diff options
authorValérian Rousset <>2019-08-24 08:59:58 +0200
committerJoonas Niilola <>2019-11-13 07:46:58 +0200
commit85905b5378c7bf8b4179d61b9afcb307990208a1 (patch)
parentnet-vpn/i2p: bump to 0.9.42 (diff)
net-vpn/i2p: drop 0.9.39
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.69, Repoman-2.3.16 Signed-off-by: Valérian Rousset <> Signed-off-by: Joonas Niilola <>
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/net-vpn/i2p/Manifest b/net-vpn/i2p/Manifest
index 12d424f1f91f..9189f0cf3926 100644
--- a/net-vpn/i2p/Manifest
+++ b/net-vpn/i2p/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-DIST i2psource_0.9.39.tar.bz2 30518064 BLAKE2B da5f4f74db38e932a8d1504dd454f308b6a47e0b308ecb646aafc349c20696d5f18107b393a7a5c3e5a7a24c1f2463657ede1ae6629023d9f817cc5bf0b00d85 SHA512 03ae294a2dbb1c7267484e8b0700ea112820e767ce7e90bc50dc90a1ed621586bd507c6ea80ba177d3498c0959fc1c9d71b51821d527fa48c34847ffbf5c466c
DIST i2psource_0.9.40.tar.bz2 30808508 BLAKE2B b4b81800c4fdcd1c9318e884d6a06f442c28cc902c1aa67a35343b3d61cf95a02186b8e56e455d3896de081d44fd9fa7c2fac1f21f176be3c0b1ca473b6416fa SHA512 297b0bf92405c6e564c5e8c9708bf5b99b8eac721cec04fc74bebac1ff0cd7eae2795cc9788357fb7a9c60d7af37766ae343456203a81b9c2444cda39f3fe46d
DIST i2psource_0.9.42.tar.bz2 31523717 BLAKE2B 7f110f282a91fa0de700bfaee95968bb534f6f2c7d097c2d70fc9e6bda3ac583762b6b974b38b5947b15a77f91a8d595c957b35838456280236cd88c25d3d47b SHA512 bf8d83c1b1607f5ecf16d33d16cc760eb982d65ef0f89ebd5c61208a38a23f08f465e04889b8ef1d05df4d02a095d85a80077a5b10253d96023f056d01efacef
diff --git a/net-vpn/i2p/i2p-0.9.39.ebuild b/net-vpn/i2p/i2p-0.9.39.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index f9b032fe1103..000000000000
--- a/net-vpn/i2p/i2p-0.9.39.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 systemd user
-DESCRIPTION="A privacy-centric, anonymous network"
-LICENSE="Apache-2.0 Artistic BSD CC-BY-2.5 CC-BY-3.0 CC-BY-SA-3.0 EPL-1.0 GPL-2 GPL-3 LGPL-2.1 LGPL-3 MIT public-domain WTFPL-2"
-# Until the deps reach other arches
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE='nls test'
-# dev-java/ant-core is automatically added due to java-ant-2.eclass
- dev-java/jrobin:0
- dev-java/slf4j-api:0
- dev-java/tomcat-jstl-impl:0
- dev-java/tomcat-jstl-spec:0
- dev-java/java-service-wrapper:0
- dev-java/commons-logging:0
- dev-java/slf4j-simple:0
- java-virtuals/servlet-api:3.1
- dev-java/eclipse-ecj:*
- nls? ( >=sys-devel/gettext-0.19 )
- virtual/jdk:1.8
- test? (
- dev-java/ant-junit4:0
- dev-java/hamcrest-core:1.3
- dev-java/hamcrest-library:1.3
- dev-java/junit:4
- )
- virtual/jre:1.8
- net-libs/nativebiginteger:0
-# no scala as depending on antlib.xml not installed by dev-lang/scala
-pkg_setup() {
- java-pkg-2_pkg_setup
- enewgroup i2p
- enewuser i2p -1 -1 "${EPREFIX}/var/lib/i2p" i2p
-src_prepare() {
- # as early as possible to allow generic patches to be applied
- default
- java-ant_rewrite-classpath
- java-pkg-2_src_prepare
- # We're on GNU/Linux, we don't need .exe files
- echo "noExe=true" > || die
- if ! use nls; then
- echo "require.gettext=false" >> || die
- fi
- # avoid auto starting browser
- sed -i 's|clientApp.4.startOnLoad=true|clientApp.4.startOnLoad=false|' \
- 'installer/resources/clients.config' || die
- # generate wrapper classpath, keeping the default to be replaced later
- i2p_cp='' # global forced by java-pkg_gen-cp
- java-pkg_gen-cp i2p_cp
- local lib cp i=2
- for lib in ${i2p_cp//,/ }
- do
- cp+="$((i++))=$(java-pkg_getjars ${lib})\n"
- done
- # add generated cp and hardcode system VM
- sed -e "s|\(wrapper\.java\.classpath\.1=.*\)|\1\n${cp}|" \
- -e "s|\(wrapper\.java\.command\)=.*|\1=/etc/java-config-2/current-system-vm/bin/java|" \
- -e "s|\(wrapper\.java\.library\.path\.1\)=.*|\1=/usr/lib/java-service-wrapper|" \
- -e "s|\(wrapper\.java\.library\.path\.2\)=.*|\0\$(get_libdir)|" \
- -i 'installer/resources/wrapper.config' || die
- # replace paths as the installer would
- sed -e "s|[\$%]INSTALL_PATH|${EPREFIX}/usr/share/i2p|" \
- -e "s|%SYSTEM_java_io_tmpdir|${EPREFIX}/var/lib/i2p/.i2p|" \
- -e "s|%USER_HOME|${EPREFIX}/var/lib/i2p|" \
- -i 'installer/resources/'{eepget,,wrapper.config} || die
- if use test; then
- # no *streaming as requiring >dev-java/mockito-1.9.5
- sed -e '/junit\.test.*streaming/d' \
- -i build.xml ||
- die 'unable to remove ministreaming tests'
- fi
-src_test() {
- # store built version of jars, overwritten by testing
- mv "${S}/pkg-temp/lib/"{i2p,router}.jar "${T}" ||
- die 'unable to save jars before tests'
- # generate test classpath
- local cp
- cp="$(java-pkg_getjars --build-only junit-4,hamcrest-core-1.3,hamcrest-library-1.3)"
- EANT_TEST_EXTRA_ARGS="-Djavac.classpath=${cp}" java-pkg-2_src_test
- # redo work undone by testing
- mv "${T}/"{i2p,router}.jar "${S}/pkg-temp/lib/" ||
- die 'unable to restore jars after tests'
-src_install() {
- # cd into pkg-temp.
- cd "${S}/pkg-temp" || die
- # we remove system installed jar and install the others
- rm lib/{jrobin,wrapper,jbigi,commons-logging,javax.servlet}.jar || \
- die 'unable to remove locally built jar already found in system'
- java-pkg_dojar lib/*.jar
- # create own launcher
- java-pkg_dolauncher eepget --main net.i2p.util.EepGet --jar i2p.jar
- # Install main files and basic documentation
- insinto '/usr/share/i2p'
- doins blocklist.txt hosts.txt *.config
- dodoc history.txt INSTALL-headless.txt LICENSE.txt
- doman man/*
- # Install other directories
- doins -r certificates docs eepsite geoip scripts
- java-pkg_dowar webapps/*.war
- # Install daemon files
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/i2p.init" i2p
- systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}/i2p.service"
- # setup user
- keepdir '/var/lib/i2p/.i2p'
- fowners i2p:i2p '/var/lib/i2p/.i2p'
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Custom configuration belongs in ${EPREFIX}/var/lib/i2p/.i2p to avoid being overwritten."
- elog 'I2P can be configured through the web interface at http://localhost:7657/console'