#!/bin/bash -e cd "${MY_INSTALLDIR}" if [[ $1 = install ]]; then # We need to lock down cache/ for the operations below to be # safe. The permissions match the webapp-config defaults but these # can be changed and existing installations may also differ. chown root:root cache/ chmod 00755 cache/ chgrp --no-dereference ttrssd feed-icons/ lock/ cache/*/ chmod g+ws feed-icons/ lock/ cache/*/ # Files within lock/ are exclusively written by the update # daemon. Files within feed-icons/ are always unlinked before # modification. Only cache/ holds files that are modified in place # by both processes and therefore ACLs are required to ensure that # the files themselves are created as group writable. if ! setfacl --modify d:g::rwX cache/*/; then echo "WARNING: ACLs are not available on this filesystem. Either enable them or set TTRSSD_USER to your PHP user in /etc/conf.d/ttrssd to avoid permission issues." elif [[ -n $(find cache/ -type f ! -name ".*" ! \( -group ttrssd -perm -020 \) -print -quit) ]]; then echo "WARNING: Files that are not writable by the ttrssd group found within the cache directory. Either delete them or correct their permissions." fi fi