spiderx@spiderx.dp.ua Vladimir Pavljuchenkov proxy-maint@gentoo.org Proxy Maintainers Stargazer is a powerful (inter)net billing system, capable of gathering traffic statistics from many sources (such as NetFlow protocol, ethernet packets capture, or IPQ subsystem), managing and billing user accounts according to specified fees and rules (including time-based rules, traffic source/destination rules and a payoff system). This ebuild allows you to compile it yourself depending of your needs. Enable build of utility to convert Stargazer data between storage backends. Enable build of FreeRADIUS module for data access via Stargazer. Enable build of remote script execute daemon for Stargazer, which run scripts when receive special signal from Stargazer. Enable build of command-line utility for authorization in Stargazer. Enable build of command-line utility for configuring Stargazer. Enable build of command-line xml-based utility for configuring Stargazer. Enable build of Stargazer billing system. Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. Adds extra documentation (API, doc, etc). Install examples, usually source code. Install static libraries. Enable build of "Always Online" authentication module for Stargazer. Enable build of "InetAccess" authentication module for Stargazer. InetAccess is a Stargazer specific authentication protocol. Enable build of "Radius" authentication module for Stargazer. This module capable of using RADIUS procotol for user authentication. Enable build of "Ethernet" traffic capture module for Stargazer. This module uses RAW sockets to capture traffic. Enable build of "IPQ" traffic capture module for Stargazer. This module uses IPQ subsystem to capture traffic. Enable build of "NetFlow" traffic capture module for Stargazer. This module capable of receiving traffic data by NetFlow protocol. Enable build of "XMLRPC" configuration module for Stargazer. This module uses XML-RPC protocol for configuring Stargazer. Enable build of "SGConf" configuration module for Stargazer. This module uses Stargazer specific protocol for configuring Stargazer. Enable build of "Ping" module for Stargazer. This module pings connected users from time to time to ensure they are alive. Enable build of "Remote Script" module for Stargazer. This module control rscriptd daemon over the net and makes it execute scripts in reaction to different Stargazer events. Enable build of SMUX module for Stargazer. This module uses SMUX protocol to provide various information about Stargazer. Enable build of storage plugin for Stargazer based on plain files. Enable build of storage plugin for Stargazer, which uses Firebird database for storage. Enable build of storage plugin for Stargazer, which uses MySQL for storage. Enable build of storage plugin for Stargazer, which uses PostgreSQL for storage. http://stg.dp.ua/server_dl.php http://stg.dp.ua/doc.php mailto:faust@stg.dp.ua