#!/sbin/openrc-run # Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 my_daemon="shellinaboxd" pidfile="/var/run/${my_daemon}.pid" command="/usr/sbin/${my_daemon}" command_args="${SIAB_OPTS}" depend() { use net } start_pre() { function my_join() { local IFS="${1}"; shift; echo "$*"; } if [[ -n ${SIAB_CSS_DIR} ]]; then # This code searches SIAB_CSS_DIR for CSS files # and formats the --user-css option accordingly. local CSS_FILES=( "${SIAB_CSS_DIR}"/*.css ) local SIAB_CSS_FILES=() # Try to keep environment pollution low. local _CSS _BASE _NAME for _CSS in "${CSS_FILES[@]}"; do _BASE="$(basename ${_CSS})" _NAME="${_BASE%%\.css}" _NAME="${_NAME//-/_}" _NAME="${_NAME^}" # These are the default style sheets. Don't load them. [[ ${_NAME} =~ ^(Print|Styles).*? ]] && continue SIAB_CSS_FILES+=("\"${_NAME}\":-${_CSS}") done # The 1st one, which is the default one, must be turned on using the + sign. SIAB_CSS_FILES[0]=$(sed 's#:-#:+#' <<< ${SIAB_CSS_FILES[0]}) command_args="${command_args} --user-css=$(my_join , "${SIAB_CSS_FILES[@]}")" fi return 0 } start() { ebegin "Starting ${my_daemon}" start-stop-daemon \ --start \ --background \ --pidfile ${pidfile} \ --make-pidfile \ --exec ${command} \ -1 ${SIAB_LOGFILE} -2 ${SIAB_LOGFILE} \ -- ${command_args} eend $? } stop() { ebegin "Stopping ${my_daemon}" start-stop-daemon \ --stop \ --pidfile ${pidfile} eend $? }