# $Id$ # logrotate config for mailgraph log /var/log/mailgraph/mailgraph.log { ## rotate daily daily ## keep 30 old copies rotate 30 ## use .YYYYMMDD instead of .0,.1,.2 etc. dateext ## also rotate empty logfiles to strictly retain chronology ifempty ## re-create source logfile with original permissions ## do NOT use copy or copytruncate! create ## compress on next logrotate run (e.g. next day) to give ## programs the chance to close the old logfile delaycompress ## compress logfiles compress compresscmd /bin/gzip compressoptions -9 uncompresscmd /bin/gunzip ## don't throw an error when a file doesn't exist missingok ## restart mailgraph after rotating all logfiles sharedscripts postrotate /etc/init.d/mailgraph restart >/dev/null endscript }