# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ EAPI="5" GCONF_DEBUG="yes" GNOME2_LA_PUNT="yes" inherit gnome2 versionator MATE_BRANCH="$(get_version_component_range 1-2)" SRC_URI="http://pub.mate-desktop.org/releases/${MATE_BRANCH}/${P}.tar.xz" DESCRIPTION="Utilities for the MATE desktop" HOMEPAGE="http://mate-desktop.org" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~x86" IUSE="X applet ipv6 test" RDEPEND="app-text/rarian:0 dev-libs/atk:0 >=dev-libs/glib-2.36:2 >=gnome-base/libgtop-2.12:2= >=media-libs/libcanberra-0.4:0[gtk] sys-libs/zlib:0 >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.24:2 x11-libs/cairo:0 x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf:2 x11-libs/libICE:0 x11-libs/libSM:0 x11-libs/libX11:0 x11-libs/libXext:0 x11-libs/pango:0 applet? ( >=mate-base/mate-panel-1.10:0 )" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} >=app-text/scrollkeeper-dtd-1:1.0 app-text/yelp-tools:0 >=dev-util/intltool-0.50:* >=mate-base/mate-common-1.10:0 x11-proto/xextproto:0 sys-devel/gettext:* virtual/pkgconfig:*" src_prepare() { gnome2_src_prepare # Remove -D.*DISABLE_DEPRECATED cflagss # This method is kinda prone to breakage. Recheck carefully with next bump. # bug 339074 LC_ALL=C find . -iname 'Makefile.am' -exec \ sed -e '/-D[A-Z_]*DISABLE_DEPRECATED/d' -i {} + || die # Do Makefile.in after Makefile.am to avoid automake maintainer-mode LC_ALL=C find . -iname 'Makefile.in' -exec \ sed -e '/-D[A-Z_]*DISABLE_DEPRECATED/d' -i {} + || die if ! use test; then sed -e 's/ tests//' -i logview/Makefile.{am,in} || die fi # Fix up desktop files. LC_ALL=C find . -iname '*.desktop.in*' -exec \ sed -e 's/Categories\(.*\)MATE/Categories\1X-MATE/' -i {} + || die # Make apps visible in all DEs. LC_ALL=C find . -iname '*.desktop.in*' -exec \ sed -e '/OnlyShowIn/d' -i {} + || die } src_configure() { local myconf if ! use debug; then myconf="${myconf} --enable-debug=minimum" fi gnome2_src_configure \ $(use_enable applet gdict-applet) \ $(use_enable ipv6) \ $(use_with X x) \ --disable-maintainer-flags \ --enable-zlib \ ${myconf} } DOCS="AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README THANKS"