# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ EAPI=4 inherit multilib user DESCRIPTION="Nagios check script for GLSAs (Gentoo Linux Security Advisories)" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/craig/check_glsa2" MY_PN="${PN/nagios-/}" MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV}" S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" SRC_URI="http://dev.gentoo.org/~flameeyes/${MY_PN}/${MY_P}.tar.xz" LICENSE="GPL-2 BSD-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64" RDEPEND="app-portage/gentoolkit" DEPEND="" pkg_setup() { enewgroup nagios enewuser nagios -1 /bin/bash /dev/null nagios } src_prepare() { sed -i -e '/CACHEDIR=/s:=.*:=/var/cache/check_glsa2:' ${MY_PN}_cached.sh || die } src_install() { local nagiosplugindir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/nagios/plugins exeinto ${nagiosplugindir} doexe *.sh dodoc README diropts -o nagios -g nagios keepdir /var/cache/${MY_PN} }