#!/sbin/openrc-run # Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ depend() { need net use amuled } start() { if ! test -f "${AMULEHOME}/.aMule/amule.conf"; then eerror "You must start and configure amuleweb before launch it. Sorry." return 1 fi if pgrep -u ${AMULEUSER} amuleweb >/dev/null; then eerror "An instance of aMule webserver is already running" return 1 fi if [ -e /var/run/amuleweb.pid ]; then rm /var/run/amuleweb.pid fi OPTIONS="-h ${AMULEHOST} -p ${AMULEPORT} -P ${AMULEPWD} -A ${WEBPWD} -t ${TEMPLATE} -q" ebegin "Starting aMule WebServer" start-stop-daemon --start \ --quiet --background \ --make-pidfile --pidfile /var/run/amuleweb.pid \ --env HOME="${AMULEHOME}" \ --user ${AMULEUSER} \ --exec /usr/bin/amuleweb -- ${OPTIONS} 2>&1 >${LOG} sleep 1 if ! pgrep -u ${AMULEUSER} amuleweb > /dev/null; then eerror "aMule daemon can't be started! Check logfile: ${LOG}" eend 1 return 1 fi eend $? } stop() { ebegin "Stopping aMule WebServer" start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile /var/run/amuleweb.pid 2>&1 >/dev/null eend $? }