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Diffstat (limited to 'sci-electronics/ng-spice-rework/ChangeLog')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/sci-electronics/ng-spice-rework/ChangeLog b/sci-electronics/ng-spice-rework/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index f85054f78..000000000
--- a/sci-electronics/ng-spice-rework/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for sci-electronics/ng-spice-rework
-# Copyright 2000-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-electronics/ng-spice-rework/ChangeLog,v 1.14 2006/07/02 15:06:13 calchan Exp $
-*ng-spice-rework-17-r2 (04 Aug 2006)
- 04 Aug 2006; Lucas Chiesa <lucas.chiesa@gmail.com> ng-spice-rework-17-r2.ebuild:
- Added xspice and X use flag. Added --enable-intnoise to econf. Modified dependencies
- to work with X use flag.
- 02 Jul 2006; Denis Dupeyron <calchan@gentoo.org> metadata.xml:
- Adjusted metadata, see bug #138062.
-*ng-spice-rework-17-r1 (12 May 2006)
- 12 May 2006; Denis Dupeyron <calchan@gentoo.org>
- +ng-spice-rework-17-r1.ebuild:
- Backported fixes and patches from live cvs ebuild.
- 12 May 2006; Denis Dupeyron <calchan@gentoo.org>
- ng-spice-rework-9999.ebuild:
- Changed SourceForge.net cvs to new host, bug #133081.
-*ng-spice-rework-9999 (10 May 2006)
- 10 May 2006; Denis Dupeyron <calchan@gentoo.org>
- +files/ng-spice-rework-com_let.patch,
- +files/ng-spice-rework-numparam.patch,
- +files/ng-spice-rework-pipemode.patch,
- +files/ng-spice-rework-postscript.patch, +ng-spice-rework-9999.ebuild:
- Added live CVS ebuild. Options numparam and dot-global are enabled.
- Additional patches for postscript and 'let' command fixes. Patch enabling
- pipe mode for xcircuit.
- 01 Jan 2006; <plasmaroo@gentoo.org> ng-spice-rework-17.ebuild:
- Add debug and readline USE flags; bug #106496.
- 28 Dec 2005; <plasmaroo@gentoo.org> ng-spice-rework-17.ebuild:
- Fix #116936.
- 06 Nov 2005; <plasmaroo@gentoo.org> ng-spice-rework-17.ebuild:
- Disable tests for ng-spice-rework-17 since the provided suite fails (bug
- #108405).
-*ng-spice-rework-17 (01 Oct 2005)
- 01 Oct 2005; Olivier Fisette <ribosome@gentoo.org>
- +ng-spice-rework-17.ebuild:
- New version (fixes bug #90616).
- 17 May 2005; Michael Hanselmann <hansmi@gentoo.org>
- ng-spice-rework-15.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc.
- 25 Mar 2005; <plasmaroo@gentoo.org> -ng-spice-rework-14.ebuild:
- Remove redundant ng-spice-rework-14.
- 15 Jan 2005; Jan Brinkmann <luckyduck@gentoo.org> ng-spice-rework-15.ebuild:
- added ~amd64 to KEYWORDS. fixes bug #77716.
- 29 Dec 2004; <plasmaroo@gentoo.org> ng-spice-rework-15.ebuild,
- +files/ng-spice-rework-15.gcc-3.4.patch:
- Fixing GCC 3.4 compile issues; bug #75901.
-*ng-spice-rework-15 (27 Dec 2004)
- 27 Dec 2004; Olivier Fisette <ribosome@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml,
- +ng-spice-rework-14.ebuild, +ng-spice-rework-15.ebuild:
- Moved from app-sci/ng-spice-rework to sci-electronics/ng-spice-rework.
- 13 Sep 2004; <plasmaroo@gentoo.org> ng-spice-rework-15.ebuild:
- Added GNU info INFO-DIR index information; bug #63391.
- 05 Jun 2004; David Holm <dholm@gentoo.org> ng-spice-rework-15.ebuild:
- Added to ~ppc.
- 19 Apr 2004; Patrick Kursawe <phosphan@gentoo.org>
- ng-spice-rework-14.ebuild, ng-spice-rework-15.ebuild:
- Removing S=... with no effect, adding IUSE.
-*ng-spice-rework-15 (01 Feb 2004)
- 01 Feb 2004; <plasmaroo@gentoo.org> ng-spice-rework-15.ebuild:
- Version bump.
-*ng-spice-rework-14 (28 Nov 2003)
- 28 Nov 2003; <plasmaroo@gentoo.org> ng-spice-rework-14.ebuild:
- Initial commit.