diff options
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/dev-ruby/thor/Manifest b/dev-ruby/thor/Manifest
index 3c1a10c41ee7..8b06597de67b 100644
--- a/dev-ruby/thor/Manifest
+++ b/dev-ruby/thor/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
DIST thor-git-1.2.2.tgz 98213 BLAKE2B e71ee51eb5c982c585cf9bd9dffda8933975c9d0df8096015d125eefd0597a653887db1acfc132ce1f5a2e8ce4ab71c790a6c0bf39edd7c5e4c85a75de963944 SHA512 2c8af5d59f33691af63e813ba8dfe3392c279593f3e3ccf0ab2d6eb2ccce4220d93b7cb3413ad853e4bba14f4e2182c54caaf4944627cbcbefa31cdc0fabefc7
-DIST thor-git-1.3.0.tgz 102884 BLAKE2B f3f5a27ccfdbe7de6bbec71e1ae36e522d49ceec223e1d86a028898403e4e56722703dc847b4a850c46301fdeea429e70e73b7888089c35138d455c094678c02 SHA512 f561f9d05264cf0d2cd836dfb689539b645fa02a39ea8d10923001bb3d510ad6b4bcbb6551739d453e7d9ac05562bc0f454b581926becbc784c0604c5449c27e
-DIST thor-git-1.3.1.tgz 103008 BLAKE2B 790f83c74bcaff08c65934e1fdf14d41e9d7bf5f51d94419513b45c3263beeae0fd239d848206e7f71a59dceb2ad9719131bc81baf23ac42e797cb430186490d SHA512 5ecfa8c7cdf3c10006b9f50de633b6f07c7ed9a3ad3807cc6d07adbb38b9d64fd0d17aea06a5e8e928ea4abf6cf2042af55e1e87416e7c0ce5ab0a721f546a04
DIST thor-git-1.3.2.tgz 103619 BLAKE2B 31c23b549a79ec796d0de40c392d32a2621106ad44ffb0389358fbdb170b283867ab544c5f6bcfd437da0396a3193ff4b93100eee5c446c01760f07be73e2b79 SHA512 fb2aff3cf8c14f1a8b38db77579e4b27292f9578c7abf8fb892da888bee7e24412c4bdbf85ce9e43982348f72e038cacc856500268fc204e44fa61f3f9405c32
diff --git a/dev-ruby/thor/thor-1.3.0.ebuild b/dev-ruby/thor/thor-1.3.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ce820d5822d..000000000000
--- a/dev-ruby/thor/thor-1.3.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2000-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-USE_RUBY="ruby31 ruby32 ruby33"
-inherit ruby-fakegem
-DESCRIPTION="Simple and efficient tool for building self-documenting command line utilities"
-SRC_URI="${PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${PN}-git-${PV}.tgz"
-SLOT="$(ver_cut 1)"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux"
-# For initial target porting (new rubies), we can make these test deps
-# conditional with:
-# 1. USE_RUBY="<old rubies>" ruby_add_bdepend ...
-# 2. skip logic in each_ruby_test
-USE_RUBY="ruby31 ruby32" ruby_add_bdepend "
- test? (
- dev-ruby/childlabor
- dev-ruby/webmock
- )"
-all_ruby_prepare() {
- # Remove rspec default options (as we might not have the last
- # rspec).
- rm .rspec || die
- # Remove Bundler
- #rm Gemfile || die
- sed -i -e '/[Bb]undler/d' Thorfile || die
- # Remove mandatory coverage collection using simplecov which is not
- # packaged.
- sed -i -e '/require "simplecov"/,/^end/ s:^:#:' spec/helper.rb || die
- # Avoid a spec that requires UTF-8 support, so LANG=C still works,
- # bug 430402
- #sed -i -e '/uses maximum terminal width/,/end/ s:^:#:' spec/shell/basic_spec.rb || die
- # Avoid specs depending on git, bug 724058
- rm -f spec/quality_spec.rb || die
- # Avoid currently broken readline specs (already fixed upstream)
- rm -f spec/line_editor/readline_spec.rb spec/line_editor_spec.rb || die
- # Avoid spec failing on whitespace difference in error message
- sed -i -e '/raises an error for unknown switches/askip "whitespace differences"' spec/parser/options_spec.rb || die
-each_ruby_test() {
- case ${RUBY} in
- *ruby33)
- einfo "Skipping tests due to circular dependencies"
- ;;
- *)
- RSPEC_VERSION=3 ruby-ng_rspec spec || die
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/dev-ruby/thor/thor-1.3.1.ebuild b/dev-ruby/thor/thor-1.3.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ce820d5822d..000000000000
--- a/dev-ruby/thor/thor-1.3.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2000-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-USE_RUBY="ruby31 ruby32 ruby33"
-inherit ruby-fakegem
-DESCRIPTION="Simple and efficient tool for building self-documenting command line utilities"
-SRC_URI="${PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${PN}-git-${PV}.tgz"
-SLOT="$(ver_cut 1)"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux"
-# For initial target porting (new rubies), we can make these test deps
-# conditional with:
-# 1. USE_RUBY="<old rubies>" ruby_add_bdepend ...
-# 2. skip logic in each_ruby_test
-USE_RUBY="ruby31 ruby32" ruby_add_bdepend "
- test? (
- dev-ruby/childlabor
- dev-ruby/webmock
- )"
-all_ruby_prepare() {
- # Remove rspec default options (as we might not have the last
- # rspec).
- rm .rspec || die
- # Remove Bundler
- #rm Gemfile || die
- sed -i -e '/[Bb]undler/d' Thorfile || die
- # Remove mandatory coverage collection using simplecov which is not
- # packaged.
- sed -i -e '/require "simplecov"/,/^end/ s:^:#:' spec/helper.rb || die
- # Avoid a spec that requires UTF-8 support, so LANG=C still works,
- # bug 430402
- #sed -i -e '/uses maximum terminal width/,/end/ s:^:#:' spec/shell/basic_spec.rb || die
- # Avoid specs depending on git, bug 724058
- rm -f spec/quality_spec.rb || die
- # Avoid currently broken readline specs (already fixed upstream)
- rm -f spec/line_editor/readline_spec.rb spec/line_editor_spec.rb || die
- # Avoid spec failing on whitespace difference in error message
- sed -i -e '/raises an error for unknown switches/askip "whitespace differences"' spec/parser/options_spec.rb || die
-each_ruby_test() {
- case ${RUBY} in
- *ruby33)
- einfo "Skipping tests due to circular dependencies"
- ;;
- *)
- RSPEC_VERSION=3 ruby-ng_rspec spec || die
- ;;
- esac