.compression_probe import _compressors from portage.util._eventloop.global_event_loop import global_event_loop def quickpkg_atom(options, infos, arg, eout): settings = portage.settings root = portage.settings['ROOT'] eroot = portage.settings['EROOT'] trees = portage.db[eroot] vartree = trees["vartree"] vardb = vartree.dbapi bintree = trees["bintree"] xattrs = 'xattr' in settings.features include_config = options.include_config == "y" include_unmodified_config = options.include_unmodified_config == "y" fix_metadata_keys = ["PF", "CATEGORY"] try: atom = dep_expand(arg, mydb=vardb, settings=vartree.settings) except AmbiguousPackageName as e: # Multiple matches thrown from cpv_expand eout.eerror("Please use a more specific atom: %s" % \ " ".join(e.args[0])) del e infos["missing"].append(arg) return 1 except (InvalidAtom, InvalidData): eout.eerror("Invalid atom: %s" % (arg,)) infos["missing"].append(arg) return 1 if atom[:1] == '=' and arg[:1] != '=': # dep_expand() allows missing '=' but it's really invalid eout.eerror("Invalid atom: %s" % (arg,)) infos["missing"].append(arg) return 1 matches = vardb.match(atom) pkgs_for_arg = 0 retval = 0 for cpv in matches: excluded_config_files = [] dblnk = vardb._dblink(cpv) have_lock = False if "__PORTAGE_INHERIT_VARDB_LOCK" not in settings: try: dblnk.lockdb() have_lock = True except PermissionDenied: pass try: if not dblnk.exists(): # unmerged by a concurrent process continue iuse, use, restrict = vardb.aux_get(cpv, ["IUSE","USE","RESTRICT"]) iuse = [ x.lstrip("+-") for x in iuse.split() ] use = use.split() try: restrict = use_reduce(restrict, uselist=use, flat=True) except InvalidDependString as e: eout.eerror("Invalid RESTRICT metadata " + \ "for '%s': %s; skipping" % (cpv, str(e))) del e continue if "bindist" in iuse and "bindist" not in use: eout.ewarn("%s: package was emerged with USE=-bindist!" % cpv) eout.ewarn("%s: it might not be legal to redistribute this." % cpv) elif "bindist" in restrict: eout.ewarn("%s: package has RESTRICT=bindist!" % cpv) eout.ewarn("%s: it might not be legal to redistribute this." % cpv) eout.ebegin("Building package for %s" % cpv) pkgs_for_arg += 1 contents = dblnk.getcontents() protect = None if not include_config: confprot = ConfigProtect(eroot, shlex_split(settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT", "")), shlex_split(settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK", "")), case_insensitive=("case-insensitive-fs" in settings.features)) def protect(filename): if not confprot.isprotected(filename): return False if include_unmodified_config: file_data = contents[filename] if file_data[0] == "obj": orig_md5 = file_data[2].lower() cur_md5 = perform_md5(filename, calc_prelink=1) if orig_md5 == cur_md5: return False excluded_config_files.append(filename) return True existing_metadata = dict(zip(fix_metadata_keys, vardb.aux_get(cpv, fix_metadata_keys))) category, pf = portage.catsplit(cpv) required_metadata = {} required_metadata["CATEGORY"] = category required_metadata["PF"] = pf update_metadata = {} for k, v in required_metadata.items(): if v != existing_metadata[k]: update_metadata[k] = v if update_metadata: vardb.aux_update(cpv, update_metadata) xpdata = xpak.xpak(dblnk.dbdir) binpkg_tmpfile = os.path.join(bintree.pkgdir, cpv + ".tbz2." + str(os.getpid())) ensure_dirs(os.path.dirname(binpkg_tmpfile)) binpkg_compression = settings.get("BINPKG_COMPRESS", "bzip2") try: compression = _compressors[binpkg_compression] except KeyError as e: if binpkg_compression: eout.eerror("Invalid or unsupported compression method: %s" % e.args[0]) return 1 # Empty BINPKG_COMPRESS disables compression. binpkg_compression = 'none' compression = { 'compress': 'cat', 'package': 'sys-apps/coreutils', } try: compression_binary = shlex_split(varexpand(compression["compress"], mydict=settings))[0] except IndexError as e: eout.eerror("Invalid or unsupported compression method: %s" % e.args[0]) return 1 if find_binary(compression_binary) is None: missing_package = compression["package"] eout.eerror("File compression unsupported %s. Missing package: %s" % (binpkg_compression, missing_package)) return 1 cmd = [varexpand(x, mydict=settings) for x in shlex_split(compression["compress"])] # Filter empty elements that make Popen fail cmd = [x for x in cmd if x != ""] with open(binpkg_tmpfile, "wb") as fobj: proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=fobj) # The tarfile module will write pax headers holding the # xattrs only if PAX_FORMAT is specified here. with tarfile.open(mode="w|",format=tarfile.PAX_FORMAT if xattrs else tarfile.DEFAULT_FORMAT, fileobj=proc.stdin) as tar: tar_contents(contents, root, tar, protect=protect, xattrs=xattrs) proc.stdin.close() if proc.wait() != os.EX_OK: eout.eend(1) eout.eerror("Compressor failed for package %s" % cpv) retval |= 1 try: os.unlink(binpkg_tmpfile) except OSError as e: if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESTALE): raise continue xpak.tbz2(binpkg_tmpfile).recompose_mem(xpdata) finally: if have_lock: dblnk.unlockdb() pkg_info = bintree.inject(cpv, filename=binpkg_tmpfile) # The pkg_info value ensures that the following getname call # returns the correct path when FEATURES=binpkg-multi-instance # is enabled, but fallback to cpv in case the inject call # returned None due to some kind of failure. binpkg_path = bintree.getname(pkg_info or cpv) try: s = os.stat(binpkg_path) except OSError: s = None if s is None or pkg_info is None: # Sanity check, shouldn't happen normally. eout.eend(1) eout.eerror("Failed to create package: '%s'" % binpkg_path) retval |= 1 else: eout.eend(0) infos["successes"].append((cpv, s.st_size)) infos["config_files_excluded"] += len(excluded_config_files) for filename in excluded_config_files: eout.ewarn("Excluded config: '%s'" % filename) if not pkgs_for_arg: eout.eerror("Could not find anything " + \ "to match '%s'; skipping" % arg) infos["missing"].append(arg) retval |= 1 return retval def quickpkg_set(options, infos, arg, eout): eroot = portage.settings['EROOT'] trees = portage.db[eroot] vartree = trees["vartree"] settings = vartree.settings settings._init_dirs() setconfig = load_default_config(settings, trees) sets = setconfig.getSets() set = arg[1:] if not set in sets: eout.eerror("Package set not found: '%s'; skipping" % (arg,)) infos["missing"].append(arg) return 1 try: atoms = setconfig.getSetAtoms(set) except PackageSetNotFound as e: eout.eerror("Failed to process package set '%s' because " % set + "it contains the non-existent package set '%s'; skipping" % e) infos["missing"].append(arg) return 1 retval = os.EX_OK for atom in atoms: retval |= quickpkg_atom(options, infos, atom, eout) return retval def quickpkg_extended_atom(options, infos, atom, eout): eroot = portage.settings['EROOT'] trees = portage.db[eroot] vartree = trees["vartree"] vardb = vartree.dbapi require_metadata = atom.slot or atom.repo atoms = [] for cpv in vardb.cpv_all(): cpv_atom = Atom("=%s" % cpv) if atom == "*/*": atoms.append(cpv_atom) continue if not portage.match_from_list(atom, [cpv]): continue if require_metadata: try: cpv = vardb._pkg_str(cpv, atom.repo) except (KeyError, InvalidData): continue if not portage.match_from_list(atom, [cpv]): continue atoms.append(cpv_atom) for atom in atoms: quickpkg_atom(options, infos, atom, eout) def quickpkg_main(options, args, eout): eroot = portage.settings['EROOT'] trees = portage.db[eroot] bintree = trees["bintree"] try: ensure_dirs(bintree.pkgdir) except portage.exception.PortageException: pass if not os.access(bintree.pkgdir, os.W_OK): eout.eerror("No write access to '%s'" % bintree.pkgdir) return errno.EACCES if 'xattr' in portage.settings.features and not _xattr.XATTRS_WORKS: eout.eerror("No xattr support library was found, " "so xattrs will not be preserved!") portage.settings.unlock() portage.settings.features.remove('xattr') portage.settings.lock() infos = {} infos["successes"] = [] infos["missing"] = [] infos["config_files_excluded"] = 0 for arg in args: if arg[0] == SETPREFIX: quickpkg_set(options, infos, arg, eout) continue try: atom = Atom(arg, allow_wildcard=True, allow_repo=True) except (InvalidAtom, InvalidData): # maybe it's valid but missing category (requires dep_expand) quickpkg_atom(options, infos, arg, eout) else: if atom.extended_syntax: quickpkg_extended_atom(options, infos, atom, eout) else: quickpkg_atom(options, infos, atom, eout) if not infos["successes"]: eout.eerror("No packages found") return 1 print() eout.einfo("Packages now in '%s':" % bintree.pkgdir) units = {10:'K', 20:'M', 30:'G', 40:'T', 50:'P', 60:'E', 70:'Z', 80:'Y'} for cpv, size in infos["successes"]: if not size: # avoid OverflowError in math.log() size_str = "0" else: power_of_2 = math.log(size, 2) power_of_2 = 10*(power_of_2//10) unit = units.get(power_of_2) if unit: size = float(size)/(2**power_of_2) size_str = "%.1f" % size if len(size_str) > 4: # emulate `du -h`, don't show too many sig figs size_str = str(int(size)) size_str += unit else: size_str = str(size) eout.einfo("%s: %s" % (cpv, size_str)) if infos["config_files_excluded"]: print() eout.ewarn("Excluded config files: %d" % infos["config_files_excluded"]) eout.ewarn("See --help if you would like to include config files.") if infos["missing"]: print() eout.ewarn("The following packages could not be found:") eout.ewarn(" ".join(infos["missing"])) return 2 return os.EX_OK if __name__ == "__main__": usage = "quickpkg [options] " parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage) parser.add_argument("--umask", default="0077", help="umask used during package creation (default is 0077)") parser.add_argument("--ignore-default-opts", action="store_true", help="do not use the QUICKPKG_DEFAULT_OPTS environment variable") parser.add_argument("--include-config", choices=["y","n"], default="n", metavar="", help="include all files protected by CONFIG_PROTECT (as a security precaution, default is 'n')") parser.add_argument("--include-unmodified-config", choices=["y","n"], default="n", metavar="", help="include files protected by CONFIG_PROTECT that have not been modified since installation (as a security precaution, default is 'n')") options, args = parser.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:]) if not options.ignore_default_opts: default_opts = shlex_split( portage.settings.get("QUICKPKG_DEFAULT_OPTS", "")) options, args = parser.parse_known_args(default_opts + sys.argv[1:]) if not args: parser.error("no packages atoms given") try: umask = int(options.umask, 8) except ValueError: parser.error("invalid umask: %s" % options.umask) # We need to ensure a sane umask for the packages that will be created. old_umask = os.umask(umask) eout = portage.output.EOutput() def sigwinch_handler(signum, frame): lines, eout.term_columns = portage.output.get_term_size() signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, sigwinch_handler) try: retval = quickpkg_main(options, args, eout) finally: os.umask(old_umask) signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, signal.SIG_DFL) global_event_loop().close() sys.exit(retval)