Conrad Kostecki Proxy Maintainers Supermicro Update Manager (SUM) can be used to manage the firmware and configuration for Supermicro X9 (Romley), X10, B10, X11, B11, H11 generation motherboards. SUM is a command line interface utility that can execute parallel commands from a centralized management server. Two channels are possible for management: the OOB (Out-Of-Band) channel, i.e. communication through the BMC/IPMI interface, and the in-band channel, i.e. communication through the local system interfaces. Through the OOB channel, most management commands can be executed independently of the OS on the managed system and even before the system OS is installed. Licensing: SFT-OOB-LIC or SFT-DCMS-Single required for each monitor node. Install Supermicro's kernel module.