diff options
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/gentoo-data.rb b/gentoo-data.rb
index 0be1177..5782ff5 100644
--- a/gentoo-data.rb
+++ b/gentoo-data.rb
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
#GLSA_SRC = "http://www.gentoo.org/security/en/glsa/glsa-@GLSA_ID@.xml?passthru=1"
VALID_PACKAGE_SRC = "/dev/shm/qsearch.txt"
GLSA_SRC = "#{ENV['PORTDIR']}/metadata/glsa/glsa-@GLSA_ID@.xml"
-HERDS_SRC = 'https://api.gentoo.org/packages/herds.xml'
PROJECTS_SRC = 'https://api.gentoo.org/metastructure/projects.xml'
PGO_RESOLVE_URI = 'https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/resolve.json?atom=%s'
PGO_DATA_URI = 'https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/%s.json'
@@ -145,67 +144,9 @@ class GentooPlugin < Plugin
def initialize
@@cached = {}
- @@cached['herds'] = [0, nil]
@@cached['projects'] = [0, nil]
@@cached['pkgindex'] = [0, nil]
@@cached['alias'] = [0, nil]
- @@cached['notherds'] = [0, nil]
- end
- def herd(m, params)
- now = Time.now.tv_sec
- unless @@cached['herds'] and @@cached['herds'][0] > now-600
- #m.reply "Fetch #{@@cached['herds'][0]} > #{now-600}"
- res = @bot.httputil.get(HERDS_SRC)
- herds = REXML::Document.new(res)
- @@cached['herds'] = [now, herds]
- else
- #m.reply "Cache #{@@cached['herds'][0]} > #{now-600}"
- herds = @@cached['herds'][1]
- end
- unless @@cached['notherds'] and @@cached['notherds'][0] > now-600
- notherds = {}
- File.foreach("#{scriptdir}/not-a-herd.txt") { |line|
- k,v = line.split(/\s+/, 2)
- notherds[k] = v
- }
- if notherds.length > 0
- @@cached['notherds'] = [now, notherds]
- else
- @@cached['notherds'] = [0, nil]
- end
- else
- notherds = @@cached['notherds'][1]
- end
- # Parse data
- # xpath queries with REXML appear to be extremely slow, which is why we took the approach below
- herd = nil
- herds.elements[1].each_element { |elem|
- if elem.get_elements('name')[0].text == params[:herd]
- herd = elem
- break
- end }
- if herd
- emails = []
- for maintainer in herd.get_elements("maintainer")
- emails << maintainer.get_elements('email')[0].text.split('@')[0]
- end
- for project in herd.get_elements("maintainingproject")
- res = @bot.httputil.get("http://www.gentoo.org/#{project.text}?passthru=1")
- proj_xml = REXML::Document.new(res)
- for dev in proj_xml.get_elements("/project/dev")
- emails << dev.text
- end
- end
- m.reply "(#{params[:herd]}) #{emails.sort.join(', ')}"
- elsif notherds.has_key?(params[:herd])
- herddata = notherds[params[:herd]]
- m.reply "(#{params[:herd]}) #{herddata}"
- else
- m.reply "No such herd #{params[:herd]}"
- end
def project(m, params)
@@ -420,14 +361,13 @@ class GentooPlugin < Plugin
@@help_gentoo = {
- "gentoo" => "Available commands: #{Bold}meta#{Bold}, #{Bold}changelog#{Bold}, #{Bold}devaway#{Bold}, #{Bold}herd#{Bold}, #{Bold}proj#{Bold}, #{Bold}expn#{Bold}, #{Bold}glsa#{Bold}, #{Bold}earch#{Bold}, #{Bold}rdep#{Bold}, #{Bold}ddep#{Bold}, #{Bold}pdep#{Bold}",
+ "gentoo" => "Available commands: #{Bold}meta#{Bold}, #{Bold}changelog#{Bold}, #{Bold}devaway#{Bold}, #{Bold}proj#{Bold}, #{Bold}expn#{Bold}, #{Bold}glsa#{Bold}, #{Bold}earch#{Bold}, #{Bold}rdep#{Bold}, #{Bold}ddep#{Bold}, #{Bold}pdep#{Bold}",
"meta" => [
"meta #{Bold}[cat/]package#{Bold} : Print metadata for the given package",
"meta -v #{Bold}[cat/]package#{Bold} : Print metadata for the given package and the members of the maintaining projects.",
"changelog" => "changelog #{Bold}[cat/]package#{Bold} : Produce changelog statistics for a given package",
"devaway" => "devaway #{Bold}devname|list#{Bold} : Print the .away for a developer (if any). Using 'list' shows the developers who are away.",
- "herd" => "herd #{Bold}herdname#{Bold} : Print the members of a herd.",
"proj" => "proj #{Bold}project-email#{Bold} : Print the members of a project.",
"expn" => "expn #{Bold}alias#{Bold} : Print the addresses on a Gentoo mail alias.",
"glsa" => [
@@ -459,7 +399,6 @@ plugin.default_auth( 'view', true )
REGEX_CP = /^(?:[-[:alnum:]]+\/)?[-+_[:alnum:]]+$/
REGEX_DEV = /^[-_[:alnum:]]+$/
-REGEX_HERD = /^[-_[:alnum:]]+$/
REGEX_PROJECT = /^[-_@.[:alnum:]]+$/
REGEX_GLSA = /^[-1234567890]+$/
@@ -510,14 +449,6 @@ plugin.map 'away :dev',
:thread => 'yes',
:auth_path => 'view'
-plugin.map 'herd :herd',
- :requirements => {
- :herd => REGEX_HERD,
- },
- :action => 'herd',
- :thread => 'yes',
- :auth_path => 'view'
plugin.map 'proj :project',
:requirements => {
:project => REGEX_PROJECT,