# Copyright 2001-2014 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # The format for a tbz2/xpak: # # tbz2: tar.bz2 + xpak + (xpak_offset) + "STOP" # xpak: "XPAKPACK" + (index_len) + (data_len) + index + data + "XPAKSTOP" # index: (pathname_len) + pathname + (data_offset) + (data_len) # index entries are concatenated end-to-end. # data: concatenated data chunks, end-to-end. # # [tarball]XPAKPACKIIIIDDDD[index][data]XPAKSTOPOOOOSTOP # # (integer) == encodeint(integer) ===> 4 characters (big-endian copy) # '+' means concatenate the fields ===> All chunks are strings __all__ = [ 'addtolist', 'decodeint', 'encodeint', 'getboth', 'getindex', 'getindex_mem', 'getitem', 'listindex', 'searchindex', 'tbz2', 'xpak_mem', 'xpak', 'xpand', 'xsplit', 'xsplit_mem', ] import array import errno import sys import portage from portage import os from portage import shutil from portage import normalize_path from portage import _encodings from portage import _unicode_decode from portage import _unicode_encode def addtolist(mylist, curdir): """(list, dir) --- Takes an array(list) and appends all files from dir down the directory tree. Returns nothing. list is modified.""" curdir = normalize_path(_unicode_decode(curdir, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict')) for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(curdir): parent = _unicode_decode(parent, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict') if parent != curdir: mylist.append(parent[len(curdir) + 1:] + os.sep) for x in dirs: try: _unicode_decode(x, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict') except UnicodeDecodeError: dirs.remove(x) for x in files: try: x = _unicode_decode(x, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict') except UnicodeDecodeError: continue mylist.append(os.path.join(parent, x)[len(curdir) + 1:]) def encodeint(myint): """Takes a 4 byte integer and converts it into a string of 4 characters. Returns the characters in a string.""" a = array.array('B') a.append((myint >> 24) & 0xff) a.append((myint >> 16) & 0xff) a.append((myint >> 8) & 0xff) a.append(myint & 0xff) try: # Python >= 3.2 return a.tobytes() except AttributeError: return a.tostring() def decodeint(mystring): """Takes a 4 byte string and converts it into a 4 byte integer. Returns an integer.""" if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000: mystring = [ord(x) for x in mystring] myint = 0 myint += mystring[3] myint += mystring[2] << 8 myint += mystring[1] << 16 myint += mystring[0] << 24 return myint def xpak(rootdir, outfile=None): """(rootdir, outfile) -- creates an xpak segment of the directory 'rootdir' and under the name 'outfile' if it is specified. Otherwise it returns the xpak segment.""" mylist = [] addtolist(mylist, rootdir) mylist.sort() mydata = {} for x in mylist: if x == 'CONTENTS': # CONTENTS is generated during the merge process. continue x = _unicode_encode(x, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict') with open(os.path.join(rootdir, x), 'rb') as f: mydata[x] = f.read() xpak_segment = xpak_mem(mydata) if outfile: outf = open(_unicode_encode(outfile, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'wb') outf.write(xpak_segment) outf.close() else: return xpak_segment def xpak_mem(mydata): """Create an xpack segment from a map object.""" mydata_encoded = {} for k, v in mydata.items(): k = _unicode_encode(k, encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='backslashreplace') v = _unicode_encode(v, encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='backslashreplace') mydata_encoded[k] = v mydata = mydata_encoded del mydata_encoded indexglob = b'' indexpos = 0 dataglob = b'' datapos = 0 for x, newglob in mydata.items(): mydatasize = len(newglob) indexglob = indexglob + encodeint(len(x)) + x + encodeint(datapos) + encodeint(mydatasize) indexpos = indexpos + 4 + len(x) + 4 + 4 dataglob = dataglob + newglob datapos = datapos + mydatasize return b'XPAKPACK' \ + encodeint(len(indexglob)) \ + encodeint(len(dataglob)) \ + indexglob \ + dataglob \ + b'XPAKSTOP' def xsplit(infile): """(infile) -- Splits the infile into two files. 'infile.index' contains the index segment. 'infile.dat' contails the data segment.""" infile = _unicode_decode(infile, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict') myfile = open(_unicode_encode(infile, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'rb') mydat = myfile.read() myfile.close() splits = xsplit_mem(mydat) if not splits: return False myfile = open(_unicode_encode(infile + '.index', encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'wb') myfile.write(splits[0]) myfile.close() myfile = open(_unicode_encode(infile + '.dat', encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'wb') myfile.write(splits[1]) myfile.close() return True def xsplit_mem(mydat): if mydat[0:8] != b'XPAKPACK': return None if mydat[-8:] != b'XPAKSTOP': return None indexsize = decodeint(mydat[8:12]) return (mydat[16:indexsize + 16], mydat[indexsize + 16:-8]) def getindex(infile): """(infile) -- grabs the index segment from the infile and returns it.""" myfile = open(_unicode_encode(infile, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'rb') myheader = myfile.read(16) if myheader[0:8] != b'XPAKPACK': myfile.close() return indexsize = decodeint(myheader[8:12]) myindex = myfile.read(indexsize) myfile.close() return myindex def getboth(infile): """(infile) -- grabs the index and data segments from the infile. Returns an array [indexSegment, dataSegment]""" myfile = open(_unicode_encode(infile, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'rb') myheader = myfile.read(16) if myheader[0:8] != b'XPAKPACK': myfile.close() return indexsize = decodeint(myheader[8:12]) datasize = decodeint(myheader[12:16]) myindex = myfile.read(indexsize) mydata = myfile.read(datasize) myfile.close() return myindex, mydata def listindex(myindex): """Print to the terminal the filenames listed in the indexglob passed in.""" for x in getindex_mem(myindex): print(x) def getindex_mem(myindex): """Returns the filenames listed in the indexglob passed in.""" myindexlen = len(myindex) startpos = 0 myret = [] while ((startpos + 8) < myindexlen): mytestlen = decodeint(myindex[startpos:startpos + 4]) myret = myret + [myindex[startpos + 4:startpos + 4 + mytestlen]] startpos = startpos + mytestlen + 12 return myret def searchindex(myindex, myitem): """(index, item) -- Finds the offset and length of the file 'item' in the datasegment via the index 'index' provided.""" myitem = _unicode_encode(myitem, encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='backslashreplace') mylen = len(myitem) myindexlen = len(myindex) startpos = 0 while ((startpos + 8) < myindexlen): mytestlen = decodeint(myindex[startpos:startpos + 4]) if mytestlen == mylen: if myitem == myindex[startpos + 4:startpos + 4 + mytestlen]: #found datapos = decodeint(myindex[startpos + 4 + mytestlen:startpos + 8 + mytestlen]) datalen = decodeint(myindex[startpos + 8 + mytestlen:startpos + 12 + mytestlen]) return datapos, datalen startpos = startpos + mytestlen + 12 def getitem(myid, myitem): myindex = myid[0] mydata = myid[1] myloc = searchindex(myindex, myitem) if not myloc: return None return mydata[myloc[0]:myloc[0] + myloc[1]] def xpand(myid, mydest): mydest = normalize_path(mydest) + os.sep myindex = myid[0] mydata = myid[1] myindexlen = len(myindex) startpos = 0 while ((startpos + 8) < myindexlen): namelen = decodeint(myindex[startpos:startpos + 4]) datapos = decodeint(myindex[startpos + 4 + namelen:startpos + 8 + namelen]) datalen = decodeint(myindex[startpos + 8 + namelen:startpos + 12 + namelen]) myname = myindex[startpos + 4:startpos + 4 + namelen] myname = _unicode_decode(myname, encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace') filename = os.path.join(mydest, myname.lstrip(os.sep)) filename = normalize_path(filename) if not filename.startswith(mydest): # myname contains invalid ../ component(s) continue dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) if dirname: if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) mydat = open(_unicode_encode(filename, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'wb') mydat.write(mydata[datapos:datapos + datalen]) mydat.close() startpos = startpos + namelen + 12 class tbz2(object): def __init__(self, myfile): self.file = myfile self.filestat = None self.index = b'' self.infosize = 0 self.xpaksize = 0 self.indexsize = None self.datasize = None self.indexpos = None self.datapos = None def decompose(self, datadir, cleanup=1): """Alias for unpackinfo() --- Complement to recompose() but optionally deletes the destination directory. Extracts the xpak from the tbz2 into the directory provided. Raises IOError if scan() fails. Returns result of upackinfo().""" if not self.scan(): raise IOError if cleanup: self.cleanup(datadir) if not os.path.exists(datadir): os.makedirs(datadir) return self.unpackinfo(datadir) def compose(self, datadir, cleanup=0): """Alias for recompose().""" return self.recompose(datadir, cleanup) def recompose(self, datadir, cleanup=0, break_hardlinks=True): """Creates an xpak segment from the datadir provided, truncates the tbz2 to the end of regular data if an xpak segment already exists, and adds the new segment to the file with terminating info.""" xpdata = xpak(datadir) self.recompose_mem(xpdata, break_hardlinks=break_hardlinks) if cleanup: self.cleanup(datadir) def recompose_mem(self, xpdata, break_hardlinks=True): """ Update the xpak segment. @param xpdata: A new xpak segment to be written, like that returned from the xpak_mem() function. @param break_hardlinks: If hardlinks exist, create a copy in order to break them. This makes it safe to use hardlinks to create cheap snapshots of the repository, which is useful for solving race conditions on binhosts as described here: https://crbug.com/185031 Default is True. """ self.scan() # Don't care about condition... We'll rewrite the data anyway. if break_hardlinks and self.filestat and self.filestat.st_nlink > 1: tmp_fname = "%s.%d" % (self.file, os.getpid()) shutil.copyfile(self.file, tmp_fname) try: portage.util.apply_stat_permissions(self.file, self.filestat) except portage.exception.OperationNotPermitted: pass os.rename(tmp_fname, self.file) myfile = open(_unicode_encode(self.file, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'ab+') if not myfile: raise IOError myfile.seek(-self.xpaksize, 2) # 0,2 or -0,2 just mean EOF. myfile.truncate() myfile.write(xpdata + encodeint(len(xpdata)) + b'STOP') myfile.flush() myfile.close() return 1 def cleanup(self, datadir): datadir_split = os.path.split(datadir) if len(datadir_split) >= 2 and len(datadir_split[1]) > 0: # This is potentially dangerous, # thus the above sanity check. try: shutil.rmtree(datadir) except OSError as oe: if oe.errno == errno.ENOENT: pass else: raise oe def scan(self): """Scans the tbz2 to locate the xpak segment and setup internal values. This function is called by relevant functions already.""" a = None try: mystat = os.stat(self.file) if self.filestat: changed = 0 if mystat.st_size != self.filestat.st_size \ or mystat.st_mtime != self.filestat.st_mtime \ or mystat.st_ctime != self.filestat.st_ctime: changed = True if not changed: return 1 self.filestat = mystat a = open(_unicode_encode(self.file, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'rb') a.seek(-16, 2) trailer = a.read() self.infosize = 0 self.xpaksize = 0 if trailer[-4:] != b'STOP': return 0 if trailer[0:8] != b'XPAKSTOP': return 0 self.infosize = decodeint(trailer[8:12]) self.xpaksize = self.infosize + 8 a.seek(-(self.xpaksize), 2) header = a.read(16) if header[0:8] != b'XPAKPACK': return 0 self.indexsize = decodeint(header[8:12]) self.datasize = decodeint(header[12:16]) self.indexpos = a.tell() self.index = a.read(self.indexsize) self.datapos = a.tell() return 2 except SystemExit: raise except: return 0 finally: if a is not None: a.close() def filelist(self): """Return an array of each file listed in the index.""" if not self.scan(): return None return getindex_mem(self.index) def getfile(self, myfile, mydefault=None): """Finds 'myfile' in the data segment and returns it.""" if not self.scan(): return None myresult = searchindex(self.index, myfile) if not myresult: return mydefault a = open(_unicode_encode(self.file, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'rb') a.seek(self.datapos + myresult[0], 0) myreturn = a.read(myresult[1]) a.close() return myreturn def getelements(self, myfile): """A split/array representation of tbz2.getfile()""" mydat = self.getfile(myfile) if not mydat: return [] return mydat.split() def unpackinfo(self, mydest): """Unpacks all the files from the dataSegment into 'mydest'.""" if not self.scan(): return 0 mydest = normalize_path(mydest) + os.sep a = open(_unicode_encode(self.file, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'rb') if not os.path.exists(mydest): os.makedirs(mydest) startpos = 0 while ((startpos + 8) < self.indexsize): namelen = decodeint(self.index[startpos:startpos + 4]) datapos = decodeint(self.index[startpos + 4 + namelen:startpos + 8 + namelen]) datalen = decodeint(self.index[startpos + 8 + namelen:startpos + 12 + namelen]) myname = self.index[startpos + 4:startpos + 4 + namelen] myname = _unicode_decode(myname, encoding=_encodings['repo.content'], errors='replace') filename = os.path.join(mydest, myname.lstrip(os.sep)) filename = normalize_path(filename) if not filename.startswith(mydest): # myname contains invalid ../ component(s) continue dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) if dirname: if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) mydat = open(_unicode_encode(filename, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'wb') a.seek(self.datapos + datapos) mydat.write(a.read(datalen)) mydat.close() startpos = startpos + namelen + 12 a.close() return 1 def get_data(self): """Returns all the files from the dataSegment as a map object.""" if not self.scan(): return {} a = open(_unicode_encode(self.file, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'rb') mydata = {} startpos = 0 while ((startpos + 8) < self.indexsize): namelen = decodeint(self.index[startpos:startpos + 4]) datapos = decodeint(self.index[startpos + 4 + namelen:startpos + 8 + namelen]) datalen = decodeint(self.index[startpos + 8 + namelen:startpos + 12 + namelen]) myname = self.index[startpos + 4:startpos + 4 + namelen] a.seek(self.datapos + datapos) mydata[myname] = a.read(datalen) startpos = startpos + namelen + 12 a.close() return mydata def getboth(self): """Returns an array [indexSegment, dataSegment]""" if not self.scan(): return None a = open(_unicode_encode(self.file, encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'), 'rb') a.seek(self.datapos) mydata = a.read(self.datasize) a.close() return self.index, mydata