Andrew Savchenko Use container window (experimental) Build libtrip debugging library Enable support for configuration dialogs Build libhack window mode helper library Enable support for loadable modules Enable pango font rendering using x11-libs/pango Enable audio using aplay from media-sound/alsa-utils Use poll() event handler API (recommended) Use select() event handler API Install the official E16 themes using x11-themes/e16-themes Enable the experimental multipointer input XInput2. This incldues the MultiPointer X feature Enable support for the X Present extension via x11-libs/libXpresent Enable support for the X RandR extension via x11-libs/libXrandr Enable transparency support using the X Render extension via x11-libs/libXrender Enable X Session Management support using x11-libs/libSM Enable X Sync support Support resolution change of current window (zoom) usingx11-libs/libXxf86vm (xvidtune) enlightenment