LoadModule auth_imap_module modules/mod_auth_imap.so # For Apache 2.2 the mod_auth_basic module is now set to # be authoritative, and must be disabled if other modules # are used for authentication. #AuthBasicAuthoritative Off # Turn on IMAP Authentication #Auth_IMAP_Enabled on # Give a name to the authentication domain, whatever you want: #AuthName "something.com" # Only basic authentication is supported for now: #AuthType Basic # If you feel like it, restrict the users or allow all "valid-user" #Require user user1 user2 # Make IMAP Authentication authoritative for this .htaccess file: #Auth_IMAP_Authoritative on # Set the IMAP Server to which you want to connect (default=localhost): #Auth_IMAP_Server imap.something.com # Set the port on which the imap server is running (default=143): #Auth_IMAP_Port 143 # Turn on some extra logging (login attempts, etc.) in Apache's Error Log #Auth_IMAP_Log on # vim: ts=4 filetype=apache