diff options
-rw-r--r--docs/jobs_flow/get_job.pngbin0 -> 178611 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/jobs_flow/get_jobs.pngbin0 -> 137964 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/jobs_flow/get_jstatus.pngbin0 -> 63815 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/jobs_flow/run_jobs.pngbin0 -> 183262 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/jobs_flow/scirec_main.pngbin0 -> 99422 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/cron.jpgbin0 -> 40250 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/edit_user.pngbin0 -> 76007 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/edit_user2.pngbin0 -> 73697 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/login.pngbin0 -> 40659 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/user_addgroup.pngbin0 -> 51148 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/user_assign_permission.pngbin0 -> 69676 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/users.pngbin0 -> 60126 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/users_groups.pngbin0 -> 54422 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/Users.pngbin0 -> 62140 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/clients.pngbin0 -> 57973 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/clients2.pngbin0 -> 54264 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/clients_pending.pngbin0 -> 52025 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/clients_permissions.pngbin0 -> 75734 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/delete_user.pngbin0 -> 9942 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/edit_user.pngbin0 -> 38110 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/login.pngbin0 -> 17635 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/settings.pngbin0 -> 57032 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/settings1.pngbin0 -> 129596 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/settings_clients.pngbin0 -> 26821 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/ui_perms.pngbin0 -> 75475 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/ui_perms_addperm.pngbin0 -> 62875 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/user_addgroup.pngbin0 -> 14607 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/user_assign_permission.pngbin0 -> 74807 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/users_addgroup.pngbin0 -> 46968 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/users_editgroup.pngbin0 -> 20470 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/users_groups.pngbin0 -> 50868 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/users_groups2.pngbin0 -> 54701 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/screenshots/usertour/users_permissions.pngbin0 -> 75771 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/admin/s.gifbin0 -> 51 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/calendar/img/cal.gifbin0 -> 127 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/calendar/img/icon_demo.gifbin0 -> 160 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/calendar/img/icon_docs.gifbin0 -> 151 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/calendar/img/icon_download.gifbin0 -> 157 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/calendar/img/icon_forum.gifbin0 -> 204 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/calendar/img/icon_home.gifbin0 -> 198 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/calendar/img/logo.gifbin0 -> 660 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/calendar/img/next.gifbin0 -> 214 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/calendar/img/next_year.gifbin0 -> 256 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/calendar/img/pixel.gifbin0 -> 67 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/calendar/img/prev.gifbin0 -> 212 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/calendar/img/prev_year.gifbin0 -> 259 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/calendar/img/tc.gifbin0 -> 8301 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/favicon.icobin0 -> 894 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/images/scire.pngbin0 -> 6706 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/images/scire_trans.pngbin0 -> 6752 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/images/sort_asc.pngbin0 -> 102 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/images/sort_desc.pngbin0 -> 98 bytes
-rw-r--r--scire/s.gifbin0 -> 51 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xscire/tux_large.pngbin0 -> 33191 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xwebgli/banner-800x64.pngbin0 -> 18229 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/images/arrow_l.gifbin0 -> 60 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/images/arrow_r.gifbin0 -> 61 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/images/header.pngbin0 -> 14606 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/images/header_bg.pngbin0 -> 351 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/images/icon-harddisk-noia_48x48.pngbin0 -> 5140 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/images/partition_bg.pngbin0 -> 260 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/images/partition_drag.pngbin0 -> 172 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/images/spacer.pngbin0 -> 109 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/images/tab_n_l.pngbin0 -> 221 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/images/tab_n_m.pngbin0 -> 338 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/images/tab_n_r.pngbin0 -> 322 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/images/tab_s_l.pngbin0 -> 188 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/images/tab_s_ml.pngbin0 -> 360 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/images/tab_s_mr.pngbin0 -> 461 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/images/tab_s_r.pngbin0 -> 300 bytes
-rw-r--r--webgli/templates/.bootloader.tpl.swpbin0 -> 12288 bytes
237 files changed, 26247 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0720c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# ChangeLog for Scire
+# Copyright 2006-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Id$
+ 9 Dec 2006; Andrew Gaffney <>
+ server/
+ switch to ForkingMixIn instead of ThreadingMixIn to prevent cert info from
+ bleeding between connection instances.
+ reverse order of inherited classes so MixIn works properly
+ 15 Jul 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ Updating the scire server and client programs with their current
+ development copy. All changes from previous version have been
+ made by Matt Disney as part of the Summer of Code. These are
+ somewhat large updates involving database connectivity using
+ python's ADOdb module and function calls between the server and
+ client. Many thanks to Matt for the contribution.
+ 15 Jul 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ Adding a Python-port of PHP-GACL's acl_check function,
+ written by Brian Coca. This is submitted with his permission.
+ this will take an ADOdb object (or config info), and then return
+ the result of acl_check() queries as in PHP. Many thanks to
+ Brian for the port.
+ 14 Jun 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ various updates around the board. mainly focusing on client and user
+ pages. some DB updates and asthetic changes.
+ preparing for user sessions
+ 04 Jun 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ adding some mockup HTML files made by blackace.
+ need templates for those files.
+ 04 Jun 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ updated some scire database interface files
+ fixed some queries
+ fixed the exporter pages (as useless as they are now).
+ 04 Jun 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ the database tables are most current on the wiki
+ they have been sync'd to svn. sample DB code too.
+ 21 May 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ updating Changelog. Lots of updates tonight.
+ Fixed up blackace's templates.
+ migrated index and login pages, admin to follow soon.
+ updates to moria.sql for session table.
+ 07 May 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ adding a lot of webgli screens, some of which are done
+ the details of the status of webgli is in /webgli/TODO
+ 05 May 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ adding a few documents to moria since that seems like a good
+ place to put them
+ 23 Apr 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ webgli: adding portage screen
+ 23 Apr 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ adding the rest of the converted admin pages.
+ conversion should be complete.
+ webgli: adding initial screens of makedotconf
+ 22 Apr 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ initial scire files and directory added. more will come soon
+ Lots more general updates. Getting things converted over and simplified.
+ 22 Apr 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ updated globaluse and Utility
+ adding initial localuse screens
+ 17 Apr 2006; Andrew Gaffney <>
+ webgli/XMLParser.php:
+ moved common code from webgliIP.php
+ webgli/webgliIP.php:
+ moved common code to XMLParser.php
+ webgli/webgliCF.php:
+ initial commit
+ 17 Apr 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ adding globaluse screen
+ will need to rearrange stuff so it works better
+ without sharing between pages.
+ minor touchups to other files
+ 16 Apr 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ adding etc_portage and extrapackages screens
+ edited daemons and config files
+ added functions to webgliUtility
+ 15 Apr 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ adding initial daemon screen
+ 15 Apr 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ adding initial files for configfiles screen
+ small updates to the other screens.
+ 15 Apr 2006; Andrew Gaffney <>
+ webgli/webgliIP.php:
+ begin conversion
+ working version
+ output self-closing tag is value is empty
+ webgli/XMLParser.php:
+ initial XML parser superclass
+ move initialization code to parse()
+ working version
+ webgli/configfiles.php:
+ converted IP code
+ 15 Apr 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ adding client config screens to webgli
+ 15 Apr 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ added temp copy of webgli stuff
+ 12 Apr 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ Changing project name to Scire in various files.
+ 26 Mar 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ Adding current state of my webserver GIMLI directory
+ includes phpGACL code and smarty, both of which
+ are necessary to install. nothing works either
+ without the database
+ 24 Mar 2006; Preston Cody <> ChangeLog:
+ Testing echangelog. Adding two db table creation commands.
+ 23 Mar 2006; Andrew Gaffney <> ChangeLog:
+ initial ChangeLog commit
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfaa6d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+User Management Section:
+ <blackace> codeman: it also seems somewhat strange that I can't edit group membership from the edit group screen
diff --git a/client/ b/client/
index b4b0227..a9cfe20 100755
--- a/client/
+++ b/client/
@@ -37,6 +37,24 @@ sub run_main {
+ my @new_jobs = glob("$conf{job_dir}/queue/*.job");
+ for (@new_jobs) {
+ my $job = Scire::Job->new();
+ $job->load_jobfile($_);
+ $job->set_stdout_file("$conf{job_dir}/queue/$job->{jobid}.out");
+ $job->set_stderr_file("$conf{job_dir}/queue/$job->{jobid}.err");
+ $job->set_script_file("$conf{job_dir}/queue/$job->{jobid}.script");
+ my $exitcode = $job->run();
+ if(!$exitcode) {
+ # Successful job completion
+ system("mv $conf{job_dir}/queue/$job->{jobid}.* $conf{job_dir}/done/");
+ } else {
+ # Job failed
+ system("mv $conf{job_dir}/queue/$job->{jobid}.* $conf{job_dir}/failed/");
+ }
+ }
+ talk_to_server();
sub talk_to_server {
@@ -196,15 +214,19 @@ sub get_jobs {
sub scan_jobs_dir {
#Scan the dirs for job files.
- my @existing_jobs = glob("$conf{job_dir}/queue/*");
- my @failed_jobs = glob("$conf{job_dir}/failed/*");
- my @done_jobs = glob("$conf{job_dir}/done/*");
+ my @existing_jobs = glob("$conf{job_dir}/queue/*.job");
+ my @failed_jobs = glob("$conf{job_dir}/failed/*.job");
+ my @done_jobs = glob("$conf{job_dir}/done/*.job");
+ # XXX: this function should just scan the various job dirs, create a Scire::Job object
+ # for each job found, and return a structure containing the info, so that another
+ # function can act on the completed jobs
#Report on those jobs needing reporting.
foreach my $job_file (@failed_jobs) {
$job_file =~ /(\d+)\.job/;
my $jobid = $1;
- my ($status, $message) = $comm->send_command("SET_JOB_STATUS $jobid 'Failed'");
+ my ($status, $message) = $comm->send_command("SET_JOB_STATUS", $jobid, "Failed");
open(FILE, $job_file) or die "Couldn't open job file $job_file: $!";
my $job_data = join("", <FILE>);
@@ -214,7 +236,8 @@ sub scan_jobs_dir {
foreach my $job_file (@done_jobs) {
$job_file =~ /(\d+)\.job/;
my $jobid = $1;
- my ($status, $message) = $comm->send_command("SET_JOB_STATUS $jobid 'Done'");
+ my ($status, $message) = $comm->send_command("SET_JOB_STATUS", $jobid, "Done");
+ # XXX: Send job output
return @existing_jobs;
diff --git a/client/ b/client/
index c198964..e5fdcbb 100644
--- a/client/
+++ b/client/
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ use Scire::Job;
use Scire::Communicator;
my $job = Scire::Job->new();
#print $job->{script_data} . "\n";
my $exitcode = $job->run();
print "Job complete with exit code ${exitcode}\n";
diff --git a/docs/bare_scire.sql b/docs/bare_scire.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..689bb73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/bare_scire.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,1060 @@
+use scire;
+-- MySQL dump 10.10
+-- Host: localhost Database: scire
+-- ------------------------------------------------------
+-- Server version 5.0.26-log
+/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
+/*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */;
+/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;
+-- Table structure for table `GLI_profiles`
+CREATE TABLE `GLI_profiles` (
+ `profileid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `profile_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ `location` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ `description` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`profileid`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `profile_name` (`profile_name`)
+-- Dumping data for table `GLI_profiles`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `GLI_profiles` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `GLI_profiles` VALUES (1,'printerserver','/scire/gli_profiles/printerserver.xml','A typical printer server install profile. has like cups and shit.'),(2,'mta','/scire/gli_profiles/mta.xml','A typical MTA install profile. has like very little except mailers.');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `GLI_profiles` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `clients`
+CREATE TABLE `clients` (
+ `clientid` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `assetid` varchar(64) default NULL,
+ `cert` text,
+ `hostname` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
+ `mac` varchar(17) NOT NULL default '',
+ `ip` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
+ `gli_profile` int(11) default NULL,
+ `osid` int(11) default NULL,
+ `status` varchar(20) default NULL,
+ `contact` int(11) default NULL,
+ `installtime` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `digest` varchar(128) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`clientid`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `assetid` (`assetid`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `digest` (`digest`),
+ KEY `osid` (`osid`),
+ KEY `gli_profile` (`gli_profile`),
+ KEY `contact` (`contact`)
+-- Dumping data for table `clients`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `clients` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `clients` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_acl`
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_acl` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `section_value` varchar(230) NOT NULL default 'system',
+ `allow` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `enabled` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `return_value` text,
+ `note` text,
+ `updated_date` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+ KEY `gacl_enabled_acl` (`enabled`),
+ KEY `gacl_section_value_acl` (`section_value`),
+ KEY `gacl_updated_date_acl` (`updated_date`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_acl`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_acl` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_acl` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_acl` VALUES (3,'system',1,1,'1','',1156105535),(2,'system',1,1,'1','',1156105485),(4,'system',1,1,'1','',1156105622),(1,'system',1,1,'1','',1156105457),(6,'system',1,1,'1','',1156041570),(7,'system',1,1,'1','',1156105434),(5,'system',1,1,'1','',1156105677);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_acl` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_acl_sections`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_acl_sections`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_acl_sections` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `value` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '',
+ `order_value` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `name` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '',
+ `hidden` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `gacl_value_acl_sections` (`value`),
+ KEY `gacl_hidden_acl_sections` (`hidden`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_acl_sections`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_acl_sections` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_acl_sections` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_acl_sections` VALUES (1,'system',1,'System',0);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_acl_sections` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_acl_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_acl_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_acl_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_acl_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_acl_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_acl_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_acl_seq` VALUES (8);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_acl_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_aco`
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aco` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `section_value` varchar(240) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `value` varchar(240) NOT NULL default '',
+ `order_value` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ `hidden` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `gacl_section_value_value_aco` (`section_value`,`value`),
+ KEY `gacl_hidden_aco` (`hidden`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_aco`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aco` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aco` VALUES (13,'scire_ui','Edit User Info',1,'Edit User Info',0),(14,'scire_ui','Add User',1,'Add User',0),(15,'scire_ui','Add Client',1,'Add Client',0),(16,'scire_ui','View Clients',1,'View Clients',0),(17,'scire_ui','View Pending Clients',1,'View Pending Clients',0),(18,'scire_ui','Approve/Reject Pending Clients',1,'Approve/Reject Pending Clients',0),(19,'scire_ui','View Jobs',1,'View Jobs',0),(20,'scire_ui','Add Job',1,'Add Job',0);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_aco_map`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aco_map`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aco_map` (
+ `acl_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `section_value` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `value` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`acl_id`,`section_value`,`value`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_aco_map`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aco_map` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco_map` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aco_map` VALUES (6,'scire_ui','Add User'),(7,'scire_ui','Add Client'),(1,'scire_ui','View Clients'),(2,'scire_ui','View Pending Clients'),(3,'scire_ui','Approve/Reject Pending Clients'),(4,'scire_ui','View Jobs'),(5,'scire_ui','Add Job');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco_map` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_aco_sections`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aco_sections`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aco_sections` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `value` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '',
+ `order_value` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `name` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '',
+ `hidden` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `gacl_value_aco_sections` (`value`),
+ KEY `gacl_hidden_aco_sections` (`hidden`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_aco_sections`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aco_sections` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco_sections` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aco_sections` VALUES (1,'scire_ui',1,'scire_ui',0);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco_sections` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_aco_sections_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aco_sections_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aco_sections_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_aco_sections_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aco_sections_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco_sections_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aco_sections_seq` VALUES (2);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco_sections_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_aco_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aco_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aco_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_aco_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aco_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aco_seq` VALUES (21);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_aro`
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aro` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `section_value` varchar(240) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `value` varchar(240) NOT NULL default '',
+ `order_value` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ `hidden` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `gacl_section_value_value_aro` (`section_value`,`value`),
+ KEY `gacl_hidden_aro` (`hidden`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_aro`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aro` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aro` VALUES (1,'users','root',0,'root',0),(2,'users','codeman',1,'codeman',0);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_aro_groups`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aro_groups`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aro_groups` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `parent_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `lft` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `rgt` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ `value` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`value`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `gacl_value_aro_groups` (`value`),
+ KEY `gacl_parent_id_aro_groups` (`parent_id`),
+ KEY `gacl_lft_rgt_aro_groups` (`lft`,`rgt`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_aro_groups`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aro_groups` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_groups` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aro_groups` VALUES (1,0,1,2,'Company Name','Company Name');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_groups` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_aro_groups_id_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aro_groups_id_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aro_groups_id_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_aro_groups_id_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aro_groups_id_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_groups_id_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aro_groups_id_seq` VALUES (2);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_groups_id_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_aro_groups_map`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aro_groups_map`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aro_groups_map` (
+ `acl_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`acl_id`,`group_id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_aro_groups_map`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aro_groups_map` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_groups_map` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aro_groups_map` VALUES (1,1),(4,1);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_groups_map` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_aro_map`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aro_map`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aro_map` (
+ `acl_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `section_value` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `value` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`acl_id`,`section_value`,`value`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_aro_map`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aro_map` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_map` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_map` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_aro_sections`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aro_sections`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aro_sections` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `value` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '',
+ `order_value` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `name` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '',
+ `hidden` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `gacl_value_aro_sections` (`value`),
+ KEY `gacl_hidden_aro_sections` (`hidden`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_aro_sections`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aro_sections` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_sections` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aro_sections` VALUES (1,'users',1,'users',0);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_sections` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_aro_sections_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aro_sections_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aro_sections_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_aro_sections_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aro_sections_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_sections_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aro_sections_seq` VALUES (1);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_sections_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_aro_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aro_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aro_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_aro_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aro_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aro_seq` VALUES (2);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_axo`
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_axo` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `section_value` varchar(240) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `value` varchar(240) NOT NULL default '',
+ `order_value` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ `hidden` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `gacl_section_value_value_axo` (`section_value`,`value`),
+ KEY `gacl_hidden_axo` (`hidden`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_axo`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_axo` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_axo` VALUES (1,'scire_ui','scire_ui',1,'scire_ui',0);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_axo_groups`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_axo_groups`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_axo_groups` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `parent_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `lft` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `rgt` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ `value` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`value`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `gacl_value_axo_groups` (`value`),
+ KEY `gacl_parent_id_axo_groups` (`parent_id`),
+ KEY `gacl_lft_rgt_axo_groups` (`lft`,`rgt`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_axo_groups`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_axo_groups` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_groups` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_axo_groups` VALUES (1,0,1,2,'Company Name','Company Name');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_groups` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_axo_groups_id_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_axo_groups_id_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_axo_groups_id_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_axo_groups_id_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_axo_groups_id_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_groups_id_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_axo_groups_id_seq` VALUES (2);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_groups_id_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_axo_groups_map`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_axo_groups_map`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_axo_groups_map` (
+ `acl_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`acl_id`,`group_id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_axo_groups_map`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_axo_groups_map` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_groups_map` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_groups_map` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_axo_map`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_axo_map`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_axo_map` (
+ `acl_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `section_value` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `value` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`acl_id`,`section_value`,`value`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_axo_map`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_axo_map` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_map` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_axo_map` VALUES (6,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(7,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(1,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(2,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(3,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(4,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(5,'scire_ui','scire_ui');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_map` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_axo_sections`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_axo_sections`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_axo_sections` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `value` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '',
+ `order_value` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `name` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '',
+ `hidden` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `gacl_value_axo_sections` (`value`),
+ KEY `gacl_hidden_axo_sections` (`hidden`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_axo_sections`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_axo_sections` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_sections` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_axo_sections` VALUES (2,'clients',1,'clients',0),(1,'scire_ui',2,'scire_ui',0);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_sections` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_axo_sections_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_axo_sections_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_axo_sections_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_axo_sections_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_axo_sections_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_sections_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_axo_sections_seq` VALUES (3);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_sections_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_axo_seq`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_axo_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_axo_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_axo_seq`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_axo_seq` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_seq` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_axo_seq` VALUES (2);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_seq` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_groups_aro_map`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_groups_aro_map`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_groups_aro_map` (
+ `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `aro_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`,`aro_id`),
+ KEY `gacl_aro_id` (`aro_id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_groups_aro_map`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_groups_aro_map` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_groups_aro_map` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_groups_aro_map` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_groups_axo_map`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_groups_axo_map`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_groups_axo_map` (
+ `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `axo_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`,`axo_id`),
+ KEY `gacl_axo_id` (`axo_id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_groups_axo_map`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_groups_axo_map` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_groups_axo_map` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_groups_axo_map` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `gacl_phpgacl`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_phpgacl`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_phpgacl` (
+ `name` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '',
+ `value` varchar(230) NOT NULL default '',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`name`)
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_phpgacl`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_phpgacl` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_phpgacl` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_phpgacl` VALUES ('version','3.3.6'),('schema_version','2.1');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_phpgacl` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `hardware`
+CREATE TABLE `hardware` (
+ `clientid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `processor` varchar(32) default NULL,
+ `memory` varchar(32) default NULL,
+ `hd` varchar(32) default NULL,
+ `cpu` varchar(64) default NULL,
+ `mhz` varchar(32) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`clientid`)
+-- Dumping data for table `hardware`
+LOCK TABLES `hardware` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `hardware` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `hardware` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `hardware_history`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `hardware_history`;
+CREATE TABLE `hardware_history` (
+ `clientid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `changedate` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `field_name` varchar(30) default NULL,
+ `oldvalue` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ `newvalue` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`clientid`,`changedate`)
+-- Dumping data for table `hardware_history`
+LOCK TABLES `hardware_history` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `hardware_history` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `hardware_history` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `job_conditions`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `job_conditions`;
+CREATE TABLE `job_conditions` (
+ `jobid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `clientid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `job_dependency` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `start_time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `start_period` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+ `end_period` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+ `run_interval` int(11) default NULL,
+ `last_run` int(11) default NULL,
+ `last_run_date` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`jobid`,`clientid`),
+ KEY `clientid` (`clientid`)
+-- Dumping data for table `job_conditions`
+LOCK TABLES `job_conditions` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `job_conditions` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `job_conditions` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `job_history`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `job_history`;
+CREATE TABLE `job_history` (
+ `jobid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `clientid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `eventtime` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `status` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
+ `eventmsg` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`jobid`,`clientid`,`eventtime`),
+ KEY `clientid` (`clientid`)
+-- Dumping data for table `job_history`
+LOCK TABLES `job_history` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `job_history` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `job_history` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `jobs`
+CREATE TABLE `jobs` (
+ `jobid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `priority` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `created` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `creator` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `permission` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `script` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `description` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ `pending` int(11) default NULL,
+ `failed` int(11) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`jobid`),
+ KEY `creator` (`creator`),
+ KEY `permission` (`permission`),
+ KEY `script` (`script`)
+-- Dumping data for table `jobs`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `jobs` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `jobs` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `jobs_clients`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `jobs_clients`;
+CREATE TABLE `jobs_clients` (
+ `jobid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `clientid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `groupid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`jobid`,`clientid`,`groupid`),
+ KEY `groupid` (`groupid`),
+ KEY `clientid` (`clientid`)
+-- Dumping data for table `jobs_clients`
+LOCK TABLES `jobs_clients` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `jobs_clients` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `jobs_clients` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `modules`
+CREATE TABLE `modules` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `name` varchar(50) default NULL,
+ `long_name` varchar(150) default NULL,
+ `description` varchar(250) default NULL,
+ `path` varchar(90) default NULL,
+ `author` varchar(50) default NULL,
+ `distribution` varchar(50) default NULL,
+ `category` varchar(30) default NULL,
+ `homepage` varchar(90) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `modules`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `modules` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `modules` VALUES (1,'Quickstart','Quickstart Installation Mangement Daemon','Description goes here and all that good stuff.','quickstart/index.php','Preston Cody','gentoo','deployment',''),(2,'Exporter','Server Information Exporter','This is a utility that will take selected data from the central server about machines and export it into an XML format.','/Exporter/index.php','Preston Cody',NULL,'information','');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `modules` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `os`
+ `osid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `osname` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
+ `update_script` int(11) default NULL,
+ `install_script` int(11) default NULL,
+ `uninstall_script` int(11) default NULL,
+ `rollback_script` int(11) default NULL,
+ `packagelist_script` int(11) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`osid`),
+ KEY `update_script` (`update_script`),
+ KEY `install_script` (`install_script`),
+ KEY `uninstall_script` (`uninstall_script`),
+ KEY `rollback_script` (`rollback_script`),
+ KEY `packagelist_script` (`packagelist_script`)
+-- Dumping data for table `os`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `os` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `os` VALUES (1,'Gentoo Linux',100,101,102,103,104);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `os` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `permissions`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `permissions`;
+CREATE TABLE `permissions` (
+ `permid` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `name` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
+ `description` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ `creator` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `created` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+ `permcategory` varchar(128) NOT NULL default 'Default',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`permid`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`),
+ KEY `creator` (`creator`)
+-- Dumping data for table `permissions`
+LOCK TABLES `permissions` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `permissions` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `permissions` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `scripts`
+CREATE TABLE `scripts` (
+ `scriptid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `name` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
+ `description` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ `location` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ `script_data` text,
+ `log_location` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ `success_code` varchar(32) default NULL,
+ `run_as` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ `priority` int(11) default NULL,
+ `permission` int(11) default NULL,
+ `pp_location` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ `pp_script_data` text,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`scriptid`),
+ KEY `permission` (`permission`)
+-- Dumping data for table `scripts`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `scripts` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `scripts` VALUES (100,'Gentoo Update Script','This script will run emerge sync and emerge -u world, logging the results.','','#!/bin/bash \n emerge sync \n emerge -u world','/var/log/scire/updatelog.txt','0','root',5,1,'',''),(101,'Gentoo Install Package Script','This script will run emerge on a given package and log the results.','','#!/bin/bash\nemerge --nocolor --nospinner --quiet -u world','/var/log/scire/installlog.txt','0','root',2,1,'',''),(102,'Gentoo Uninstall Package Script','This script will run emerge unmerge on a given package and log the results.','','#!/bin/bash \n emerge unmerge','/var/log/scire/uninstalllog.txt','0','root',2,1,'',''),(103,'Gentoo Rollback Script','This script will roll back a given package to its previous version, logging the results.','','#!/bin/bash \n emerge -C && emerge ','/var/log/scire/rollbacklog.txt','0','root',1,1,'',''),(104,'Gentoo PackageList Script','This script will return a list of packages installed on the system and the current version of those packages.','','#!/bin/bash \n %%tag1%% %%tag2%%','/var/log/scire/packagelistlog.txt','0','nobody',8,1,'',''),(105,'install_vim','This will emerge vim for gentoo','Embedded','#!/bin/bash\r\nemerge vim\r\n ','','0','root',1,0,'Embedded',''),(106,'install ufed','this installs ufed, a stupid little prog that helps with USE flags','Embedded','#!/bin/bash\r\nemerge ufed','','0','root',1,0,'Embedded','');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `scripts` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `sessions`
+CREATE TABLE `sessions` (
+ `sessionid` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ `expiration` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
+ `data` text,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`sessionid`)
+-- Dumping data for table `sessions`
+LOCK TABLES `sessions` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sessions` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `sessions` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `settings`
+CREATE TABLE `settings` (
+ `userid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `setting_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
+ `setting_value` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`userid`,`setting_name`)
+-- Dumping data for table `settings`
+LOCK TABLES `settings` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `settings` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `settings` VALUES (1,'start_page','clients.php'),(1,'theme','std_grey'),(1,'notification','phone'),(1,'per_page','2'),(1,'clients_page_sorton','hostname'),(1,'clients_page_fields','ip,osname,username,groups,hostname,status'),(1,'jobs_page_fields','hostname,priority,created,description,username,scriptname,pending,permname,failed'),(1,'users_page_fields','username,real_name,comment,groups,status'),(1,'users_page_sorton','username'),(1,'jobs_page_sorton','hostname'),(1,'jobs_page_sortdir','asc');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `settings` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `software`
+CREATE TABLE `software` (
+ `clientid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `package` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
+ `current_ver` varchar(64) default NULL,
+ `rollback_ver` varchar(64) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`package`),
+ KEY `clientid` (`clientid`)
+-- Dumping data for table `software`
+LOCK TABLES `software` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `software` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `software` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `users`
+CREATE TABLE `users` (
+ `userid` int(11) NOT NULL,
+ `username` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
+ `password` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ `email` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ `phone` varchar(128) default NULL,
+ `pager` varchar(128) default NULL,
+ `real_name` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ `comment` varchar(255) default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`userid`),
+ UNIQUE KEY `username` (`username`)
+-- Dumping data for table `users`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (1,'root','444mwGdhEKuO.','','','','Root User','This is the comment for the root user.'),(2,'codeman','444mwGdhEKuO.','','','555-1212','Preston Cody','Project lead and developer.');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users` ENABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */;
+-- Dump completed on 2007-03-26 0:59:36
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/docs/jobs_flow/get_jobs.png b/docs/jobs_flow/get_jobs.png
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80fc69d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/jobs_flow/run_jobs.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/docs/jobs_flow/scirec_main.png b/docs/jobs_flow/scirec_main.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d116076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/jobs_flow/scirec_main.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/docs/jobs_flow/svg/get_job.svg b/docs/jobs_flow/svg/get_job.svg
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+ x="-276.98492"
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+ style="font-size:16px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan2550">job in DB with </tspan><tspan
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+ style="font-size:16px;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch"
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+ style="font-size:16px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans">correct </tspan>origjob</tspan></text>
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+ style="font-size:12px">Return job data</tspan></text>
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+ id="tspan2650">get_job</tspan> to get data</tspan><tspan
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+ y="1395.2192"
+ id="text7530"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ id="tspan7532"
+ x="-627.14288"
+ y="1395.2192">Yes, so get_job has been called</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-627.14288"
+ y="1420.2192"
+ id="tspan7534">in execution mode for a recurring </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-627.14288"
+ y="1445.2192"
+ id="tspan7536">job.</tspan></text>
+ <text
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+ y="1093.7908"
+ id="text7538"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ id="tspan7540"
+ x="-326"
+ y="1093.7908">Yes</tspan></text>
+ <text
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+ x="-328.7825"
+ y="1256.082"
+ id="text7542"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ id="tspan7544"
+ x="-328.7825"
+ y="1256.082">Yes</tspan></text>
+ <text
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+ y="350.91531"
+ id="text7546"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ id="tspan7548"
+ x="-181.82745"
+ y="350.91531">NB: <tspan
+ style="font-family:Courier 10 Pitch"
+ id="tspan7550">get_job()</tspan> has 2 modes. One is a query mode,</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-181.82745"
+ y="377.9753"
+ id="tspan7554">which will simply return information about a job. The</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-181.82745"
+ y="402.9753"
+ id="tspan7556">other is execution mode. In this approach, recurring</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-181.82745"
+ y="427.9753"
+ id="tspan7558">jobs are duplicated into unique job IDs that are tied </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-181.82745"
+ y="452.9753"
+ id="tspan7560">back to the original job via the <tspan
+ style="font-family:Courier 10 Pitch"
+ id="tspan7562">origjob</tspan> field. In exec</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-181.82745"
+ y="480.03528"
+ id="tspan7564">mode, a recurring job is duplicated into a new ID before</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-181.82745"
+ y="505.03528"
+ id="tspan7566">returning the info from its query.</tspan></text>
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+ y="502.84668"
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+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-115.59786"
+ y="502.84668"
+ id="tspan3145">Get client ID:</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-115.59786"
+ y="520.4242"
+ id="tspan10531"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch">srvmod</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-115.59786"
+ y="537.9242"
+ id="tspan10533"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch">get_clientid</tspan></text>
+ <rect
+ style="font-size:20px;fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.98150337;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
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+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
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+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-118.58022"
+ y="615.93799"
+ id="tspan10556">Init looping</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-115.39663"
+ y="640.93799"
+ id="tspan10572">pointer to DB </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-118.58022"
+ y="665.93799"
+ id="tspan10560"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans">query results</tspan></text>
+ <rect
+ style="font-size:20px;fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.98150337;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
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+ <text
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+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-113.07175"
+ y="737.41522"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10596">Load job from </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-113.07175"
+ y="762.41522"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10602">DB into </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-116.25535"
+ y="785.35524"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch"
+ id="tspan10604">jobs_dict</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-116.25535"
+ y="810.35524"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10598" /></text>
+ <rect
+ style="font-size:20px;fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.98150337;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
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+ width="150.00647"
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+ x="236.93985"
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+ transform="matrix(0.9999996,8.85029e-4,-5.7801521e-4,0.9999998,0,0)"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
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+ <text
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+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-117.11107"
+ y="882.09253"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10622">Is the job's </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-119.9763"
+ y="902.73854"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch"
+ id="tspan10624">run_interval</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-119.9763"
+ y="927.09253"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10626">value &gt; 0?</tspan></text>
+ <rect
+ style="fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ id="rect10636"
+ width="0"
+ height="18.182745"
+ x="150.51273"
+ y="513.95087"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
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+ <rect
+ style="fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.13471448;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
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+ x="1134.6199"
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+ <text
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+ y="1400.8124"
+ id="text10642"
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+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-118.03393"
+ y="1400.8124"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10648">Does </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-118.03393"
+ y="1423.3124"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10655">the client </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-118.03393"
+ y="1445.8124"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10657">already have </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-120.89916"
+ y="1468.3124"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10667">the job?</tspan></text>
+ <rect
+ style="fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.13471448;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ id="rect10669"
+ width="113.46721"
+ height="113.47795"
+ x="1285.3126"
+ y="1430.3282"
+ transform="matrix(0.8229751,0.5680775,-0.8230865,0.5679161,0,0)"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
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+ <text
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;text-align:center;line-height:125%;writing-mode:lr-tb;text-anchor:middle;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ x="-121.4402"
+ y="1586.36"
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+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-121.4402"
+ y="1586.36"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10690">More</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-121.4402"
+ y="1608.86"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10694">DB records</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-121.4402"
+ y="1631.36"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10700">in query?</tspan></text>
+ <text
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;text-align:center;line-height:125%;writing-mode:lr-tb;text-anchor:middle;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ x="308.94965"
+ y="864.55475"
+ id="text10704"
+ sodipodi:linespacing="125%"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="311.17816"
+ y="864.55475"
+ id="tspan10710"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans">Query DB for </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="311.17816"
+ y="882.05475"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10717">largest job ID </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="308.94965"
+ y="899.55475"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10719">with current job</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="311.17816"
+ y="917.05475"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10721">as the origjob: </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="308.94965"
+ y="933.11276"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch"
+ id="tspan10733">newjob</tspan></text>
+ <text
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ x="14.804216"
+ y="862.0365"
+ id="text10723"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
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+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="14.804216"
+ y="862.0365"
+ id="tspan10727">Yes, so this is a </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="14.804216"
+ y="887.0365"
+ id="tspan10729">recurring job.</tspan></text>
+ <rect
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+ <text
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+ y="1036.2333"
+ id="text10741"
+ sodipodi:linespacing="125%"
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+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="311.21585"
+ y="1036.2333"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10749">Does</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="311.21585"
+ y="1052.2913"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch"
+ id="tspan10751">newjob</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="311.21585"
+ y="1071.2333"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch"
+ id="tspan10762"><tspan
+ style="font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10764">have an </tspan>eventtime</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="311.21585"
+ y="1090.1753"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10766">value?</tspan></text>
+ <rect
+ style="font-size:20px;fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.98150337;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ id="rect10768"
+ width="150.00647"
+ height="88.946548"
+ x="243.21637"
+ y="1388.5536"
+ transform="matrix(0.9999996,8.8502356e-4,-5.7800433e-4,0.9999998,0,0)"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90" />
+ <text
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;text-align:center;line-height:125%;writing-mode:lr-tb;text-anchor:middle;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
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+ y="1413.0701"
+ id="text10770"
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+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="319.17178"
+ y="1413.0701"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10776">Add job to </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="315.98819"
+ y="1438.0701"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10785">queue for</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="315.98819"
+ y="1463.0701"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10787">client</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="315.98819"
+ y="1488.0701"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10778" /></text>
+ <text
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ x="-8.3630829"
+ y="1420.2061"
+ id="text3163"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ id="tspan3165"
+ x="-8.3630829"
+ y="1420.2061">No</tspan></text>
+ <text
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ x="-83.309662"
+ y="1526.4396"
+ id="text9291"
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+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="-83.309662"
+ y="1526.4396"
+ id="tspan9293">Yes</tspan></text>
+ <text
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ x="319.12906"
+ y="1148.8682"
+ id="text10793"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="319.12906"
+ y="1148.8682"
+ id="tspan10795">Yes</tspan></text>
+ <text
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ x="-111.10352"
+ y="1696.9423"
+ id="text10797"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ id="tspan10799"
+ x="-111.10352"
+ y="1696.9423">No</tspan></text>
+ <text
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ x="6.3235712"
+ y="1092.3763"
+ id="text10801"
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+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ id="tspan10803"
+ x="6.3235712"
+ y="1092.3763">No, so it hasn't been</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="6.3235712"
+ y="1117.3763"
+ id="tspan10805">run yet and should run</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="6.3235712"
+ y="1142.3763"
+ id="tspan10807">unconditionally.</tspan></text>
+ <rect
+ style="fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.13471448;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
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+ <text
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+ y="1213.8826"
+ id="text10825"
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+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="313.5636"
+ y="1213.8826"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10835">Has </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="313.5636"
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+ style="font-size:18">Get job details:</tspan><tspan
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+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch">srvmod</tspan><tspan
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+ id="tspan10727">Yes, so this is a </tspan><tspan
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+ x="175.03906"
+ y="414.30832"
+ id="tspan10729">recurring job.</tspan></text>
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+ y="125.73669"
+ id="tspan3145">Get job details:</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="256.54501"
+ y="143.3142"
+ id="tspan10531"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch">srvmod</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="256.54501"
+ y="160.8142"
+ id="tspan10533"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch">get_job()</tspan></text>
+ <rect
+ style="font-size:20px;fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.98150337;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ id="rect2304"
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+ x="181.57532"
+ y="214.83754"
+ transform="matrix(0.9999996,8.8501995e-4,-5.7799711e-4,0.9999998,0,0)"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90" />
+ <path
+ style="fill:none;fill-opacity:0.75;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.96277702px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;marker-end:url(#TriangleOutL);stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="M 250.95211,303.73683 L 251.0044,331.00563"
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+ inkscape:connector-type="polyline"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
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+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="257.97357"
+ y="247.16527"
+ id="tspan2310">Sanity check</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="257.97357"
+ y="272.16527"
+ id="tspan2314"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans">(stub)</tspan></text>
+ <rect
+ style="font-size:20px;fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.98150337;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
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+ x="180.35963"
+ y="335.83865"
+ transform="matrix(0.9999996,8.8502034e-4,-5.7799789e-4,0.9999998,0,0)"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
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+ <path
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+ inkscape:connector-type="polyline"
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+ <text
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;text-align:center;line-height:125%;writing-mode:lr-tb;text-anchor:middle;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ x="254.68787"
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+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="257.87146"
+ y="362.16525"
+ id="tspan2330">Write script </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="254.68787"
+ y="387.16525"
+ id="tspan2334"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans">to temp file</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="254.68787"
+ y="412.16525"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan2344">to run later</tspan></text>
+ <rect
+ style="fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.13471448;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
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+ width="113.46721"
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+ x="554.32941"
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+ transform="matrix(0.8229751,0.5680775,-0.8230865,0.5679161,0,0)"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90" />
+ <text
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+ y="505.15274"
+ id="text10618"
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+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="249.82019"
+ y="505.15274"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10622">Has the job</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="249.82019"
+ y="527.65274"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan2369">been cancelled on</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="249.82019"
+ y="550.15274"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan10626">the server?</tspan></text>
+ <path
+ style="fill:none;fill-opacity:0.75;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.96277702px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;marker-end:url(#TriangleOutL);stroke-opacity:1"
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+ inkscape:connector-type="polyline"
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+ <rect
+ style="fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.13471448;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
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+ width="113.46721"
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+ x="697.00842"
+ y="393.34079"
+ transform="matrix(0.8229751,0.5680775,-0.8230865,0.5679161,0,0)"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
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+ <text
+ xml:space="preserve"
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+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="249.82033"
+ y="665.08112"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan2397">Are there</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="249.82033"
+ y="687.58112"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan2404">dependencies</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="249.82033"
+ y="710.08112"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan2406">for the job?</tspan></text>
+ <path
+ style="fill:none;fill-opacity:0.75;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.96277702px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;marker-end:url(#TriangleOutL);stroke-opacity:1"
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+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
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+ <rect
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+ width="150.00647"
+ height="88.946548"
+ x="376.81927"
+ y="636.77484"
+ transform="matrix(0.9999996,8.8501997e-4,-5.7799715e-4,0.9999998,0,0)"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
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+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90" />
+ <text
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;text-align:center;line-height:125%;writing-mode:lr-tb;text-anchor:middle;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
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+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="455.82812"
+ y="658.20386"
+ id="tspan2422"
+ style="font-size:16px">Get job status of </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="453.28125"
+ y="678.20386"
+ id="tspan2426"
+ style="font-size:16px">dependencies:</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="453.28125"
+ y="694.76837"
+ id="tspan2418"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch">srvmod</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="453.28125"
+ y="712.26837"
+ id="tspan2420"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch">get_jstatus()</tspan></text>
+ <path
+ style="fill:none;fill-opacity:0.75;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.96277702px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;marker-end:url(#TriangleOutL);stroke-opacity:1"
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+ id="path2428"
+ inkscape:connector-type="polyline"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
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+ <rect
+ style="fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.13471448;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
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+ transform="matrix(0.8229751,0.5680775,-0.8230865,0.5679161,0,0)"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90" />
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+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="457.82837"
+ y="803.08105"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan2445">Was the </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="454.96313"
+ y="825.58105"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan2449">dependency job</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="454.96313"
+ y="848.08105"
+ style="font-size:18px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan2451">successful?</tspan></text>
+ <path
+ style="fill:none;fill-opacity:0.75;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.96277702px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;marker-end:url(#TriangleOutL);stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="M 362.6422,823.48165 L 335.3734,823.42936"
+ id="path2453"
+ inkscape:connector-type="polyline"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
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+ <rect
+ style="font-size:20px;fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.98150337;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ id="rect2455"
+ width="150.00647"
+ height="88.946548"
+ x="180.9938"
+ y="781.2691"
+ transform="matrix(0.9999996,8.8502034e-4,-5.7799789e-4,0.9999998,0,0)"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
+ inkscape:export-ydpi="90" />
+ <path
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+ d="M 250.0431,870.16782 L 250.09539,897.43662"
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+ <text
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+ style="font-size:20px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;text-align:center;line-height:125%;writing-mode:lr-tb;text-anchor:middle;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
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+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="255.21771"
+ y="817.69775"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan2465">Run </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="252.03412"
+ y="842.69775"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan2472">script</tspan></text>
+ <rect
+ style="font-size:20px;fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.98150337;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ id="rect2474"
+ width="150.00647"
+ height="88.946548"
+ x="181.11292"
+ y="902.69281"
+ transform="matrix(0.9999996,8.8502036e-4,-5.7799793e-4,0.9999998,0,0)"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
+ inkscape:export-xdpi="90"
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+ <path
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+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
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+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="252.08305"
+ y="939.12158"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan2482">Log script</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="252.08305"
+ y="964.12158"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan2486">output locally</tspan></text>
+ <text
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;text-align:center;line-height:125%;writing-mode:lr-tb;text-anchor:middle;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ x="599.02045"
+ y="467.48386"
+ id="text3463"
+ sodipodi:linespacing="125%"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="599.02045"
+ y="467.48386"
+ id="tspan3467"
+ style="font-family:Courier 10 Pitch"></tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="599.02045"
+ y="492.48386"
+ id="tspan3471"
+ style="font-family:Courier 10 Pitch">run_job()</tspan></text>
+ <rect
+ style="fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.13471448;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
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+ width="113.46721"
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+ <text
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+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="253.66403"
+ y="1068.2316"
+ style="font-size:20;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan3481">Job </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="250.48044"
+ y="1093.2316"
+ style="font-size:20;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan3488">status:</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="250.48044"
+ y="1118.2316"
+ style="font-size:20;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan3490">failed?</tspan></text>
+ <path
+ style="fill:none;fill-opacity:0.75;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.96277702px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;marker-end:url(#TriangleOutL);stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="M 250.46979,1153.6834 L 250.52208,1180.9522"
+ id="path3492"
+ inkscape:connector-type="polyline"
+ inkscape:export-filename="/home/disney/gentoo/diagrams/get_jobs.png"
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+ <rect
+ style="fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.13471448;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
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+ id="tspan3500">status:</tspan><tspan
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+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="254.5211"
+ y="1431.2405"
+ style="font-size:18;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ id="tspan3514">job success?</tspan></text>
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+ id="text3195"
+ sodipodi:linespacing="125%"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="316.9704"
+ y="657.42694"
+ id="tspan3205">Add with client info </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="316.9704"
+ y="674.92694"
+ id="tspan10385">as pending: </tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="314.74188"
+ y="687.40995"
+ id="tspan10387"
+ style="font-family:Courier 10 Pitch;font-size:10"> sys_info(),</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="314.74188"
+ y="699.90995"
+ id="tspan10389"
+ style="font-family:Courier 10 Pitch;font-size:10">svrmod</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="314.74188"
+ y="712.40995"
+ id="tspan10391"
+ style="font-family:Courier 10 Pitch;font-size:10">add_client()</tspan></text>
+ <text
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+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ id="tspan3175"
+ x="70.576187"
+ y="427.5575">Load</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="70.576187"
+ y="452.5575"
+ id="tspan3177">certificate</tspan></text>
+ <rect
+ style="font-size:20px;fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.98150337;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
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+ sodipodi:linespacing="125%"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="76.506531"
+ y="845.15253"
+ id="tspan3213">Get list of jobs:</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="76.506531"
+ y="862.73004"
+ id="tspan10395"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch">svrmod</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="76.506531"
+ y="880.23004"
+ id="tspan10397"
+ style="font-size:14px;font-family:Courier 10 Pitch">get_jobs()</tspan></text>
+ <path
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+ y="366.94226"
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+ x="88.681641"
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+ x="186.68108"
+ y="672.36774"
+ id="text10285"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ id="tspan10287"
+ x="186.68108"
+ y="672.36774">No</tspan></text>
+ <text
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+ y="786.65344"
+ id="text10289"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="91.503204"
+ y="786.65344"
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+ y="953.41827"
+ id="text10297"
+ sodipodi:linespacing="125%"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="73.479355"
+ y="953.41827"
+ id="tspan10301">Run jobs:</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="73.479355"
+ y="970.99579"
+ id="tspan10399"
+ style="font-family:Courier 10 Pitch;font-size:14"></tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="73.479355"
+ y="988.49579"
+ id="tspan10401"
+ style="font-family:Courier 10 Pitch;font-size:14">run_jobs()</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="73.479355"
+ y="1005.9958"
+ id="tspan10305" /></text>
+ <rect
+ style="fill:#cccccc;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.13471448;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
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+ <text
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+ id="text10309"
+ sodipodi:linespacing="125%"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="73.562241"
+ y="1106.3645"
+ id="tspan10313">Daemon</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="73.562241"
+ y="1131.3645"
+ id="tspan10321">mode?</tspan></text>
+ <path
+ style="fill:none;fill-opacity:0.75;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.91477418px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;marker-mid:none;marker-end:url(#TriangleOutL);stroke-opacity:1"
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+ <text
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+ y="1096.4672"
+ id="text10325"
+ sodipodi:linespacing="125%"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="315.23236"
+ y="1096.4672"
+ id="tspan10331">Sleep for</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="315.23236"
+ y="1121.4672"
+ id="tspan10341">poll_int</tspan></text>
+ <path
+ style="fill:none;fill-opacity:0.75;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.9822917px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;marker-end:url(#TriangleOutL);stroke-opacity:1"
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+ d="M 75.515,1171.2599 L 75.350614,1226.8945"
+ id="path10335"
+ inkscape:connector-type="polyline" />
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+ d="M 315.51117,872.71982 L 315.41575,1062.8907"
+ id="path10343"
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+ <path
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+ y="1206.9929"
+ id="text10347"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ id="tspan10349"
+ x="99.103874"
+ y="1206.9929">No</tspan></text>
+ <text
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:20px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans"
+ x="184.37054"
+ y="1093.8558"
+ id="text10351"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="184.37054"
+ y="1093.8558"
+ id="tspan10353">Yes</tspan></text>
+ <path
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+ style="fill:url(#linearGradient10361);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
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+ <text
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+ x="49.796856"
+ y="1257.6338"
+ id="text10357"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="49.796856"
+ y="1257.6338"
+ id="tspan10365">Stop</tspan></text>
+ </g>
diff --git a/docs/moria.sql b/docs/moria.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbe0a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/moria.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+--create database moria;
+use moria;
+drop table if exists modules;
+create table modules ( id INT NOT NULL default '0',
+name VARCHAR(50),
+long_name VARCHAR(150),
+description VARCHAR(250),
+main_content VARCHAR(90),
+author VARCHAR(50),
+distribution VARCHAR(50),
+category VARCHAR(30),
+homepage VARCHAR(90),
+drop table if exists clients;
+create table clients (
+hostname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL default 'hostname',
+mac VARCHAR(17) NOT NULL default '00:01:02:03:04:05',
+ip VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL default 'dhcp',
+profile VARCHAR(30),
+distribution VARCHAR(50),
+administrator VARCHAR(50),
+status VARCHAR(100),
+PRIMARY KEY (client_id)
+drop table if exists profiles;
+create table profiles (
+profile_name VARCHAR(30),
+filename VARCHAR(90) NOT NULL,
+description VARCHAR(250),
+distribution VARCHAR(50),
+PRIMARY KEY (profile_name)
+drop table if exists groups;
+create table groups (
+profile_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
+machine_id INT NOT NULL
+drop table if exists users;
+create table users (
+username VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
+password VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default 'invalid',
+real_name VARCHAR(60),
+comment VARCHAR(90),
+PRIMARY KEY (username)
+drop table if exists permissions;
+create table permissions (
+perm_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
+description VARCHAR(90),
+creator VARCHAR(30),
+PRIMARY KEY (perm_name)
+--INSERT INTO jobs (client, cliengroup, jobtype, priority, jobparam) VALUES ("boxa", "webserver", "pkgupdate", 2, "apache")
+--INSERT INTO jobs (client, cliengroup, jobtype, priority, jobparam) VALUES ("boxa", "webserver", "cfgupdate", 3, "scp://server/etc/apache2/httpd2.conf")
+--INSERT INTO jobs (client, cliengroup, jobtype, priority, jobparam) VALUES ("boxa", "webserver", "runscript", 4, "scp://server/etc/apache2/")
+drop table if exists jobs;
+create table jobs (
+job_id INT NOT NULL,
+client_id INT NOT NULL,
+jobtype VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
+priority INT NOT NULL default 5,
+jobparam VARCHAR(300),
+timecreated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
+timesent TIMESTAMP,
+timedone TIMESTAMP,
+status VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
+created_by VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
+description VARCHAR(250),
+PRIMARY KEY (job_id)
+-- by Blackace
+CREATE TABLE sessions (
+ sessionid varchar(255) character set utf8 collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
+ expiration int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
+ data text,
+ PRIMARY KEY (sessionid)
+drop table if exists user_preferences;
+grant all on moria.* to hobbit identified by 'hobbitpassword';
+grant all on moria.* to hobbit@localhost identified by 'hobbitpassword';
diff --git a/docs/moria2.sql b/docs/moria2.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bb6439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/moria2.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+use moria;
+INSERT INTO modules values (1,'GLIMD','Gentoo Linux Installation Mangement Daemon','Description goes here and all that good stuff.','glimd.txt','Preston Cody','gentoo','deployment','');
+INSERT INTO modules values (2,'Exporter','Server Information Exporter','This is a utility that will take selected data from the central server about machines and export it into an XML format.','Exporter.php','Preston Cody',NULL,'information','');
+INSERT INTO clients values (1, 'testhostlead', '00:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e', '', 'printerserver', 'gentoo', 'Preston Cody', 'Installed');
+INSERT INTO clients values (2, 'testhostslave', '00:0a:0a:0a:0d:0e', '', 'printerserver', 'gentoo', 'Preston Cody', 'Not Installed');
+INSERT INTO clients values (3, 'testhostmtalead', '0b:0b:0b:0c:0d:0e', '', 'mta', 'gentoo', 'Preston Cody', 'Installed');
+INSERT INTO clients values (4, 'testhostmtaslave', '0c:0c:0c:0c:0d:0e', '', 'mta', 'gentoo', 'Preston Cody', 'Installed');
+INSERT INTO profiles values ('printerserver', 'printerserverprofile.xml', 'Printer Servers use this profile', 'gentoo');
+INSERT INTO profiles values ('mta', 'mtaprofile.xml', 'MTAs use this profile', 'gentoo');
+INSERT INTO users values ('root','444mwGdhEKuO.','Root User');
+INSERT INTO jobs values (1, 1, 'Update', 5, 'emerge sync', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 'Scheduled', 'root', 'Regular Update');
+INSERT INTO jobs values (2, 1, 'Install Packages', 5, 'emerge cups', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 'In Progress', 'root', 'Adding cups');
+INSERT INTO jobs values (3, 2, 'Install Packages', 6, 'emerge cups', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 'Failed', 'root', 'Adding cups');
+INSERT INTO jobs values (4, 3, 'Update', 2, 'glsa-check', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 'In Progress', 'root', 'Security Update');
+INSERT INTO jobs values (5, 3, 'Install Packages', 5, 'emerge postrix', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 'Scheduled', 'root', 'Adding postfix, cause its an mta duh.');
diff --git a/docs/phpgacl_seed.sql b/docs/phpgacl_seed.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f882df7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/phpgacl_seed.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+use scire;
+-- Dumping data for table `gacl_acl`
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_acl` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_acl` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_acl` VALUES (3,'system',1,1,'1','',1156105535),(14,'system',1,1,'1','',1175446075),(4,'system',1,1,'1','',1156105622),(1,'system',1,1,'1','',1156105457),(6,'system',1,1,'1','',1156041570),(7,'system',1,1,'1','',1175469155),(5,'system',1,1,'1','',1156105677),(9,'system',1,1,'1','',1174872568),(13,'system',1,1,'1','',1175444039),(15,'system',1,1,'1','',1175446991),(16,'system',1,1,'1','',1175447252),(17,'system',1,1,'1','',1175447319),(18,'system',1,1,'1','',1175449945),(19,'system',1,1,'1','',1175449997),(20,'system',1,1,'1','',1175451002),(21,'system',1,1,'1','',1175451021),(22,'system',1,1,'1','',1175451722),(23,'system',1,1,'1','',1175462168),(24,'system',1,1,'1','',1175469539);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_acl` ENABLE KEYS */;
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aco` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aco` VALUES (13,'scire_ui','Edit User Info',1,'Edit User',0),(14,'scire_ui','Add User',1,'Add User',0),(15,'scire_ui','Add Client',1,'Add Client',0),(16,'scire_ui','View Clients',1,'View Clients',0),(17,'scire_ui','View Pending Clients',1,'View Pending Clients',0),(18,'scire_ui','Approve/Reject Pending Clients',1,'Approve/Reject Pending Clients',0),(19,'scire_ui','View Jobs',1,'View Jobs',0),(20,'scire_ui','Add Job',1,'Add Job',0),(22,'scire_ui','View Users',1,'View Users',0),(23,'Tests','Test Permission 1',1,'Test Permission 1',0),(24,'scire_ui','Add ClientGroup',1,'Add ClientGroup',0),(25,'scire_ui','Edit ClientGroup',1,'Edit ClientGroup',0),(26,'scire_ui','Delete ClientGroup',1,'Delete ClientGroup',0),(27,'scire_ui','Assign Permission',1,'Assign Permission',0),(28,'scire_ui','View Permissions',1,'View Permissions',0),(29,'scire_ui','Edit Client',1,'Edit Client',0),(30,'scire_ui','Delete Client',1,'Delete Client',0),(31,'scire_ui','Change User Pass/Name',1,'Change User Pass/Name',0),(32,'scire_ui','Add UserGroup',1,'Add UserGroup',0);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco` ENABLE KEYS */;
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aco_map` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco_map` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aco_map` VALUES (1,'scire_ui','View Clients'),(3,'scire_ui','Approve/Reject Pending Clients'),(4,'scire_ui','View Jobs'),(5,'scire_ui','Add Job'),(6,'scire_ui','Add User'),(7,'scire_ui','Add Client'),(9,'scire_ui','View Users'),(13,'scire_ui','Add Client'),(14,'scire_ui','View Pending Clients'),(15,'scire_ui','Add ClientGroup'),(16,'scire_ui','Edit ClientGroup'),(17,'scire_ui','Delete ClientGroup'),(18,'scire_ui','Assign Permission'),(19,'scire_ui','View Permissions'),(20,'scire_ui','Edit Client'),(21,'scire_ui','Delete Client'),(22,'scire_ui','View Clients'),(23,'scire_ui','Change User Pass/Name'),(24,'scire_ui','Add UserGroup');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco_map` ENABLE KEYS */;
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aco_sections` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco_sections` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aco_sections` VALUES (1,'scire_ui',1,'scire_ui',0),(3,'Tests',1,'Tests',0);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aco_sections` ENABLE KEYS */;
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aro` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aro` VALUES (1,'users','root',0,'root',0),(2,'users','codeman',1,'codeman',0);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro` ENABLE KEYS */;
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aro_map` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_map` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aro_map` VALUES (7,'users','codeman'),(14,'users','codeman'),(22,'users','codeman'),(24,'users','codeman');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_map` ENABLE KEYS */;
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aro_groups` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_groups` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aro_groups` VALUES (1,0,1,4,'Company Name','Company Name'),(3,1,2,3,'test','test');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_groups` ENABLE KEYS */;
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aro_groups_map` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_groups_map` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aro_groups_map` VALUES (1,1),(4,1),(9,1),(13,1),(14,1),(15,1),(16,1),(17,1),(18,1),(20,1),(21,1),(24,1);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_groups_map` ENABLE KEYS */;
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_aro_sections` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_sections` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aro_sections` VALUES (1,'users',1,'users',0);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_aro_sections` ENABLE KEYS */;
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_axo` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_axo` VALUES (1,'scire_ui','scire_ui',1,'scire_ui',0),(3,'clients','testclient',1,'testclient',0),(5,'clients','testclient2',1,'testclient2',0);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo` ENABLE KEYS */;
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_axo_groups` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_groups` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_axo_groups` VALUES (1,0,1,2,'Company Name','Company Name');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_groups` ENABLE KEYS */;
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_axo_map` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_map` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_axo_map` VALUES (1,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(3,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(4,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(5,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(6,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(7,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(9,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(13,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(14,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(15,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(16,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(17,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(18,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(19,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(20,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(21,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(22,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(23,'scire_ui','scire_ui'),(24,'scire_ui','scire_ui');
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_map` ENABLE KEYS */;
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_axo_sections` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_sections` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_axo_sections` VALUES (2,'clients',1,'clients',0),(1,'scire_ui',2,'scire_ui',0);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_axo_sections` ENABLE KEYS */;
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_groups_aro_map` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_groups_aro_map` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_groups_aro_map` VALUES (1,1);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_groups_aro_map` ENABLE KEYS */;
+LOCK TABLES `gacl_groups_axo_map` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_groups_axo_map` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_groups_axo_map` VALUES (1,3),(1,5);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `gacl_groups_axo_map` ENABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `gacl_acl_seq` VALUES (24);
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aco_seq` VALUES (32);
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aco_sections_seq` VALUES (3);
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aro_groups_id_seq` VALUES (3);
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aro_sections_seq` VALUES (1);
+INSERT INTO `gacl_aro_seq` VALUES (3);
+INSERT INTO `gacl_axo_groups_id_seq` VALUES (2);
+INSERT INTO `gacl_axo_sections_seq` VALUES (3);
+INSERT INTO `gacl_axo_seq` VALUES (5);
diff --git a/docs/scire.conf b/docs/scire.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f55d1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/scire.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+type: mysql
+host: localhost
+db: scire
+user: hobbit
+passwd: moria
diff --git a/docs/scire.sql b/docs/scire.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bd41ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/scire.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+USE scire;
+ password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ email VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
+ phone VARCHAR(128) NULL,
+ pager VARCHAR(128) NULL,
+ real_name VARCHAR(255),
+ comment VARCHAR(255)
+CREATE TABLE clients (
+ assetid VARCHAR(64) UNIQUE,
+ digest VARCHAR(128) UNIQUE,
+ hostname VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
+ gli_profile INT,
+ osid INT,
+ status INT,
+ contact INT,
+ installtime TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), # date the clients first was set up
+ FOREIGN KEY (osid) REFERENCES os.osid,
+ FOREIGN KEY (status) REFERENCES client_status.statusid,
+ FOREIGN KEY (gli_profile) REFERENCES GLI_profiles.profileid,
+ FOREIGN KEY (contact) REFERENCES users.userid
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS client_status;
+CREATE TABLE client_status (
+ statusid INT NOT NULL,
+ statusname VARCHAR(30),
+ PRIMARY KEY (statusid)
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS permissions;
+CREATE TABLE permissions (
+ description VARCHAR(255),
+ permcategory VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Default',
+ creator INT NOT NULL,
+ FOREIGN KEY (creator) REFERENCES users.userid
+ priority INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+ creator INT NOT NULL,
+ permission INT NOT NULL,
+ script INT NOT NULL,
+ description VARCHAR(255),
+ pending INT,
+ failed INT,
+ INDEX (creator),
+ FOREIGN KEY (creator) REFERENCES users.userid,
+ FOREIGN KEY (permission) REFERENCES permissions.permid,
+ FOREIGN KEY (script) REFERENCES scripts.scriptid
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS job_history;
+CREATE TABLE job_history (
+ jobid INT NOT NULL,
+ clientid INT NOT NULL,
+ statusid INT NOT NULL,
+ eventmsg VARCHAR(255),
+ PRIMARY KEY (jobid, clientid, eventtime,statusid),
+ FOREIGN KEY (jobid) REFERENCES jobs.jobid,
+ FOREIGN KEY (clientid) REFERENCES clients.clientid,
+ FOREIGN KEY (statusid) REFERENCES jobs_status.statusid
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS jobs_status;
+CREATE TABLE jobs_status (
+ statusid INT NOT NULL,
+ statusname VARCHAR(30),
+ PRIMARY KEY (statusid)
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS jobs_clients;
+CREATE TABLE jobs_clients (
+ jobid INT NOT NULL,
+ clientid INT,
+ groupid INT,
+ PRIMARY KEY (jobid, clientid, groupid),
+ FOREIGN KEY (jobid) REFERENCES jobs.jobid,
+ FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES groups.gropuid,
+ FOREIGN KEY (clientid) REFERENCES clients.clientid
+# Either clienid or groupid is required, if 1 is provided the other MUST be NULL
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS recurring_jobs_clients;
+CREATE TABLE recurring_jobs_clients (
+ jobid INT NOT NULL,
+ clientid INT,
+ groupid INT,
+ PRIMARY KEY (jobid, clientid, groupid),
+ FOREIGN KEY (jobid) REFERENCES jobs.jobid,
+ FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES groups.gropuid,
+ FOREIGN KEY (clientid) REFERENCES clients.clientid
+# Either clienid or groupid is required, if 1 is provided the other MUST be NULL
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS job_conditions;
+CREATE TABLE job_conditions (
+ jobid INT NOT NULL,
+ job_dependency INT,
+ deploy_time DATETIME,
+ expiration_time DATETIME,
+ run_schedule VARCHAR(255), #a cron-like string showing the schedule to run. min interval of 1 minute.
+ validity_period INT, # how many minutes will the job be available
+ last_run INT,
+ last_run_date DATETIME,
+# conditions here (TBD)
+# other types of dependencies:
+# right now time and proccess (other jobs)
+# might also include data (partition full?)
+ PRIMARY KEY (jobid),
+ FOREIGN KEY (jobid) REFERENCES jobs.jobid
+CREATE TABLE scripts (
+ name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
+ description VARCHAR(255),
+ location VARCHAR(255),
+ script_data TEXT,
+ log_location VARCHAR(255),
+ success_code VARCHAR(32),
+ run_as VARCHAR(255),
+ priority INT,
+ permission INT,
+ pp_location VARCHAR(255),
+ pp_script_data TEXT,
+ return_output INT DEFAULT 0,
+ FOREIGN KEY (permission) REFERENCES permissions.permid
+ osname VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
+ update_script INT,
+ install_script INT,
+ uninstall_script INT,
+ rollback_script INT,
+ packagelist_script INT,
+ FOREIGN KEY (update_script) REFERENCES scripts.scriptid,
+ FOREIGN KEY (install_script) REFERENCES scripts.scriptid,
+ FOREIGN KEY (uninstall_script) REFERENCES scripts.scriptid,
+ FOREIGN KEY (rollback_script) REFERENCES scripts.scriptid,
+ FOREIGN KEY (packagelist_script) REFERENCES scripts.scriptid
+CREATE TABLE sessions (
+ expiration INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ data TEXT
+CREATE TABLE settings (
+ userid INT NOT NULL,
+ setting_name VARCHAR(64),
+ setting_value VARCHAR(255),
+ PRIMARY KEY (userid, setting_name),
+ FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users.userid
+CREATE TABLE hardware (
+ processor VARCHAR(32),
+ memory VARCHAR(32), # size of the installed memory in MB
+ hd VARCHAR(32), # size of harddisk in MB
+# partitions: data about the partitions
+ cpu VARCHAR(64), # type of cpu
+ mhz VARCHAR(32), # speed of the cpu
+# netcards: product names of the installed network cards
+# graficcard: information about the grafic card
+# soundcard: name of the sound card
+# isa: information about ISA components
+# dmi: DMI information
+# ram ,
+#.. steal the rest from Zen or m23
+ FOREIGN KEY (clientid) REFERENCES clients.clientid
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hardware_history;
+CREATE TABLE hardware_history (
+ clientid INT NOT NULL,
+ field_name VARCHAR(30),
+ oldvalue VARCHAR(255),
+ newvalue VARCHAR(255),
+ PRIMARY KEY (clientid,changedate),
+ FOREIGN KEY (clientid) REFERENCES clients.clientid
+CREATE TABLE software (
+ clientid INT NOT NULL,
+ current_ver VARCHAR(64),
+ rollback_ver VARCHAR(64),
+ #dependencies
+ FOREIGN KEY (clientid) REFERENCES clients.clientid
+CREATE TABLE GLI_profiles (
+ profile_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
+ location VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ description VARCHAR(255)
+CREATE TABLE dyn_tags (
+ scriptid INT NOT NULL,
+ tag_value VARCHAR(255),
+ PRIMARY KEY (scriptid, tag),
+ FOREIGN KEY (scriptid) REFERENCES scripts.scriptid
+drop table if exists modules;
+create table modules (
+id INT NOT NULL default '0',
+name VARCHAR(50),
+long_name VARCHAR(150),
+description VARCHAR(250),
+path VARCHAR(90),
+author VARCHAR(50),
+distribution VARCHAR(50),
+category VARCHAR(30),
+homepage VARCHAR(90),
+#########PHPGACL CODE##########
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gacl_phpgacl;
+CREATE TABLE gacl_phpgacl (
+ name VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL,
+ value VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (name)
+DELETE FROM gacl_phpgacl WHERE name='version';
+INSERT INTO gacl_phpgacl (name,value) VALUES ('version','3.3.6');
+DELETE FROM gacl_phpgacl WHERE name='schema_version';
+INSERT INTO gacl_phpgacl (name,value) VALUES ('schema_version','2.1');
+CREATE TABLE gacl_acl (
+ section_value VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'system',
+ return_value TEXT,
+ note TEXT,
+ updated_date INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+ALTER TABLE gacl_acl ADD INDEX gacl_enabled_acl (enabled);
+ALTER TABLE gacl_acl ADD INDEX gacl_section_value_acl (section_value);
+ALTER TABLE gacl_acl ADD INDEX gacl_updated_date_acl (updated_date);
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gacl_acl_sections;
+CREATE TABLE gacl_acl_sections (
+ value VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL,
+ name VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL,
+ALTER TABLE gacl_acl_sections ADD UNIQUE INDEX gacl_value_acl_sections (value);
+ALTER TABLE gacl_acl_sections ADD INDEX gacl_hidden_acl_sections (hidden);
+DELETE FROM gacl_acl_sections WHERE id=1 AND value='system';
+INSERT INTO gacl_acl_sections (id,value,order_value,name) VALUES (1,'system',1,'System');
+DELETE FROM gacl_acl_sections WHERE id=2 AND value='user';
+INSERT INTO gacl_acl_sections (id,value,order_value,name) VALUES (2,'user',2,'User');
+CREATE TABLE gacl_aco (
+ section_value VARCHAR(240) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ value VARCHAR(240) NOT NULL,
+ name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ALTER TABLE gacl_aco ADD UNIQUE INDEX gacl_section_value_value_aco (section_value, value);
+ALTER TABLE gacl_aco ADD INDEX gacl_hidden_aco (hidden);
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gacl_aco_map;
+CREATE TABLE gacl_aco_map (
+ section_value VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ value VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (acl_id, section_value, value)
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gacl_aco_sections;
+CREATE TABLE gacl_aco_sections (
+ value VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL,
+ name VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL,
+ALTER TABLE gacl_aco_sections ADD UNIQUE INDEX gacl_value_aco_sections (value);
+ALTER TABLE gacl_aco_sections ADD INDEX gacl_hidden_aco_sections (hidden);
+CREATE TABLE gacl_aro (
+ section_value VARCHAR(240) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ value VARCHAR(240) NOT NULL,
+ name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ALTER TABLE gacl_aro ADD UNIQUE INDEX gacl_section_value_value_aro (section_value, value);
+ALTER TABLE gacl_aro ADD INDEX gacl_hidden_aro (hidden);
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gacl_aro_map;
+CREATE TABLE gacl_aro_map (
+ section_value VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ value VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (acl_id, section_value, value)
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gacl_aro_sections;
+CREATE TABLE gacl_aro_sections (
+ value VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL,
+ name VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL,
+ALTER TABLE gacl_aro_sections ADD UNIQUE INDEX gacl_value_aro_sections (value);
+ALTER TABLE gacl_aro_sections ADD INDEX gacl_hidden_aro_sections (hidden);
+CREATE TABLE gacl_axo (
+ section_value VARCHAR(240) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ value VARCHAR(240) NOT NULL,
+ name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ALTER TABLE gacl_axo ADD UNIQUE INDEX gacl_section_value_value_axo (section_value, value);
+ALTER TABLE gacl_axo ADD INDEX gacl_hidden_axo (hidden);
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gacl_axo_map;
+CREATE TABLE gacl_axo_map (
+ section_value VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ value VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (acl_id, section_value, value)
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gacl_axo_sections;
+CREATE TABLE gacl_axo_sections (
+ value VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL,
+ name VARCHAR(230) NOT NULL,
+ALTER TABLE gacl_axo_sections ADD UNIQUE INDEX gacl_value_axo_sections (value);
+ALTER TABLE gacl_axo_sections ADD INDEX gacl_hidden_axo_sections (hidden);
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gacl_aro_groups;
+CREATE TABLE gacl_aro_groups (
+ name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ value VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (id, value)
+ALTER TABLE gacl_aro_groups ADD INDEX gacl_parent_id_aro_groups (parent_id);
+ALTER TABLE gacl_aro_groups ADD UNIQUE INDEX gacl_value_aro_groups (value);
+ALTER TABLE gacl_aro_groups ADD INDEX gacl_lft_rgt_aro_groups (lft, rgt);
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gacl_groups_aro_map;
+CREATE TABLE gacl_groups_aro_map (
+ PRIMARY KEY (group_id, aro_id)
+ALTER TABLE gacl_groups_aro_map ADD INDEX gacl_aro_id (aro_id);
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gacl_aro_groups_map;
+CREATE TABLE gacl_aro_groups_map (
+ PRIMARY KEY (acl_id, group_id)
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gacl_axo_groups;
+CREATE TABLE gacl_axo_groups (
+ name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ value VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (id, value)
+ALTER TABLE gacl_axo_groups ADD INDEX gacl_parent_id_axo_groups (parent_id);
+ALTER TABLE gacl_axo_groups ADD UNIQUE INDEX gacl_value_axo_groups (value);
+ALTER TABLE gacl_axo_groups ADD INDEX gacl_lft_rgt_axo_groups (lft, rgt);
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gacl_groups_axo_map;
+CREATE TABLE gacl_groups_axo_map (
+ PRIMARY KEY (group_id, axo_id)
+ALTER TABLE gacl_groups_axo_map ADD INDEX gacl_axo_id (axo_id);
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gacl_axo_groups_map;
+CREATE TABLE gacl_axo_groups_map (
+ PRIMARY KEY (acl_id, group_id)
+#########SEQUENCES (both PHPGACL and scire)##########
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_acl_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_acl_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aco_sections_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aco_sections_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aco_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aco_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aro_groups_id_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aro_groups_id_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aro_sections_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aro_sections_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_aro_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_aro_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_axo_groups_id_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_axo_groups_id_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_axo_sections_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_axo_sections_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gacl_axo_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `gacl_axo_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+CREATE TABLE `jobs_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `scripts_seq`;
+CREATE TABLE `scripts_seq` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
diff --git a/docs/scire2.sql b/docs/scire2.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d6251c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/scire2.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+use scire;
+INSERT INTO users (userid, username, password, email, phone, pager, real_name, comment) values (1, 'root','444mwGdhEKuO.', '', '', '', 'Root User', 'This is the comment for the root user.');
+INSERT INTO users (userid, username, password, email, phone, pager, real_name, comment) values (2, 'codeman','444mwGdhEKuO.', '', '', '', 'Preston Cody', 'Project lead and developer.');
+INSERT INTO client_status (statusid, statusname) values (1, 'Pending');
+INSERT INTO client_status (statusid, statusname) values (2, 'Active');
+INSERT INTO client_status (statusid, statusname) values (3, 'Inactive');
+INSERT INTO client_status (statusid, statusname) values (4, 'Rejected');
+INSERT INTO client_status (statusid, statusname) values (5, 'Retired');
+INSERT INTO jobs_status (statusid, statusname) values (1, 'Pending');
+INSERT INTO jobs_status (statusid, statusname) values (2, 'Downloaded');
+INSERT INTO jobs_status (statusid, statusname) values (3, 'Running');
+INSERT INTO jobs_status (statusid, statusname) values (4, 'Failed');
+INSERT INTO jobs_status (statusid, statusname) values (5, 'Finished');
+INSERT INTO jobs_status (statusid, statusname) values (6, 'Cancelled');
+INSERT INTO `permissions` VALUES (0,'View Users','Able to list the users',1,'2007-03-26 01:29:28','Default'),(23,'Test Permission 1','this is only a test.',1,'2007-03-26 02:20:40','Default'),(24,'Add ClientGroup','In the clients section, lets you add a group of clients.',2,'2007-04-01 17:03:11','Default'),(25,'Edit ClientGroup','Allows editing of the name and parent of a clientgroup.',2,'2007-04-01 17:07:32','Default'),(26,'Delete ClientGroup','deleting of a clientgroup. clients within move to parent.',2,'2007-04-01 17:08:39','Default'),(27,'Assign Permission','allows assigning permissions of users to clients. This is a very important permission!',2,'2007-04-01 17:52:25','Default'),(28,'View Permissions','see the list of active permissions.',2,'2007-04-01 17:53:17','Default'),(29,'Edit Client','edit client information.',2,'2007-04-01 18:10:02','Default'),(30,'Delete Client','remove a client.',2,'2007-04-01 18:10:21','Default'),(31,'Change User Pass/Name','If set, the ability to change a user\'s password will be enabled.',1,'2007-04-01 21:16:08','Default'),(32,'Add UserGroup','allows creation of usergroups.',1,'2007-04-01 23:18:59','Default');
+INSERT INTO `scripts` VALUES (100,'Gentoo Update Script','This script will run emerge sync and emerge -u world, logging the results.','','#!/bin/bash \n emerge sync \n emerge -u world','/var/log/scire/updatelog.txt','0','root',5,1,'','',0),(101,'Gentoo Install Package Script','This script will run emerge on a given package and log the results.','','#!/bin/bash\nemerge --nocolor --nospinner --quiet -u world','/var/log/scire/installlog.txt','0','root',2,1,'','',0),(102,'Gentoo Uninstall Package Script','This script will run emerge unmerge on a given package and log the results.','','#!/bin/bash \n emerge unmerge','/var/log/scire/uninstalllog.txt','0','root',2,1,'','',0),(103,'Gentoo Rollback Script','This script will roll back a given package to its previous version, logging the results.','','#!/bin/bash \n emerge -C && emerge ','/var/log/scire/rollbacklog.txt','0','root',1,1,'','',0),(104,'Gentoo PackageList Script','This script will return a list of packages installed on the system and the current version of those packages.','','#!/bin/bash \n %%tag1%% %%tag2%%','/var/log/scire/packagelistlog.txt','0','nobody',8,1,'','',0),(105,'install_vim','This will emerge vim for gentoo','Embedded','#!/bin/bash\r\nemerge vim\r\n ','','0','root',1,0,'Embedded','',0),(106,'install ufed','this installs ufed, a stupid little prog that helps with USE flags','Embedded','#!/bin/bash\r\nemerge ufed','','0','root',1,0,'Embedded','',0),(107,'get package list','lists all installed gentoo packages and their versions. stores this info in the DB', 'Embedded', '#!/bin/bash\r\nfind /var/db/pkg -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d | sed \'s:^/var/db/pkg/::;s:-\([0-9.]\+.*$\,0):|\1:\'','','0','nobody',5,0,'get_package_list','',0);
+INSERT INTO os (osid, osname, update_script, install_script, uninstall_script, rollback_script, packagelist_script) values (1,'Gentoo Linux',100 ,101 ,102 ,103, 104 );
+INSERT INTO GLI_profiles (profileid, profile_name, location, description) values (1, 'printerserver', '/scire/gli_profiles/printerserver.xml', 'A typical printer server install profile. has like cups and shit.');
+INSERT INTO GLI_profiles (profileid, profile_name, location, description) values (2, 'mta', '/scire/gli_profiles/mta.xml', 'A typical MTA install profile. has like very little except mailers.');
+INSERT INTO `clients` VALUES (3,'ASSET02','sampledigest','testclient','00:01:02:03:04:0A','',1,1,2,2,'0000-00-00 00:00:00'),(5,'ASSET05','testdigest','testclient2','00:01:02:03:04:05','',1,1,2,1,'0000-00-00 00:00:00');
+INSERT INTO jobs (jobid, priority, created, creator, permission, script, description, pending, failed) values (1, 1, NOW(), 2, 1, 100, 'Upgrading a package on mtalead', 1,0);
+INSERT INTO jobs_clients (jobid, clientid) values (1, 3);
+INSERT INTO job_conditions (jobid, job_dependency, run_schedule, validity_period) values (1, 0, '*/15 * * * *', 4);
+INSERT INTO jobs_seq VALUES (10);
+INSERT INTO scripts_seq VALUES (10);
+INSERT INTO settings (userid, setting_name, setting_value) values (1, 'start_page', 'users.php');
+INSERT INTO settings (userid, setting_name, setting_value) values (1, 'theme', 'light_blue');
+INSERT INTO settings (userid, setting_name, setting_value) values (2, 'clients_page_fields', 'hostname,ip,profile_name,osname,username,installtime,status');
+#INSERT INTO jobs values (2, 1, 'Install Packages', 5, 'emerge cups', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 3, 'root', 'Adding cups');
+#INSERT INTO jobs values (3, 2, 'Install Packages', 6, 'emerge cups', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 4, 'root', 'Adding cups');
+#INSERT INTO jobs values (4, 3, 'Update', 2, 'glsa-check', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 3, 'root', 'Security Update');
+#INSERT INTO jobs values (5, 3, 'Install Packages', 5, 'emerge postfix', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'root', 'Adding postfix, cause its an mta duh.');
+#INSERT INTO modules values (1,'Quickstart','Quickstart Installation Mangement Daemon','Description goes here and all that good stuff.','quickstart/index.php','Preston Cody','gentoo','deployment','');
+#INSERT INTO modules values (2,'Exporter','Server Information Exporter','This is a utility that will take selected data from the central server about machines and export it into an XML format.','Exporter/index.php','Preston Cody',NULL,'information','');
diff --git a/docs/scire3.sql b/docs/scire3.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f2007b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/scire3.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+drop table if exists user_pref;
+create table user_pref (
+user_id INT NOT NULL,
+jobs_layout VARCHAR(250),
+jobs_fields VARCHAR(250),
+PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
+) Type=MyISAM;
+--example. user_id = 1234
+-- jobs_layout = csv of field_ids = "5,7,8,1,2,55,24"
+-- jobs_fields = csv of sort order+direction. 0 = not sorted. = "0a,0a,1d,3a,2d,0a,0a"
+drop table if exists jobs_fields;
+create table jobs_fields (
+field_id INT NOT NULL,
+field_name VARCHAR(50),
+field_desc VARCHAR(200),
+PRIMARY KEY (field_id)
+) Type=MyISAM;
+--example (5, "Priority", "Shows the priority of the job.")
diff --git a/docs/scire4.sql b/docs/scire4.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36c3a4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/scire4.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+CREATE TABLE `sessions` (
+ `sessionid` varchar(255) character set utf8 collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
+ `expiration` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
+ `data` text,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`sessionid`)
diff --git a/docs/scire_client_backend_details.txt b/docs/scire_client_backend_details.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..428d564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/scire_client_backend_details.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+The client program will be made as simple as possible, keeping the duplication
+of code to a minimum while allowing full functional control of the client
+machine. The RPC calls that the client program will make will need to be
+locked with a semaphore because the program will have multiple processes. The
+client program can be run in two modes, daemon and normal. In daemon mode, the
+client will start the XMLRPC server and keep it active indefinitatly. This
+mode will accept poll_now requests from the scire server. In normal mode,
+there will be a process of steps that will execute and then the program will
+The program will fork off a subprocess to handle polling and downloading of
+jobs. This process will register and make an RPC call to the scire server
+asking for jobs. If the scire server replies with jobs it will download the
+XML file and save it in the queue. When done downloading all jobs, the
+polling process will sleep for the interval of the poll_interval variable.
+After that time if the main process is not currently making an RPC call, and
+the client program is still running, it will poll the scire server again for
+jobs. This procedure will continue as long as the program is running.
+The main thread will stat the queue directory after forking the polling
+subprocess. It will look in sorted order at the queue and if it finds a job it
+will take the highest priority, oldest job first. When the job is complete it
+will send an RPC call (or wait until it is able to) to the scire server
+updating the status of the job, and then stat the queue directory again and
+execute the next job (if there is one). In normal mode it will continue in
+this process until at least one poll/download has completed and there are no
+remaining jobs and then quit. In daemon mode it will continue until stopped.
diff --git a/docs/scire_server_backend_details.txt b/docs/scire_server_backend_details.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bcdbc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/scire_server_backend_details.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Scire Server Backend Design Details:
+Single points of failure:
+Database. workaround: db replication
+one server daemon. workaround: run multiple server daemons connecting to the
+same databse. The configuration scripts will be made to handle failing over
+from a primary server daemon to an alternate.
+On startup, the server will need to check and deal with the possibility that
+it needs to recover from failure. This could include making a query to check
+for jobs that are to be sent to client programs running in daemon mode.
+This could also include checking for jobs that were sent but did not return a
+response saying they were received.
+After recovery procedures, the server program will start the XMLRPC server
+(over a secure socket of course), register itself to the network, and await
+If a client program is configured to run in daemon mode (which is not
+advised), and a job is "pushed" to a client, this is done by sending a small
+RPC to the client program demanding that it ask for work immediately rather
+than on its normal schedule.
+Clients will be able to register/connect to the XMLRPC server for many
+purposes. Most will be to either ask for work or to report the status of a
+job that was sent to a client.
+Asking for work:
+When a client program registers and makes a connection to the server, it will
+fork a thread on the server program for that client. Max-threads will be
+define-able if necessary. Inside the thread, a query will be made to the
+database to find jobs waiting to be sent to that client. All pending jobs
+will be then checked against the ACL for the correct permissions. If the
+check fails, update the status in the database and log accordingly. If the
+check passes, reply to the client RPC by creating an XML job file on the fly
+from the contents of the database row. Await a reply from the client that it
+received this job and is waiting for more jobs. Send more jobs accordingly.
+If the client does not reply saying it receives a message, ???
+Updating the status of a job:
+Don't know about threads here. May not be necessary. The client will connect
+and state the job id# and the status of that job in an XML file. The server
+program will parse and process the contents and update the database. The
+server program will then reply to the client acknowledging the receipt of the
+status message.
diff --git a/docs/screenshots/cron.jpg b/docs/screenshots/cron.jpg
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/screenshots/user_assign_permission.png
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/screenshots/usertour/clients2.png
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+++ b/docs/screenshots/usertour/delete_user.png
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cebe361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/server_be_job_transfer.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+make DB connection
+Validate client_id and token.
+Client will also send a list of job_id's it already has. store as ids_client_already_has.
+query = "SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE client_id="+client_id+" and status='pending' ORDER BY priority"
+foreach row in results:
+ if job_id in ids_client_already_has: continue
+ Serialize job. keep in memory. as jobs[job_id]
+ write job to disk as XML. md5 it. store in memory as md5s[job_id]
+ push job_id onto list of jobs_to_send.
+while jobs_to_send:
+ pop current_job from jobs_to_send
+ send jobs[current_job]
+ send md5s[current_job]
+ wait a bit for a response... if timeout, push current_job back onto jobs_to_send.
+ if response == "BadMD5":
+ log event to error log.
+ push current_job onto jobs_to_send
+ # job will get resent the next time around.
+ # moves to bottom of queue incase it is a recurring problem
+ # so it doesn't hold up all the other jobs?
+ # this is OK because it will be resorted by priority on the client's end.
+ if response == "OK":
+ query = "UPDATE jobs SET status='received' WHERE job_id="+current_job
+ continue #move onto next job. This is in the client's hands now.
+close DB connection. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scire/.lib/DB.php b/scire/.lib/DB.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cbdd24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.lib/DB.php
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+require_once($ADOdb_path . '');
+require_once($ADOdb_path . '');
+class DB {
+ private $dbi;
+ private $error;
+ #######################################################################
+ function __construct($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name, $db_type) {
+ try {
+ $dbi = NewADOConnection($db_type);
+ $dbi->Connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name);
+ $dbi->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC);
+ } catch (exception $e) {
+ print_r($e);
+ }
+ $this->dbi = $dbi;
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ function __get($name) {
+ switch ($name) {
+ case 'error':
+ return $this->error;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ function __set($name, $value) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ function __isset($name) {
+ switch ($name) {
+ case 'error':
+ if ($this->error && strlen($this->error) > 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ function __unset($name) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ # $table = 'table1' OR array('table1', 'table2')
+ # $select = '*' OR 'column1' OR array('column1', 'column2')
+ # $query = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = \'value\' OR column = (SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE column = \'value\')'
+ # $set = array('setcolumn' => 'value')
+ # $update = array('updatecolumn' => 'value')
+ # $where = '`matchcolumn` = \'criteria\''
+ # insert($table, $set)
+ # update($table, $update)
+ # update($table, $update, $where)
+ # delete($table, $where)
+ # select($select, $table)
+ # select($select, $table, $where)
+ # select($query)
+ #######################################################################
+ function __call($method, $args) {
+ $dbi = $this->dbi;
+ #print "DEBUG: $method <BR>";
+ #print_r($args);
+ switch ($method) {
+ case 'insert':
+ try {
+ $result = $dbi->AutoExecute($args[0], $args[1], 'INSERT');
+ } catch (exception $e) {
+ print_r($e);
+ }
+ if (!$result) {
+ print $dbi->ErrorMsg();
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'update':
+ try {
+ $result = $dbi->AutoExecute($args[0], $args[1], 'UPDATE', $args[2] );
+ } catch (exception $e) {
+ print_r($e);
+ }
+ if (!$result) {
+ print $dbi->ErrorMsg();
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ case 'delete':
+ if ($args && count($args) == 2) {
+ $query = strtoupper($method);
+ $query .= ' FROM `' . $args[0] . '`';
+ $query .= ' WHERE ' . $args[1];
+ #print $query . "<BR>"; #for debugging.
+ try {
+ # $sql = $dbi->Prepare($query);
+ $recordSet = $dbi->Execute($query);
+ } catch (exception $e) {
+ print_r($e);
+ }
+ if (!$recordSet) {
+ print $dbi->ErrorMsg();
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return $recordSet->RecordCount();
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'select':
+ if ($args && (count($args) >= 1 && count($args) <= 3)) {
+ if (count($args) == 1) {
+ $query = $args[0];
+ } else {
+ $query = strtoupper($method);
+ if (is_array($args[0])) {
+ foreach ($args[0] as $value) {
+ $query .= ' ' . $value . ', ';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $query .= '*';
+ }
+ $query = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $query);
+ $query .= ' FROM ' . $args[1] ;
+ if (count($args) == 3) {
+ $query .= ' WHERE ' . $args[2];
+ }
+ }
+ #print $query; #for debugging.
+ try {
+ $sql = $dbi->Prepare($query);
+ $recordSet = $dbi->Execute($sql);
+ } catch (exception $e) {
+ print_r($e);
+ }
+ if (!$recordSet) {
+ print $dbi->ErrorMsg();
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ $rows = array();
+ while (!$recordSet->EOF) {
+ $rows[] = $recordSet->fields;
+ $recordSet->MoveNext();
+ }
+ $recordSet->Close(); # optional
+ #print_r($rows);
+ return $rows;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'query':
+ if (count($args) > 2) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $query = $args[0];
+ #print $query . "<BR>"; #for debugging.
+ try {
+ $sql = $dbi->Prepare($query);
+ if (count($args) == 2) {
+ $recordSet = $dbi->Execute($sql,$args[1]);
+ } else {
+ $recordSet = $dbi->Execute($sql);
+ }
+ } catch (exception $e) {
+ print_r($e);
+ }
+ if (!$recordSet) {
+ print $dbi->ErrorMsg();
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ $rows = array();
+ while (!$recordSet->EOF) {
+ #print_r($recordSet->fields);
+ $rows[] = $recordSet->fields;
+ $recordSet->MoveNext();
+ }
+ $recordSet->Close(); # optional
+ return $rows;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'get_next_id':
+ if (!$args[0]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ try {
+ $id = $dbi->GenID($args[0],10); #Generate an ID for the table, start at 10 if not defined yet.
+ } catch (exception $e) {
+ print_r($e);
+ }
+ return $id;
+ case 'now':
+ try {
+ $time = $dbi->DBDate(time());
+ } catch (exception $e) {
+ print_r($e);
+ }
+ default:
+ $this->error = 'unknown method';
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/scire/.lib/DB_functions.php b/scire/.lib/DB_functions.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1278552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.lib/DB_functions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+function get_scire_modules() {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'modules');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_scire_module_list() {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select(array('main_content', 'name'), 'modules');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_profile_list() {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('profile_name', 'GLI_profiles');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_group_clients($group) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'clients', '`gli_profile` = \'' . $group . '\'');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_scire_clients($orderby, $direction, $status='Active') {
+ global $db;
+ if ($status == "All") {
+ $where = ""; #Don't filter on status.
+ } elseif ($status) {
+ $where = " WHERE cs.statusname='$status' ";
+ } else {
+ $where = " WHERE cs.statusname='Active' ";
+ }
+ if ($orderby) {
+ $where .= "ORDER BY `$orderby` $direction";
+ } else {
+ $where .= '';
+ }
+ $result = $db->select('SELECT c.clientid, c.assetid, c.digest, c.hostname, c.mac, c.ip, cs.statusname as status, c.installtime, p.profile_name, o.osname, u.username FROM clients AS c LEFT JOIN GLI_profiles AS p ON (c.gli_profile=p.profileid) LEFT JOIN os AS o ON (c.osid=o.osid) LEFT JOIN users AS u ON ( LEFT JOIN client_status AS cs ON (c.status=cs.statusid) '.$where);
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_scire_client($clientid) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'clients', '`clientid` = \'' . $clientid . '\'');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result[0];
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function get_client_statuses() {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'client_status');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function scire_add_client($clientid, $digest, $hostname, $mac, $ip, $profileid, $osid, $contact, $status, $installtime, $assetid) {
+#clientid, assetid, digest, cert, hostname, mac, ip, gli_profile, osid, status, contact, installtime
+ if (!$installtime) {$installtime = $db->now(); }
+ global $db;
+ #we need to add the client to the axo table first and then to the clients
+ $result = $db->insert('clients', array('clientid' => $clientid, 'digest' => $digest, 'hostname' => $hostname, 'mac' => $mac, 'ip' => $ip, 'gli_profile' => $profileid, 'osid' => $osid, 'contact' => $contact, 'status' => $status, 'installtime' => $installtime, 'assetid' => $assetid));
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_edit_client($clientid, $fields) {
+ global $db;
+ if (isset($fields['status'])) {
+ $res = $db->select(array('statusid'), 'client_status', '`statusname` = \'' . $fields['status'] . '\'');
+ var_dump($res);
+ if ($res && count($res)>0)
+ $fields['status'] = $res[0]['statusid'];
+ else
+ unset($fields['status']);
+ }
+ $result = $db->update('clients', $fields, "`clientid` = $clientid");
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_del_client($client_id) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->delete('clients', "`clientid` = $client_id");
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function get_scire_users($orderby, $direction) {
+ #we don't want to store the password for security reasons. <- ???
+ global $db;
+ if ($orderby) {
+ $where = "1 ORDER BY `$orderby` $direction";
+ } else {
+ $where = '1';
+ }
+ $result = $db->select(array('userid', 'username', 'comment', 'real_name'), 'users', $where);
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_scire_user($userid) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'users', '`userid` = ' . $userid . '');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result[0];
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function scire_add_user($userid, $username, $password, $real_name, $comment, $email, $phone, $pager) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->insert('users', array('userid' => $userid, 'username' => $username, 'password' => crypt($password, 447470567), 'comment' => $comment, 'real_name' => $real_name, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone, 'pager' => $pager));
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_edit_user($userid, $fields) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->update('users', $fields, '`userid` = \'' . $userid . '\'');
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_del_user($userid) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->delete('users', '`userid` = \'' . $userid . '\'');
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_add_permission($permid, $perm_name, $desc, $created_by) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->insert('permissions', array('permid' => $permid, 'name' => $perm_name, 'description' => $desc, 'creator' => $created_by));
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_edit_permission($perm_name, $desc) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->update('permissions', array('description' => $desc), '`perm_name` = \'' . $perm_name . '\'');
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_del_permission($perm_name) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->delete('permissions', '`perm_name` = \'' . $perm_name . '\'');
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function get_scire_permissions() {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'permissions');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_scire_permission_by_name($permname) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'permissions', "`name` = '$permname'");
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result[0];
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function get_scire_ui_permissions() {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'permissions', "`permcategory` = 'scire_ui'");
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_scire_gli_profiles() {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select(array('profile_name','profileid'), 'GLI_profiles');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_scire_oss() {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select(array('osname','osid'), 'os');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_scire_script($scriptid) {
+ global $db;
+ $scriptid = (int) $scriptid;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'scripts', "`scriptid` = $scriptid");
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result[0];
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function get_scire_scripts() {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'scripts');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_scire_settings($userid) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'settings', "`userid` = $userid");
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ $result2 = array();
+ foreach($result as $row) {
+ $result2[$row['setting_name']] = $row['setting_value'];
+ }
+ return $result2;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function scire_set_setting($userid, $name, $value) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->update('settings',array('setting_value' => $value), "`userid` = '$userid' AND `setting_name`='$name'");
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_add_setting($userid, $name, $value) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->insert('settings',array('userid' => $userid, 'setting_name' => $name, 'setting_value' => $value ));
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_approve_client($clientid) {
+ global $db;
+ $clientid = (int) $clientid;
+ $res = $db->select(array('statusid'), 'client_status', '`statusname` = \'Active\'');
+ if ($clientid) {
+ $result = $db->update('clients',array('status' => $res[0]['statusid']), "`clientid` = '$clientid'");
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function scire_reject_client($clientid) {
+ global $db;
+ if (int($clientid) != $clientid) {return false;}
+ $res = $db->select(array('statusid'), 'client_status', '`statusname` = \'Rejected\'');
+ $result = $db->update('clients',array('status' => $res[0]['statusid']), "`clientid` = '$clientid'");
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_add_job($script, $priority, $creator, $permission, $description, $pending, $clients, $clientgroups, $job_dependency, $run_schedule, $validity_period) {
+ global $db;
+ #First make the job id
+ $jobid = $db->get_next_id('jobs_seq');
+ print "Got a Job ID, it is $jobid <br>";
+ $result = $db->insert('jobs', array('jobid' => $jobid, 'script' => $script, 'priority' => $priority, 'created' => $db->now(), 'creator' => $creator, 'permission' => $permission, 'description' => $description, 'pending' => $pending ));
+ if (!$result) {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+ if ($run_schedule != "") {
+ print "Run schedule is $run_schedule<br>";
+ $cron = new CronParser($run_schedule);
+ $nextRun = $cron->calculateNextRun();
+ var_dump($nextRun);
+ $nextRun = mktime( $nextRun[1], $nextRun[0], 0, $nextRun[3], $nextRun[2], $nextRun[4] );
+ $expTime = $nextRun + ( $validity_period * 60);
+ $nextRun = strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %T', $nextRun );
+ $expTime = strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %T', $expTime );
+ } else {
+ $nextRun = strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %T', time());
+ $expTime = "";
+ }
+ # Add conditions
+ $result = $db->insert('job_conditions', array('jobid' => $jobid, 'job_dependency' => $job_dependency, 'run_schedule' => $run_schedule, 'deploy_time' => $nextRun, 'expiration_time' => $expTime, 'validity_period' => $validity_period));
+ if (!$result) {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+ # Add history entry only if the job is assigned to a specific
+ # client. Managing groups require a different approach
+ #Now add the clients.
+ $status = get_statusid('Pending');
+ if ($clients) {
+ foreach ($clients as $client) {
+ $result = $db->insert('job_history', array('jobid' => $jobid, 'clientid' => $client,
+ 'statusid' => $status,
+ 'eventmsg' => 'Job created'));
+ if (!$result) {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+ $result = $db->insert('jobs_clients', array('jobid' => $jobid, 'clientid' => $client));
+ if (!$result) {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+ if ($run_schedule != "") {
+ $result = $db->insert('recurring_jobs_clients', array('jobid' => $jobid, 'clientid' => $client));
+ if (!$result) {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($clientgroups) {
+ foreach ($clientgroups as $cgroup) {
+ $result = $db->insert('jobs_clients', array('jobid' => $jobid, 'groupid' => $cgroup));
+ if (!$result) {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+ if ($run_schedule != "") {
+ $result = $db->insert('recurring_jobs_clients', array('jobid' => $jobid, 'groupid' => $cgroup));
+ if (!$result) {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0; #Success
+function get_scire_jobs($orderby, $direction, $status='Pending') {
+ global $db;
+ if ($status == "All") {
+ $where = ""; #Don't filter on pending status.
+ } elseif ($status == "Pending") {
+ $where = " AND j.pending > 0 ";
+ } else {
+ $where = " ";
+ }
+ if ($orderby) {
+ $where .= " ORDER BY `$orderby` $direction";
+ } else {
+ $where .= '';
+ }
+ $result = $db->select('SELECT j.*,jc.groupid,c.hostname, as scriptname, u.username, as permname '.
+ 'FROM jobs AS j '.
+ 'JOIN jobs_clients AS jc ON (j.jobid=jc.jobid) '.
+ 'JOIN clients AS c ON (jc.clientid=c.clientid) '.
+ 'LEFT JOIN scripts AS s ON (j.script=s.scriptid) '.
+ 'JOIN users AS u ON (j.creator=u.userid) '.
+ 'LEFT JOIN permissions AS p ON (j.permission=p.permid) '.
+ ' '.$where);
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_scire_job($jobid) {
+ global $db;
+ # Falta el job history y el job clients
+ $result = $db->select('SELECT j.jobid, j.priority, j.script, j.description, u.username as creator, as permission, jc.validity_period, jc.run_schedule ' .
+ 'FROM jobs AS j '.
+ 'JOIN users AS u ON (j.creator=u.userid) '.
+ 'LEFT JOIN job_conditions AS jc ON (j.jobid=jc.jobid) '.
+ 'LEFT JOIN permissions AS p ON (j.permission=p.permid) '.
+ ' WHERE j.jobid=\'' . (int) $jobid . '\'');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result[0];
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function scire_edit_job($jobid, $fields) {
+ global $db;
+ $jobConditions = array();
+ if (isset($fields["run_schedule"])) {
+ $jobConditions["run_schedule"] = $fields["run_schedule"];
+ unset($fields["run_schedule"]);
+ }
+ if (isset($fields["validity_period"])) {
+ $jobConditions["validity_period"] = $fields["validity_period"];
+ unset($fields["validity_period"]);
+ }
+ $result = $db->update('jobs', $fields, '`jobid` = \'' . $jobid . '\'');
+ if (count($jobConditions) > 0) {
+ $result = $result && $db->update('job_conditions', $jobConditions, '`jobid` = \'' . $jobid . '\'');
+ }
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function get_statusid($statusname) {
+ global $db;
+ $name = htmlentities($statusname);
+ $result = $db->select('SELECT statusid FROM jobs_status WHERE statusname = \'' . $name . '\'');
+ if ($result) {
+ var_dump( $result[0]['statusid'] );
+ return $result[0]['statusid'];
+ }
+ else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_add_script($name, $desc, $location, $script_data, $log_location, $success_code, $run_as, $priority, $permission, $pp_location, $pp_script_data, $script_tags) {
+ global $db;
+ # First make the script ID
+ $scriptid = $db->get_next_id('scripts_seq');
+ print "Got a Script ID, it is $scriptid<br>";
+ $result = $db->insert('scripts', array('scriptid' => $scriptid, 'name' => $name, 'description' => $desc, 'location' => $location, 'script_data' => $script_data, 'log_location' => $log_location, 'success_code' => $success_code, 'run_as' => $run_as, 'priority' => $priority, 'permission' => $permission, 'pp_location' => $pp_location, 'pp_script_data' => $pp_script_data ));
+ if (!$result) {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+ #Now add the tags.
+ if ($script_tags) {
+ foreach ($script_tags as $name => $value) {
+ $result = $db->insert('dyn_tags', array('scriptid' => $scriptid, 'tag' => $name, 'tag_value' => $value) );
+ if (!$result) {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0; #Success
+function get_dyn_tag_value($scriptid,$tag) {
+ global $db;
+ $scriptid = (int) $scriptid;
+ $result = $db->select('tag_value', 'dyn_tags', "`scriptid` = $scriptid AND `tag` = '$tag'");
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result[0]['tag_value'];
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
diff --git a/scire/.lib/Session.php b/scire/.lib/Session.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af12d18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.lib/Session.php
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+class Session {
+ private $db;
+ private $table;
+ private $maxidle;
+ private $error;
+ function __construct($db, $table) {
+ $this->db = $db;
+ $this->table = $table;
+ session_set_save_handler(array(&$this, '_open'), array(&$this, '_close'), array(&$this, '_read'), array(&$this, '_write'), array(&$this, '_destroy'), array(&$this, '_gc'));
+ session_start();
+ }
+ function __destruct() {
+ session_write_close();
+ }
+ function __get($name) {
+ switch ($name) {
+ case 'error':
+ return $this->error;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function __set($name, $value) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ function __isset($name) {
+ switch ($name) {
+ case 'error':
+ if ($this->error && strlen($this->error) > 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function __unset($name) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ function _open($savepath, $sname) {
+ #$this->maxidle = get_cfg_var('session.gc_maxlifetime');
+ $this->maxidle = 3600;
+ }
+ function _close() {
+ $this->_gc($this->maxidle);
+ }
+ function _read($sid) {
+ $result = $this->db->select(array('data'), $this->table, '`sessionid` = \'' . $sid . '\' AND `expiration` > \'' . time() . '\'');
+ if ($result && (count($result) > 0 && array_key_exists('data', $result[0]))) {
+ return $result[0]['data'];
+ } else {
+ $this->error = $this->db->error;
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ function _write($sid, $sdata) {
+ $expiration = time() + $this->maxidle;
+ $result = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO `".$this->table."` (`sessionid`,`expiration`, `data`) VALUES (?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `expiration`=?, `data`=?", array($sid, $expiration, $sdata, $expiration, $sdata) );
+ #$result = $this->db->insert($this->table, array('sessionid' => $sid, 'expiration' => $expiration, 'data' => $sdata), array('expiration' => $expiration, 'data' => $sdata));
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ $this->error = $this->db->error;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ function _destroy($sid) {
+ $username = '';
+ $result = $this->db->select(array('data'), $this->table, '`sessionid` = \'' . $sid . '\'');
+ if ($result && (count($result) > 0 && array_key_exists('data', $result[0]))) {
+ if (preg_match('/^.*username\|s:[0-9]+:"([^"]+)".*$/', $result[0]['data'], $matches)) {
+ $username = $matches[1];
+ }
+ }
+ $result = $this->db->delete($this->table, '`sessionid` = \'' . $sid . '\'');
+ if ($result) {
+ if (strlen($username) > 0) {
+ $result = $this->db->delete($this->table, '`data` regexp \'^.*username\|s:[0-9]+:"' . $username . '".*$\'');
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ $this->error = $this->db->error;
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->error = $this->db->error;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ function _gc($smaxidle) {
+ $result = $this->db->delete($this->table, '`expiration` < \'' . time() . '\'');
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ $this->error = $this->db->error;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ function destroy() {
+ $_SESSION = array();
+ if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {
+ setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-420000, '/');
+ }
+ session_destroy();
+ }
diff --git a/scire/.lib/common.php b/scire/.lib/common.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..032597f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.lib/common.php
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Validate the path if it exists.
+if (isset($path)) {
+ if ($path != "../") {
+ header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
+ $smarty->assign('title', 'Path Error');
+ $smarty->assign('message', 'invalid path. stop trying to hack me you mofo!');
+ $smarty->display('message.tpl');
+ exit(0);
+ }
+} else {
+ $path = "";
+# Configuration
+# Functions
+# Clean config
+$basedir = normalize_path($basedir);
+$baseurl = normalize_path($baseurl);
+$smarty_dir = normalize_path($smarty_dir);
+# Smarty
+# Database class
+$db = new DB($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name, $db_type);
+if (isset($db->error)) {
+ header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
+ $smarty->assign('title', 'Database Error');
+ $smarty->assign('message', $db->error);
+ $smarty->display('message.tpl');
+ exit(0);
+# Database functions
+# Session class
+$session = new Session($db, $db_sessions_table);
+if (isset($session->error)) {
+ header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
+ $smarty->assign('title', 'Session Error');
+ $smarty->assign('message', $session->error);
+ $smarty->display('message.tpl');
+ exit(0);
+# ACL class
+# Check login
+if (!isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
+ header('Location: ' . $baseurl . 'login.php?afterlogin=' . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
+ exit(0);
+} else {
+ $smarty->assign('userid', $_SESSION['userid']);
+ $smarty->assign('username', $_SESSION['username']);
+ $smarty->assign('useremail', $_SESSION['useremail']);
+ #Set Theme
+ $smarty->assign('theme', $_SESSION['settings']['theme']);
diff --git a/scire/.lib/config.php.example b/scire/.lib/config.php.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9b4674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.lib/config.php.example
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Base directory
+$basedir = '/var/www/localhost/htdocs/scire/';
+# Base URL
+$baseurl = '/scire/';
+# Database
+$db_name = 'scire';
+$db_host = 'localhost';
+$db_username = 'USERNAME GOES HERE';
+$db_password = 'PASSWORD GOES HERE';
+$db_sessions_table = 'sessions';
+# ADOdb path
+$ADOdb_path = '/usr/share/php5/adodb/';
+$db_type = 'mysql';
+# Smarty directory
+$smarty_dir = '/usr/share/php/smarty/';
+# Permissions filter
+$scire_ui_section = "scire_ui";
diff --git a/scire/.lib/functions.php b/scire/.lib/functions.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a1996f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.lib/functions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+function normalize_path($path) {
+ if ($path && strlen($path) > 0) {
+ return preg_replace('/^(.*?)[\/]?$/', '$1/', $path);
+ } else {
+ return $path;
+ }
+function dumper($var) {
+ ob_start();
+ var_dump($var);
+ return ob_get_clean();
+function pre_var_dump($var) {
+ print "<pre>";
+ var_dump($var);
+ print "</pre>";
+function add_leftbar(&$leftbar_menu, $entry_name, $entry_link) {
+ $temp_menu_entry['name'] = $entry_name;
+ $temp_menu_entry['link'] = $entry_link;
+ array_push($leftbar_menu, $temp_menu_entry);
+function get_clients_fields() {
+ $fields['hostname'] = array('name' => 'Hostname', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['ip'] = array('name' => 'IP Address', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['mac'] = array('name' => 'MAC Address', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['digest'] = array('name' => 'Cert Digest', 'sortable' => False);
+ $fields['profile_name'] = array('name' => 'GLI Profile', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['osname'] = array('name' => 'OS Name', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['username'] = array('name' => 'User Contact', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['installtime'] = array('name' => 'Install Time', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['status'] = array('name' => 'Status', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['groups'] = array('name' => 'Client Groups', 'sortable' => False);
+ return $fields;
+function get_default_clients_fields() {
+ return 'hostname,ip,profile_name,osname,username,status,groups';
+function get_users_fields() {
+ $fields['username'] = array('name' => 'Username', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['real_name'] = array('name' => 'Real Name', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['comment'] = array('name' => 'Comment', 'sortable' => False);
+ $fields['status'] = array('name' => 'Status', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['groups'] = array('name' => 'User Groups', 'sortable' => False);
+ return $fields;
+function get_default_users_fields() {
+ return 'username,real_name,comment,status,groups';
+function get_jobs_fields() {
+ $fields['hostname'] = array('name' => 'Hostname', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['priority'] = array('name' => 'Priority', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['created'] = array('name' => 'Created', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['username'] = array('name' => 'Created By', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['scriptname'] = array('name' => 'Script Name', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['pending'] = array('name' => '# Pending', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['failed'] = array('name' => '# Failed', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['permname'] = array('name' => 'Permission', 'sortable' => True);
+ $fields['description'] = array('name' => 'Description', 'sortable' => False);
+ return $fields;
+function get_default_jobs_fields() {
+ return 'hostname,scriptname,priority,created,permname,pending,failed';
+function get_priorities() {
+ return array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9');
+function get_cron_times() {
+ # Minutes array
+ $minutes = array(
+# "*" => "Every minute",
+# "*/2" => "Every other minute",
+ "*/5" => "Every five minutes",
+ "*/10" => "Every ten minutes",
+ "*/15" => "Every fifteen minutes",
+ );
+ foreach (range(0,59) as $val) {
+ $minutes[(string)$val] = $val;
+ }
+ $minutes["other"] = "other";
+ # Hours array
+ $hours = array(
+ "*" => "Every hour",
+ "*/2" => "Every other hour");
+ foreach (range(0,11) as $val) {
+ $hours[(string)$val] = (string)$val . " A.M.";
+ }
+ $hours["12"] = "12 Noon";
+ foreach (range(13,23) as $val) {
+ $hours[(string)$val] = (string)($val-12) . " P.M.";
+ }
+ $hours["other"] = "other";
+ # Days
+ $days = array(
+ "*" => "Every day",
+ "*/2" => "Every other day");
+ foreach (range(1,31) as $val) {
+ $days[(string)$val] = (string)($val);
+ }
+ $days["other"] = "other";
+ # Weekdays
+ $weekdays = array(
+ "*" => "Every weekday",
+ "0" => "Sunday",
+ "1" => "Monday",
+ "2" => "Tuesday",
+ "3" => "Wednesday",
+ "4" => "Thursday",
+ "5" => "Friday",
+ "6" => "Saturday");
+ $weekdays["other"] = "other";
+ # Months
+ $months = array("*" => "Every month",
+ "1" => "January",
+ "2" => "February",
+ "3" => "March",
+ "4" => "April",
+ "5" => "May",
+ "6" => "June",
+ "7" => "July",
+ "8" => "August",
+ "9" => "October",
+ "10" => "September",
+ "11" => "November",
+ "12" => "December");
+ $months["other"] = "other";
+ return array($minutes,$hours,$days,$weekdays,$months);
diff --git a/scire/.lib/module_common.php b/scire/.lib/module_common.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c51549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.lib/module_common.php
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+$path = "../";
diff --git a/scire/.lib/oldDB.php.blackace b/scire/.lib/oldDB.php.blackace
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0deb28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.lib/oldDB.php.blackace
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+class DB {
+ private $db;
+ private $error;
+ function __construct($host, $user, $pass, $db) {
+ if ($this->db = @mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass)) {
+ if (!@mysql_select_db($db, $this->db)) {
+ $this->error = 'mysql select db failed';
+ if ($mysqlerror = mysql_error($this->db)) {
+ $this->error .= ' (' . $mysqlerror . ')';
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->error = 'mysql connect failed';
+ if ($mysqlerror = mysql_error()) {
+ $this->error .= ' (' . $mysqlerror . ')';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function __get($name) {
+ switch ($name) {
+ case 'error':
+ return $this->error;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function __set($name, $value) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ function __isset($name) {
+ switch ($name) {
+ case 'error':
+ if ($this->error && strlen($this->error) > 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function __unset($name) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ # $table = 'table1' OR array('table1', 'table2')
+ # $select = '*' OR 'column1' OR array('column1', 'column2')
+ # $query = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = \'value\' OR column = (SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE column = \'value\')'
+ # $set = array('setcolumn' => 'value')
+ # $update = array('updatecolumn' => 'value')
+ # $where = '`matchcolumn` = \'criteria\''
+ # insert($table, $set)
+ # insert($table, $set, $update)
+ # update($table, $update)
+ # update($table, $update, $where)
+ # delete($table, $where)
+ # select($select, $table)
+ # select($select, $table, $where)
+ # select($query)
+ function __call($method, $args) {
+ switch ($method) {
+ case 'insert':
+ case 'update':
+ if ($args && (count($args) == 2 || count($args) == 3)) {
+ $query = strtoupper($method);
+ if ($method == 'insert') {
+ $query .= ' INTO';
+ }
+ $query .= ' `' . $args[0] . '` SET ';
+ foreach ($args[1] as $column => $value) {
+ $query .= '`' . $column . '`=\'' . $value . '\', ';
+ }
+ $query = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $query);
+ if (count($args) == 3) {
+ if ($method == 'insert') {
+ $query .= ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ';
+ foreach ($args[2] as $column => $value) {
+ if ($value == "NOW") {
+ $query .= '`' . $colnum . '` = NOW(), ';
+ } else {
+ $query .= '`' . $column . '`=\'' . $value . '\', ';
+ }
+ }
+ $query = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $query);
+ } elseif ($method == 'update') {
+ $query .= ' WHERE ' . $args[2];
+ }
+ }
+ #print $query; #for debugging.
+ if (@mysql_query($query, $this->db)) {
+ return mysql_affected_rows($this->db);
+ } else {
+ $this->error = 'mysql ' . $method . ' failed';
+ if ($mysqlerror = mysql_error($this->db)) {
+ $this->error .= ' (' . $mysqlerror . ')';
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'delete':
+ if ($args && count($args) == 2) {
+ $query = strtoupper($method);
+ $query .= ' FROM `' . $args[0] . '`';
+ $query .= ' WHERE ' . $args[1];
+ if (@mysql_query($query, $this->db)) {
+ return mysql_affected_rows($this->db);
+ } else {
+ $this->error = 'mysql ' . $method . ' failed';
+ if ($mysqlerror = mysql_error($this->db)) {
+ $this->error .= ' (' . $mysqlerror . ')';
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'select':
+ if ($args && (count($args) >= 1 && count($args) <= 3)) {
+ if (count($args) == 1) {
+ $query = $args[0];
+ } else {
+ $query = strtoupper($method);
+ if (is_array($args[0])) {
+ foreach ($args[0] as $value) {
+ $query .= ' ' . $value . ', ';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $query .= '*';
+ }
+ $query = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $query);
+ $query .= ' FROM ' . $args[1] ;
+ if (count($args) == 3) {
+ $query .= ' WHERE ' . $args[2];
+ }
+ }
+ #print $query; #for debugging.
+ if ($result = @mysql_query($query, $this->db)) {
+ $rows = array();
+ while ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
+ $rows[] = $row;
+ }
+ mysql_free_result($result);
+ return $rows;
+ } else {
+ $this->error = 'mysql ' . $method . ' failed';
+ if ($mysqlerror = mysql_error($this->db)) {
+ $this->error .= ' (' . $mysqlerror . ')';
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'query':
+ if (count($args) == 1) {
+ $query = $args[0];
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ print $query . "<BR>"; #for debugging.
+ if ($result = @mysql_query($query, $this->db)) {
+ $rows = array();
+ while ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
+ $rows[] = $row;
+ }
+ mysql_free_result($result);
+ return $rows;
+ } else {
+ $this->error = 'mysql ' . $method . ' failed';
+ if ($mysqlerror = mysql_error($this->db)) {
+ $this->error .= ' (' . $mysqlerror . ')';
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ default:
+ $this->error = 'unknown method';
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/scire/.lib/phpGACL.php b/scire/.lib/phpGACL.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfceebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.lib/phpGACL.php
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+require_once($path . './phpgacl/gacl.class.php');
+require_once($path . './phpgacl/gacl_api.class.php');
+$gacl_options = array(
+ 'db_type' => 'mysql',
+ 'db_host' => $db_host,
+ 'db_user' => $db_username,
+ 'db_password' => $db_password,
+ 'db_name' => $db_name,
+ 'db_table_prefix' => 'gacl_',
+# 'caching' => 'FALSE',
+ 'smarty_dir' => preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $smarty_dir),
+ 'smarty_template_dir' => 'templates',
+ 'smarty_compile_dir' => 'templates_c'
+$acl = new gacl_api($gacl_options); #can be gacl_api
+function check_access($permname) {
+ global $acl;
+ global $scire_ui_section;
+ if ($_SESSION['username'] == "root") { return True; } #godmode
+ if ($acl->acl_check($scire_ui_section, $permname, "users", $_SESSION['username'],$scire_ui_section, $scire_ui_section) ) {
+ return True;
+ } else {
+ return False;
+ }
+ return False;
+function check_action_access($permname) { #Same as above but aborts the page for you.
+ global $acl;
+ global $scire_ui_section;
+ if ($_SESSION['username'] == "root") { return True; } #iddqd
+ $result = $acl->acl_check($scire_ui_section, $permname, "users", $_SESSION['username'],$scire_ui_section, $scire_ui_section);
+ if ($result) {
+ #print "Access Granted! $result";
+ return True;
+ } else {
+ header('Location: ' . $baseurl . 'access_error.php?perm=' . urlencode($permname));
+ exit(0);
+ #print "DENIED! " + $result;
+ }
diff --git a/scire/.lib/smarty.php b/scire/.lib/smarty.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d9d3c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.lib/smarty.php
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+require_once($smarty_dir . 'Smarty.class.php');
+$smarty = new Smarty();
+$smarty->template_dir = $basedir . '.smarty/templates';
+$smarty->compile_dir = $basedir . '.smarty/templates_c';
+$smarty->cache_dir = $basedir . '.smarty/cache';
+$smarty->config_dir = $basedir . '.smarty/config';
+$smarty->assign('baseurl', $baseurl);
+# Top navigation bar
+$topbar_left = array(
+ array('name' => 'Overview', 'link' => 'index.php'),
+ array('name' => 'Jobs', 'link' => 'jobs.php'),
+ array('name' => 'Clients', 'link' => 'clients.php')
+$topbar_right = array(
+ array('name' => 'Settings', 'link' => 'settings.php'),
+ array('name' => 'Help', 'link' => 'help.php')
+#if ($_SESSION['username'] eq 'is in the administrators group') {
+ $topbar_left[] = array('name' => 'Users', 'link' => 'users.php');
+$topbar_left[] = array('name' => 'Script Library', 'link' => 'script_library.php');
+$topbar_left[] = array('name' => 'Modules', 'link' => 'modules.php');
+$smarty->assign('topbar_left', $topbar_left);
+$smarty->assign('topbar_right', $topbar_right);
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/.svnignore b/scire/.smarty/.svnignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..198e853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/.svnignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/access_error.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/access_error.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f38e992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/access_error.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Access Denied"}
+An error has occurred.<br>
+Unfortunatly, {$user} does not have sufficient permission to perform this action.<br>
+The requried permission was: {$perm}<br>
+Why don't you complain to your admin?
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/add_job.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/add_job.tpl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bee7e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/add_job.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Add A Job"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="add_jobform">
+ Step 1: select a script.<br>
+ Step 2: select a client or multiple clients and/or clientgroups.<br>
+ Step 3: set
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td align="left" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="90%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Script Selection</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="scripts">Scripts:</label></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ {if isset($get.scriptid)}
+ <td>Selected script:</td>
+ <td><input type="hidden" name="script" value="{$script.scriptid}">{$}</td>
+ {else}
+ <td>Categories will go here</td>
+ <td>
+ <select name="script" size="10" >
+ {foreach from=$scripts item=script key=key}
+ <option value="{$script.scriptid}">
+ {$}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ {/if}
+ </tr>
+ {if !isset($get.scriptid)}
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2">Or just type in the ID of the script: <input type="text" name="scriptID" ></td>
+ </tr>
+ {/if}
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2"><hr><h4>Override Script default values:</h4><br>
+ Permission: <select size="1" name="permission">
+ {foreach from=$perms item=perm key=id}
+ <option value="{$perm}"
+ {if isset($script.permission)}
+ {if $perm eq $script.permission} selected {/if}
+ {/if}
+ >{$perm}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select><br>
+ Set Priority: <select size="1" name="priority">
+ {foreach from=$priorities item=priority key=id}
+ <option value="{$priority}"
+ {if isset($script.priority)}
+ {if $priority eq $script.priority} selected {/if}
+ {/if}
+ >{$priority}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select><br>
+ Log Location: <input type="text" name="log_location" value="{$script.log_location}"><br>
+ Success Code: (not worrying bout this now)<br>
+ Set dynamic content: <br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ <td align="right" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="50%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Client Selection</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ {if isset($get.clientid)}
+ <td>Selected client:</td>
+ <td><input type="hidden" name="clients[]" value="{$client.hostname}">{$client.hostname}</td>
+ {elseif isset($get.cgroupid)}
+ <td>Selected clientgroup:</td>
+ <td><input type="hidden" name="cgroups[]" value="{$get.cgroupid}">NAME HERE</td>
+ {else}
+ <td><label for="clientgroups">Clientgroups:</label></td>
+ <td><label for="clients">Clients:</label></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <select name="clientgroups[]" size="18" multiple="multiple">
+ {foreach from=$cgroups item=cgroup key=id}
+ <option value="{$id}">{$cgroup}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <select name="clients[]" size="18" multiple="multiple">
+ {section loop=$clients name=clients}
+ <option value="{$clients[clients].clientid}">{$clients[clients].hostname}</option>
+ {/section}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ {/if}
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ Input staging client hostname (optional): <input type="text" name="staging"><br>
+ Staging success: <input type="radio" name="staging_success" value="result">Positive Result Code <input type="radio" name="staging_success" value="user">Manually approved
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <hr>
+ <table>
+ {if $dyn_tags}
+ <tr>
+ <th>Dynamic Tag</th><th>Value</th>
+ </tr>
+ {foreach from=$dyn_tags item=tag key=tagnum}
+ <tr>
+ <td>Tag: <b>{$tag}</b></td><td><input type="text" name="tag_{$tag}" value="{$tag_values[$tag]}" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+Job Description: <br><textarea name="description" rows="3" cols="40"></textarea><br>
+Recurring stuff here. <b>You need to select all of them to get it to save the schedule!</b><br>
+<select multiple name=minute1 size=10>
+<!-- <option value=*> Every Minute
+<option value=*/2> Every Other Minute -->
+<option value=*/5> Every Five Minutes
+<option value=*/10> Every Ten Minutes
+<option value=*/15> Every Fifteen Minutes
+<option value=0> 0
+<option value=1> 1
+<option value=2> 2
+<option value=3> 3
+<option value=4> 4
+<option value=5> 5
+<option value=6> 6
+<option value=7> 7
+<option value=8> 8
+<option value=9> 9
+<option value=10> 10
+<option value=11> 11
+<option value=12> 12
+<option value=13> 13
+<option value=14> 14
+<option value=15> 15
+<option value=16> 16
+<option value=17> 17
+<option value=18> 18
+<option value=19> 19
+<option value=20> 20
+<option value=21> 21
+<option value=22> 22
+<option value=23> 23
+<option value=24> 24
+<option value=25> 25
+<option value=26> 26
+<option value=27> 27
+<option value=28> 28
+<option value=29> 29
+<option value=30> 30
+<option value=31> 31
+<option value=32> 32
+<option value=33> 33
+<option value=34> 34
+<option value=35> 35
+<option value=36> 36
+<option value=37> 37
+<option value=38> 38
+<option value=39> 39
+<option value=40> 40
+<option value=41> 41
+<option value=42> 42
+<option value=43> 43
+<option value=44> 44
+<option value=45> 45
+<option value=46> 46
+<option value=47> 47
+<option value=48> 48
+<option value=49> 49
+<option value=50> 50
+<option value=51> 51
+<option value=52> 52
+<option value=53> 53
+<option value=54> 54
+<option value=55> 55
+<option value=56> 56
+<option value=57> 57
+<option value=58> 58
+<option value=59> 59
+<select multiple name=hour1 size=5>
+<option value=*> Every Hour
+<option value=*/2> Every Other Hour
+<option value=*/4> Every Four Hours
+<option value=*/6> Every Six Hours
+<option value=0> 0 = 12 AM/Midnight
+<option value=1> 1 = 1 AM
+<option value=2> 2 = 2 AM
+<option value=3> 3 = 3 AM
+<option value=4> 4 = 4 AM
+<option value=5> 5 = 5 AM
+<option value=6> 6 = 6 AM
+<option value=7> 7 = 7 AM
+<option value=8> 8 = 8 AM
+<option value=9> 9 = 9 AM
+<option value=10> 10 = 10 AM
+<option value=11> 11 = 11 AM
+<option value=12> 12 = 12 PM/Noon
+<option value=13> 13 = 1 PM
+<option value=14> 14 = 2 PM
+<option value=15> 15 = 3 PM
+<option value=16> 16 = 4 PM
+<option value=17> 17 = 5 PM
+<option value=18> 18 = 6 PM
+<option value=19> 19 = 7 PM
+<option value=20> 20 = 8 PM
+<option value=21> 21 = 9 PM
+<option value=22> 22 = 10 PM
+<option value=23> 23 = 11 PM
+<select multiple name=day1 size=5>
+<option value=*> Every Day
+<option value=1> 1
+<option value=2> 2
+<option value=3> 3
+<option value=4> 4
+<option value=5> 5
+<option value=6> 6
+<option value=7> 7
+<option value=8> 8
+<option value=9> 9
+<option value=10> 10
+<option value=11> 11
+<option value=12> 12
+<option value=13> 13
+<option value=14> 14
+<option value=15> 15
+<option value=16> 16
+<option value=17> 17
+<option value=18> 18
+<option value=19> 19
+<option value=20> 20
+<option value=21> 21
+<option value=22> 22
+<option value=23> 23
+<option value=24> 24
+<option value=25> 25
+<option value=26> 26
+<option value=27> 27
+<option value=28> 28
+<option value=29> 29
+<option value=30> 30
+<option value=31> 31
+<select multiple name=month1 size=5>
+<option value=*> Every Month
+<option value=1> January
+<option value=2> February
+<option value=3> March
+<option value=4> April
+<option value=5> May
+<option value=6> June
+<option value=7> July
+<option value=8> August
+<option value=9> September
+<option value=10> October
+<option value=11> November
+<option value=12> December
+<select multiple name=weekday1 size=5>
+<option value=*> Every Weekday
+<option value=0> Sunday
+<option value=1> Monday
+<option value=2> Tuesday
+<option value=3> Wednesday
+<option value=4> Thursday
+<option value=5> Friday
+<option value=6> Saturday
+<label for="validity_period">Validity Period (in minutes?): </label><input type="text" name="validity_period" />
+<script language="JavaScript" src="calendar/calendar3.js"></script><!-- Date only with year scrolling -->
+<label for="deploy_time">Start time: <input type="Text" name="deploy_time" value="">
+ <a href="javascript:cal1.popup();"><img src="calendar/img/cal.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="Click Here to Pick up the date"></a></label>
+<label for="expiration_time">End time: <input type="Text" name="expiration_time" value="">
+ <a href="javascript:cal2.popup();"><img src="calendar/img/cal.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="Click Here to Pick up the date"></a></label>
+<script language="JavaScript">
+ <!-- // create calendar object(s) just after form tag closed
+ // specify form element as the only parameter (document.forms['formname'].elements['inputname']);
+ // note: you can have as many calendar objects as you need for your application
+ var cal1 = new calendar3(document.forms['add_jobform'].elements['deploy_time']);
+ cal1.year_scroll = false;
+ cal1.time_comp = true;
+ var cal2 = new calendar3(document.forms['add_jobform'].elements['expiration_time']);
+ cal2.year_scroll = false;
+ cal2.time_comp = true;
+ //-->
+ </script>
+Job dependency stuff here.<B>CODE ME</B><br>
+<!-- Set notification email address: <input type="radio" name="notify_addr" value="{$useremail}">{$useremail}</input><input type="radio" name="notify_addr" value="new"><input type="text" name="notify_new"></input> -->
+<input type="submit" name="ADD" value="ADD JOB!!!">
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/admin.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/admin.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e03cfb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/admin.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Scire - Administration Page"}
+Admin-y page here.
+List of administrative tasks:
+<tr><td><a href="admin/create_user.php">Create a User</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="admin/edit_user.php">Edit a User</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="admin/delete_user.php">Delete a User</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="admin/create_usergroup.php">Create a UserGroup</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="admin/edit_usergroup.php">Edit a UserGroup</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="admin/delete_usergroup.php">Delete a UserGroup</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="admin/add_permission.php">Add Permission</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="admin/edit_permission.php">Edit Permission</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="admin/delete_permission.php">Delete Permission</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="admin/add_client.php">Add Client Manually</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="admin/edit_client.php">Edit Clients</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="admin/delete_client.php">Delete Client from Scire</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="admin/create_clientgroup.php">Create a ClientGroup</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="admin/edit_clientgroup.php">Edit a ClientGroup</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="admin/delte_clientgroup.php">Delete a ClientGroup</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="admin/assign_permissions.php">Assign Permissions</a></td></tr>
+Maybe some Certificate Authority tasks?
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/assign_permission.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/assign_permission.tpl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3b219e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/assign_permission.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Assign A Permission"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="add_permform">
+{if $Action eq "delete"}
+<b>Are you absolutely SURE you want to delete this ACL?</b>
+<input type="hidden" name="aclid" value="{$aclid}">
+<input type="submit" name="delete_confirm" value="Yes, that's why I clicked 'Delete', duh!"><input type="submit" name="delete_cancel" value="No wait!">
+1. Select a set of users and/or usergroups (any combination, they are exclusive)<br>
+2. Select a permission category and then the permission to use, or choose to create a new one<br>
+3. Select a set of clients and/or clientgroups (again, groups are exclusive from individual clients)<br>
+4. Select options below and give a note for the permission.
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td align="left" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="50%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">User Selection</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="usergroups">Usergroups:</label></td>
+ <td><label for="users">Users:</label></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ {if isset($get.username)}
+ <td>Selected User:</td>
+ <td><input type="hidden" name="users[]" value="{$get.username}">{$get.username}</td>
+ {elseif isset($get.usergroup)}
+ {else}
+ <td>
+ <select name="usergroups[]" size="18" multiple="multiple">
+ {foreach from=$ugroups item=ugroup key=id}
+ <option value="{$id}"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ {foreach from=$acl.aro_groups item=group key=groupid}
+ {if $id eq $group} selected {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ >{$ugroup}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <select name="users[]" size="18" multiple="multiple">
+ {section loop=$users name=users}
+ <option value="{$users[users].username}"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ {foreach from=$acl.aro.users item=user key=key2}
+ {if $users[users].username eq $user} selected {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ >{$users[users].username}</option>
+ {/section}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ {/if}
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="50%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Permission Selection</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="perm_category">Category:</label> </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <select name="perm_category">
+ {foreach from=$perm_categories item=cat }
+ <option value="{$cat}"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ {foreach from=$ item=ignore key=perm_category}
+ {if $cat eq $perm_category} selected {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ >{$cat}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ <option value="new">New (specify below)</option>
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="perm">Permissions (choose an existing or create a new one):</label></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <select name="perm" size="7">
+ {foreach from=$perms item=perm key=id}
+ <option value="{$perm}"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ {foreach from=$ item=ignore key=perm_category}
+ {if $perm eq $$perm_category[0]} selected {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ >{$perm}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="newpermname">New Category (optional):</label><input name="newpermcat" type="text" size="20"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="newpermname">New Permission Name:</label><input name="newpermname" type="text" size="20"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="newpermdesc">New Permission Description:</label></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><textarea name="newpermdesc" rows="3" cols="20"></textarea></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table
+ </td>
+ <td align="right" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="50%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Client Selection</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="clientgroups">Clientgroups:</label></td>
+ <td><label for="clients">Clients:</label></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ {if isset($get.hostname)}
+ <td>Selected Client:</td>
+ <td><input type="hidden" name="clients[]" value="{$get.hostname}">{$get.hostname}</td>
+ {elseif isset($get.clientgroup)}
+ {else}
+ <td>
+ <select name="clientgroups[]" size="18" multiple="multiple">
+ {foreach from=$cgroups item=cgroup key=id}
+ <option value="{$id}"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ {foreach from=$acl.axo_groups item=group key=groupid}
+ {if $id eq $group} selected {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ >{$cgroup}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <select name="clients[]" size="18" multiple="multiple">
+ {section loop=$clients name=clients}
+ <option value="{$clients[clients].hostname}"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ {foreach from=$acl.axo.clients item=client key=key2}
+ {if $clients[clients].hostname eq $client} selected {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ >{$clients[clients].hostname}</option>
+ {/section}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ {/if}
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="center"><input type="radio" name="allow" value="1"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ {if $acl.allow} checked {/if}
+ {else}
+ checked
+ {/if}
+ >Allow
+ <input type="radio" name="allow" value="0"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ {if (!$acl.allow)} checked {/if}
+ {/if}
+ >Deny</td>
+ <td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="active" value="1"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ {if $acl.enabled} checked {/if}
+ {else}
+ checked
+ {/if}
+ >Active (vs. hidden)</td>
+ <td align="right" valign="bottom">
+ <label for="note">Note:</label><input type="text" name="note"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ value="{$acl.note}"
+ {/if}
+ >
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ <input type="hidden" name="editing" value="{$acl.acl_id}">
+ <input type="submit" name="editperm_submit" value="Update Permission">
+ {else}
+ <input type="submit" name="addperm_submit" value="Assign Permission">
+ {/if}
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/client.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/client.tpl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..39d4bd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/client.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Clients"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="edit_clientform">
+{if $Action eq "addgroup"}
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Add client to group</td></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle" width="15">Add</td><td class="boxtitle">Group Name</td>
+ </tr>
+ {foreach from=$groups name=ugroup item=item key=id}
+ <tr>
+ <td><input type="checkbox" name="addgroupid[]" value="{$id}"
+ {if isset($ingroups)} {if in_array($id, $ingroups)} checked {/if} {/if}
+ ></td>
+ <td>{$item}</td>
+ </tr>
+ {/foreach}
+ <tr><td>
+ <input type="hidden" name="clientid" value="{$clientid}">
+ <input type="submit" name="addgroup_confirm" value="Save Changes">
+ </td></tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+{elseif $Action eq "create"}
+<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Client</td><td class="boxtitle">Groups</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="addhostname">*Hostname:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="addhostname" name="addhostname" /></td>
+ <td><label for="ip">*IP Address:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="ip" name="ip" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="assetid">Asset ID:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="assetid" name="assetid" /></td>
+ <td><label for="mac">*MAC:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="mac" name="mac" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="digest">Digest (DO NOT EDIT):</label></td>
+ <td colspan="3"><input type="text" id="digest" name="digest" size="58"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="gli_profile">GLI Profile:</label></td>
+ <td><select name="gli_profile" size="1">
+ {section name=p loop=$gli_profiles}
+ <option value="{$gli_profiles[p].profileid}">{$gli_profiles[p].profile_name}</option>
+ {/section}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ <td><label for="status">Status:</label></td>
+ <td><select id="status" name="status" size="1">
+ {section name=s loop=$client_statuses}
+ <option value="{$client_statuses[s].statusid}">{$client_statuses[s].statusname}</option>
+ {/section}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="osid">OS:</label></td>
+ <td><select name="osid" size="1">
+ {section name=o loop=$oss}
+ <option value="{$oss[o].osid}">{$oss[o].osname}</option>
+ {/section}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ <td><label for="contact">Contact:</label></td>
+ <td><select name="contact" size="1">
+ {section name=con loop=$users}
+ <option value="{$users[con].userid}">{$users[con].username}</option>
+ {/section}
+ </select></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="installtime">Install Time <br>(leave blank for NOW):</label></td>
+ <td colspan="3"><input type="text" id="installtime" name="installtime" size="25"/></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <p><input type="submit" name="AddClientSubmit" value="Add Client" /></p>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <table>
+ <tr><td>Assign client to the following groups:</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+ <select name="groups[]" size="10" multiple="multiple" id="groups">
+ {foreach from=$groups item=ugroup key=id}
+ <option value="{$id}">{$ugroup}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr></table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+{elseif $Action eq "edit"}
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Client</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="addhostname">*Hostname:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="edithostname" name="edithostname" value="{$client.hostname}" /></td>
+ <td><label for="ip">*IP Address:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="ip" name="ip" value="{$client.ip}" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="assetid">Asset ID:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="assetid" name="assetid" value="{$client.assetid}" /></td>
+ <td><label for="mac">*MAC:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="mac" name="mac" value="{$client.mac}" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="digest">Digest (DO NOT EDIT):</label></td>
+ <td colspan="3"><input type="text" id="digest" name="digest" size="55" value="{$client.digest}" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="gli_profile">GLI Profile:</label></td>
+ <td><select name="gli_profile" size="1">
+ {section name=p loop=$gli_profiles}
+ <option value="{$gli_profiles[p].profileid}" {if $gli_profiles[p].profileid eq $client.gli_profile} selected {/if}
+ >{$gli_profiles[p].profile_name}</option>
+ {/section}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ <td><label for="status">Status:</label></td>
+ <td><select id="status" name="status" size="1">
+ {section name=s loop=$client_statuses}
+ <option value="{$client_statuses[s].statusid}" {if $client_statuses[s].statusid eq $client.status} selected {/if}>{$client_statuses[s].statusname}</option>
+ {/section}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="osid">OS:</label></td>
+ <td><select name="osid" size="1">
+ {section name=o loop=$oss}
+ <option value="{$oss[o].osid}" {if $oss[o].osid eq $client.osid} selected {/if}
+ >{$oss[o].osname}</option>
+ {/section}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ <td><label for="contact">Contact:</label></td>
+ <td><select name="contact" size="1">
+ {section name=con loop=$users}
+ <option value="{$users[con].userid}" {if $users[con].userid eq $} selected {/if}
+ >{$users[con].username}</option>
+ {/section}
+ </select></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="installtime">Install Time <br>(leave blank for NOW):</label></td>
+ <td colspan="3"><input type="text" id="installtime" name="installtime" size="25" value="{$client.installtime}" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table><input type="hidden" name="clientid" value="{$client.clientid}">
+ <p><input type="submit" name="EditClientSubmit" value="Save Changes" /></form></p>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="center" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Groups</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <th>Groupname</th>
+ <th>Actions</th>
+ </tr>
+ {section name=group loop=$groups}
+ <tr>
+ <td>{$groups[group].name}{if $groups[group].parent} (subgroup of {$groups[group].parent}){/if}</td>
+ <td><form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="group_id" value="{$groups[group].id}"><input type="submit" name="remove_ug" value="Remove"></form></td>
+ </tr>
+ {/section}
+ <tr><td><a href="client.php?clientid={$client.clientid}&Action=addgroup">Add client to a group</a></td></tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Permissions</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <th>Category -> Permission</th>
+ <th>From User(s)</th>
+ <th>Actions</th>
+ </tr>
+ {foreach from=$acls item=acl key=k}
+ <tr>
+ <td>{foreach from=$ item=perm key=category}{$category} -> {$perm[0]}{/foreach}</td>
+ <td>
+ {if $acl.aro} <!-- we have individual users -->
+ {foreach from=$acl.aro.users item=user key=key2}
+ <font style="background-color:#A0F8FF">User: {$user}</font><br>
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ {foreach from=$acl.aro_groups item=group key=groupid}
+ <font style="background-color:#FFFACD">UserGroup: {$ugroups[$group]} </font><br>
+ {/foreach}
+ </td>
+ <td><form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="perm_id" value="{$acl.acl_id}" /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Remove" /></form></td>
+ </tr>
+ {/foreach}
+ <tr><td><a href="assign_permission.php?hostname={$client.hostname}">Assign a permission for this client</a></td></tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+{elseif $Action eq "delete"}
+<b>Are you absolutely SURE you want to delete client {$client.hostname}?</b>
+<input type="hidden" name="clientid" value="{$client.clientid}">
+<input type="submit" name="delete_confirm" value="Yes, get rid of the bastard!"><input type="submit" name="delete_cancel" value="No wait!">
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/clients.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/clients.tpl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8626c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/clients.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Clients"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="clientsform">
+ <strong>Search filter:
+ <input type="text" name="searchfield">
+ </strong>
+ {if check_access("View Pending Clients")}
+ <strong>Status Filter:
+ <select name="statusfilter" size="1">
+ {html_options values=$statusfilters output=$statusfilters selected=$View}
+ </select>
+ <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Update">
+ </strong>
+ {/if}
+{if $clients}
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Clients</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ {foreach from=$fields item=i key=k}
+ <th>
+ <a href="clients.php{if $f_attr[$i].sortable}?sorton={$i}&sortdir={if $sorton eq $i and $sortdir eq "desc"}asc{else}desc{/if}{/if}">{$f_attr[$i].name}</a> {if $f_attr[$i].sortable}<img src="images/sort_{if $sorton eq $i and $sortdir eq "desc"}desc{else}asc{/if}.png">{/if}
+ </th>
+ {/foreach}
+ <th>Actions</th>
+ {if $View eq "Pending"}
+ <th>Approve/Deny</th>
+ {/if}
+ </tr>
+ {section name=clients loop=$clients}
+ <tr>
+ {foreach from=$fields item=item key=key}
+ {if $item eq "hostname"}
+ <td><a href="client.php?clientid={$clients[clients].clientid}&Action=edit">{$clients[clients].hostname}</a></td>
+ {else}
+ <td>{$clients[clients].$item}</td>
+ {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ <td>
+ {if check_access("Edit Client") }
+ <a href="client.php?clientid={$clients[clients].clientid}&Action=edit">Edit</a>
+ {/if}
+ {if ($View eq "Pending") and check_access("Approve/Reject Pending Clients")}
+ <a href="client.php?clientid={$clients[clients].clientid}&Action=assign">Assign</a>
+ {else}
+ <a href="client.php?clientid={$clients[clients].clientid}&Action=delete">Delete</a>
+ {/if}
+ </td>
+ {if $View eq "Pending" and check_access("Approve/Reject Pending Clients")}
+ <td>
+ <input type="checkbox" name="pending_ids[]" value="{$clients[clients].clientid}">
+ </td>
+ {/if}
+ </tr>
+ {/section}
+ </td></tr>
+ </table>
+ {if $View eq "Pending" and check_access("Approve/Reject Pending Clients")}
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right"><input type="submit" name="pend_approve" value="Approve">
+ <input type="submit" name="pend_reject" value="Reject"></td>
+ </tr>
+ {/if}
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/clients_groups.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/clients_groups.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb9c776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/clients_groups.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Clients"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="clientsgroupsform">
+{if $Action eq "create"}
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Create a Client Group</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Add Client Group</td><td class="boxtitle">Parent Group</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <label for="addgroupname">Name:</label>
+ <input type="text" name="addgroupname" id="addgroupname">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <select name="parentgroup" id="parentgroup">
+ {foreach item=cgroup key=ckey from=$groups}
+ <option value="{$ckey}">{$cgroup}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>as a subgroup of ---></td></tr>
+ <tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="addgroup" value="Add Client Group"></td></tr>
+ </table>
+ </table>
+ {elseif $Action eq "edit"}
+ <input type="hidden" name="groupid" value="{$groupid}">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Edit Client Group {$groupdata[3]}</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Edit Client Group</td><td class="boxtitle">Parent Group</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <label for="editgroupname">Name:</label>
+ <input type="text" name="editgroupname" id="editgroupname" value="{$groupdata[3]}">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <select name="parentgroup" id="parentgroup">
+ {foreach item=cgroup key=ckey from=$groups}
+ <option value="{$ckey}" {if $groupdata[1] == $ckey} selected {/if}>{$cgroup}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>as a subgroup of ---></td></tr>
+ <tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="editgroup" value="Save Changes"></td></tr>
+ </table>
+ </table>
+ {elseif $Action eq "delete"}
+ <h1>Delete</h1>
+ <b>Are you absolutely SURE you want to delete this group?</b>
+ <input type="hidden" name="delgroup" value="{$groupid}">
+<input type="submit" name="delgroup_confirm" value="Yes, remove the group"><input type="submit" name="delete_cancel" value="No wait! Cancel!">
+ {else}
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Client Groups</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Group Name</td><td class="boxtitle">Edit</td><td class="boxtitle">Delete</td></tr>
+ {foreach item=group key=key from=$groups}
+ <tr><td>{$group}</td><td><a href="clients.php?View=groups&Action=edit&groupid={$key}">Edit</a></td><td><a href="clients.php?View=groups&Action=delete&groupid={$key}">Delete</a></td></tr>
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if} <!-- action -->
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/footer.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/footer.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..010c5f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/footer.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ <!-- end content -->
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </body>
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/header.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/header.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0d40b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/header.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+{assign var="baseurl" value=$baseurl|default:"/"}
+{assign var="leftbar" value=$leftbar|default:"off"}
+{assign var="title" value=$title|default:""}
+{assign var="subtitle" value=$subtitle|default:""}
+{assign var="desc" value=$desc|default:""}
+{assign var="theme" value=$theme|default:"std_grey"}
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
+ <head>
+ <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
+ <title>Scire{if ($title ne "")} - {$title}{if ($subtitle ne "")} - {$subtitle}{/if}{/if}</title>
+ <link rel="icon" href="{$baseurl}favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
+ <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{$baseurl}favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$baseurl}{$theme}.css" type="text/css" />
+{if isset($head)}{$head}{/if}
+ </head>
+ <body link="#000000" alink="#ffffff">
+ <table width="100%" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2">
+ <table id="logobar" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="80">
+ <a href="{$baseurl}index.php"><img src="{$baseurl}images/scire_trans.png" alt="Scire" border="0" width="80" height="80" /></a>
+ </td>
+ <td align="right" valign="top">
+ <form id="search" name="search" method="post" action="{$baseurl}search.php">
+ <label for="s">Search:</label>
+ <input type="text" id="s" name="s" size="16" />
+ <input type="submit" name="g" value="go" />
+ </form>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td id="topbar" colspan="2" height="22">
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td><font color="#ffffff">&nbsp;{section name=topbar_left loop=$topbar_left}<a href="{$baseurl}{$topbar_left[topbar_left].link}"><font color="#ffffff">{$topbar_left[topbar_left].name}</font></a>{if !$smarty.section.topbar_left.last} | {/if}{/section}</font></td>
+ <td align="right"><font color="#ffffff">{if isset($username)}<a href="{$baseurl}login.php?logout=True"><font color="#ffffff">Logout [{$username}]</font></a> | {/if}{section name=topbar_right loop=$topbar_right}<a href="{$baseurl}{$topbar_right[topbar_right].link}"><font color="#ffffff">{$topbar_right[topbar_right].name}</font></a>{if !$smarty.section.topbar_right.last} | {/if}{/section}&nbsp;</font></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+{if $leftbar eq "on"}
+ <td id="leftbar" valign="top" bgcolor="#a6afc2">
+{if isset($leftbar_menu)}
+ <ul id="menu">
+{section name=leftbar_menu loop=$leftbar_menu}
+ <li><a class="menuitem" href="{$baseurl}{$leftbar_menu[leftbar_menu].link}">{$leftbar_menu[leftbar_menu].name}</a></li>
+ </ul>
+{if isset($leftbar_submenu)}
+ <p></p>
+ <ul id="submenu">
+{if isset($leftbar_submenu_title) && $leftbar_submenu_title ne ""}
+ <li>{$leftbar_submenu_title}</li>
+{section name=leftbar_submenu loop=$leftbar_submenu}
+ <li><a class="menuitem" href="{$baseurl}{$leftbar_submenu[leftbar_submenu].link}">{$leftbar_submenu[leftbar_submenu].name}</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ <td width="100%" valign="top">
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td id="header" bgcolor="#d8d4e2">
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+{if $title ne ""} <h1>{$title}{if $subtitle ne ""} - {$subtitle}{/if}</h1>{/if}
+{if $desc ne ""} <h2>{$desc}</h2>{/if}
+ </td>
+ <td align="right" valign="top">
+{if isset($status)} <p>{$status}</p>{/if}
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td id="content" height="100%" valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff">
+ <!-- begin content -->
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/index.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/index.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb57553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/index.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Main Page"}
+Welcome to Scire, {$user}<br>
+This is the index page. It has index-y stuff on it. ok?
+back off man it's not finished.
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/job.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/job.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8919f02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/job.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Jobs"}
+{if $Action eq "create"}
+<h1>Add a Job</h1>
+<form action="" method="post" name="add_jobform">
+<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td align="left" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="90%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Script Selection</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="scripts">Scripts:</label></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ {if isset($get.scriptid)}
+ <td>Selected script:</td>
+ <td><input type="hidden" name="script" value="{$script.scriptid}">{$}</td>
+ {else}
+ <td>Categories will go here</td>
+ <td>
+ <select name="script" size="1" >
+ {foreach from=$scripts item=script key=key}
+ <option value="{$script.scriptid}">
+ {$}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ {/if}
+ </tr>
+ {if !isset($get.scriptid)}
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2">Or just type in the ID of the script: <input type="text" name="scriptID" ></td>
+ </tr>
+ {/if}
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2"><hr><h4>Override Script default values:</h4><br>
+ Permission: <select size="1" name="permission">
+ {foreach from=$perms item=perm key=id}
+ <option value="{$perm}"
+ {if isset($script.permission)}
+ {if $perm eq $script.permission} selected {/if}
+ {/if}
+ >{$perm}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select><br>
+ Set Priority: <select size="1" name="priority">
+ {foreach from=$priorities item=priority key=id}
+ <option value="{$priority}"
+ {if isset($script.priority)}
+ {if $priority eq $script.priority} selected {/if}
+ {/if}
+ >{$priority}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select><br>
+ Log Location: <input type="text" name="log_location" value="{$script.log_location}"><br>
+ Success Code: (not worrying bout this now)<br>
+ Set dynamic content: <br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ <td align="right" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="50%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Client Selection</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ {if isset($get.clientid)}
+ <td>Selected client:</td>
+ <td><input type="hidden" name="clients[]" value="{$client.hostname}">{$client.hostname}</td>
+ {elseif isset($get.cgroupid)}
+ <td>Selected clientgroup:</td>
+ <td><input type="hidden" name="cgroups[]" value="{$get.cgroupid}">NAME HERE</td>
+ {else}
+ <td><label for="clientgroups">Clientgroups:</label></td>
+ <td><label for="clients">Clients:</label></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <select name="clientgroups[]" size="18" multiple="multiple">
+ {foreach from=$cgroups item=cgroup key=id}
+ <option value="{$id}">{$cgroup}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <select name="clients[]" size="18" multiple="multiple">
+ {section loop=$clients name=clients}
+ <option value="{$clients[clients].clientid}">{$clients[clients].hostname}</option>
+ {/section}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ {/if}
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ Input staging client hostname (optional): <input type="text" name="staging"><br>
+ Staging success: <input type="radio" name="staging_success" value="result">Positive Result Code <input type="radio" name="staging_success" value="user">Manually approved
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <hr>
+ <table>
+ {if $dyn_tags}
+ <tr>
+ <th>Dynamic Tag</th><th>Value</th>
+ </tr>
+ {foreach from=$dyn_tags item=tag key=tagnum}
+ <tr>
+ <td>Tag: <b>{$tag}</b></td><td><input type="text" name="tag_{$tag}" value="{$tag_values[$tag]}" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+Job Description: <br><textarea name="description" rows="3" cols="40"></textarea><br>
+ <td><label for="runs_chedule">Run schedule:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="run_schedule" name="run_schedule" size="25" value="{$job.run_schedule}" /></td>
+ <td><label for="validity_period">Validity Period:<br>(in minutes)</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="validity_period" name="validity_period" size="25" value="{$job.validity_period}" /></td>
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend>Run Schedule</legend>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <p>Minute(s):</p>
+ {html_options name=minutes options=$minutes selected=$selectedMinute size=6}
+ </td>
+ <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>
+ <p>Hour(s):</p>
+ {html_options name=hours options=$hours selected=$selectedHour size=6}
+ </td>
+ <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>
+ <p>Month(s):</p>
+ {html_options name=months options=$months selected=$selectedMonth size=6}
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <p>Day(s):</p>
+ {html_options name=days options=$days selected=$selectedDay size=6}
+ </td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>
+ <p>Weekday(s):</p>
+ {html_options name=weekdays options=$weekdays selected=$selectedWeekday size=6}
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </fieldset>
+<script language="JavaScript" src="calendar/calendar3.js"></script><!-- Date only with year scrolling -->
+<label for="deploy_time">Start time: <input type="Text" name="deploy_time" value="">
+ <a href="javascript:cal1.popup();"><img src="calendar/img/cal.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="Click Here to Pick up the date"></a></label>
+<label for="expiration_time">End time: <input type="Text" name="expiration_time" value="">
+ <a href="javascript:cal2.popup();"><img src="calendar/img/cal.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="Click Here to Pick up the date"></a></label>
+<script language="JavaScript">
+ <!-- // create calendar object(s) just after form tag closed
+ // specify form element as the only parameter (document.forms['formname'].elements['inputname']);
+ // note: you can have as many calendar objects as you need for your application
+ var cal1 = new calendar3(document.forms['add_jobform'].elements['deploy_time']);
+ cal1.year_scroll = false;
+ cal1.time_comp = true;
+ var cal2 = new calendar3(document.forms['add_jobform'].elements['expiration_time']);
+ cal2.year_scroll = false;
+ cal2.time_comp = true;
+ //-->
+ </script>
+Job dependency stuff here.<B>CODE ME</B><br>
+<!-- Set notification email address: <input type="radio" name="notify_addr" value="{$useremail}">{$useremail}</input><input type="radio" name="notify_addr" value="new"><input type="text" name="notify_new"></input> -->
+<input type="submit" name="ADD" value="ADD JOB!!!">
+{elseif $Action eq "edit"}
+<h1>Edit Job</h1>
+<form action="" method="post" name="edit_jobform">
+<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Job</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="addpriority">*Priority:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="editpriority" name="editpriority" value="{$job.priority}" /></td>
+ <td><label for="creator">Creator:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="creator" disabled name="creator" value="{$job.creator}" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="permission:">Permission:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="permission" name="permission" value="{$job.permission}" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="description">Description:</label></td>
+ <td colspan="3"><textarea id="description" name="description" cols="55" rows="5" > {$job.description}</textarea></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="script">Script:</label></td>
+ <td><select id="script" name="script" size="1">
+ {foreach item=sc from=$scripts }
+ {if $sc.scriptid eq $job.script}
+ <option value="{$sc.scriptid}" selected="selected">{$}</option>
+ {else}
+ <option value="{$sc.scriptid}">{$}</option>
+ {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="runs_chedule">Run schedule:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="run_schedule" name="run_schedule" size="25" value="{$job.run_schedule}" /></td>
+ <td><label for="validity_period">Validity Period:<br>(in minutes)</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="validity_period" name="validity_period" size="25" value="{$job.validity_period}" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend>Run Schedule</legend>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <p>Minute(s):</p>
+ {html_options name=minutes options=$minutes selected=$selectedMinute size=6}
+ </td>
+ <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>
+ <p>Hour(s):</p>
+ {html_options name=hours options=$hours selected=$selectedHour size=6}
+ </td>
+ <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>
+ <p>Month(s):</p>
+ {html_options name=months options=$months selected=$selectedMonth size=6}
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <p>Day(s):</p>
+ {html_options name=days options=$days selected=$selectedDay size=6}
+ </td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>
+ <p>Weekday(s):</p>
+ {html_options name=weekdays options=$weekdays selected=$selectedWeekday size=6}
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </fieldset>
+ <input type="hidden" name="jobid" value="{$job.jobid}">
+ <p><input type="submit" name="EditJobSubmit" value="Save Changes" /></form></p>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+{elseif $Action eq "delete"}
+<b>Are you absolutely SURE you want to delete job {$jobid}:<br>Description:{$job.description}?</b>
+<input type="hidden" name="jobid" value="{$jobid}">
+<input type="submit" name="delete_confirm" value="Yes, get rid of it!"><input type="submit" name="delete_cancel" value="No wait!">
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/jobs.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/jobs.tpl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9f9b586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/jobs.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Jobs"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="jobsform">
+ <strong>Search filter:
+ <input type="text" name="searchfield">
+ </strong>
+{if $jobs}
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Jobs</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ {foreach from=$fields item=i key=k}
+ <th>
+ <a href="jobs.php{if $f_attr[$i].sortable}?sorton={$i}&sortdir={if $sorton eq $i and $sortdir eq "desc"}asc{else}desc{/if}{/if}">{$f_attr[$i].name}</a> {if $f_attr[$i].sortable}<img src="images/sort_{if $sorton eq $i and $sortdir eq "desc"}desc{else}asc{/if}.png">{/if}
+ </th>
+ {/foreach}
+ <th>Actions</th>
+ </tr>
+ {section name=jobs loop=$jobs}
+ <tr>
+ {foreach from=$fields item=item key=key}
+ {if $item eq "hostname"}
+ <td><a href="job.php?jobid={$jobs[jobs].jobid}&Action=edit">{$jobs[jobs].hostname}</a></td>
+ {else}
+ <td>{$jobs[jobs].$item}</td>
+ {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ <td>
+ <a href="job.php?jobid={$jobs[jobs].jobid}&Action=view">View Details</a>
+ <a href="job.php?jobid={$jobs[jobs].jobid}&Action=edit">Edit</a>
+ <a href="job.php?jobid={$jobs[jobs].jobid}&Action=delete">Delete</a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ {/section}
+ </td></tr>
+ </table>
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/login.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/login.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8c729c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/login.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Login"}
+<div style="display: table; width: 100%; height: 100%; _position: relative; overflow: hidden;">
+<div style="_position: absolute; _top: 50%; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;">
+<div style="_position: relative; _top: -50%;">
+<table class="box" align="center" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Please Login to use Scire</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <form id="login" name="login" method="post" action="">
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="username">Username:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="username" name="username" value="" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="passwd">Password:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="password" id="passwd" name="passwd" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" align="center">
+ <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </form>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/message.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/message.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de37cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/message.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+{include file="header.tpl"}
+ <p>
+ {$message|escape:"htmlall"}
+ </p>
+{include file="footer.tpl"} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/modules.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/modules.tpl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e70ed62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/modules.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Modules"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="modulesform">
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/modules/Exporter/index.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/modules/Exporter/index.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93cb8e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/modules/Exporter/index.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Server Information Exporter"}
+List of clients in group:
+<form name="form1" method="post" action="#">
+<select name="group" size="1">
+<option value=""></option>
+foreach ($profile_list as $profile)
+ print "<option value=\"". $profile['profileid']."\">".$profile['profile_name']."</option>\n";
+?> -->
+<input type="submit" name="ChangeView" value="Go, because i hate doing it with javascript.">
+<form name="form2" method="post" action="ExportedData.php">
+ <th>HOSTNAME</th>
+ <th>STATUS</th>
+ <th>IP</th>
+ <th>MAC</th>
+ <th>ASSET ID</th>
+ <th>INSTALL TIME</th>
+ </tr>
+foreach ($clients as $client)
+ print "<tr><td>".$client['hostname']."</td>\n";
+ print "<td>".$client['status']."</td>\n";
+ print "<td>".$client['ip']."</td>\n";
+ print "<td>".$client['mac']."</td>\n";
+ print "<td>".$client['assetid']."</td>\n";
+ print "<td>".$client['installtime']."</td>\n";
+?> -->
+<input type="submit" name="ExportToXML" value="Export To XML">
+<input type="submit" name="ExportToCSV" value="Export To CSV">
+<input type="submit" name="ExportToTXT" value="Export To TXT">
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/modules/quickstart/index.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/modules/quickstart/index.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8440724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/modules/quickstart/index.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Quickstart Server"}
+<h3>Quickstart Server Status Overview</h3>
+<form name="form1" method="post" action="#">
+List of clients currently installing:<br>
+<table class="table" border="2">
+ <tr>
+ <th>MAC</th>
+ <th>IP</th>
+ <th>PROFILE</th>
+ <th>STATUS</th>
+ </tr>
+{foreach from=$clients item=client key=key}
+ {if $client.status eq 'Installing'}
+ <tr>
+ <td>{$client.mac}</td>
+ <td>{$client.ip}</td>
+ <td>{$client.profile}</td>
+ <td>{$client.status}</td>
+ </tr>
+ {/if}
+List of clients pending installation:<br>
+<table class="table">
+ <tr>
+ <th>MAC</th>
+ <th>IP</th>
+ <th>PROFILE</th>
+ <th>STATUS</th>
+ </tr>
+{foreach from=$clients item=client key=key}
+ {if $client.status eq 'Scheduled for Install'}
+ <tr>
+ <td>{$client.mac}</td>
+ <td>{$client.ip}</td>
+ <td>{$client.profile}</td>
+ <td>{$client.status}</td>
+ </tr>
+ {/if}
+List of completed installations:<br>
+<table class="table">
+ <tr>
+ <th>MAC</th>
+ <th>IP</th>
+ <th>PROFILE</th>
+ <th>STATUS</th>
+ </tr>
+{foreach from=$clients item=client key=key}
+ {if $client.status eq 'Install Complete'}
+ <tr>
+ <td>{$client.mac}</td>
+ <td>{$client.ip}</td>
+ <td>{$client.profile}</td>
+ <td>{$client.status}</td>
+ </tr>
+ {/if}
+List of available profiles:<br>
+<table class="table">
+ <tr>
+ <th>Profile ID</th>
+ <th>Profile Name</th>
+ <th>Filename/URI</th>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ </tr>
+{foreach from=$profiles item=profile key=key}
+ <tr>
+ <td>{$profile.profileid}</td>
+ <td>{$profile.profile_name}</td>
+ <td>{$profile.location}</td>
+ <td>{$profile.description}</td>
+ </tr>
+<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/permissions.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/permissions.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6b1103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/permissions.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Permissions"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="userspermsform">
+<table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Permissions</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <th>{if $type eq "clients"}Client(s){else}User(s){/if}</th>
+ <th>Perm. Name</th>
+ <th>{if $type eq "clients"}from User(s){else}on Client(s){/if}</th>
+ <th width="7%">Allow/Deny</th>
+ <th>Active</th>
+ <th>Actions</th>
+ </tr>
+ {foreach from=$acls item=acl key=k}
+ <tr bgcolor="{cycle values="#eeeeee,#dddddd"}">
+ <td>
+ {if $type eq "clients"}
+ {if $acl.axo} <!-- we have individual clients -->
+ {foreach from=$acl.axo.clients item=client key=key2}
+ <font style="background-color:#A0F8FF">Client: {$client}</font><br>
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ {foreach from=$acl.axo_groups item=group key=groupid}
+ <font style="background-color:#FFFACD">ClientGroup: {$cgroups[$group]} </font><br>
+ {/foreach}
+ {else}
+ {if $acl.aro} <!-- we have individual users -->
+ {foreach from=$acl.aro.users item=user key=key2}
+ <font style="background-color:#A0F8FF">User: {$user}</font><br>
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ {foreach from=$acl.aro_groups item=group key=groupid}
+ <font style="background-color:#FFFACD">UserGroup: {$ugroups[$group]} </font><br>
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ {foreach from=$ item=ignore key=perm_category}
+ {$$perm_category[0]}
+ {/foreach}
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ {if $type eq "clients"}
+ {if $acl.aro} <!-- we have individual users -->
+ {foreach from=$acl.aro.users item=user key=key2}
+ <font style="background-color:#A0F8FF">User: {$user}</font><br>
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ {foreach from=$acl.aro_groups item=group key=groupid}
+ <font style="background-color:#FFFACD">UserGroup: {$ugroups[$group]} </font><br>
+ {/foreach}
+ {else}
+ {if $acl.axo} <!-- we have individual clients -->
+ {foreach from=$acl.axo.clients item=client key=key2}
+ <font style="background-color:#A0F8FF">Client: {$client}</font><br>
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ {foreach from=$acl.axo_groups item=group key=groupid}
+ <font style="background-color:#FFFACD">ClientGroup: {$cgroups[$group]} </font><br>
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ </td>
+ {if $acl.allow}
+ <td style="background-color: #008000">Allow</td>
+ {else}
+ <td style="background-color: #DC143C">Deny</td>
+ {/if}
+ <td>
+ {if $acl.enabled}Yes{else}No{/if}
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="assign_permission.php?Action=edit&aclid={$acl.acl_id}">Edit</a>
+ <a href="assign_permission.php?Action=delete&aclid={$acl.acl_id}">Delete</a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ {/foreach}
+ </table><hr>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <table><tr>
+ <td>
+ Blue = Single User/Client<br>
+ Tan = UserGroup/ClientGroup
+ </td>
+ <td align="right"><a href="assign_permission.php">Assign a Permission</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </tr>
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/script.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/script.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4f19ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/script.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Script"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="scriptform">
+{if $Action eq "create"}
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Create a Script</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="addname">*Script Name:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="addname" name="addname" value="{$addname}" /></td>
+ </tr><tr>
+ <td><label for="desc">*Description:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="desc" name="desc" size="50" value="{$desc}" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="runas">System user to run as (can be overwritten by job):</label></td>
+ <td colspan="3">Manual: <input type="text" id="runas" name="runas" value="{$runas}" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><input type="radio" name="runas_radio" value="root">root
+ <input type="radio" name="runas_radio" value="nobody">nobody</td>
+ <td><input type="radio" name="runas_radio" value="httpd">httpd
+ <input type="radio" name="runas_radio" value="apache">apache</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="priority">Recommended Priority:</label></td>
+ <td><select name="priority" size="1">
+ {foreach from=$priorities item=pri key=key}
+ <option value="{$pri}" {if $pri eq $priority}selected{/if}>{$pri}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ <td><label for="permission">Recommended Permission:</label></td>
+ <td>
+ <select name="permission" size="7">
+ {foreach from=$perms item=perm key=id}
+ <option value="{$}" {if $ eq $permission}selected{/if}>{$}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><hr></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>*Actual Script to run on client: </td>
+ <td><input type="radio" name="script_data_type" value="load" disabled>Load from file <input type="upload" name="script_data_upload"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td><input type="radio" name="script_data_type" value="manual" checked>Input manually below</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2"><textarea name="script_data_manual" rows="10" cols="80" >
+ </textarea> </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><input type="submit" name="continue" value="Find Dynamic Tags">this button will take input above and parse and look for dynamic tags. it will then generate the table below
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ {if $dyn_tags}
+ <tr>
+ <th>Dynamic Tag</th><th>Default Value</th>
+ </tr>
+ {foreach from=$dyn_tags item=tag key=tagnum}
+ <tr>
+ <td>Tag: <b>{$tag}</b></td><td><input type="text" name="tag_{$tag}" value="" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ {/foreach}
+ <tr>
+ <td><hr></td>
+ </tr>
+ {/if}
+ <tr>
+ <td>Success return code (default 0): <input type="text" name="success_code" value="0">
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Post Processing Script:</td><td><input type="radio" name="pps_type" value="none" checked>No post-processing needed, this script just returns.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td><td><input type="radio" name="pps_type" value="load" disabled >Load from file: <input type="upload" name="pps_load"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td><td><input type="radio" name="pps_type" value="manual" >Input Manually below</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2"><textarea name="pps_data" rows="6" cols="80"></textarea></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td></tr>
+ <input type="submit" name="add_script" value="Add Script">
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/script_library.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/script_library.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be796f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/script_library.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Script Library"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="scriptsform">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle" colspan="6">Scripts</td></tr>
+ <tr class="table">
+ <th>Name</th><th>Description</th><th>Last Used</th><th>OS</th><th>Permissions</th><th>Actions</th>
+ </tr>
+ {foreach from=$scripts item=script key=key}
+ <tr class="table">
+ <td>{$}</td>
+ <td>{$script.description}</td>
+ <td>LAST USED HERE</td>
+ <td>{$script.permission}</td>
+ <td><a href="job.php?Action=create&scriptid={$script.scriptid}">Create Job</a>|<a href="script.php?Action=Edit&scriptid={$script.scriptid}">Edit</a>|<a href="script.php?Action=Delete&scriptid={$script.scriptid}">Delete</a><a href="script.php?Action=Copy&scriptid={$script.scriptid}">Copy as New</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ {/foreach}
+ <tr class="table">
+ <td>Install Package</td>
+ <td>This will install a specified package to the client.</td>
+ <td>Today</td>
+ <td>Gentoo</td>
+ <td>Install</td>
+ <td><a href="add_job.php?scriptid=1">Create Job</a>|<a href="script.php?Action=Edit&scriptid=1">Edit</a>|<a href="script.php?Action=Delete&scriptid=1">Delete</a><a href="script.php?Action=Copy%scriptid=1">Copy as New</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/settings.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/settings.tpl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a4d4742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/settings.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Settings"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="settingsform">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Settings</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="start_page">Start Page:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" name="start_page" value="{$start_page}"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="theme">Theme:</label></td>
+ <td><select name="theme">
+ {section name=theme loop=$themes}
+ <option value="{$themes[theme].link}" {if $themes[theme].link eq $theme} selected {/if}
+ >{$themes[theme].name}</option>
+ {/section}
+ </select></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="language">Language (not yet available):</label></td>
+ <td><select name="language">
+ {section name=lang loop=$languages}
+ <option value="{$languages[lang].value}">{$languages[lang].name}</option>
+ {/section}
+ </select></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="notification">Send Notifications to:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="radio" name="notification" value="phone" {if $notification eq "phone"} checked {/if}>Phone</td>
+ <td><input type="radio" name="notification" value="pager" {if $notification eq "pager"} checked {/if}>Pager</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="per_page">Max Jobs/Clients to show per page:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="radio" name="per_page" value="2" {if $per_page eq "2"} checked {/if}>25</td>
+ <td><input type="radio" name="per_page" value="3" {if $per_page eq "3"} checked {/if}>50</td>
+ <td><input type="radio" name="per_page" value="10" {if $per_page eq "10"} checked {/if}>100</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="vacation">On Vacation, contact:</label>
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr><td><input type="submit" name="save_settings" value="Save Settings"></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/settings_page.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/settings_page.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1700377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/settings_page.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="$View Page Settings"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="settingsform">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle" width="3%">Sort On</td><td class="boxtitle" width="10%">View Order (blank to not show)</td><td class="boxtitle">Field Name</td></tr>
+ {foreach from=$fields item=item key=key}
+ <tr class="table">
+ <td>{if $item.sortable}
+ <input type="radio" name="sorton" value="{$key}"
+ {if $sorton eq $key} checked {/if}
+ >{/if}
+ </td>
+ <td><input type="text" name="{$View}_{$key}"
+ value="{if $curr_list[$key]}{$curr_list[$key]}{/if}"
+ size="5"></td>
+ <td>{$}</td>
+ </tr>
+ {/foreach}
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="sortdir">Sort Direction:</label></td>
+ <td>
+ <select name="sortdir">
+ <option value="asc" {if $sortdir eq "asc"} selected {/if}>Ascending</option>
+ <option value="desc" {if $sortdir eq "desc"} selected {/if}>Descending</option>
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td><input type="submit" name="save_{$View}_settings" value="Save Settings"></td></tr>
+ </table>
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/ui_permissions.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/ui_permissions.tpl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b6f7b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/ui_permissions.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Scire User Interface Permissions"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="ui_permform">
+{if $Action eq "delete"}
+<b>Are you absolutely SURE you want to delete this ACL?</b>
+<input type="hidden" name="aclid" value="{$aclid}">
+<input type="submit" name="delete_confirm" value="Yes, that's why I clicked 'Delete', duh!"><input type="submit" name="delete_cancel" value="No wait!">
+{elseif $Action eq "add" or $Action eq "edit"}
+<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td align="center" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="50%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">User Selection</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="usergroups">Usergroups:</label></td>
+ <td><label for="users">Users:</label></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ {if isset($get.username)}
+ <td>Selected User:</td>
+ <td><input type="hidden" name="users[]" value="{$get.username}">{$get.username}</td>
+ {elseif isset($get.usergroup)}
+ {else}
+ <td>
+ <select name="usergroups[]" size="18" multiple="multiple">
+ {foreach from=$ugroups item=ugroup key=id}
+ <option value="{$id}"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ {foreach from=$acl.aro_groups item=group key=groupid}
+ {if $id eq $group} selected {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ >{$ugroup}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <select name="users[]" size="18" multiple="multiple">
+ {section loop=$users name=users}
+ <option value="{$users[users].username}"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ {foreach from=$acl.aro.users item=user key=key2}
+ {if $users[users].username eq $user} selected {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ >{$users[users].username}</option>
+ {/section}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ {/if}
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="50%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Permission Selection</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="perm">Permissions (choose an existing or create a new one):</label></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <select name="perm" size="7">
+ {foreach from=$perms item=perm key=id}
+ <option value="{$perm}"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ {foreach from=$ item=ignore key=perm_category}
+ {if $perm eq $$perm_category[0]} selected {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ >{$perm}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="newpermname">New Permission Name:</label><input name="newpermname" type="text" size="20"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="newpermdesc">New Permission Description:</label></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><textarea name="newpermdesc" rows="3" cols="20"></textarea></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="center"><input type="radio" name="allow" value="1"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ {if $acl.allow} checked {/if}
+ {else}
+ checked
+ {/if}
+ >Allow
+ <input type="radio" name="allow" value="0"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ {if (!$acl.allow)} checked {/if}
+ {/if}
+ >Deny</td>
+ <td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="active" value="1"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ {if $acl.enabled} checked {/if}
+ {else}
+ checked
+ {/if}
+ >Active (vs. hidden)</td>
+ <td align="right" valign="bottom">
+ <label for="note">Note:</label><input type="text" name="note"
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ value="{$acl.note}"
+ {/if}
+ >
+ {if isset($acl)}
+ <input type="hidden" name="editing" value="{$acl.acl_id}">
+ <input type="submit" name="editperm_submit" value="Update Permission">
+ {else}
+ <input type="submit" name="addperm_submit" value="Assign Permission">
+ {/if}
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+<table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Scire User Interface Permissions</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <th>User(s)</th>
+ <th>Perm. Name</th>
+ <th width="7%">Allow/Deny</th>
+ <th>Active</th>
+ <th>Actions</th>
+ </tr>
+ {foreach from=$acls item=acl key=k}
+ <tr bgcolor="{cycle values="#eeeeee,#dddddd"}">
+ <td>
+ {if $acl.aro} <!-- we have individual users -->
+ {foreach from=$acl.aro.users item=user key=key2}
+ <font style="background-color:#A0F8FF">User: {$user}</font><br>
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ {foreach from=$acl.aro_groups item=group key=groupid}
+ <font style="background-color:#FFFACD">UserGroup: {$ugroups[$group]} </font><br>
+ {/foreach}
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ {foreach from=$ item=ignore key=perm_category}
+ {$$perm_category[0]}
+ {/foreach}
+ </td>
+ {if $acl.allow}
+ <td style="background-color: #008000">Allow</td>
+ {else}
+ <td style="background-color: #DC143C">Deny</td>
+ {/if}
+ <td>
+ {if $acl.enabled}Yes{else}No{/if}
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="ui_permissions.php?Action=edit&aclid={$acl.acl_id}">Edit</a>
+ <a href="ui_permissions.php?Action=delete&aclid={$acl.acl_id}">Delete</a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ {/foreach}
+ </table><hr>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <table><tr>
+ <td>
+ Blue = Single User/Client<br>
+ Tan = UserGroup/ClientGroup
+ </td>
+ <td align="right"><a href="ui_permissions.php?Action=add">Assign a Permission</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </tr>
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/user.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/user.tpl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6599bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/user.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Users"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="edit_userform">
+{if $Action eq "addgroup"}
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Add user to group</td></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle" width="15">Add</td><td class="boxtitle">Group Name</td>
+ </tr>
+ {foreach from=$groups name=ugroup item=item key=id}
+ <tr>
+ <td><input type="checkbox" name="addgroupid[]" value="{$id}"
+ {if isset($ingroups)} {if in_array($id, $ingroups)} checked {/if} {/if}
+ ></td>
+ <td>{$item}</td>
+ </tr>
+ {/foreach}
+ <tr><td>
+ <input type="hidden" name="userid" value="{$userid}">
+ <input type="submit" name="addgroup_confirm" value="Save Changes">
+ </td></tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+{elseif $Action eq "create"}
+<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">User</td><td class="boxtitle">Groups</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="addusername">*Username:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="addusername" name="addusername" /></td>
+ <td><label for="passwd">*Password:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="password" id="passwd" name="passwd" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="real_name">Real name:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="real_name" name="real_name" /></td>
+ <td><label for="passwd2">Confirm Password:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="password" id="passwd2" name="passwd2" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="comment">Comment:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="comment" name="comment" /></td>
+ <td><label for="status">Status:</label></td>
+ <td><select id="status" name="status" size="1">
+ <option value="active" selected="selected">Active</option>
+ <option value="disabled">Disabled</option>
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="email">*Email Address:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="email" name="email" /></td>
+ <td><label for="phone">Phone:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="phone" name="phone" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="pager">Pager:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="pager" name="pager" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <p><input type="submit" name="AddUserSubmit" value="Add User" /></p>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <table>
+ <tr><td>Assign user to the following groups:</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+ <select name="groups[]" size="10" multiple="multiple" id="groups">
+ {foreach from=$groups item=ugroup key=id}
+ <option value="{$id}">{$ugroup}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr></table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+{elseif $Action eq "edit"}
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">User</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ {if check_access("Change User Pass/Name") }
+ <td><label for="editusername">*Username:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="editusername" name="editusername" value="{$user.username}"></td>
+ {else}
+ <td><label for="editusername">*Username:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="hidden" id="editusername" name="editusername" value="{$user.username}">{$user.username}</td>
+ {/if}
+ <td><label for="passwd">*Password:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="password" id="passwd" name="passwd" {if !check_access("Change User Pass/Name") }disabled {/if}/></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="real_name">Real name:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="real_name" name="real_name" value="{$user.real_name}" /></td>
+ <td><label for="passwd2">Confirm Password:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="password" id="passwd2" name="passwd2" {if !check_access("Change User Pass/Name") }disabled {/if}/></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="comment">Comment:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="comment" name="comment" value="{$user.comment}" /></td>
+ <td><label for="status">Status:</label></td>
+ <td>
+ <select id="status" name="status" size="1">
+ <option value="active" selected="selected">Active</option>
+ <option value="disabled">Disabled</option>
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="email">*Email Address:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="email" name="email" value="{$}" /></td>
+ <td><label for="phone">Phone:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="phone" name="phone" value="{$}" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="pager">Pager:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="pager" name="pager" value="{$user.pager}" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table><input type="hidden" name="userid" value="{$user.userid}">
+ <p><input type="submit" name="EditUserSubmit" value="Update" /></p>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="center" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Groups</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <th>Groupname</th>
+ <th>Actions</th>
+ </tr>
+ {section name=group loop=$groups}
+ <tr>
+ <td>{$groups[group].name}{if $groups[group].parent} (subgroup of {$groups[group].parent}){/if}</td>
+ <td><input type="submit" name="rmug_{$groups[group].id}" value="Remove"></td>
+ </tr>
+ {/section}
+ <tr><td><a href="user.php?userid={$user.userid}&Action=addgroup">Add user to a group</a></td></tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" valign="top">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Permissions</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <th>Category -> Permission</th>
+ <th>On Client(s)</th>
+ <th>Actions</th>
+ </tr>
+ {foreach from=$acls item=acl key=k}
+ <tr>
+ <td>{foreach from=$ item=perm key=category}{$category} -> {$perm[0]}{/foreach}</td>
+ <td>
+ {if $acl.axo} <!-- we have individual clients -->
+ {foreach from=$acl.axo.clients item=client key=key2}
+ <font style="background-color:#A0F8FF">Client: {$client}</font><br>
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if}
+ {foreach from=$acl.axo_groups item=group key=groupid}
+ <font style="background-color:#FFFACD">ClientGroup: {$cgroups[$group]} </font><br>
+ {/foreach}
+ </td>
+ <td><form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="perm_id" value="{$acl.acl_id}" /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Remove" /></form></td>
+ </tr>
+ {/foreach}
+ <tr><td><a href="assign_permission.php?username={$user.username}">Assign a permission for this user</a></td></tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+{elseif $Action eq "delete"}
+<b>Are you absolutely SURE you want to delete user {$user.username}?</b>
+<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="{$user.userid}">
+<input type="submit" name="delete_confirm" value="Yes, get rid of the bastard!"><input type="submit" name="delete_cancel" value="No wait!">
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/users.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/users.tpl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f197a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/users.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Users"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="usersform">
+<p><strong>Search filter:
+ <input type="text" name="searchfield">
+{if $users}
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Users</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ {foreach from=$fields item=i key=k}
+ <th>
+ <a href="users.php{if $f_attr[$i].sortable}?sorton={$i}&sort={if $sorton eq $i and $sortdir eq "desc"}asc{else}desc{/if}{/if}">{$f_attr[$i].name}</a> {if $f_attr[$i].sortable}<img src="images/sort_{if $sorton eq $i and $sortdir eq "desc"}desc{else}asc{/if}.png">{/if}
+ </th>
+ {/foreach}
+ <th>Actions</th>
+ </tr>
+ {section name=users loop=$users}
+ <tr>
+ {foreach from=$fields item=item key=key}
+ {if $item eq "username"}
+ <td><a href="user.php?userid={$users[users].userid}&Action=edit">{$users[users].username}</a></td>
+ {else}
+ <td>{$users[users].$item}</td>
+ {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ <td><a href="user.php?userid={$users[users].userid}&Action=edit">Edit</a> <a href="user.php?userid={$users[users].userid}&Action=delete">Delete</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ {/section}
+ </td></tr>
+ </table>
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/.smarty/templates/users_groups.tpl b/scire/.smarty/templates/users_groups.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f838ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/.smarty/templates/users_groups.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{include file="header.tpl" title="Users"}
+<form action="" method="post" name="usersgroupsform">
+{if $Action eq "create"}
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Create a User Group</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Add User Group</td><td class="boxtitle">Parent Group</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <label for="addgroupname">Name:</label>
+ <input type="text" name="addgroupname" id="addgroupname">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <select name="parentgroup" id="parentgroup">
+ {foreach item=cgroup key=ckey from=$groups}
+ <option value="{$ckey}">{$cgroup}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>as a subgroup of ---></td></tr>
+ <tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="addgroup" value="Add User Group"></td></tr>
+ </table>
+ </table>
+ {elseif $Action eq "edit"}
+ <input type="hidden" name="groupid" value="{$groupid}">
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Edit User Group {$groupdata[3]}</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Edit User Group</td><td class="boxtitle">Parent Group</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <label for="editgroupname">Name:</label>
+ <input type="text" name="editgroupname" id="editgroupname" value="{$groupdata[3]}">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <select name="parentgroup" id="parentgroup">
+ {foreach item=cgroup key=ckey from=$groups}
+ <option value="{$ckey}" {if $groupdata[1] == $ckey} selected {/if}>{$cgroup}</option>
+ {/foreach}
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>as a subgroup of ---></td></tr>
+ <tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="editgroup" value="Save Changes"></td></tr>
+ </table>
+ </table>
+ {elseif $Action eq "delete"}
+ <h1>Delete</h1>
+ <b>Are you absolutely SURE you want to delete this group?</b>
+ <input type="hidden" name="delgroup" value="{$groupid}">
+<input type="submit" name="delgroup_confirm" value="Yes, remove the group"><input type="submit" name="delete_cancel" value="No wait! Cancel!">
+ {else}
+ <table class="box" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">User Groups</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>
+ <table class="table" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr><td class="boxtitle">Group Name</td><td class="boxtitle">Edit</td><td class="boxtitle">Delete</td></tr>
+ {foreach item=group key=key from=$groups}
+ <tr><td>{$group}</td><td><a href="users.php?View=groups&Action=edit&groupid={$key}">Edit</a></td><td><a href="users.php?View=groups&Action=delete&groupid={$key}">Delete</a></td></tr>
+ {/foreach}
+ {/if} <!-- action -->
+{include file="footer.tpl"}
diff --git a/scire/2col_leftNav.css b/scire/2col_leftNav.css
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5ced7bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/2col_leftNav.css
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+/* 2col_leftNav.css */
+/* Use with template 2col_leftNav.html */
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+ font-family: Arial,sans-serif;
+ color: #333333;
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+ color: #006699;
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+ font-size: 114%;
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+ font-size: 100%;
+ color: #334d55;
+ font-size: 100%;
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+ this will force a horizontal scrollbar if there isn't enough room for all links
+ remove rule or change value to 'normal' if you want the links to line-wrap */
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+ font-size: 90%;
+ padding: 0px 4px 0px 0px;
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+/************** .feature styles ***************/
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+ padding: 10px 0px 0px 10px;
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+.story p{
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+ the bottom border of the navBar in cases where they "touch" */
+#siteInfo img{
+ padding: 4px 4px 4px 0px;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+/************* #search styles ***************/
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+/* fix for browsers that don't need the hack */
+html>body #navBar li {border-bottom: none;}
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+ voice-family:inherit;
+ width: auto;
+#sectionLinks a:visited{
+ border-top: 1px solid #cccccc;
+ padding: 2px 0px 2px 10px;
+#sectionLinks a:hover{
+ border-top: 1px solid #cccccc;
+ background-color: #dddddd;
+ padding: 2px 0px 2px 10px;
+/*********** .relatedLinks styles ***********/
+ margin: 0px;
+ padding: 0px 0px 10px 10px;
+ font-size: 90%;
+.relatedLinks h3{
+ padding: 10px 0px 2px 0px;
+/************** #advert styles **************/
+ padding: 10px 0px 0px 10px;
+ font-size: 80%;
+ border-top: 1px solid #cccccc;
+#advert img{
+ display: block;
+/************** #headlines styles **************/
+ margin: 0px;
+ padding: 10px 0px 20px 10px;
+ font-size: 80%;
+#headlines p{
+ padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px;
diff --git a/scire/DBInterface.php b/scire/DBInterface.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ea0658a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/DBInterface.php
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+function get_scire_modules() {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'modules');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_scire_module_list() {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select(array('main_content', 'name'), 'modules');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_profile_list() {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('profile_name', 'profiles');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_group_clients($group) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'clients', '`profile` = \'' . $group . '\'');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_all_clients() {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'clients');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_scire_client($client_id) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'clients', '`client_id` = \'' . $client_id . '\'');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result[0];
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function scire_add_client($hostname, $mac, $ip, $profile, $distribution, $admin, $status) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->insert('clients', array('hostname' => $hostname, 'mac' => $mac, 'ip' => $ip, 'profile' => $profile, 'distribution' => $distribution, 'administrator' => $admin, 'status' => $status));
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_edit_client($client_id, $fields) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->update('clients', $fields, '`client_id` = \'' . $client_id . '\'');
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_del_client($client_id) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->delete('clients', '`client_id` = \'' . $client_id . '\'');
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function get_scire_users() {
+ #we don't want to store the password for security reasons. <- ???
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select(array('username', 'comment', 'real_name'), 'users');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
+function get_scire_user($username) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'users', '`username` = \'' . $username . '\'');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result[0];
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function scire_add_user($username, $password, $real_name, $comment) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->insert('users', array('username' => $username, 'password' => crypt($password, 447470567), 'comment' => $comment, 'real_name' => $real_name));
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_del_user($username) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->delete('users', '`username` = \'' . $username . '\'');
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_add_permission($perm_name, $desc, $created_by) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->insert('permissions', array('perm_name' => $perm_name, 'description' => $desc, 'creator' => $created_by));
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_edit_permission($perm_name, $desc) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->update('permissions', array('description' => $desc), '`perm_name` = \'' . $perm_name . '\'');
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function scire_del_permission($perm_name) {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->delete('permissions', '`perm_name` = \'' . $perm_name . '\'');
+ if ($result) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $db->error;
+ }
+function get_scire_permissions() {
+ global $db;
+ $result = $db->select('*', 'permissions');
+ if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return array();
+ }
diff --git a/scire/ExportedData.php b/scire/ExportedData.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..622f738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/ExportedData.php
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#This will be a core component and thus just show within scire.
+$clients = array();
+if ($_POST['group']) {
+ print $_POST['group'];
+ $clients = get_group_clients($_POST['group']);
+} else {
+ print "ALL";
+ $clients = get_all_clients();
+if ($_POST['ExportToCSV']) {
+ print "This is a fake CSV. It has no header row.<br>";
+ foreach ($clients as $client) {
+ for ($i=0;$i< count($client);$i++) {
+ print "$client[$i],";
+ }
+ print "<br>";
+ }
+elseif ($_POST['ExportToXML']) {
+elseif ($_POST['ExportToTXT']) {
+ print "This is a fake tab-delimited TXT. It has no header row.<br><pre>";
+ foreach ($clients as $client) {
+ for ($i=0;$i< count($client);$i++) {
+ print "$client[$i]\t";
+ }
+ print "<br>";
+ }
+ print "</pre>";
diff --git a/scire/Exporter.php b/scire/Exporter.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1609cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/Exporter.php
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+$clients = array();
+if ($_POST['group']) {
+ print $_POST['group'];
+ $clients = get_group_clients($_POST['group']);
+} else {
+ print "ALL";
+ $clients = get_all_clients();
+ var_dump($clients);
+#Get a list of the groups to put in the select box.
+$profile_list = get_profile_list();
+<h2>Server Information Exporter</h2>List of clients in group:
+<form name="form1" method="post" action="#">
+<select name="group" size="1">
+<option value=""></option>
+foreach ($profile_list as $profile)
+ print "<option value=\"". $profile['profileid']."\">".$profile['profile_name']."</option>\n";
+<input type="submit" name="ChangeView" value="Go, because i hate doing it with javascript.">
+<form name="form2" method="post" action="ExportedData.php">
+ <th>HOSTNAME</th>
+ <th>STATUS</th>
+ <th>IP</th>
+ <th>MAC</th>
+ <th>ASSET ID</th>
+ <th>INSTALL TIME</th>
+ </tr>
+foreach ($clients as $client)
+ print "<tr><td>".$client['hostname']."</td>\n";
+ print "<td>".$client['status']."</td>\n";
+ print "<td>".$client['ip']."</td>\n";
+ print "<td>".$client['mac']."</td>\n";
+ print "<td>".$client['assetid']."</td>\n";
+ print "<td>".$client['installtime']."</td>\n";
+<input type="submit" name="ExportToXML" value="Export To XML">
+<input type="submit" name="ExportToCSV" value="Export To CSV">
+<input type="submit" name="ExportToTXT" value="Export To TXT">
diff --git a/scire/access_error.php b/scire/access_error.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e37b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/access_error.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if ($_GET['perm']) {
+ $smarty->assign('perm',$_GET['perm']);
diff --git a/scire/add_job.php b/scire/add_job.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5266e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/add_job.php
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+$smarty->assign('leftbar', "on");
+$leftbar_menu = array();
+add_leftbar($leftbar_menu, "&#171;&#171;Cancel", "jobs.php");
+$status = "";
+#Deal with submitted forms.
+if ($_POST['ADD']) {
+ if ($_POST['script']) {
+ $script = get_scire_script($_POST['script']);
+ if ($_POST['permission']) {
+ $permission = $_POST['permission'];
+ $permission = get_scire_permission_by_name($permission);
+ $permission = $permission['permid'];
+ # print "Permission is: $permission";
+ } else {
+ $permission = $script['permission'];
+ }
+ if ($_POST['priority']) {
+ $priority = $_POST['priority'];
+ } else {
+ $priority = $script['priority'];
+ }
+ } else { $status .= "ERROR: No script selected!"; }
+ if ($_POST['description']) {
+ $description = $_POST['description'];
+ } else {
+ $description = "No description provided.";
+ }
+ $pending = sizeof($_POST['clients']) + sizeof($_POST['clientgroups']);
+ if (!$status and ($pending or $_POST['clientgroups'])) { #We have a script and clients;
+ # Get the schedule! All fields are required or else you're SOL
+ $scheduleComplete = $_POST["minute1"] and $_POST["hour1"] and
+ $_POST["day1"] and $_POST["month1"] and $_POST["weekday1"];
+ if ($scheduleComplete) {
+ $str = implode(" ", array($_POST["minute1"], $_POST["hour1"],
+ $_POST["day1"], $_POST["month1"], $_POST["weekday1"]));
+ } else {
+ $str = "";
+ }
+# pre_var_dump($_POST);
+# pre_var_dump($scheduleComplete);
+ pre_var_dump($str);
+ try {
+ $result = scire_add_job($_POST['script'], $priority, $_SESSION['userid'], $permission, $description, $pending, $_POST['clients'], $_POST['clientgroups'], $dependency, $str, $_POST['validity_period']);
+ if (!$result) {
+ $status .= "Job successfully added.";
+ } else {
+ $status .= "Error occurred during job addition. $result";
+ }
+ } catch (CronException $e) { print_r($e); }
+ }
+if ($_GET['scriptid']) {
+ $_GET['scriptid'] = (int) $_GET['scriptid'];
+ $script = get_scire_script($_GET['scriptid']);
+ $smarty->assign('script', $script);
+# print $script['script_data'];
+ preg_match_all('/%%(.*?)%%/', $script['script_data'], $matches);
+ $smarty->assign('dyn_tags', $matches[1]);
+ foreach ($matches[1] as $tag) {
+ $tag_values[$tag] = get_dyn_tag_value($_GET['scriptid'],$tag);
+ }
+ $smarty->assign('tag_values', $tag_values);
+ pre_var_dump($tag_values);
+if ($_GET['clientid']) {
+ $_GET['clientid'] = (int) $_GET['clientid'];
+ $client = get_scire_client($_GET['clientid']);
+ #$id = $acl->get_object_id("clients",$client['hostname'],'AXO'
+ $smarty->assign('client', $client);
+$permissions = array();
+$all_permissions = $acl->get_objects(NULL, 1, 'ACO');
+foreach ($all_permissions as $categoryname => $cat) {
+ #print "Perm: $perm<br>Permname: $permname<br>";
+ if ($categoryname != $scire_ui_section) {
+ foreach ($cat as $perm) {
+ array_push($permissions, $perm);
+ }
+ }
+$smarty->assign('perms', $permissions);
+$smarty->assign('priorities', get_priorities());
+$scripts = get_scire_scripts();
+$smarty->assign('scripts', $scripts);
+$smarty->assign('cgroups', $acl->format_groups($acl->sort_groups('AXO'), TEXT));
+$clients = get_scire_clients('hostname', 'asc');
+$smarty->assign('clients', $clients);
+$smarty->assign('get', $_GET);
+$smarty->assign('leftbar_menu', $leftbar_menu);
+$smarty->assign('Action', $_GET['Action']);
+$smarty->assign('status', $status);
diff --git a/scire/admin/2col_leftNav.css b/scire/admin/2col_leftNav.css
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..064a6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/2col_leftNav.css
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../2col_leftNav.css \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scire/admin/add_client.php b/scire/admin/add_client.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67d3576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/add_client.php
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../DBInterface.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ $status = "";
+ include('phpgacl_code.php'); #load the GACL_API
+ ####################################################
+ #Load Smarty Template
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ if($_POST['submit']) {
+ if (!$_POST['hostname']) { $status .= "ERROR: Hostname required! "; }
+ if (!$_POST['mac']) { $status .= "ERROR: Hostname required! "; }
+ if (!$_POST['ip']) { $status .= "ERROR: Hostname required! "; }
+ if ($_POST['hostname'] and $_POST['mac'] and $_POST['ip'])
+ {
+ #Add the client now.
+ $status .= scire_add_client($_POST['hostname'], $_POST['mac'], $_POST['ip'], $_POST['profile'], $_POST['distribution'], $_POST['administrator'], $_POST['status']);
+ if (!$status) { $status = "User added to DB successfully.";}
+ $obj_id = $gacl_api->add_object("clients", $_POST['hostname'], $_POST['hostname'], 1, 0, 'AXO');
+ print "Object id: $obj_id <BR>";
+ if ($_POST['groups']) {
+ print "Adding client to groups ".$_POST['groups'];
+ foreach( $_POST['groups'] as $group) {
+ $worked = $gacl_api->add_group_object($group, "clients", $_POST['hostname'], 'AXO');
+ if ($worked) {
+ print "Group $group Addition successfull.<br>";
+ } else {
+ print "ERROR adding group $group <br>";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $formatted_groups = $gacl_api->format_groups($gacl_api->sort_groups('axo'), TEXT);
+ $ids = array();
+ $groupnames = array();
+ foreach($formatted_groups as $id => $name) {
+ print "ID: $id Name: $name <br>";
+ array_push($ids, $id);
+ array_push($groupnames, $name);
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ $smarty->assign('ids',$ids);
+ $smarty->assign('groupnames', $groupnames);
+ $smarty->display('admin/add_client.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/add_permission.php b/scire/admin/add_permission.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11028bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/add_permission.php
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../DBInterface.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ $status = "";
+ include('phpgacl_code.php'); #load the GACL_API
+ ####################################################
+ #Load Smarty Template
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ if($_POST['permname'] and $_POST['permdesc']) {
+ #Add the user now.
+ $status .= scire_add_permission($_POST['permname'], $_POST['permdesc'],$_SESSION['userid']);
+ if(!$status) {$status = "User added to DB successfully.";}
+ $obj_id = $gacl_api->add_object("perms", $_POST['permname'], $_POST['permname'], 1, 0, 'ACO');
+ print "Object id: $obj_id <BR>";
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ $smarty->display('admin/add_permission.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/admin_checklogin.php b/scire/admin/admin_checklogin.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91847d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/admin_checklogin.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+if(!isset($_SESSION['userid'])) {
+ #print "<h1>NO MATCH</h1>";
+ header("Location: ../login.php");
+else {
+ print "Welcome $_SESSION[userid]<br>";
diff --git a/scire/admin/admin_smarty.php b/scire/admin/admin_smarty.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e15c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/admin_smarty.php
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ #This is the code to set up the SMARTY templates for the Admin pages.
+ # it has ../ on things and sets the leftbar to show the admin list.
+ $smarty = new Smarty;
+ $smarty->template_dir = '../templates';
+ $smarty->compile_dir = '../templates_c';
+ $smarty->cache_dir = '../cache';
+ $smarty->config_dir = '../configs';
+ $smarty->assign('topbar', array(
+ array('name'=> 'Login', 'link' => '../login.php'),
+ array('name'=> 'Clients', 'link' => '../clients.php'),
+ array('name'=> 'Jobs/Tasks', 'link' => '../jobs.php'),
+ array('name'=> 'Modules', 'link' => '../modules.php'),
+ array('name'=> 'Admin', 'link' => '../admin.php')));
+ $smarty->assign('left_section_header',"Admin Functions");
+ $smarty->assign('leftnav', array(
+ array("create_user.php", "Create a User"),
+ array("edit_user.php","Edit a User"),
+ array("delete_user.php","Delete a User"),
+ array("",""),
+ array("create_usergroup.php","Create a UserGroup"),
+ array("edit_usergroup.php","Edit a UserGroup"),
+ array("delete_usergroup.php","Delete a UserGroup"),
+ array("",""),
+ array("add_permission.php","Add Permission"),
+ array("edit_permission.php","Edit Permission"),
+ array("delete_permission.php","Delete Permission"),
+ array("",""),
+ array("add_client.php","Add Client Manually"),
+ array("edit_client.php","Edit Clients"),
+ array("delete_client.php","Delete Client from Scire"),
+ array("",""),
+ array("create_clientgroup.php","Create a ClientGroup"),
+ array("edit_clientgroup.php","Edit a ClientGroup"),
+ array("delete_clientgroup.php","Delete a ClientGroup"),
+ array("",""),
+ array("assign_permissions.php","Assign Permissions"),
+ array("",""),
+ ));
+ if($status) {
+ $smarty->assign('error', $status);
+ }
diff --git a/scire/admin/assign_permissions.php b/scire/admin/assign_permissions.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7af39d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/assign_permissions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../DBInterface.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ $status = "";
+ include('phpgacl_code.php'); #load the GACL_API
+ ####################################################
+ #Load Smarty Template
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ ###################################################
+ #Deal with submitted form
+ if ($_POST['id']) {
+ $type = $_POST['id'][0];
+ $idnum = substr($_POST['id'],2);
+ print "Type: $type ID: $idnum <br>";
+ $smarty->assign('type', $type);
+ $smarty->assign('idnum', $idnum);
+ if( $type == "u") {
+ print "found user";
+ $selected_user_data = $gacl_api->get_object_data($idnum, 'ARO');
+ $smarty->assign('selected_name', $selected_user_data[0][3]);
+ }
+ elseif ($type == "g") {
+ $selected_group_data = $gacl_api->get_group_data($idnum, 'ARO');
+ $smarty->assign('selected_name', $selected_group_data[3]);
+ }
+ $clients = $gacl_api->format_groups($gacl_api->sort_groups('axo'), TEXT);
+ $smarty->assign('clientgroups',$clients);
+ $client_ids = array();
+ $client_groupnames = array();
+ foreach($clients as $id => $name) {
+ print "ID: $id Name: $name <br>";
+ array_push($client_ids, $id);
+ array_push($client_groupnames, $name);
+ }
+ #This is an ugly hack to get the users and their groups.
+ $all_clients = $gacl_api->get_objects("clients",1,'AXO');
+ $clientinfo = array();
+ foreach ($all_clients as $client) {
+ foreach ($client as $clientdata) {
+ $id = $gacl_api->get_object_id("clients",$clientdata,'AXO');
+ $groups = $gacl_api->get_object_groups($id,'AXO');
+ array_push($clientinfo, array($id,$clientdata,$groups));
+ }
+ }
+ $smarty->assign('clients', $clientinfo);
+ #For the <select> list of groups.
+ $smarty->assign('client_ids',$client_ids);
+ $smarty->assign('client_groupnames', $client_groupnames);
+ $permissions = $gacl_api->get_objects("perms",1, 'ACO');
+ $permissionsinfo = array();
+ foreach ($permissions as $eachpermission) {
+ foreach ($eachpermission as $singlepermission) {
+ $id = $gacl_api->get_object_id("perms",$singlepermission, 'ACO');
+ array_push($permissionsinfo, array($id, $singlepermission));
+ }
+ }
+ $smarty->assign('permissions',$permissionsinfo);
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ #Deal with part 2 submitted form
+ if ($_POST['permissions'] and $_POST['clients']) {
+ print "Perms: ".$_POST['permissions']." <br>User: ".$_POST['selected_name'];
+ $aco_array = array();
+ $aro_array = array();
+ $axo_array = array();
+ $axo_group_array = array();
+ $aro_group_array = array();
+ $aco_array['perms'] = $_POST['permissions'];
+ if($_POST['type'] == "u") {
+ $aro_array['users'] = array($_POST['selected_name']);
+ } elseif ($_POST['type'] == "g") {
+ $aro_group_array = array($_POST['idnum']);
+ } else {
+ print "ERROR NO TYPE";
+ exit;
+ }
+ $axo_group_array = $_POST['clients'];
+ $worked = $gacl_api->add_acl($aco_array, $aro_array,$aro_group_array,$axo_array,$axo_group_array,1,1,1,"Test ACL","system");
+ if($worked) {
+ print "Addition Successfull! $worked";
+ } else {
+ print "BAD BAD BAD";
+ }
+ # foreach( $_POST['permissions'] as $perm_to_add) {
+ # }
+ # foreach $_POST['clients'] as $client_to_add) {
+ # }
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ #Get the usergroups.
+ $formatted_groups = $gacl_api->format_groups($gacl_api->sort_groups('aro'), HTML);
+ $smarty->assign('usergroups',$formatted_groups);
+ #This is an ugly hack to get the users and their groups.
+ $all_users = $gacl_api->get_objects("users",1,'ARO');
+ $userinfo = array();
+ foreach ($all_users as $user) {
+ foreach ($user as $userdata) {
+ $id = $gacl_api->get_object_id("users",$userdata,'ARO');
+ $groups = $gacl_api->get_object_groups($id,'ARO');
+ array_push($userinfo, array($id,$userdata,$groups));
+ }
+ }
+ $smarty->assign('users', $userinfo);
+ $smarty->display('admin/assign_permissions.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/create_clientgroup.php b/scire/admin/create_clientgroup.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27de3cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/create_clientgroup.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../Frodo.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ $status = "";
+ include('phpgacl_code.php'); #load the GACL_API
+ #Load Smarty Template
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ ### Deal with submitted form here
+ if ($_POST['groupname'] and $_POST['parentgroup']) {
+ #Add the group as a subgroup. This is all done in the gacl_api.
+ $newgroup_id = $gacl_api->add_group($_POST['groupname'], $_POST['groupname'], $_POST['parentgroup'], 'AXO');
+ print "Group added successfully, new group id is: $newgroup_id<br>";
+ }
+ $formatted_groups = $gacl_api->format_groups($gacl_api->sort_groups('axo'), TEXT);
+ $ids = array();
+ $groupnames = array();
+ foreach($formatted_groups as $id => $name) {
+ print "ID: $id Name: $name <br>";
+ array_push($ids, $id);
+ array_push($groupnames, $name);
+ }
+ #For the <select> list of groups.
+ $smarty->assign('ids',$ids);
+ $smarty->assign('groupnames', $groupnames);
+ $smarty->display('admin/create_clientgroup.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/create_user.php b/scire/admin/create_user.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..225fa41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/create_user.php
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../DBInterface.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ $status = "";
+ include('phpgacl_code.php'); #load the GACL_API
+ ####################################################
+ #Load Smarty Template
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ if($_POST['username']) {
+ if ($_POST['passwd'] == $_POST['passwd2']) {
+ #Add the user now.
+ $status .= scire_add_user($_POST['username'], $_POST['passwd'], $_POST['realname'], $_POST['comment']);
+ # $status = "User added to DB successfully.";
+ $obj_id = $gacl_api->add_object("users", $_POST['username'], $_POST['username'], 1, 0, 'ARO');
+ print "Object id: $obj_id <BR>";
+ if ($_POST['groups']) {
+ print "Adding user to groups ".$_POST['groups'];
+ foreach( $_POST['groups'] as $group) {
+ $worked = $gacl_api->add_group_object($group, "users", $_POST['username'], 'ARO');
+ if ($worked) {
+ print "Group $group Addition successfull.<br>";
+ } else {
+ print "ERROR adding group $group <br>";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $status = "ERROR: Passwords do not match.";
+ }
+ }
+ $formatted_groups = $gacl_api->format_groups($gacl_api->sort_groups('aro'), TEXT);
+ $ids = array();
+ $groupnames = array();
+ foreach($formatted_groups as $id => $name) {
+ print "ID: $id Name: $name <br>";
+ array_push($ids, $id);
+ array_push($groupnames, $name);
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ $smarty->assign('ids',$ids);
+ $smarty->assign('groupnames', $groupnames);
+ $smarty->display('admin/create_user.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/create_usergroup.php b/scire/admin/create_usergroup.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2de2b78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/create_usergroup.php
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../DBInterface.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ $status = "";
+ include('phpgacl_code.php'); #load the GACL_API
+ #Load Smarty Template
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ ### Deal with submitted form here
+ if ($_POST['groupname'] and $_POST['parentgroup']) {
+ #Add the group as a subgroup. This is all done in the gacl_api.
+ $newgroup_id = $gacl_api->add_group($_POST['groupname'], $_POST['groupname'], $_POST['parentgroup'], 'ARO');
+ print "Group added successfully, new group id is: $newgroup_id<br>";
+ }
+ $formatted_groups = $gacl_api->format_groups($gacl_api->sort_groups('aro'), TEXT);
+ $ids = array();
+ $groupnames = array();
+ foreach($formatted_groups as $id => $name) {
+ print "ID: $id Name: $name <br>";
+ array_push($ids, $id);
+ array_push($groupnames, $name);
+ }
+ #For the <select> list of groups.
+ $smarty->assign('ids',$ids);
+ $smarty->assign('groupnames', $groupnames);
+ $smarty->display('admin/create_usergroup.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/delete_client.php b/scire/admin/delete_client.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dd46f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/delete_client.php
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../DBInterface.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ #Load Smarty Template
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ $status = "";
+ if($_POST['delsubmit'] and $_POST['delclient'] and $_POST['iamsure']) {
+ include('phpgacl_code.php');
+ $client_id = $_POST['delclient'];
+ $client_data = get_scire_client($client_id);
+ $status = scire_del_client($client_id);
+ $id = $gacl_api->get_object_id("clients", $client_data['hostname'], 'AXO');
+ $gacl_api->del_object($id, 'AXO', TRUE);
+ }
+ $clients = get_all_clients();
+ $smarty->assign('clients', $clients);
+ $smarty->display('admin/delete_client.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/delete_clientgroup.php b/scire/admin/delete_clientgroup.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e2d53b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/delete_clientgroup.php
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../DBInterface.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ $status = "";
+ include('phpgacl_code.php'); #load the GACL_API
+ #Load Smarty templates.
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ ### Deal with submitted form here
+ if($_POST['delsubmit'] and $_POST['delgroup'] and $_POST['iamsure']) {
+ #Check if the group has children.
+ $result = $gacl_api->del_group($_POST['delgroup'],TRUE, 'AXO');
+ if ($result) {
+ $status = "Group deleted successfully.";
+ } else {
+ $status = "ERROR: Group could not be successfully deleted.";
+ }
+ }
+ $formatted_groups = $gacl_api->format_groups($gacl_api->sort_groups('axo'), HTML);
+ $formatted_groups2 = $gacl_api->format_groups($gacl_api->sort_groups('axo'), TEXT);
+ $ids = array();
+ $groupnames = array();
+ foreach($formatted_groups2 as $id => $name) {
+ #print "ID: $id Name: $name <br>";
+ array_push($ids, $id);
+ array_push($groupnames, $name);
+ }
+ #For the <select> list of groups.
+ $smarty->assign('ids',$ids);
+ $smarty->assign('groupnames', $groupnames);
+ $smarty->assign('editgroup', $editgroup);
+ $smarty->assign('editgroupdata', $editgroupdata);
+ $smarty->assign('clientgroups', $formatted_groups);
+ $smarty->display('admin/delete_clientgroup.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/delete_permission.php b/scire/admin/delete_permission.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84e5751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/delete_permission.php
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../DBInterface.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ $status = "";
+ include('phpgacl_code.php'); #load the GACL_API
+ ####################################################
+ #Load Smarty Template
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ if($_POST['delperm'] and $_POST['delsubmit'] and $_POST['iamsure']) {
+ #Delete the user.
+ $status .= scire_del_permission($_POST['delperm']);
+ if(!$status) {$status = "User deleted from DB successfully. ";}
+ #Get the obj ID for edit
+ $obj_id = $gacl_api->get_object_id("perms",$_POST['delperm'],'ACO');
+ $result = $gacl_api->del_object($obj_id, 'ACO', TRUE);
+ if($result) {
+ $status .= "Permission deleted from ACLs successfully. ";
+ } else {
+ $status .= "ERROR: Permission could not be delted from the ACLs! ";
+ }
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ $permissions = get_scire_permissions();
+ $smarty->assign('permissions', $permissions);
+ $smarty->display('admin/delete_permission.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/delete_user.php b/scire/admin/delete_user.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52567dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/delete_user.php
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../DBInterface.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ $status = "";
+ include('phpgacl_code.php'); #load the gacl_api
+ #Load Smarty Template
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ if($_POST['delsubmit'] and $_POST['deluser'] and $_POST['iamsure']) {
+ $status = scire_del_user($_POST['deluser']);
+ $id = $gacl_api->get_object_id("users", $_POST['deluser'], 'ARO');
+ $gacl_api->del_object($id, 'ARO', TRUE);
+ }
+ $users = get_scire_users();
+ $smarty->assign('users', $users);
+ $smarty->display('admin/delete_user.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/delete_usergroup.php b/scire/admin/delete_usergroup.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e67132f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/delete_usergroup.php
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../DBInterface.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ $status = "";
+ include('phpgacl_code.php'); #load the GACL_API
+ #Load Smarty templates.
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ ### Deal with submitted form here
+ if($_POST['delsubmit'] and $_POST['delgroup'] and $_POST['iamsure']) {
+ #Check if the group has children.
+ $result = $gacl_api->del_group($_POST['delgroup'],TRUE, 'ARO');
+ if ($result) {
+ $status = "Group deleted successfully.";
+ } else {
+ $status = "ERROR: Group could not be successfully deleted.";
+ }
+ }
+ $formatted_groups = $gacl_api->format_groups($gacl_api->sort_groups('aro'), HTML);
+ $formatted_groups2 = $gacl_api->format_groups($gacl_api->sort_groups('aro'), TEXT);
+ $ids = array();
+ $groupnames = array();
+ foreach($formatted_groups2 as $id => $name) {
+ #print "ID: $id Name: $name <br>";
+ array_push($ids, $id);
+ array_push($groupnames, $name);
+ }
+ #For the <select> list of groups.
+ $smarty->assign('ids',$ids);
+ $smarty->assign('groupnames', $groupnames);
+ $smarty->assign('editgroup', $editgroup);
+ $smarty->assign('editgroupdata', $editgroupdata);
+ $smarty->assign('usergroups', $formatted_groups);
+ $smarty->display('admin/delete_usergroup.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/edit_client.php b/scire/admin/edit_client.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b71038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/edit_client.php
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../DBInterface.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ #Load Smarty Template
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ if($_POST['savesubmit']) {
+ if (!$_POST['hostname']) { $status .= "ERROR: Hostname required! "; }
+ if (!$_POST['mac']) { $status .= "ERROR: Hostname required! "; }
+ if (!$_POST['ip']) { $status .= "ERROR: Hostname required! "; }
+ if ($_POST['hostname'] and $_POST['mac'] and $_POST['ip'])
+ {
+ $status .= scire_edit_client($_POST['client_id'], $_POST['hostname'], $_POST['mac'], $_POST['ip'], $_POST['profile'], $_POST['distribution'], $_POST['administrator'], $_POST['status']);
+ if (!$status) { $status = "User added to DB successfully.";}
+ }
+ }
+ if($_POST['editsubmit'] and $_POST['editclient'])
+ {
+ $client_id = $_POST['editclient'];
+ $client_data = get_scire_client($client_id);
+ $smarty->assign('cdata', $client_data);
+ #Get list of groups. make a SELECT
+ }
+ else{
+ $clients = get_all_clients();
+ $smarty->assign('clients', $clients);
+ }
+ $smarty->display('admin/edit_client.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/edit_clientgroup.php b/scire/admin/edit_clientgroup.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d378874
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/edit_clientgroup.php
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../DBInterface.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ $status = "";
+ include('phpgacl_code.php'); #load the GACL_API
+ #Load Smarty Template
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ ### Deal with submitted form here
+ if ($_POST['editgroup']) {
+ $editgroup = $_POST['editgroup'];
+ $editgroupdata = $gacl_api->get_group_data($editgroup, 'AXO');
+ }
+ if ($_POST['groupname'] and $_POST['parentgroup']) {
+ $newgroup_id = $gacl_api->edit_group($_POST['groupid'], $_POST['groupname'], $_POST['groupname'], $_POST['parentgroup'], 'AXO');
+ print "Group edited successfully, group id is: $newgroup_id<br>";
+ }
+ $formatted_groups = $gacl_api->format_groups($gacl_api->sort_groups('axo'), HTML);
+ $formatted_groups2 = $gacl_api->format_groups($gacl_api->sort_groups('axo'), TEXT);
+ $ids = array();
+ $groupnames = array();
+ foreach($formatted_groups2 as $id => $name) {
+ #print "ID: $id Name: $name <br>";
+ array_push($ids, $id);
+ array_push($groupnames, $name);
+ }
+ #For the <select> list of groups.
+ $smarty->assign('ids',$ids);
+ $smarty->assign('groupnames', $groupnames);
+ $smarty->assign('editgroup', $editgroup);
+ $smarty->assign('editgroupdata', $editgroupdata);
+ $smarty->assign('clientgroups', $formatted_groups);
+ $smarty->display('admin/edit_clientgroup.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/edit_permission.php b/scire/admin/edit_permission.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..800e47f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/edit_permission.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../DBInterface.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ $status = "";
+ include('phpgacl_code.php'); #load the GACL_API
+ ####################################################
+ #Load Smarty Template
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ if($_POST['permname'] and $_POST['permdesc']) {
+ #Add the user now.
+ $status .= gimli_edit_permission($_POST['permname'], $_POST['permdesc']);
+ if(!$status) {$status = "User edited to DB successfully.";}
+ #Get the obj ID for edit
+ $obj_id = $gacl_api->get_object_id("perms",$_POST['permname'],'ACO');
+ $result = $gacl_api->edit_object($obj_id, "perms", $_POST['permname'], $_POST['permname'], 1, 0, 'ACO');
+ print "Object id: $obj_id <BR>";
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ if($_POST['submit'] and $_POST['editperm'])
+ {
+ $permname = $_POST['editperm'];
+ $smarty->assign('permname', $_POST['editperm']);
+ $smarty->assign('permdesc', $_POST[$permname.'_desc']);
+ }
+ else{
+ $permissions = get_gimli_permissions();
+ $smarty->assign('permissions', $permissions);
+ }
+ $smarty->display('admin/edit_permission.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/edit_user.php b/scire/admin/edit_user.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7142e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/edit_user.php
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../DBInterface.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ #Load Smarty Template
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ if($_POST['savesubmit'] and $_POST['roledesc']) {
+ #$status = scire_edit_user($_POST['rolename'], $_POST['roledesc']);
+ }
+ if($_POST['editsubmit'] and $_POST['edituser'])
+ {
+ $edituser = $_POST['edituser'];
+ $smarty->assign('username', $_POST['edituser']);
+ $smarty->assign('userdesc', $_POST[$edituser.'_desc']);
+ }
+ else{
+ $users = get_scire_users();
+ $smarty->assign('users', $users);
+ }
+ $smarty->display('admin/edit_user.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/edit_usergroup.php b/scire/admin/edit_usergroup.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0003888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/edit_usergroup.php
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ include('Smarty.class.php');
+ include('../DBInterface.php');
+ include('admin_checklogin.php');
+ $status = "";
+ include('phpgacl_code.php'); #load the GACL_API
+ #Load Smarty Template
+ include('admin_smarty.php');
+ ### Deal with submitted form here
+ if ($_POST['editgroup']) {
+ $editgroup = $_POST['editgroup'];
+ $editgroupdata = $gacl_api->get_group_data($editgroup, 'ARO');
+ }
+ if ($_POST['groupname'] and $_POST['parentgroup']) {
+ $newgroup_id = $gacl_api->edit_group($_POST['groupid'], $_POST['groupname'], $_POST['groupname'], $_POST['parentgroup'], 'ARO');
+ print "Group edited successfully, group id is: $newgroup_id<br>";
+ }
+ $formatted_groups = $gacl_api->format_groups($gacl_api->sort_groups('aro'), HTML);
+ $formatted_groups2 = $gacl_api->format_groups($gacl_api->sort_groups('aro'), TEXT);
+ $ids = array();
+ $groupnames = array();
+ foreach($formatted_groups2 as $id => $name) {
+ #print "ID: $id Name: $name <br>";
+ array_push($ids, $id);
+ array_push($groupnames, $name);
+ }
+ #For the <select> list of groups.
+ $smarty->assign('ids',$ids);
+ $smarty->assign('groupnames', $groupnames);
+ $smarty->assign('editgroup', $editgroup);
+ $smarty->assign('editgroupdata', $editgroupdata);
+ $smarty->assign('usergroups', $formatted_groups);
+ $smarty->display('admin/edit_usergroup.tpl');
+ $smarty->display('leftbar.tpl');
diff --git a/scire/admin/phpgacl_code.php b/scire/admin/phpgacl_code.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d16165c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/phpgacl_code.php
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ #################################################### PHPGACL CODE
+ require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../phpgacl/gacl.class.php');
+ require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../phpgacl/gacl_api.class.php');
+ require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../phpgacl/admin/gacl_admin_api.class.php');
+// phpGACL Configuration file.
+if ( !isset($config_file) ) {
+# $config_file = '../gacl.ini.php';
+ $config_file = dirname(__FILE__).'/../phpgacl/gacl.ini.php';
+//Values supplied in $gacl_options array overwrite those in the config file.
+if ( file_exists($config_file) ) {
+ $config = parse_ini_file($config_file);
+ if ( is_array($config) ) {
+ if ( isset($gacl_options) ) {
+ $gacl_options = array_merge($config, $gacl_options);
+ } else {
+ $gacl_options = $config;
+ }
+ }
+ unset($config);
+$gacl_api = new gacl_admin_api($gacl_options);
diff --git a/scire/admin/s.gif b/scire/admin/s.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5035948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/s.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/admin/tux_large.png b/scire/admin/tux_large.png
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..f06f852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/admin/tux_large.png
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../tux_large.png \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scire/assign_permission.php b/scire/assign_permission.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..06f0f62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/assign_permission.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+$smarty->assign('leftbar', "on");
+$leftbar_menu = array();
+add_leftbar($leftbar_menu, "&#171;&#171;Cancel", "users.php");
+$userid = "";
+#Deal with submitted forms.
+#Adding a permission.
+if ($_POST['addperm_submit'] or $_POST['editperm_submit']) {
+ if ($_POST['newpermname'] and $_POST['newpermdesc']) { #Add a new permission FIXME add check of auth for this.
+ if ($_POST['perm_category'] == "new") {
+ if ($_POST['newpermcat']) { #Need to add a section
+ $acl->add_object_section($_POST['newpermcat'], $_POST['newpermcat'], 1, 0, 'ACO');
+ $_POST['perm_category'] = $_POST['newpermcat'];
+ } else { #BAD user
+ $status .= "ERROR: No new permission category specified. Using Default";
+ $_POST['perm_category'] = "Default";
+ }
+ }
+ $obj_id = $acl->add_object($_POST['perm_category'], $_POST['newpermname'], $_POST['newpermname'], 1, 0, 'ACO');
+ $status .= "Obj id: $obj_id";
+ $result = scire_add_permission($obj_id, $_POST['newpermname'],$_POST['newpermdesc'], $_SESSION['userid']);
+ if ($result == 1) { $status .= "Permission Addition successfull. "; }
+ $_POST['perm'] = $_POST['newpermname'];
+ }
+ #Permission should exist now.
+ $aco_array[$_POST['perm_category']] = array($_POST['perm']);
+ $aro_array = array();
+ $axo_array = array();
+ $axo_group_array = array();
+ $aro_group_array = array();
+# if ($_POST['usertype'] == "usergroups") {
+ $aro_group_array = $_POST['usergroups'];
+# } else {
+ $aro_array['users'] = $_POST['users'];
+# }
+# if ($_POST['clienttype'] == "clientgroups") {
+ $axo_group_array = $_POST['clientgroups'];
+# } else {
+ $axo_array['clients'] = $_POST['clients'];
+# }
+ if (!$_POST['active']) {
+ $_POST['active'] = 0;
+ }
+ if ($_POST['addperm_submit']) {
+ $worked = $acl->add_acl($aco_array, $aro_array,$aro_group_array,$axo_array,$axo_group_array,$_POST['allow'],$_POST['active'],1,$_POST['note'],"system");
+ if($worked) {
+ $status .= "<br><b>Addition Successfull! $worked</b>";
+ } else {
+ $status .= "<br><b>BAD BAD BAD $worked</b>";
+ }
+ } else {#Edit
+ $worked = $acl->edit_acl($_POST['editing'],$aco_array, $aro_array,$aro_group_array,$axo_array,$axo_group_array,$_POST['allow'],$_POST['active'],1,$_POST['note'],"system");
+ if($worked) {
+ $status .= "<br><b>Edit Successfull! $worked</b>";
+ } else {
+ $status .= "<br><b>BAD BAD BAD $worked</b>";
+ }
+ }
+#Adding a permission.
+elseif ($_POST['delete_confirm']) {
+ $aclid = $_POST['aclid'];
+ $worked = $acl->del_acl($aclid);
+ if($worked) {
+ $status .= "<br><b>Deletion Successfull. $worked</b>";
+ } else {
+ $status .= "<br><b>BAD BAD BAD $worked</b>";
+ }
+ header('Location: ' . $baseurl . 'users.php?View=permissions');
+elseif ($_POST['delete_cancel']) {
+ header('Location: ' . $baseurl . 'users.php?View=permissions');
+if ($_GET['Action'] == "delete") {
+ $smarty->assign('aclid', $_GET['aclid']);
+if ($_GET['aclid']) { #For Editing. Load the ACL data.
+ $smarty->assign('acl',$acl->get_acl($_GET['aclid']));
+#$permissions = get_scire_permissions();
+#foreach ($permissions as $perm) {
+# $perm_categories[$perm['permcategory']] = 1;
+$permissions = array();
+$perm_categories = array();
+$all_permissions = $acl->get_objects(NULL, 1, 'ACO');
+foreach ($all_permissions as $categoryname => $cat) {
+ #print "Perm: $perm<br>Permname: $permname<br>";
+ if ($categoryname != $scire_ui_section) {
+ foreach ($cat as $perm) {
+ array_push($permissions, $perm);
+ }
+ array_push($perm_categories, $categoryname);
+ }
+$smarty->assign('perms', $permissions);
+$smarty->assign('ugroups', $acl->format_groups($acl->sort_groups('aro'), TEXT));
+$smarty->assign('cgroups', $acl->format_groups($acl->sort_groups('AXO'), TEXT));
+$users = get_scire_users('username', 'asc');
+$smarty->assign('users', $users);
+$clients = get_scire_clients('hostname', 'asc');
+$smarty->assign('clients', $clients);
+$smarty->assign('get', $_GET);
+$smarty->assign('leftbar_menu', $leftbar_menu);
+$smarty->assign('Action', $_GET['Action']);
+$smarty->assign('status', $status);
diff --git a/scire/calendar/calendar.html b/scire/calendar/calendar.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..202fb41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/calendar/calendar.html
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+Title: Tigra Calendar
+Version: 3.4 (all formats)
+Date: 01/06/2007
+Note: Permission given to use this script in ANY kind of applications if
+ header lines are left unchanged.
+Note: Script consists of two files: calendar?.js and calendar.html
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
+<title>Select Date, Please.</title>
+ td {font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;}
+ td a {text-decoration: none;}
+<script language="JavaScript">
+// months as they appear in the calendar's title
+var ARR_MONTHS = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
+ "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
+// week day titles as they appear on the calendar
+var ARR_WEEKDAYS = ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"];
+// day week starts from (normally 0-Su or 1-Mo)
+// path to the directory where calendar images are stored. trailing slash req.
+var STR_ICONPATH = 'img/';
+var re_urlCur = new RegExp('c=(\\-?\\d+)');
+var re_urlSel = new RegExp('s=(\\-?\\d+)');
+var re_id = new RegExp('id=(\\d+)');
+var dt_selected = (re_urlSel.exec(String(window.location))
+ ? new Date(new Number(RegExp.$1)) : new Date());
+var dt_current = (re_urlCur.exec(String(window.location))
+ ? new Date(new Number(RegExp.$1)) : dt_selected);
+var num_id = (re_id.exec(String(window.location))
+ ? new Number(RegExp.$1) : 0);
+var obj_caller = (window.opener ? window.opener.calendars[num_id] : null);
+if (obj_caller && obj_caller.year_scroll) {
+ // get same date in the previous year
+ var dt_prev_year = new Date(dt_current);
+ dt_prev_year.setFullYear(dt_prev_year.getFullYear() - 1);
+ if (dt_prev_year.getDate() != dt_current.getDate())
+ dt_prev_year.setDate(0);
+ // get same date in the next year
+ var dt_next_year = new Date(dt_current);
+ dt_next_year.setFullYear(dt_next_year.getFullYear() + 1);
+ if (dt_next_year.getDate() != dt_current.getDate())
+ dt_next_year.setDate(0);
+// get same date in the previous month
+var dt_prev_month = new Date(dt_current);
+if (dt_prev_month.getMonth()) {
+ dt_prev_month.setMonth(dt_prev_month.getMonth() - 1);
+ if (dt_prev_month.getDate() != dt_current.getDate())
+ dt_prev_month.setDate(0);
+else {
+ dt_prev_month.setFullYear(dt_prev_month.getFullYear() - 1);
+ dt_prev_month.setMonth(11);
+// get same date in the next month
+var dt_next_month = new Date(dt_current);
+dt_next_month.setMonth(dt_next_month.getMonth() + 1);
+if (dt_next_month.getDate() != dt_current.getDate())
+ dt_next_month.setDate(0);
+// get first day to display in the grid for current month
+var dt_firstday = new Date(dt_current);
+dt_firstday.setDate(1 - (7 + dt_firstday.getDay() - NUM_WEEKSTART) % 7);
+// function passing selected date to calling window
+function set_datetime(n_datetime, b_close) {
+ if (!obj_caller) return;
+ var dt_datetime = obj_caller.prs_time(
+ ( ? : ''),
+ new Date(n_datetime)
+ );
+ if (!dt_datetime) return;
+ if (b_close) {
+ = (
+ ? obj_caller.gen_tsmp(dt_datetime)
+ : obj_caller.gen_date(dt_datetime)
+ );window.close();
+ }
+ else obj_caller.popup(dt_datetime.valueOf());
+<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" marginheight="5" marginwidth="5" topmargin="5" leftmargin="5" rightmargin="5">
+<table class="clsOTable" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
+<tr><td bgcolor="#4682B4">
+<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" width="100%">
+<tr><td colspan="7"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
+<script language="JavaScript">
+'<td nowrap>'+(obj_caller&&obj_caller.year_scroll?'<a href="javascript:set_datetime('+dt_prev_year.valueOf()+')"><img src="'+STR_ICONPATH+'prev_year.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="previous year"></a>&nbsp;':'')+'<a href="javascript:set_datetime('+dt_prev_month.valueOf()+')"><img src="'+STR_ICONPATH+'prev.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="previous month"></a></td>'+
+'<td align="center" width="100%"><font color="#ffffff">'+ARR_MONTHS[dt_current.getMonth()]+' '+dt_current.getFullYear() + '</font></td>'+
+'<td nowrap><a href="javascript:set_datetime('+dt_next_month.valueOf()+')"><img src="'+STR_ICONPATH+'next.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="next month"></a>'+(obj_caller && obj_caller.year_scroll?'&nbsp;<a href="javascript:set_datetime('+dt_next_year.valueOf()+')"><img src="'+STR_ICONPATH+'next_year.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="next year"></a>':'')+'</td>'
+<script language="JavaScript">
+// print weekdays titles
+for (var n=0; n<7; n++)
+ document.write('<td bgcolor="#87cefa" align="center"><font color="#ffffff">'+ARR_WEEKDAYS[(NUM_WEEKSTART+n)%7]+'</font></td>');
+// print calendar table
+var dt_current_day = new Date(dt_firstday);
+while (dt_current_day.getMonth() == dt_current.getMonth() ||
+ dt_current_day.getMonth() == dt_firstday.getMonth()) {
+ // print row heder
+ document.write('<tr>');
+ for (var n_current_wday=0; n_current_wday<7; n_current_wday++) {
+ if (dt_current_day.getDate() == dt_selected.getDate() &&
+ dt_current_day.getMonth() == dt_selected.getMonth() &&
+ dt_current_day.getFullYear() == dt_selected.getFullYear())
+ // print current date
+ document.write('<td bgcolor="#ffb6c1" align="center" width="14%">');
+ else if (dt_current_day.getDay() == 0 || dt_current_day.getDay() == 6)
+ // weekend days
+ document.write('<td bgcolor="#dbeaf5" align="center" width="14%">');
+ else
+ // print working days of current month
+ document.write('<td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="center" width="14%">');
+ document.write('<a href="javascript:set_datetime('+dt_current_day.valueOf() +', true);">');
+ if (dt_current_day.getMonth() == this.dt_current.getMonth())
+ // print days of current month
+ document.write('<font color="#000000">');
+ else
+ // print days of other months
+ document.write('<font color="#606060">');
+ document.write(dt_current_day.getDate()+'</font></a></td>');
+ dt_current_day.setDate(dt_current_day.getDate()+1);
+ }
+ // print row footer
+ document.write('</tr>');
+if (obj_caller && obj_caller.time_comp) {
+ document.write('<form onsubmit="javascript:set_datetime('+dt_current.valueOf()+', true)" name="cal"><tr><td colspan="7" bgcolor="#87CEFA"><font color="White" face="tahoma, verdana" size="2">Time: <input type="text" name="time" value="'+obj_caller.gen_time(this.dt_current)+'" size="8" maxlength="8"></font></td></tr></form>');
+ document.forms['cal'].elements['time'].focus();
diff --git a/scire/calendar/calendar3.js b/scire/calendar/calendar3.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b88ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/calendar/calendar3.js
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+// Title: Tigra Calendar
+// URL:
+// Version: 3.4 (mySQL format)
+// Date: 07/12/2007
+// Note: Permission given to use this script in ANY kind of applications if
+// header lines are left unchanged.
+// Note: Script consists of two files: calendar?.js and calendar.html
+// if two digit year input dates after this year considered 20 century.
+var NUM_CENTYEAR = 30;
+// is time input control required by default
+// are year scrolling buttons required by default
+var BUL_YEARSCROLL = true;
+var calendars = [];
+var RE_NUM = /^\-?\d+$/;
+function calendar3(obj_target) {
+ // assigning methods
+ this.gen_date = cal_gen_date3;
+ this.gen_time = cal_gen_time3;
+ this.gen_tsmp = cal_gen_tsmp3;
+ this.prs_date = cal_prs_date3;
+ this.prs_time = cal_prs_time3;
+ this.prs_tsmp = cal_prs_tsmp3;
+ this.popup = cal_popup3;
+ // validate input parameters
+ if (!obj_target)
+ return cal_error("Error calling the calendar: no target control specified");
+ if (obj_target.value == null)
+ return cal_error("Error calling the calendar: parameter specified is not valid target control");
+ = obj_target;
+ this.time_comp = BUL_TIMECOMPONENT;
+ this.year_scroll = BUL_YEARSCROLL;
+ // register in global collections
+ = calendars.length;
+ calendars[] = this;
+function cal_popup3 (str_datetime) {
+ if (str_datetime)
+ this.dt_current = this.prs_tsmp(str_datetime);
+ else
+ this.dt_selected = this.dt_current = this.prs_tsmp(;
+ if (!this.dt_current) return;
+ var obj_calwindow =
+ 'calendar/calendar.html?id=' + + '&s=' + this.dt_selected.valueOf() + '&c=' + this.dt_current.valueOf(),
+ 'Calendar', 'width=200,height=' + (this.time_comp ? 215 : 190) +
+ ',status=no,resizable=no,top=200,left=200,dependent=yes,alwaysRaised=yes'
+ );
+ obj_calwindow.opener = window;
+ obj_calwindow.focus();
+// timestamp generating function
+function cal_gen_tsmp3 (dt_datetime) {
+ return(this.gen_date(dt_datetime) + ' ' + this.gen_time(dt_datetime));
+// date generating function
+function cal_gen_date3 (dt_datetime) {
+ return (
+ dt_datetime.getFullYear() + "-"
+ + (dt_datetime.getMonth() < 9 ? '0' : '') + (dt_datetime.getMonth() + 1) + "-"
+ + (dt_datetime.getDate() < 10 ? '0' : '') + dt_datetime.getDate()
+ );
+// time generating function
+function cal_gen_time3 (dt_datetime) {
+ return (
+ (dt_datetime.getHours() < 10 ? '0' : '') + dt_datetime.getHours() + ":"
+ + (dt_datetime.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '') + (dt_datetime.getMinutes()) + ":"
+ + (dt_datetime.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' : '') + (dt_datetime.getSeconds())
+ );
+// timestamp parsing function
+function cal_prs_tsmp3 (str_datetime) {
+ // if no parameter specified return current timestamp
+ if (!str_datetime)
+ return (new Date());
+ // if positive integer treat as milliseconds from epoch
+ if (RE_NUM.exec(str_datetime))
+ return new Date(str_datetime);
+ // else treat as date in string format
+ var arr_datetime = str_datetime.split(' ');
+ return this.prs_time(arr_datetime[1], this.prs_date(arr_datetime[0]));
+// date parsing function
+function cal_prs_date3 (str_date) {
+ var arr_date = str_date.split('-');
+ if (arr_date.length != 3) return alert ("Invalid date format: '" + str_date + "'.\nFormat accepted is yyyy-mm-dd.");
+ if (!arr_date[0]) return alert ("Invalid date format: '" + str_date + "'.\nNo year value can be found.");
+ if (!RE_NUM.exec(arr_date[0])) return alert ("Invalid year value: '" + arr_date[0] + "'.\nAllowed values are unsigned integers.");
+ if (!arr_date[1]) return alert ("Invalid date format: '" + str_date + "'.\nNo month value can be found.");
+ if (!RE_NUM.exec(arr_date[1])) return alert ("Invalid month value: '" + arr_date[1] + "'.\nAllowed values are unsigned integers.");
+ if (!arr_date[2]) return alert ("Invalid date format: '" + str_date + "'.\nNo day of month value can be found.");
+ if (!RE_NUM.exec(arr_date[2])) return alert ("Invalid day of month value: '" + arr_date[2] + "'.\nAllowed values are unsigned integers.");
+ var dt_date = new Date();
+ dt_date.setDate(1);
+ if (arr_date[0] < 100) arr_date[0] = Number(arr_date[0]) + (arr_date[0] < NUM_CENTYEAR ? 2000 : 1900);
+ dt_date.setFullYear(arr_date[0]);
+ if (arr_date[1] < 1 || arr_date[1] > 12) return alert ("Invalid month value: '" + arr_date[1] + "'.\nAllowed range is 01-12.");
+ dt_date.setMonth(arr_date[1] - 1);
+ var dt_numdays = new Date(arr_date[0], arr_date[1], 0);
+ dt_date.setDate(arr_date[2]);
+ if (dt_date.getMonth() != (arr_date[1]-1)) return alert ("Invalid day of month value: '" + arr_date[2] + "'.\nAllowed range is 01-"+dt_numdays.getDate()+".");
+ return (dt_date)
+// time parsing function
+function cal_prs_time3 (str_time, dt_date) {
+ if (!dt_date) return null;
+ var arr_time = String(str_time ? str_time : '').split(':');
+ if (!arr_time[0]) dt_date.setHours(0);
+ else if (RE_NUM.exec(arr_time[0]))
+ if (arr_time[0] < 24) dt_date.setHours(arr_time[0]);
+ else return cal_error ("Invalid hours value: '" + arr_time[0] + "'.\nAllowed range is 00-23.");
+ else return cal_error ("Invalid hours value: '" + arr_time[0] + "'.\nAllowed values are unsigned integers.");
+ if (!arr_time[1]) dt_date.setMinutes(0);
+ else if (RE_NUM.exec(arr_time[1]))
+ if (arr_time[1] < 60) dt_date.setMinutes(arr_time[1]);
+ else return cal_error ("Invalid minutes value: '" + arr_time[1] + "'.\nAllowed range is 00-59.");
+ else return cal_error ("Invalid minutes value: '" + arr_time[1] + "'.\nAllowed values are unsigned integers.");
+ if (!arr_time[2]) dt_date.setSeconds(0);
+ else if (RE_NUM.exec(arr_time[2]))
+ if (arr_time[2] < 60) dt_date.setSeconds(arr_time[2]);
+ else return cal_error ("Invalid seconds value: '" + arr_time[2] + "'.\nAllowed range is 00-59.");
+ else return cal_error ("Invalid seconds value: '" + arr_time[2] + "'.\nAllowed values are unsigned integers.");
+ dt_date.setMilliseconds(0);
+ return dt_date;
+function cal_error (str_message) {
+ alert (str_message);
+ return null;
diff --git a/scire/calendar/img/cal.gif b/scire/calendar/img/cal.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8526cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/calendar/img/cal.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/calendar/img/icon_demo.gif b/scire/calendar/img/icon_demo.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6479eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/calendar/img/icon_demo.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/calendar/img/icon_docs.gif b/scire/calendar/img/icon_docs.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8c401c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/calendar/img/icon_docs.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/calendar/img/icon_download.gif b/scire/calendar/img/icon_download.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47d15f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/calendar/img/icon_download.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/calendar/img/icon_forum.gif b/scire/calendar/img/icon_forum.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c99a254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/calendar/img/icon_forum.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/calendar/img/icon_home.gif b/scire/calendar/img/icon_home.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92a4f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/calendar/img/icon_home.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/calendar/img/logo.gif b/scire/calendar/img/logo.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b5397d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/calendar/img/logo.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/calendar/img/next.gif b/scire/calendar/img/next.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf02152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/calendar/img/next.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/calendar/img/next_year.gif b/scire/calendar/img/next_year.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac12ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/calendar/img/next_year.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/calendar/img/pixel.gif b/scire/calendar/img/pixel.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46a2cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/calendar/img/pixel.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/calendar/img/prev.gif b/scire/calendar/img/prev.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..211e1fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/calendar/img/prev.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/calendar/img/prev_year.gif b/scire/calendar/img/prev_year.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8145d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/calendar/img/prev_year.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/calendar/img/tc.gif b/scire/calendar/img/tc.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..576e148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/calendar/img/tc.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/client.php b/scire/client.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9e29aba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/client.php
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+$smarty->assign('leftbar', "on");
+$leftbar_menu = array();
+add_leftbar($leftbar_menu, "&#171;&#171;Cancel", "clients.php");
+$clientid = "";
+#Deal with submitted forms.
+#Adding a client to clientgroups.
+if ($_POST['addgroup_confirm']) {
+ $ingroups = $acl->get_object_groups($_POST['clientid'],'AXO');
+ $clientdata = $acl->get_object_data($_POST['clientid'], 'AXO');
+ $newgroups = $_POST['addgroupid'];
+ #remove first.
+ foreach ($ingroups as $ingroup) {
+ if (!in_array($ingroup, $newgroups)) {
+ $acl->del_group_object($ingroup, $clientdata[0][0], $clientdata[0][1], 'AXO');
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($newgroups as $newgroup) {
+ print "newgroup: $newgroup";
+ $acl->add_group_object($newgroup, $clientdata[0][0], $clientdata[0][1], 'AXO');
+ }
+ $_GET['Action'] = "edit";
+ $_GET['clientid'] = $_POST['clientid'];
+# Adding a client.
+if ($_POST['addhostname']) {
+ if ($_POST['addhostname'] and $_POST['ip'] and $_POST['mac']) {
+ check_action_access("Add Client");#Access check
+ #First just incase, we need to check if the object already exists (so we don't make duplicates)
+ $obj_id = "";
+ if ($acl->get_object_id("clients", $_POST['addhostname'], 'AXO') ) { #client already exists
+ $obj_id = $acl->get_object_id("clients", $_POST['addhostname'], 'AXO');
+ $status .= "Found existing object with objectid $obj_id <br>";
+ } else {
+ $obj_id = $acl->add_object("clients", $_POST['addhostname'], $_POST['addhostname'], 1, 0, 'AXO');
+ $status .= "Object id: $obj_id <BR>";
+ }
+ $result = scire_add_client($obj_id, $_POST['digest'], $_POST['addhostname'], $_POST['mac'], $_POST['ip'], $_POST['gli_profile'], $_POST['osid'], $_POST['contact'], $_POST['status'], $_POST['installtime'], $_POST['assetid']);
+ if ($result == 1) {
+ $status .= "Client Addition successfull<br>";
+ } else {
+ $status .= "Error during addition!: $result <br>";
+ }
+ if ($_POST['groups']) {
+ $status .= "Adding client to groups ".$_POST['groups'];
+ foreach( $_POST['groups'] as $group) {
+ $worked = $acl->add_group_object($group, "clients", $_POST['addhostname'], 'AXO');
+ if ($worked) {
+ $status .= "Group $group Addition successfull.<br>";
+ } else {
+ $status .= "ERROR adding group $group <br>";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $status = "Error required fields are not filled!";
+ }
+ #header('Location: ' . $baseurl . 'clients.php');
+# Editing a client's information.
+if ($_POST['edithostname']) {
+ check_action_access("Edit Client");
+ $clientinfo = get_scire_client($_GET['clientid']);
+ $smarty->assign('client', $clientinfo);
+ if ($_POST['digest'] and ($_POST['digest'] != $clientinfo['digest'])) {
+ $fields['digest'] = $_POST['digest'];
+ }
+ if ($_POST['mac'] and ($_POST['mac'] != $clientinfo['mac'])){
+ $fields['mac'] = $_POST['mac'];
+ }
+ if ($_POST['ip'] and ($_POST['ip'] != $clientinfo['ip'])) {
+ $fields['ip'] = $_POST['ip'];
+ }
+ if ($_POST['gli_profile'] and ($_POST['gli_profile'] != $clientinfo['gli_profile'])) {
+ $fields['gli_profile'] = $_POST['gli_profile'];
+ }
+ if ($_POST['osid'] and ($_POST['osid'] != $clientinfo['osid'])) {
+ $fields['osid'] = $_POST['osid'];
+ }
+ if ($_POST['contact'] and ($_POST['contact'] != $clientinfo['contact'])) {
+ $fields['contact'] = $_POST['contact'];
+ }
+ if ($_POST['status'] and ($_POST['status'] != $clientinfo['status'])) {
+ $fields['status'] = $_POST['status'];
+ }
+ if ($_POST['installtime'] and ($_POST['installtime'] != $clientinfo['installtime'])) {
+ $fields['installtime'] = $_POST['installtime'];
+ }
+ if ($_POST['assetid'] and ($_POST['assetid'] != $clientinfo['assetid'])) {
+ $fields['assetid'] = $_POST['assetid'];
+ }
+ #special case for hostname, must change the ACLs
+ if ($_POST['edithostname'] and ($_POST['edithostname'] != $clientinfo['hostname'])) {
+ $fields['hostname'] = $_POST['edithostname'];
+ $result = $acl->edit_object($_POST['clientid'],"clients", $_POST['edithostname'], $_POST['edithostname'],1, 0, 'AXO');
+ }
+ $status = scire_edit_client($_POST['clientid'], $fields);
+ $_GET['Action'] = "edit";
+ $_GET['clientid'] = $_POST['clientid'];
+# Delete a client.
+if ($_POST['delete_confirm']) {
+ check_action_access("Delete Client");
+ $status = scire_del_client($_POST['clientid']);
+ $acl->del_object($_POST['clientid'], 'AXO', TRUE); #True means erase referencing objects.
+ header('Location: ' . $baseurl . 'clients.php');
+switch($_GET['Action']) {
+ case "addgroup":
+ $smarty->assign('desc', "Add a client to a client group.");
+ $smarty->assign('clientid', $_GET['clientid']);
+ $smarty->assign('groups', $acl->format_groups($acl->sort_groups('AXO'), TEXT));
+ $ingroups = array();
+ $ingroups = $acl->get_object_groups($_GET['clientid'],'AXO');
+ var_dump($ingroups);
+ $smarty->assign('ingroups', $ingroups);
+ case "create":
+ check_action_access("Add Client");#Access check
+ $smarty->assign('desc', "Add a client.");
+ $smarty->assign('groups', $acl->format_groups($acl->sort_groups('AXO'), TEXT));
+ $smarty->assign('gli_profiles', get_scire_gli_profiles());
+ $smarty->assign('oss', get_scire_oss());
+ $smarty->assign('users', get_scire_users('username', 'desc'));
+ break;
+ case "edit":
+ check_action_access("Edit Client");#Access check
+ $acls = array();
+ #make the topbar look good
+ $smarty->assign('desc', "Edit client information.");
+ $clientinfo = get_scire_client($_GET['clientid']);
+ $smarty->assign('client', $clientinfo);
+ $smarty->assign('clientid', $_GET['clientid']);
+ $smarty->assign('gli_profiles', get_scire_gli_profiles());
+ $smarty->assign('oss', get_scire_oss());
+ $smarty->assign('users', get_scire_users('username', 'desc'));
+ $clientgroups = array();
+ $groups = $acl->get_object_groups($_GET['clientid'],'AXO');
+ if ($groups) {
+ foreach ($groups as $group) {
+ $group_data = $acl->get_group_data($group, 'AXO');
+ $clientgroups_entry['name'] = $group_data[3];
+ $clientgroups_entry['id'] = $group_data[0];
+ if ($group_data[1]) {
+ $parent_group_data = $acl->get_group_data($group_data[1],'AXO');
+ $clientgroups_entry['parent'] = $parent_group_data[3];
+ } else {
+ $clientgroups_entry['parent'] = "";
+ }
+ array_push($clientgroups, $clientgroups_entry);
+ $result_acl_ids = $acl->search_acl(FALSE,FALSE,
+ FALSE,FALSE,$group_data[3],FALSE);
+ foreach ($result_acl_ids as $acl_id) {
+ array_push($acls, $acl->get_acl($acl_id));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $smarty->assign('groups', $clientgroups);
+ $ugroups = $acl->format_groups($acl->sort_groups('aro'), 'ARRAY');
+ $smarty->assign('ugroups', $ugroups);
+ #Format of search: aco_section, aco_value, aro_section, aro_value, aro_group_name, axo_section, axo_value, axo_group_name, return_value
+ $result_acl_ids = $acl->search_acl(FALSE,FALSE,
+ 'clients',$clientinfo['hostname'],FALSE,FALSE);
+ foreach ($result_acl_ids as $acl_id) {
+ array_push($acls, $acl->get_acl($acl_id));
+ }
+ #pre_var_dump($acls);
+ $smarty->assign('acls',$acls);
+ break;
+ case "delete":
+ check_action_access("Delete Client");#Access check
+ $clientinfo = get_scire_client($_GET['clientid']);
+ $smarty->assign('client', $clientinfo);
+ $smarty->assign('clientid', $_GET['clientid']);
+ break;
+$smarty->assign('client_statuses', get_client_statuses() );
+$smarty->assign('leftbar_menu', $leftbar_menu);
+$smarty->assign('Action', $_GET['Action']);
+$smarty->assign('status', $status);
diff --git a/scire/clients.php b/scire/clients.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1f447b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/clients.php
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+$smarty->assign('leftbar', "on");
+$leftbar_menu = array();
+$leftbar_submenu = array();
+$template = "clients.tpl";
+$status = "";
+$smarty->assign('statusfilters', array('', 'Pending','Active','Inactive','Rejected','Retired', 'All'));
+check_action_access("View Clients");
+## Deal with submitted forms first.
+if ($_POST['addgroupname']) { #Adding a group.
+ check_action_access("Add ClientGroup");
+ if (!$_POST['parentgroup']) {
+ $_POST['parentgroup'] = 0;
+ }
+ $newgroup_id = $acl->add_group($_POST['addgroupname'], $_POST['addgroupname'], $_POST['parentgroup'], 'AXO');
+ $_GET['Action'] = "added";
+ $_GET['View'] = "groups";
+ $status = "Client Group Added Successfully.";
+if ($_POST['editgroupname']) {
+ check_action_access("Edit ClientGroup");
+ $group_id = $acl->edit_group($_POST['groupid'], $_POST['editgroupname'], $_POST['editgroupname'], $_POST['parentgroup'], 'AXO');
+ $_GET['Action'] = "edited";
+ $_GET['View'] = "groups";
+ $status = "Client Group Edited Successfully.";
+if($_POST['delgroup_confirm']) {
+ check_action_access("Delete ClientGroup");
+ #Check if the group has children.
+ $result = $acl->del_group($_POST['delgroup'],TRUE, 'AXO');
+ if ($result) {
+ $status = "Group deleted successfully.";
+ } else {
+ $status = "ERROR: Group could not be successfully deleted.";
+ }
+ $_GET['Action'] = "deleted";
+ $_GET['View'] = "groups";
+#Admin access only.
+if($_POST['pend_approve']) {
+ check_action_access("Approve/Reject Pending Clients");
+ foreach ($_POST['pending_ids'] as $pend_id) {
+ $result = scire_approve_client($pend_id);
+ if ($result) {
+ $status .= "Client $pend_id approved successfully.";
+ $clientinfo = get_scire_client($pend_id);
+ $obj_id = $acl->add_object("clients", $clientinfo['hostname'], $clientinfo['hostname'], 1, 0, 'AXO');
+ print "Object id: $obj_id <BR>";
+ } else {
+ $status .= "ERROR: Client $pend_id could not be successfully approved.";
+ }
+ }
+if($_POST['pend_reject']) {
+ check_action_access("Approve/Reject Pending Clients");
+ foreach ($_POST['pending_ids'] as $pend_id) {
+ $result = scire_reject_client($pend_id);
+ if ($result) {
+ $status .= "Client $pend_id rejected!";
+ } else {
+ $status .= "ERROR: Client $pend_id could not be successfully rejected.";
+ }
+ }
+if($_POST['statusfilter']) {
+ if ( check_access("View Pending Clients") ) {
+ $_GET['View'] = $_POST['statusfilter'];
+ }
+$smarty->assign('desc', "View, create, edit, and delete clients");
+# Generate content
+switch($_GET['View']) {
+ case "groups":
+ $template = "clients_groups.tpl";
+ switch($_GET['Action']) {
+ case "create":
+ add_leftbar($leftbar_menu, "&#171;&#171;Cancel", "clients.php?View=groups");
+ $smarty->assign('groups', $acl->format_groups($acl->sort_groups('AXO'), TEXT));
+ break;
+ case "edit":
+ add_leftbar($leftbar_menu, "&#171;&#171;Cancel", "clients.php?View=groups");
+ $smarty->assign('groups', $acl->format_groups($acl->sort_groups('AXO'), TEXT));
+ $smarty->assign('groupid', $_GET['groupid']);
+ $smarty->assign('groupdata', $acl->get_group_data($_GET['groupid'], 'AXO'));
+ break;
+ case "delete":
+ add_leftbar($leftbar_menu, "&#171;&#171;Cancel", "clients.php?View=groups");
+ $smarty->assign('groupid', $_GET['groupid']);
+ break;
+ default: #Show clientgroups.
+ add_leftbar($leftbar_menu, "Clients", "clients.php");
+ add_leftbar($leftbar_menu, "Permissions", "clients.php?View=permissions");
+ $smarty->assign('leftbar_submenu_title', "Actions");
+ if ( check_access("Add ClientGroup") ) {
+ add_leftbar($leftbar_submenu, "Add Client Group", "clients.php?View=groups&Action=create");
+ }
+ $groups = $acl->format_groups($acl->sort_groups('AXO'), HTML);
+ $smarty->assign('groups', $groups);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "permissions":
+ $smarty->assign('leftbar_submenu_title', "Actions");
+ check_action_access("View Permissions");
+ if ( check_access("Assign Permission") ) {
+ add_leftbar($leftbar_submenu, "Assign Permission", "assign_permission.php");
+ }
+ $template = "permissions.tpl";
+ $smarty->assign('type','clients');
+ $ugroups = $acl->format_groups($acl->sort_groups('aro'), 'ARRAY');
+ $smarty->assign('ugroups', $ugroups);
+ $cgroups = $acl->format_groups($acl->sort_groups('axo'), 'ARRAY');
+ $smarty->assign('cgroups', $cgroups);
+ #pre_var_dump($groups);
+ $acls = array();
+ #Format of search: aco_section, aco_value, aro_section, aro_value, aro_group_name, axo_section, axo_value, axo_group_name, return_value
+ $result_acl_ids = $acl->search_acl(FALSE,FALSE,
+ foreach ($result_acl_ids as $acl_id) {
+ $this_acl = $acl->get_acl($acl_id);
+ if ($this_acl['aco']['scire_ui']) {
+ next;
+ } else {
+ array_push($acls, $this_acl);
+ }
+ }
+ #pre_var_dump($acls);
+ $smarty->assign('acls',$acls);
+ break;
+ case "Pending":
+ case "Inactive":
+ case "Rejected":
+ case "Retired":
+ case "All":
+ #Will need to grab only pending clients. Will need to hardcode the field list unless making settings for it.
+ add_leftbar($leftbar_menu, "View Groups", "clients.php?View=groups");
+ add_leftbar($leftbar_menu, "View Permissions", "clients.php?View=permissions");
+ #Set information about the fields (display name, sortable)
+ $f_attr = get_clients_fields();
+ $smarty->assign('f_attr', $f_attr);
+ if (!$_GET['sorton']) {
+ $_GET['sorton'] = 'installtime';
+ }
+ if (!$_GET['sortdir']) {
+ $_GET['sortdir'] = 'asc';
+ }
+ $smarty->assign('sorton', $_GET['sorton']);
+ $smarty->assign('sortdir', $_GET['sortdir']);
+ #Grab the field list.
+ $fields = explode(',', $_SESSION['settings']['clients_page_fields']);
+ $fields = array("hostname", "ip", "mac", "digest", "status", "installtime");
+ $smarty->assign('fields',$fields);
+ $clients = get_scire_clients($_GET['sorton'], $_GET['sortdir'], $_GET['View']);
+ $smarty->assign('clients', $clients);
+ break;
+ default: #Show clients.
+ add_leftbar($leftbar_menu, "View Groups", "clients.php?View=groups");
+ add_leftbar($leftbar_menu, "View Permissions", "clients.php?View=permissions");
+ $smarty->assign('leftbar_submenu_title', "Actions");
+ if ( check_access("Add Client") ) {
+ add_leftbar($leftbar_submenu, "Create Client", "client.php?Action=create");
+ }
+ ############################################
+ ## Deal with sorting for the query.
+ if (!$_GET['sorton']) {
+ $_GET['sorton'] = $_SESSION['settings']['clients_page_sorton'];
+ }
+ if (!$_GET['sortdir']) {
+ $_GET['sortdir'] = $_SESSION['settings']['clients_page_sortdir'];
+ }
+ $smarty->assign('sorton', $_GET['sorton']);
+ $smarty->assign('sortdir', $_GET['sortdir']);
+ $clients = get_scire_clients($_GET['sorton'], $_GET['sortdir']);
+ #var_dump($clients);
+ foreach ($clients as $key => $client) {
+ $id = $acl->get_object_id("clients",$client['hostname'],'AXO');
+ $groups = $acl->get_object_groups($id,'AXO');
+ $group_string = "";
+ if ($groups) {
+ foreach ($groups as $group) {
+ $group_data = $acl->get_group_data($group, 'AXO');
+ $group_string .= $group_data[3]. " | ";
+ }
+ }
+ $clients[$key]['groups'] = $group_string;
+ }
+ #Set information about the fields (display name, sortable)
+ $f_attr = get_clients_fields();
+ $smarty->assign('f_attr', $f_attr);
+ #Grab the field list.
+ if ($_SESSION['settings']['clients_page_fields']) {
+ $fields = explode(',', $_SESSION['settings']['clients_page_fields']);
+ } else {
+ $fields = explode(',', get_default_clients_fields());
+ }
+ $smarty->assign('fields',$fields);
+ $smarty->assign('clients', $clients);
+ break;
+$smarty->assign('leftbar_menu', $leftbar_menu);
+$smarty->assign('leftbar_submenu', $leftbar_submenu);
+$smarty->assign('View', $_GET['View']);
+$smarty->assign('Action', $_GET['Action']);
+$smarty->assign('status', $status);
diff --git a/scire/cron.php b/scire/cron.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10ba80d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/cron.php
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+ /*
+ * Mick Sear, eCreate, May 2005
+ *
+ * Modified by: Rodrigo Lazo, June 2007
+ * License: GPL
+ * Version: 1.1
+ */
+ /*
+ * Added functinality :
+ *
+ * - Input validation.
+ * - Support for step argument ("/")
+ * - Cron Exception for non-recoveral errors
+ * - Field expansion (given a month, generate all the possible
+ * values for every other field)
+ */
+ /*$cron = "15,33,48 1-10 * * *";
+ $cp = new CronParser($cron);
+ echo "Cron $cron last ran on:";
+ print_r($cp->getLastRan());
+ echo nl2br($cp->getDebug());*/
+ //
+ // Know bugs:
+ //
+ // It can't handle too complex step arguments.
+ //
+ // */12 or 1-3/4 are ok
+ // 1,4-5/20,2 or 1,2,3,4,5,10-30/5 isn't supported
+ //
+class CronException extends Exception {
+ // Redefine the exception so message isn't optional
+ public function __construct($message, $code = 0) {
+ // some code
+ // make sure everything is assigned properly
+ parent::__construct($message, $code);
+ }
+ // custom string representation of object
+ public function __toString() {
+ return __CLASS__ . ": [{$this->code}]: {$this->message}\n";
+ }
+ }
+class CronParser{
+ var $bits = Array(); //exploded String like 0 1 * * *
+ var $now= Array(); //Array of cron-style entries for time()
+ var $lastRan; //Timestamp of last ran time.
+ var $taken;
+ var $debug;
+ function CronParser($string, $now = false, $validate_only = false){
+ $tstart = microtime();
+ $this->debug("<b>Working on cron schedule: $string</b>");
+ $this->bits = @explode(" ", $this->sanitize_input($string));
+ $this->validate();
+ if ($validate_only)
+ return;
+ if ($now)
+ $this->now = explode(",", $now);
+ else
+ $this->getNow();
+ $this->calcLastRan();
+ $this->calcNextRun();
+ $tend = microtime();
+ $this->taken = $tend-$tstart;
+ $this->debug("Parsing $string taken ".$this->taken." seconds");
+ }
+ function sanitize_input($string) {
+ $tmp = trim($string);
+ $output = "";
+ $jump = false;
+ for ($i=0; $i<strlen($tmp); $i++) {
+ if ($tmp[$i] != ' ') {
+ $output = $output . $tmp[$i];
+ $jump = false;
+ }
+ else
+ if (!$jump) {
+ $output = $output . $tmp[$i];
+ $jump = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return $output;
+ }
+ function validate(){
+ $min = array(0,0,1,1,0);
+ $max = array(59,23,31,12,7);
+ $pattern = "/^\d+((\d+)?(,\d)?(\-\d+($|\/\d+$)?)?)+$/";
+ $range_pattern = "/^\*(\/\d+)?$/";
+ if (count($this->bits) != 5){
+ throw new CronException("Wrong number of parameters.");
+ }
+ $i=0;
+ foreach ($this->bits as $piece){
+ if ($piece == "*" || preg_match($range_pattern, $piece)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!preg_match($pattern, $piece)){
+ throw new CronException("Bad formatted entry: " . $piece);
+ }
+ foreach (explode(",",$piece) as $molecule) {
+ foreach (explode("-", $molecule) as $atom) {
+ if ($atom > $max[$i] || $atom < $min[$i]){
+ throw new CronException("Parameter out of range: " . $atom);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ function expandValues(){
+ $sol = array();
+ $minutes = $this->bits[0];
+ $hours = $this->bits[1];
+ $months = $this->bits[3];
+ if ($minutes == "*") {
+ $minutes = range(0,59);
+ } else if (strstr($minutes, "*/")) {
+ $tmp = explode("/", $minutes);
+ $minutes = $this->expand_ranges("0-59/".$tmp[1]);
+ }
+ else {
+ $minutes = $this->expand_ranges($minutes);
+ }
+ if ($hours == "*") {
+ $hours = range(0, 23);
+ } else if (strstr($hours, "*/")) {
+ $tmp = explode("/", $hours);
+ $minutes = $this->expand_ranges("0-23/".$tmp[1]);
+ }
+ else {
+ $hours = $this->expand_ranges($hours);
+ }
+ if ($months == "*") {
+ $months = range(1,12);
+ } else if (strstr($months, "*/")) {
+ $tmp = explode("/", $months);
+ $minutes = $this->expand_ranges("0-12/".$tmp[1]);
+ }
+ else {
+ $months = $this->expand_ranges($months);
+ }
+ return array("minutes" => $minutes, "hours" => $hours, "months" => $months);
+ }
+ function getNextArray($arr, $current) {
+ if (is_array($arr)) {
+ foreach ($arr as $v) {
+ if ($v > $current)
+ return $v;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function calcNextRun(){
+ $lastRan = $this->getLastRan();
+ $values = $this->expandValues();
+ $days = $this->getDaysArray($lastRan[3]);
+ var_dump($values);
+ ob_start();var_dump($values);$output=ob_get_contents();ob_end_clean();
+ $this->debug("<b>NextRun!</b> dump" . $output);
+ ob_start();var_dump($days);$output=ob_get_contents();ob_end_clean();
+ $this->debug("<b>dias:</b> " . $output);
+ $minute = $this->getNextArray($values["minutes"], $lastRan[0]);
+ if ($minute) {
+ $this->nextRun = mktime($lastRan[1], $minute, 0, $lastRan[3], $lastRan[2], $lastRan[5]);
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ $minute = $values["minutes"][0];
+ }
+ $this->debug("Next minute -> " . $minute);
+ $hour = $this->getNextArray($values["hours"], $lastRan[1]);
+ if ($hour) {
+ $this->nextRun = mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $lastRan[3], $lastRan[2], $lastRan[5]);
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ $hour = $values["hours"][0];
+ }
+ $day = $this->getNextArray($days, $lastRan[2]);
+ if ($day) {
+ $this->nextRun = mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $lastRan[3], $day, $lastRan[5]);
+ return;
+ }
+ // In this case we don't have an else statement because we
+ // need to calculate the next month first so we know wich day is the needed
+ $month = $this->getNextArray($values["months"], $lastRan[3]);
+ if ($month) {
+ $day = $this->getDaysArray($month);
+ $this->nextRun = mktime($hour, $minute, 0,$month, $day, $lastRan[5]);
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ $month = $values["months"][0];
+ $day = $this->getDaysArray($month, $lastRan[5]+1);
+ $this->nextRun = mktime($hour, $minute, 0,$month, $day, $lastRan[5]+1);
+ }
+ ob_start();var_dump($this->nextRun);$output=ob_get_contents();ob_end_clean();
+ $this->debug("<b>output</b> " . $output);
+// var_dump($this->nextRan);
+ }
+ function getNow(){
+ $t = strftime("%M,%H,%d,%m,%w,%Y", time()); //Get the values for now in a format we can use
+ $this->now = explode(",", $t); //Make this an array
+ //$this->debug($this->now);
+ }
+ function getLastRan(){
+ return explode(",", strftime("%M,%H,%d,%m,%w,%Y", $this->lastRan)); //Get the values for now in a format we can use
+ }
+ function getNextRun(){
+ return explode(",", strftime("%M,%H,%d,%m,%w,%Y", $this->nextRun)); //Get the values for now in a format we can use
+ }
+ function getDebug(){
+ return $this->debug;
+ }
+ function debug($str){
+ if (is_array($str)){
+ $this->debug .= "\nArray: ";
+ foreach($str as $k=>$v){
+ $this->debug .= "$k=>$v, ";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->debug .= "\n$str";
+ }
+ //echo nl2br($this->debug);
+ }
+ function getExtremeMonth($extreme){
+ if ($extreme == "END"){
+ $year = $this->now[5] - 1;
+ } else {
+ $year = $this->now[5];
+ }
+ //Now determine start or end month in the last year
+ if ($this->bits[3] == "*" && $extreme == "END"){//Check month format
+ $month = 12;
+ } else if ($this->bits[3] == "*" && $extreme == "START"){
+ $month = 1;
+ } else {
+ $months = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[3]);
+ if ($extreme == "END"){
+ sort($months);
+ } else {
+ rsort($months);
+ }
+ $month = array_pop($months);
+ }
+ //Now determine the latest day in the specified month
+ $day=$this->getExtremeOfMonth($month, $year, $extreme);
+ $this->debug("Got day $day for $extreme of $month, $year");
+ $hour = $this->getExtremeHour($extreme);
+ $minute = $this->getExtremeMinute($extreme);
+ return mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $month, $day, $year);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assumes that value is not *, and creates an array of valid numbers that
+ * the string represents. Returns an array.
+ */
+ function expand_ranges($str){
+ //$this->debug("Expanding $str");
+ //echo var_dump($str);
+ if (strstr($str, "/")){
+ $val = explode("/", $str);
+ $str = $val[0];
+ $step = $val[1];
+ if (count($val) != 2) {
+ throw new CronException("Bad formatted entry (step): " . $str);
+ }
+ }
+ if (strstr($str, ",")){
+ $tmp1 = explode(",", $str);
+ //$this->debug($tmp1);
+ $count = count($tmp1);
+ for ($i=0;$i<$count;$i++){//Loop through each comma-separated value
+ if (strstr($tmp1[$i], "-")){ //If there's a range in this place, expand that too
+ $tmp2 = explode("-", $tmp1[$i]);
+ //$this->debug("Range:");
+ //$this->debug($tmp2);
+ for ($j=$tmp2[0];$j<=$tmp2[1];$j++){
+ $ret[] = $j;
+ }
+ } else {//Otherwise, just add the value
+ $ret[] = $tmp1[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (strstr($str, "-")){//There might only be a range, no comma sep values at all. Just loop these
+ $range = explode("-", $str);
+ for ($i=$range[0];$i<=$range[1];$i++){
+ $ret[] = $i;
+ }
+ } else {//Otherwise, it's a single value
+ $ret[] = $str;
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ sort($ret);
+ if (isset($step)) {
+ $sol = array();
+ foreach (range(0,count($ret),$step) as $i) {
+ $sol[] = $ret[$i];
+ }
+ $ret = $sol;
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given a string representation of a set of weekdays, returns an array of
+ * possible dates.
+ */
+ function getWeekDays($str, $month, $year){
+ $daysInMonth = $this->daysinmonth($month, $year);
+ if (strstr($str, ",")){
+ $tmp1 = explode(",", $str);
+ $count = count($tmp1);
+ for ($i=0;$i<$count;$i++){//Loop through each comma-separated value
+ if (strstr($tmp1[$i], "-")){ //If there's a range in this place, expand that too
+ $tmp2 = explode("-", $tmp1[$i]);
+ for ($j=$start;$j<=$tmp2[1];$j++){
+ for ($n=1;$n<=$daysInMonth;$n++){
+ if ($j == jddayofweek(gregoriantojd ( $month, $n, $year),0)){
+ $ret[] = $n;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {//Otherwise, just add the value
+ for ($n=1;$n<=$daysInMonth;$n++){
+ if ($tmp1[$i] == jddayofweek(gregoriantojd ( $month, $n, $year),0)){
+ $ret[] = $n;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (strstr($str, "-")){//There might only be a range, no comma sep values at all. Just loop these
+ $range = explode("-", $str);
+ for ($i=$start;$i<=$range[1];$i++){
+ for ($n=1;$n<=$daysInMonth;$n++){
+ if ($i == jddayofweek(gregoriantojd ( $month, $n, $year),0)){
+ $ret[] = $n;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {//Otherwise, it's a single value
+ for ($n=1;$n<=$daysInMonth;$n++){
+ if ($str == jddayofweek(gregoriantojd ( $month, $n, $year),0)){
+ $ret[] = $n;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ function daysinmonth($month, $year){
+ if(checkdate($month, 31, $year)) return 31;
+ if(checkdate($month, 30, $year)) return 30;
+ if(checkdate($month, 29, $year)) return 29;
+ if(checkdate($month, 28, $year)) return 28;
+ return 0; // error
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the timestamp of the last ran time.
+ */
+ function calcLastRan(){
+ $values = $this->expandValues();
+ echo "Calculating last ran \n";
+ echo var_dump($this->now);
+ $now = mktime($this->now[1],$this->now[0],0,$this->now[3],$this->now[2],$this->now[5]);
+ echo "Now -> ";
+ echo var_dump($now[0]);
+ if ($now < $this->getExtremeMonth("START")){
+ echo "\nCron is not due to have this year\n";
+ //The cron isn't due to have run this year yet. Getting latest last year
+ $this->debug("Last ran last year");
+ $tsLatestLastYear = $this->getExtremeMonth("END");
+ $this->debug("Timestamp of latest scheduled time last year is ".$tsLatestLastYear);
+ $this->lastRan = $tsLatestLastYear;
+ $year = date("Y", $this->lastRan);
+ $month = date("m", $this->lastRan);
+ $day = date("d", $this->lastRan);
+ $hour = date("h", $this->lastRan);
+ $minute = date("i", $this->lastRan);
+ } else { //Cron was due to run this year. Determine when it was last due
+ echo "\nCron is this year\n";
+ $this->debug("Cron was due to run earlier this year");
+ $year = $this->now[5];
+ echo "Anho: ".$year;
+ /*
+ $arMonths = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[3]);
+ */
+ $arMonths = $values["months"];
+ echo "\nMeses: ";
+ echo var_dump($arMonths);
+ echo "\nValue Meses: ";
+ echo var_dump($values["months"]);
+ if (!in_array($this->now[3], $arMonths) && $this->bits[3] != "*"){//Not due to run this month. Get latest of last month
+ $this->debug("Cron was not due to run this month at all. This month is ".$this->now[3]);
+ $this->debug("Months array: ");
+ $this->debug($arMonths);
+ sort($arMonths);
+ do{
+ $month = array_pop($arMonths);
+ } while($month > $this->now[3]);
+ $day = $this->getExtremeOfMonth($month, $this->now[5], "END");
+ $hour = $this->getExtremeHour("END");
+ $minute = $this->getExtremeMinute("END");
+ } else if ($now < $this->getExtremeOfMonth($this->now[3], $this->now[5], "START")){ //It's due in this month, but not yet.
+ $this->debug("It's due in this month, but not yet.");
+ sort($arMonths);
+ do{
+ $month = array_pop($arMonths);
+ } while($month > $this->now[3]);
+ $day = $this->getExtremeOfMonth($month, $this->now[5], "END");
+ $hour = $this->getExtremeHour("END");
+ $minute = $this->getExtremeMinute("END");
+ } else {//It has been due this month already
+ $this->debug("Cron has already been due to run this month (".$month = $this->now[3].")");
+ $month = $this->now[3];
+ $this->debug("Getting days array");
+ $days = $this->getDaysArray($this->now[3]);
+ if (!in_array($this->now[2], $days)){
+ $this->debug("Today not in the schedule. Getting latest last due day");
+ //No - Get latest last scheduled day
+ sort($days);
+ do{
+ $day = array_pop($days);
+ } while($day > $this->now[2]);
+ $hour = $this->getExtremeHour("END");
+ $minute = $this->getExtremeMinute("END");
+ } else if($this->now[1] < $this->getExtremeHour("START")){//Not due to run today yet
+ $this->debug("Cron due today, but not yet. Getting latest on last day");
+ sort($days);
+ do{
+ $day = array_pop($days);
+ } while($day >= $this->now[2]);
+ $hour = $this->getExtremeHour("END");
+ $minute = $this->getExtremeMinute("END");
+ } else {
+ $this->debug("Cron has already been due to run today");
+ $day = $this->now[2];
+ //Yes - Check if this hour is in the schedule?
+ $arHours = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[1]);
+ if (!in_array($this->now[1], $arHours) && $this->bits[1] != "*"){
+ $this->debug("Cron not due in this hour, getting latest in last scheduled hour");
+ //No - Get latest last hour
+ sort($arHours);
+ do{
+ $hour = array_pop($arHours);
+ //$this->debug("hour is $hour, now is ".$this->now[1]);
+ } while($hour > $this->now[1]);
+ $minute = $this->getExtremeMinute("END");
+ } else if ($now < $this->getExtremeMinute("START") && $this->bits[1] != "*"){ //Not due to run this hour yet
+ sort($arHours);
+ do{
+ $hour = array_pop($arHours);
+ } while($hour >= $this->now[1]);
+ $minute = $this->getExtremeMinute("END");
+ } else {
+ //Yes, it is supposed to have run this hour already - Get last minute
+ $hour = $this->now[1];
+ if ($this->bits[0] != "*"){
+ $arMinutes = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[0]);
+ $this->debug($arMinutes);
+ do{
+ $minute = array_pop($arMinutes);
+ } while($minute >= $this->now[0]);
+ //If the first time in the hour that the cron is due to run is later than now, return latest last hour
+ if($minute > $this->now[1] || $minute == ""){
+ $this->debug("Valid minute not set");
+ $minute = $this->getExtremeMinute("END"); //The minute will always be the last valid minute in an hour
+ //Get the last hour.
+ if ($this->bits[1] == "*"){
+ $hour = $this->now[1] - 1;
+ } else {
+ $arHours = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[1]);
+ $this->debug("Array of hours:");
+ $this->debug($arHours);
+ sort($arHours);
+ do{
+ $hour = array_pop($arHours);
+ } while($hour >= $this->now[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $minute = $this->now[0] -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo "Last Ran calculated";
+ echo "\n##########################\n\n";
+ $this->debug("LAST RAN: $hour:$minute on $day/$month/$year");
+ //echo var_dump($this->getDebug());
+ $this->lastRan = mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $month, $day, $year);
+ }
+ function getExtremeOfMonth($month, $year, $extreme){
+ $daysInMonth = $this->daysinmonth($month, $year);
+ if ($this->bits[2] == "*"){
+ if ($this->bits[4] == "*"){//Is there a day range?
+ //$this->debug("There were $daysInMonth days in $month, $year");
+ if ($extreme == "END"){
+ $day = $daysInMonth;
+ } else {
+ $day=1;
+ }
+ } else {//There's a day range. Ignore the dateDay range and just get the list of possible weekday values.
+ $days = $this->getWeekDays($this->bits[4],$month, $year);
+ $this->debug($this->bits);
+ $this->debug("Days array for ".$this->bits[4].", $month, $year:");
+ $this->debug($days);
+ if ($extreme == "END"){
+ sort($days);
+ } else {
+ rsort($days);
+ }
+ $day = array_pop($days);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $days = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[2]);
+ if ($extreme == "END"){
+ sort($days);
+ } else {
+ rsort($days);
+ }
+ do {
+ $day = array_pop($days);
+ } while($day > $daysInMonth);
+ }
+ //$this->debug("$extreme day is $day");
+ return $day;
+ }
+ function getDaysArray($month, $year=0){
+ if ($year == 0) {
+ $year = $this->now[5];
+ }
+ $this->debug("Getting days for $month");
+ $days = array();
+ if ($this->bits[4] != "*"){
+ $days = $this->getWeekDays($this->bits[4], $month, $year);
+ $this->debug("Weekdays:");
+ $this->debug($days);
+ }
+ if ($this->bits[2] != "*" && $this->bits[4] == "*") {
+ $days = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[2]);
+ }
+ if ($this->bits[2] == "*" && $this->bits[4] == "*"){
+ //Just return every day of the month
+ $daysinmonth = $this->daysinmonth($month, $year);
+ $this->debug("Days in ".$month.", ".$year.": ".$daysinmonth);
+ for($i = 1;$i<=$daysinmonth;$i++){
+ $days[] = $i;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->debug($days);
+ return $days;
+ }
+ function getExtremeHour($extreme){
+ if ($this->bits[1] == "*"){
+ if ($extreme == "END"){
+ $hour = 23;
+ } else {
+ $hour = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $hours = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[1]);
+ if ($extreme == "END"){
+ sort($hours);
+ } else {
+ rsort($hours);
+ }
+ $hour = array_pop($hours);
+ }
+ //$this->debug("$extreme hour is $hour");
+ return $hour;
+ }
+ function getExtremeMinute($extreme){
+ if ($this->bits[0] == "*"){
+ if ($extreme == "END"){
+ $minute = 59;
+ } else {
+ $minute = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $minutes = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[0]);
+ if ($extreme == "END"){
+ sort($minutes);
+ } else {
+ rsort($minutes);
+ }
+ $minute = array_pop($minutes);
+ }
+ //$this->debug("$extreme minute is $minute");
+ return $minute;
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scire/cron2.php b/scire/cron2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eee90f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/cron2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+ /*
+ * Crontab-syntax support
+ * Single elements : * 12
+ * Multiple elements : 1,2,3 4,6,1
+ * Ranged elements: 1-4 9-12
+ * Steped ranges : 1-16/2 *\/2
+ *
+ * Not supported
+ * Compound elements : 1,4,9-14 2,4-29,31 3,9-15,29
+ */
+class CronException extends Exception {
+ // Redefine the exception so message isn't optional
+ public function __construct($message, $code = 0) {
+ // make sure everything is assigned properly
+ parent::__construct($message, $code);
+ }
+ // custom string representation of object
+ public function __toString() {
+ return __CLASS__ . ": [{$this->code}]: {$this->message}\n";
+ }
+ }
+class Debug {
+ private $debugLevel;
+ private $debugMessage = "";
+ private $functionScope = "main";
+ public function __construct($debugLevel = 0) {
+ if ($debugLevel <= 0) {
+ $this->debugLevel = 0;
+ }
+ else if ($debugLevel >= 2) {
+ $this->debugLevel = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ $this->debugLevel = 1;
+ }
+ public function addDebugMessage($message, $function = "") {
+ // If we change of scope we need to record the new scope
+ if ($function != "")
+ $this->functionScope = $function;
+ // What level of debugging are we in?
+ if ($this->debugLevel == 0)
+ return;
+ if ($this->debugLevel >= 2) {
+ print $this->functionScope;
+ print "------------";
+ if (is_string($message))
+ print $message;
+ else
+ echo var_dump($message);
+ print "------------";
+ }
+ $this->debugMessage .= "\n". $this->functionScope . ": ";
+ if (is_array($message)) {
+ ob_start();var_dump($message);$output=ob_get_contents();ob_end_clean();
+ $this->debugMessage .= $output;
+ } else
+ $this->debugMessage .= $message;
+ }
+ public function __toString() {
+ echo $this->debugMessage;
+ }
+class CronParser {
+ private $input;
+ private $elements = array();
+ private $isValid = true;
+ private $_elementsRanges;
+ private $_elementPattern;
+ private $_elementRangePattern;
+ private $_elementRangeStepPattern;
+ private $_now;
+ public $debug;
+ function __construct($str, $debug = 1) {
+ $this->_initialize();
+ $this->debug = new Debug($debug);
+ $this->input = $str;
+ $this->_preprocessInput();
+ }
+ /*! Initialize some variables
+ */
+ private function _initialize() {
+ $this->isValid = false;
+ $this->_elementsRanges = array (
+ "minutes" => array (
+ "min" => 0,
+ "max" => 59),
+ "hours" => array (
+ "min" => 0,
+ "max" => 23),
+ "days" => array (
+ "min" => 1,
+ "max" => 31),
+ "months" => array (
+ "min" => 1,
+ "max" => 12),
+ "weekdays" => array(
+ "min" => 0,
+ "max" => 6));
+ // This patter may add experimental support to compound elements
+ //$this->_elementPattern = "/^\d+((\d+)?(,\d)?(\-\d+($|\/\d+$)?)?)+$/";
+ $this->_elementPattern = "/^\d+(,\d+)*$/";
+ $this->_elementRangeStepPattern = "/^(\*|\d+-\d+)\/\d+$/";
+ $this->_elementRangePattern = "/^\d+-\d+$/";
+ }
+ /*! Preprocess the input so it can be used
+ *
+ * This preprocessing involves: triming, eliminating useless
+ * blank spaces between elements of the entry, validation,
+ * ranges expansion, step calculation.
+ */
+ private function _preprocessInput() {
+ $this->debug->addDebugMessage("Entering function", "preprocessInput");
+ // Trim extra space from the beginning and end of $input
+ $tmp = trim($this->input);
+ $output= "";
+ $this->debug->addDebugMessage("Finished triming : " . $tmp);
+ // Eliminate extra spaces inside $input
+ $jump = false;
+ for ($i=0; $i<strlen($tmp); $i++) {
+ if ($tmp[$i] != ' ') {
+ $output = $output . $tmp[$i];
+ $jump = false;
+ }
+ else
+ if (!$jump) {
+ $output = $output . $tmp[$i];
+ $jump = true;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->debug->addDebugMessage("Cleaning finished : " . $output);
+ // Split $input into its elements
+ $tmp = explode(" ", $output);
+ if (count($tmp) != 5)
+ throw new CronException("Wrong number of parameters." . $output);
+ $this->elements = array ( "minutes" => $tmp[0],
+ "hours" => $tmp[1],
+ "days" => $tmp[2],
+ "months" => $tmp[3],
+ "weekdays" => $tmp[4]);
+ $this->debug->addDebugMessage("Input splitted : ");
+ $this->debug->addDebugMessage($this->elements);
+ // Validate input and expand values
+ foreach (array("minutes", "hours", "days", "months", "weekdays") as $elementName) {
+ $currentElement =& $this->elements[$elementName];
+ $currentRange =& $this->_elementsRanges[$elementName];
+ // It is the whole range?
+ if ($currentElement == "*")
+ {
+ // Days calculation is different
+ if (in_array($elementName, array("days", "weekdays")))
+ continue;
+ $currentElement = range($currentRange["min"],
+ $currentRange["max"]);
+ }
+ // It is a range with a step?
+ else if (preg_match($this->_elementRangeStepPattern, $currentElement)) {
+ $pieces = explode("/", $currentElement);
+ // if an asterix range
+ if ($pieces[0] == "*") {
+ $totalRange = range($currentRange["min"],
+ $currentRange["max"]);
+ }
+ // it *has* to be an numeric range
+ else {
+ $atoms = explode("-", $pieces[0]);
+ $atoms[0] = (int)$atoms[0];
+ $atoms[1] = (int)$atoms[1];
+ if ($atoms[0] > $atoms[1] ||
+ $atoms[0] < $currentRange["min"] || $atoms[0] > $currentRange["max"] ||
+ $atoms[1] < $currentRange["min"] || $atoms[1] > $currentRange["max"]) {
+ throw new CronException("Bad formatted entry(range): " . $currentElement);
+ }
+ $totalRange = range($atoms[0], $atoms[1]);
+ }
+ $sol = array();
+ // now use the step to filter the range
+ foreach (range(0,count($totalRange),(int)$pieces[1]) as $i) {
+ if (isset($totalRange[$i]))
+ $sol[] = $totalRange[$i];
+ }
+ $currentElement = $sol;
+ }
+ // it is a range withouth step
+ else if (preg_match($this->_elementRangePattern, $currentElement)) {
+ $atoms = explode("-", $currentElement);
+ $atoms[0] = (int)$atoms[0];
+ $atoms[1] = (int)$atoms[1];
+ if ($atoms[0] > $atoms[1] ||
+ $atoms[0] < $currentRange["min"] || $atoms[0] > $currentRange["max"] ||
+ $atoms[1] < $currentRange["min"] || $atoms[1] > $currentRange["max"]) {
+ throw new CronException("Bad formatted entry(range): " . $currentElement);
+ }
+ $currentElement = range($atoms[0], $atoms[1]);
+ }
+ // It is an element
+ else if (preg_match($this->_elementPattern, $currentElement)){
+ $sol = array();
+ if (preg_match("/^\d+$/", $currentElement)) {
+ if ((int)$currentElement > $currentRange["max"] || (int)$currentElement < $currentRange["min"]){
+ throw new CronException("Parameter out of range: " . $atom . " of " . $this->input);
+ }
+ $currentElement = array((int)$currentElement);
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach (explode(",",$currentElement) as $atom) {
+ if ((int)$atom > $currentRange["max"] || (int)$atom < $currentRange["min"]){
+ throw new CronException("Parameter out of range: " . $atom . " of " . $this->input);
+ }
+ $sol[] = (int)$atom;
+ }
+ $currentElement = $sol;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new CronException("Bad formatted entry (element): " . $currentElement);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->isValid = true;
+ }
+ /*! Defines the $now of the class
+ *
+ * The only pourpuse of this function is to let the user define
+ * what time should the class take as reference to calculate Next
+ * and Prev
+ */
+ public function setNow(&$now) {
+ $this->_now = explode(",", $now);
+ }
+ /*! Returns the reference NOW time
+ *
+ * This function returns the reference NOW that is used by the
+ * class to make its computations. If the var is not set by the
+ * getNow method, it return time() properly formatted;
+ */
+ public function getNow() {
+ if (isset($this->_now)) {
+ return $this->_now;
+ }
+ else {
+ $t = strftime("%M,%H,%d,%m,%w,%Y", time()); //Get the values for now in a format we can use
+ return explode(",", $t); //Make this an array
+ }
+ }
+ private function getWeekDays($month, $year){
+ $ret = array();
+ echo"gettingWeekdays: all days";
+ $days = range($this->_elementsRanges["days"]["min"],
+ $this->daysInMonth($month, $year));
+ var_dump($days);
+ foreach ($days as $day){
+ if (in_array(jddayofweek(gregoriantojd($month, $day, $year),0), $this->elements["weekdays"])){
+ $ret[] = $day;
+ }
+ }
+ echo "sol:";
+ var_dump($ret);
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /*! Computes the last day of a Month
+ *
+ * Given a month and a year, this function calculates the last
+ * day of the month. It supports leap years (february 29)
+ */
+ private function daysInMonth($month, $year){
+ if(checkdate($month, 31, $year)) return 31;
+ if(checkdate($month, 30, $year)) return 30;
+ if(checkdate($month, 29, $year)) return 29;
+ if(checkdate($month, 28, $year)) return 28;
+ return 0; // error
+ }
+ /*! Computes the Days of a Month
+ *
+ * Given a month, it calculates the days that fulfill the
+ * requirements of the cron string
+ */
+ private function getDaysArray($month, $year = 0) {
+ $now = $this->getNow();
+ if ($year == 0) {
+ $year = $now[5];
+ }
+// $this->debug("Getting days for $month");
+ $days = array();
+ if (is_array($this->elements["weekdays"])) {
+ $days = $this->getWeekDays($month, $year);
+// $this->debug("Weekdays:");
+// $this->debug($days);
+ if (is_array($this->elements["days"])) {
+ $days += $this->elements["days"];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (is_array($this->elements["days"]))
+ $days = $this->elements["days"];
+ else
+ $days = range($this->_elementsRanges["days"]["min"],
+ $this->daysInMonth($month, $year));
+ }
+// $this->debug($days);
+ return $days;
+ }
+ /*! Retrieves the next element of the array
+ *
+ * Given an array and an element, it calculates the next element
+ * of the array and returns it, false otherwise
+ */
+ private function getNextArray($arr, $current) {
+ if (is_array($arr)) {
+ foreach ($arr as $v) {
+ if ($v >= $current)
+ return $v;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*! Retrieves the next element of the array
+ *
+ * Given an array and an element, it calculates the previous element
+ * of the array and returns it, false otherwise
+ */
+ private function getPrevArray($arr, $current) {
+ if (is_array($arr)) {
+ foreach ($arr as $v) {
+ if ($v <= $current)
+ return $v;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private function getNextMonth(&$sol){
+ //month
+ $tmp = $this->getNextArray($this->elements["months"], $sol["month"]);
+ echo "next month: " ;
+ echo var_dump($tmp);
+ if ($tmp === false) {
+ $days = $this->getDaysArray($this->elements["months"][0], $sol["year"]+1);
+ return array($this->elements["minutes"][0],
+ $this->elements["hours"][0],
+ $days[0],
+ $this->elements["months"][0],
+ $sol["year"]+1);
+ }
+ else if ($tmp != $sol["month"]) {
+ $days = $this->getDaysArray($tmp, $sol["year"]);
+ return array($this->elements["minutes"][0],
+ $this->elements["hours"][0],
+ $days[0],
+ $tmp,
+ $sol["year"]);
+ }
+ $sol["month"] = $tmp;
+ return $this->getNextDay($sol);
+ }
+ private function getNextDay(&$sol) {
+ $tmp = $this->getNextArray($this->getDaysArray($sol["month"], $year), $sol["day"]);
+ echo "next day:";
+ echo var_dump($tmp);
+ if ($tmp === false) {
+ $sol["month"] += 1;
+ $sol["day"] = $this->_elementsRanges["days"]["min"];
+ return $this->getNextMonth($sol);
+ }
+ else if ($tmp != $sol["day"]) {
+ return array($this->elements["minutes"][0],
+ $this->elements["hours"][0],
+ $tmp,
+ $sol["month"],
+ $sol["year"]);
+ }
+ $sol["day"] = $tmp;
+ return $this->getNextHour($sol);
+ }
+ private function getNextHour(&$sol) {
+ $tmp = $this->getNextArray($this->elements["hours"], $sol["hour"]);
+ echo "next hour:";
+ echo var_dump($tmp);
+ if ($tmp === false) {
+ $sol["day"] += 1;
+ $sol["hour"] = $this->_elementsRanges["hours"]["min"];
+ return $this->getNextDay($sol);
+ }
+ else if ($tmp != $sol["hour"]) {
+ return array($this->elements["minutes"][0],
+ $tmp,
+ $sol["day"],
+ $sol["month"],
+ $sol["year"]);
+ }
+ $sol["hour"] = $tmp;
+ return $this->getNextMinute($sol);
+ }
+ private function getNextMinute(&$sol) {
+ $tmp = $this->getNextArray($this->elements["minutes"], $sol["minute"]);
+ echo "next minute:";
+ echo var_dump($tmp);
+ if ($tmp === false) {
+ $sol["hour"] += 1;
+ $sol["minute"] = $this->_elementsRanges["minutes"]["min"];
+ return $this->getNextHour($sol);
+ }
+ return array($tmp,
+ $sol["hour"],
+ $sol["day"],
+ $sol["month"],
+ $sol["year"]);
+ }
+ public function calculateNextRun() {
+ if (!$this->isValid) {
+ throw new CronException("Invalid input");
+ }
+ $tmp = $this->getNow();
+ $sol = array (
+ "minute" => $tmp[0],
+ "hour" => $tmp[1],
+ "day" => $tmp[2],
+ "month" => $tmp[3],
+ "weekday" => $tmp[4],
+ "year" => $tmp[5]);
+ echo "now :";
+ echo var_dump($sol);
+ return $this->getNextMonth($sol);
+ }
+ public function calculatePrevRun() {
+ if (!$this->isValid) {
+ throw new CronException("Invalid input");
+ }
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scire/favicon.ico b/scire/favicon.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d01a39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/favicon.ico
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/images/scire.png b/scire/images/scire.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf63903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/images/scire.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/images/scire_trans.png b/scire/images/scire_trans.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e25d580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/images/scire_trans.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/images/sort_asc.png b/scire/images/sort_asc.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aacd970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/images/sort_asc.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/images/sort_desc.png b/scire/images/sort_desc.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d2ec1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/images/sort_desc.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/scire/index.php b/scire/index.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..525a2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#Database structure for scire modules
+#Table: modules
+# id = unique int; auto_increment
+# name = varchar(20)
+# long_name = varchar(90)
+# description = varchar(500)
+# path = varchar(90) # path to the page.
+# author = varchar(50)
+# creation_date =
+# distribution = varchar(30)
+# group? like categorizing them?
+# homepage = varchar(90) #misc modules should have a website
diff --git a/scire/job.php b/scire/job.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8adc957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/job.php
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+$smarty->assign('leftbar', "on");
+$leftbar_menu = array();
+add_leftbar($leftbar_menu, "&#171;&#171;Cancel", "jobs.php");
+$jobid = "";
+list($minutes,$hours,$days,$weekdays,$months) = get_cron_times();
+function scheduleUIHelper($cronString) {
+ $bits = explode(" ", $cronString);
+ if ($bits[0] != $_POST["minutes"] and $_POST["minutes"] != "other") {
+ $bits[0] = $_POST["minutes"];
+ }
+ if ($bits[1] != $_POST["hours"] and $_POST["hours"] != "other") {
+ $bits[1] = $_POST["hours"];
+ }
+ if ($bits[2] != $_POST["days"] and $_POST["days"] != "other") {
+ $bits[2] = $_POST["days"];
+ }
+ if ($bits[3] != $_POST["months"] and $_POST["months"] != "other") {
+ $bits[3] = $_POST["months"];
+ }
+ if ($bits[4] != $_POST["weekdays"] and $_POST["weekdays"] != "other") {
+ $bits[4] = $_POST["weekdays"];
+ }
+ print_r($bits);
+ return implode(" ",$bits);
+#Deal with submitted forms.
+if ($_POST['ADD']) {
+ check_action_access("Add Job");
+ if ($_POST['script']) {
+ $script = get_scire_script($_POST['script']);
+ if ($_POST['permission']) {
+ $permission = $_POST['permission'];
+ $permission = get_scire_permission_by_name($permission);
+ $permission = $permission['permid'];
+ # print "Permission is: $permission";
+ } else {
+ $permission = $script['permission'];
+ }
+ if ($_POST['priority']) {
+ $priority = $_POST['priority'];
+ } else {
+ $priority = $script['priority'];
+ }
+ } else { $status .= "ERROR: No script selected!"; }
+ if ($_POST['description']) {
+ $description = $_POST['description'];
+ } else {
+ $description = "No description provided.";
+ }
+ $pending = sizeof($_POST['clients']) + sizeof($_POST['clientgroups']);
+ if (!$status and ($pending or $_POST['clientgroups'])) { #We have a script and clients;
+ # Get the schedule! All fields are required or else you're SOL
+ $scheduleComplete = $_POST["minute1"] and $_POST["hour1"] and
+ $_POST["day1"] and $_POST["month1"] and $_POST["weekday1"];
+ if ($scheduleComplete) {
+ $str = implode(" ", array($_POST["minute1"], $_POST["hour1"],
+ $_POST["day1"], $_POST["month1"], $_POST["weekday1"]));
+ } else {
+ $str = "";
+ }
+# pre_var_dump($_POST);
+# pre_var_dump($scheduleComplete);
+ pre_var_dump($str);
+ try {
+ $result = scire_add_job($_POST['script'], $priority, $_SESSION['userid'], $permission, $description, $pending, $_POST['clients'], $_POST['clientgroups'], $dependency, $str, $_POST['validity_period']);
+ if (!$result) {
+ $status .= "Job successfully added.";
+ } else {
+ $status .= "Error occurred during job addition. $result";
+ }
+ } catch (CronException $e) { print_r($e); }
+ }
+# Editing a job's information.
+if ($_POST['EditJobSubmit']) {
+ check_action_access("Edit Job");
+ $jobinfo = get_scire_job($_GET['jobid']);
+ $smarty->assign('job', $jobinfo);
+ if (isset($_POST['editpriority']) and ($_POST['editpriority'] != $jobinfo['priority'])) {
+ $fields['priority'] = $_POST['editpriority'];
+ }
+ if ($_POST['permission'] and ($_POST['permission'] != $jobinfo['permission'])){
+ $fields['permission'] = $_POST['permission'];
+ }
+ if ($_POST['description'] and ($_POST['description'] != $jobinfo['description'])) {
+ $fields['description'] = trim($_POST['description']);
+ }
+ if ($_POST['script'] and ($_POST['script'] != $jobinfo['script'])) {
+ $fields['script'] = $_POST['script'];
+ }
+ if ($_POST['run_schedule'] and ($_POST['run_schedule'] != $jobinfo['run_schedule'])) {
+ try{
+ $c = new CronParser($_POST['run_schedule']);
+ $fields['run_schedule'] = $_POST['run_schedule'];
+ } catch (CronException $e) {}
+ } else {
+ $isScheduleUI = $_POST["minutes"] and $_POST["hours"] and $_POST["days"] and $_POST["months"] and $_POST["weekdays"];
+ if ($isScheduleUI)
+ try{
+ $tmp = scheduleUIHelper($jobinfo["run_schedule"]);
+ $c = new CronParser($tmp);
+ $fields['run_schedule'] = $tmp;
+ } catch (CronException $e) {}
+ }
+ if ($_POST['validity_period'] and ($_POST['validity_period'] != $jobinfo['validity_period'])) {
+ $fields['validity_period'] = $_POST['validity_period'];
+ }
+ $status = scire_edit_job($_POST['jobid'], $fields);
+ $_GET['Action'] = "edit";
+ $_GET['jobid'] = $_POST['jobid'];
+# Delete a job.
+if ($_POST['delete_confirm']) {
+ check_action_access("Delete Job");
+# $status = scire_del_job($_POST['jobid']);
+ header('Location: ' . $baseurl . 'jobs.php');
+if ($_POST['delete_cancel']) {
+ header('Location: ' . $baseurl . 'jobs.php');
+################## MAIN SWITCH #########################
+switch($_GET['Action']) {
+ case "create":
+ check_action_access("Add Job"); #Access check
+ add_leftbar($leftbar_menu, "&#171;&#171;Cancel", "jobs.php");
+ if ($_GET['scriptid']) {
+ $_GET['scriptid'] = (int) $_GET['scriptid'];
+ $script = get_scire_script($_GET['scriptid']);
+ $smarty->assign('script', $script);
+ # print $script['script_data'];
+ preg_match_all('/%%(.*?)%%/', $script['script_data'], $matches);
+ $smarty->assign('dyn_tags', $matches[1]);
+ foreach ($matches[1] as $tag) {
+ $tag_values[$tag] = get_dyn_tag_value($_GET['scriptid'],$tag);
+ }
+ $smarty->assign('tag_values', $tag_values);
+ pre_var_dump($tag_values);
+ }
+ if ($_GET['clientid']) {
+ $_GET['clientid'] = (int) $_GET['clientid'];
+ $client = get_scire_client($_GET['clientid']);
+ #$id = $acl->get_object_id("clients",$client['hostname'],'AXO'
+ $smarty->assign('client', $client);
+ }
+ ########################################################
+ $permissions = array();
+ $all_permissions = $acl->get_objects(NULL, 1, 'ACO');
+ foreach ($all_permissions as $categoryname => $cat) {
+ #print "Perm: $perm<br>Permname: $permname<br>";
+ if ($categoryname != $scire_ui_section) {
+ foreach ($cat as $perm) {
+ array_push($permissions, $perm);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $smarty->assign('perms', $permissions);
+ #pre_var_dump($permissions);
+ $smarty->assign('priorities', get_priorities());
+ $scripts = get_scire_scripts();
+ $smarty->assign('scripts', $scripts);
+ $smarty->assign('cgroups', $acl->format_groups($acl->sort_groups('AXO'), TEXT));
+ $clients = get_scire_clients('hostname', 'asc');
+ $smarty->assign('clients', $clients);
+ $smarty->assign('minutes', $minutes);
+ $smarty->assign('hours', $hours);
+ $smarty->assign('days', $days);
+ $smarty->assign('months', $months);
+ $smarty->assign('weekdays', $weekdays);
+ break;
+ case "edit":
+ check_action_access("Edit Job");#Access check
+ $acls = array();
+ #make the topbar look good
+ $smarty->assign('desc', "Edit client information.");
+ $jobinfo = get_scire_job($_GET['jobid']);
+ $smarty->assign('job', $jobinfo);
+ $smarty->assign('jobid', $_GET['jobid']);
+ $smarty->assign('scripts', get_scire_scripts());
+// $cron = new CronParser("*/2 7-18/3 * * *");
+// $smarty->assign('cron', $cron);
+ $smarty->assign('minutes', $minutes);
+ $smarty->assign('hours', $hours);
+ $smarty->assign('days', $days);
+ $smarty->assign('months', $months);
+ $smarty->assign('weekdays', $weekdays);
+ $bits = explode(" ", $jobinfo["run_schedule"]);
+ $smarty->assign('selectedMinute', array_key_exists($bits[0], $minutes) ? $bits[0] : "other" );
+ $smarty->assign('selectedHour', array_key_exists($bits[1], $hours) ? $bits[1] : "other" );
+ $smarty->assign('selectedDay', array_key_exists($bits[2], $days) ? $bits[2] : "other" );
+ $smarty->assign('selectedMonth', array_key_exists($bits[3], $months) ? $bits[3] : "other" );
+ $smarty->assign('selectedWeekday', array_key_exists($bits[4], $minutes) ? $bits[4] : "other" );
+// $smarty->assign('gli_profiles', get_scire_gli_profiles());
+// $smarty->assign('oss', get_scire_oss());
+// $smarty->assign('users', get_scire_users('username', 'desc'));
+// $clientgroups = array();
+ $groups = $acl->get_object_groups($_GET['jobid'],'AXO');
+ if ($groups) {
+ foreach ($groups as $group) {
+ $group_data = $acl->get_group_data($group, 'AXO');
+ $clientgroups_entry['name'] = $group_data[3];
+ $clientgroups_entry['id'] = $group_data[0];
+ if ($group_data[1]) {
+ $parent_group_data = $acl->get_group_data($group_data[1],'AXO');
+ $clientgroups_entry['parent'] = $parent_group_data[3];
+ } else {
+ $clientgroups_entry['parent'] = "";
+ }
+ array_push($clientgroups, $clientgroups_entry);
+ $result_acl_ids = $acl->search_acl(FALSE,FALSE,
+ FALSE,FALSE,$group_data[3],FALSE);
+ foreach ($result_acl_ids as $acl_id) {
+ array_push($acls, $acl->get_acl($acl_id));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $smarty->assign('groups', $clientgroups);
+ case "delete":
+ check_action_access("Delete Job");#Access check
+ $jobinfo = get_scire_job($_GET['jobid']);
+ $smarty->assign('job', $jobinfo);
+ #pre_var_dump($jobinfo);
+ $smarty->assign('jobid', $_GET['jobid']);
+ break;
+$smarty->assign('get', $_GET);
+$smarty->assign('leftbar_menu', $leftbar_menu);
+$smarty->assign('Action', $_GET['Action']);
+$smarty->assign('status', $status);
diff --git a/scire/jobs.php b/scire/jobs.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d54f674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/jobs.php
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+$smarty->assign('leftbar', "on");
+$leftbar_menu = array();
+$leftbar_submenu = array();
+$template = "jobs.tpl";
+$error_msg = "";
+check_action_access("View Jobs");
+## Deal with submitted forms first.
+#Set information about the fields (display name, sortable)
+$f_attr = get_jobs_fields();
+$smarty->assign('f_attr', $f_attr);
+if (!$_GET['sorton']) {
+ $_GET['sorton'] = 'jobid';
+if (!$_GET['sortdir']) {
+ $_GET['sortdir'] = 'asc';
+$smarty->assign('sorton', $_GET['sorton']);
+$smarty->assign('sortdir', $_GET['sortdir']);
+#Grab the field list.
+if ($_SESSION['settings']['jobs_page_fields']) {
+ $fields = explode(',', $_SESSION['settings']['jobs_page_fields']);
+} else {
+ $fields = explode(',', get_default_jobs_fields());
+#$fields = array("hostname", "ip", "mac", "digest", "status", "installtime");
+$jobs = get_scire_jobs($_GET['sorton'], $_GET['sortdir'], 'All');
+$smarty->assign('jobs', $jobs);
+#$jobs = $db->select(array("c.hostname", "j.*"), #FROM
+# "clients c, jobs j, jobs_clients jc", #WHERE
+# "j.jobid = jc.jobid AND jc.clientid = c.clientid");
+#print "<pre>";
+#pre_var_dump($jobs); #For debugging.
+#$client_groups = array();
+foreach( $jobs as $key => $job) {
+ $id = $acl->get_object_id("clients",$job['hostname'],'AXO');
+ $groups = $acl->get_object_groups($id,'AXO');
+ $group_string = "";
+ if ($groups) {
+ foreach ($groups as $group) {
+ $group_data = $acl->get_group_data($group, 'AXO');
+ $group_string .= $group_data[3]. " | ";
+ $client_groups["$group"] = $group_data[3];
+ }
+ }
+ $jobs[$key]['groups'] = $group_string;
+#print "</pre>";
+$smarty->assign('jobs', $jobs);
+if ($_POST['searchfield']) {
+ $error_msg .= "Um, yeah... not done yet.";
+#Gather groups of clients. it's a phpgacl command.
+$smarty->assign('leftbar_submenu_title', "Actions");
+if ( check_access("Add Job") ) {
+ add_leftbar($leftbar_submenu, "Add Job", "add_job.php");
+$smarty->assign('client_groups', $client_groups);
+$smarty->assign('leftbar_menu', $leftbar_menu);
+$smarty->assign('leftbar_submenu', $leftbar_submenu);
diff --git a/scire/light_blue.css b/scire/light_blue.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5995f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/light_blue.css
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ html {
+ margin: 0px;
+ }
+ body {
+ margin: 0px;
+ font-family: Bitstream Vera Sans, Helvetica, Sans;
+ font-size: 10pt;
+ }
+ form {
+ margin: 0px;
+ padding: 0px;
+ }
+ p {
+ margin: 5px;
+ }
+ h1 {
+ margin: 5px;
+ margin-bottom: 0px;
+ font-size: 1.2em;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ h2 {
+ margin: 5px;
+ font-size: 1.1em;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ }
+ #logobar {
+ background: url("images/lightning.png") no-repeat;
+ }
+ #topbar {
+ border-top: 1px solid #000000;
+ background-color: #1E1E74;
+ }
+ #topbar table tr td a {
+ text-decoration: none;
+ }
+ #topbar table tr td a:hover {
+ color: #ffffff;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ #leftbar {
+ background-color: #ffffff;
+ border-top: 1px solid #000000;
+ }
+ #header {
+ border-top: 1px solid #000000;
+ }
+ #content {
+ padding: 7px 5px 5px;
+ }
+ #menu,#submenu {
+ width: 150px;
+ margin: 0px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ padding: 0px;
+ border-right: 1px solid #ffffff;
+ list-style: none;
+ }
+ #menu li {
+ width: 150px;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff;
+ }
+ #submenu li {
+ width: 140px;
+ margin-left: 10px;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff;
+ }
+ a.menuitem {
+ display: block;
+ position: relative;
+ margin: 0px;
+ padding: 1px;
+ padding-left: 4px;
+ background-color: #36D3F0;
+ color: #000000;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ }
+ a.menuitem:hover {
+ color: #ffffff;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ .box {
+ border: 1px solid #000000;
+ font-size: 0.8em;
+ }
+ .box td {
+ border: none;
+ }
+ td.boxtitle {
+ padding: 5px;
+ border-top: 1px solid #d1ddf5;
+ border-right: 1px solid #7a818f;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #7a818f;
+ border-left: 1px solid #d1ddf5;
+ background-color: #36D3F0;
+ font-size: 1.2em;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ .table {
+ border: none;
+ border-spacing: 5px;
+ }
+ .table th {
+ padding: 2px 5px 0px;
+ border: none;
+ text-align: left;
+ }
+ .table td {
+ padding: 5px 5px 0px;
+ border: none;
+ border-top: 1px dotted #7a818f;
+ }
+ .optiongroup td {
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ border: none;
+ }
+ .optiongroup td:first-child {
+ padding-left: 5px;
+ }
+ .optiongroup td:last-child {
+ padding-right: 5px;
+ }
+ .optiongroup tr:last-child td {
+ padding-bottom: 5px;
+ }
diff --git a/scire/login.php b/scire/login.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..264fbdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/login.php
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Configuration
+# Functions
+# Clean config
+$basedir = normalize_path($basedir);
+$baseurl = normalize_path($baseurl);
+$smarty_dir = normalize_path($smarty_dir);
+# Smarty
+# Database class
+$db = new DB($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name, $db_type);
+if (isset($db->error)) {
+ header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
+ $smarty->assign('title', 'Database Error');
+ $smarty->assign('message', $db->error);
+ $smarty->display('message.tpl');
+ exit(0);
+# Database functions
+# Session class
+$session = new Session($db, $db_sessions_table);
+if (isset($session->error)) {
+ header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
+ $smarty->assign('title', 'Session Error');
+ $smarty->assign('message', $session->error);
+ $smarty->display('message.tpl');
+ exit(0);
+if ($_GET['logout']) {
+ unset($_SESSION['userid']);
+ unset($_SESSION['username']);
+if ($_POST['username']) {
+ $user = $db->select(array('userid', 'username','password','email'), "users", "username='".$_POST['username']."'");
+ if($user[0]['username']) {
+ if ($_POST['passwd'] and (crypt($_POST['passwd'],447470567) == $user[0]['password'])) {
+ $_SESSION['userid'] = $user[0]['userid'];
+ $_SESSION['username'] = $user[0]['username'];
+ $_SESSION['useremail'] = $user[0]['email'];
+ $_SESSION['settings'] = get_scire_settings($_SESSION['userid']);
+ header("Location: " . ($_GET['afterlogin'] ? $_GET['afterlogin'] : "index.php"));
+ exit;
+ } else {
+ print "<h1>Invalid password supplied!</h1>";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "<h1>Invalid user supplied!</h1>";
+ }
diff --git a/scire/main_checklogin.php b/scire/main_checklogin.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f386b07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/main_checklogin.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+if(!isset($_SESSION['userid'])) {
+ #print "<h1>NO MATCH</h1>";
+ header("Location: login.php?afterlogin=" . url_encode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
+else {
+ print "Welcome $_SESSION[userid]<br>";
diff --git a/scire/main_smarty.php b/scire/main_smarty.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ac86c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/main_smarty.php
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ #This is the code to set up the SMARTY templates for the Main pages.
+ # it has ./ on things and sets the leftbar to show the admin list.
+ $smarty = new Smarty;
+ $smarty->template_dir = './templates';
+ $smarty->compile_dir = './templates_c';
+ $smarty->cache_dir = './cache';
+ $smarty->config_dir = './configs';
+ $smarty->assign('topbar', array(
+ array('name'=> 'Login', 'link' => 'login.php'),
+ array('name'=> 'Clients', 'link' => 'clients.php'),
+ array('name'=> 'Jobs/Tasks', 'link' => 'jobs.php'),
+ array('name'=> 'Modules', 'link' => 'modules.php'),
+ array('name'=> 'Admin', 'link' => 'admin.php')));
+ $smarty->assign('left_section_header',"Module List");
+ $module_list = array();
+ $module_list = get_scire_module_list();
+ #print_r($module_list);
+ $smarty->assign('leftnav', $module_list);
+ if($status) {
+ $smarty->assign('error', $status);
+ }
diff --git a/scire/mockups/mockup.html b/scire/mockups/mockup.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2de62a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scire/mockups/mockup.html
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
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+ <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
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+ <!--
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+ }
+ .table {
+ border: none;
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+ }
+ .table th {
+ padding: 2px 5px 0px;
+ border: none;
+ text-align: left;
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+ .table td {
+ padding: 5px 5px 0px;
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+ -->
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+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2">
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="80">
+ <a href="#"><img src="scire-logo.png" alt="Scire" border="0" width="80" height="80" /></a>
+ </td>
+ <td align="right" valign="top">
+ <form action="#">
+ <label for="search">Search:</label>
+ <input id="search" name="search" type="text" size="16" />
+ <input id="submit" name="submit" type="button" value="go" />
+ </form>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td id="topbar" colspan="2" height="22" bgcolor="#494949">
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td><font color="#ffffff">&nbsp;<a href="#"><font color="#ffffff">Overview</font></a> | <a href="mockup_jobs.html"><font color="#ffffff">Jobs</font></a> | <a href="#"><font color="#ffffff">Clients</font></a> | <a href="mockup_users.html"><font color="#ffffff">Users</font></a></font></td>
+ <td align="right"><font color="#ffffff"><a href="#"><font color="#ffffff">Logout</font></a> | <a href="#"><font color="#ffffff">Settings</font></a> | <a href="#"><font color="#ffffff">Help</font></a>&nbsp;</font></td>
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+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+<!-- <td id="leftbar" valign="top" bgcolor="#a6afc2">
+ <ul id="menu">
+ <li><a class="menuitem" href="#">Groups</a></li>
+ <li><a class="menuitem" href="#">Permissions</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p></p>
+ <ul id="submenu">
+ <li>Actions</li>
+ <li><a class="menuitem" href="#">Create User</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </td> -->
+ <td width="100%" valign="top">
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td id="header" bgcolor="#d8d4e2">
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <h1>Overview</h1>
+ <h2>Welcome to Scire</h2>
+ </td>
+ <td align="right" valign="top">
+<!-- <p>OK</p>-->
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td id="content" height="100%" valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffff">
+ <!-- begin admin
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="admin/create_user.php">Create a User</a></li>
+ <li><a href="admin/edit_user.php">Edit a User</a></li>
+ <li><a href="admin/delete_user.php">Delete a User</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="admin/create_usergroup.php">Create a UserGroup</a></li>
+ <li><a href="admin/edit_usergroup.php">Edit a UserGroup</a></li>
+ <li><a href="admin/delete_usergroup.php">Delete a UserGroup</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="admin/add_permission.php">Add Permission</a></li>
+ <li><a href="admin/edit_permission.php">Edit Permission</a></li>
+ <li><a href="admin/delete_permission.php">Delete Permission</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="admin/add_client.php">Add Client Manually</a></li>
+ <li><a href="admin/edit_client.php">Edit Clients</a></li>
+ <li><a href="admin/delete_client.php">Delete Client from Scire</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="admin/create_clientgroup.php">Create a ClientGroup</a></li>
+ <li><a href="admin/edit_clientgroup.php">Edit a ClientGroup</a></li>
+ <li><a href="admin/delte_clientgroup.php">Delete a ClientGroup</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="admin/assign_permissions.php">Assign Permissions</a></li>
+ </ul> end admin -->
+ <!-- begin add client
+ <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="hostname">Hostname:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="hostname" name="hostname" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="mac">MAC:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="mac" name="mac" maxlength="17" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="ip">IP:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="ip" name="ip" maxlength="15" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="profile">Gentoo Profile Name (optional):</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="profile" name="profile" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="distribution">Distribution (optional):</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="distribution" name="distribution" maxlength="50" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="administrator">Administrator (optional):</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="administrator" name="administrator" maxlength="50" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="status">Status:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="status" name="status" maxlength="100" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ <td width="25%">
+ <label for="groups">Groups:</label><br />
+ <select id="groups" name="groups" size="14" multiple="multiple">
+ <option>{html_options values=$ids output=$groupnames selected="1"}</option>
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Client" />
+ </form> end add client -->
+ <!-- begin permission
+ <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="permname">Name:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="permname" name="permname" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="permdesc">Description:</label></td>
+ <td><input type="text" id="permdesc" name="permdesc" /></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2">
+ <table class="box" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="boxtitle">Built-in Abilities/Scripts:</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table class="optiongroup" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td>