diff options
38 files changed, 3 insertions, 2461 deletions
diff --git a/Documentation/DotnetCore-Bin.md b/Documentation/DotnetCore-Bin.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 30040e7..0000000
--- a/Documentation/DotnetCore-Bin.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# DotNet Core Binary Builds
-## Binary Packages
-The quickest and easiet way to install dotnet core for gentoo is to use one of the binary packages.
- * =dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin-2.0.4
- * =dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin-2.0.3
- * =dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk-bin-2.1.3
-The SDK package (2.1.3) already includes the runtime packages (2.0.4) for dotnet core.
-The reason for including both is that the SDK is available under x64 platforms but not currently arm32 platforms (such as the Rpi)
-So for the Rpi or other arm32 platforms you'll need to use just the runtime packages unless the application your running already has the runtime build in.
-## ASP .Net Core
-Note currently the required ASP .Net core prebuilt runtimes seem to be unavailable for arm32 / rpi
- * https://github.com/aspnet/Universe/issues/554
- * https://www.devtrends.co.uk/blog/installing-the-asp.net-core-2.0-runtime-store-on-linux
-## SDK vs Runtime
-The SDK packages allow you to use the dotnet cli tool to compile / build C# Code into Managed Applications.
-The runtime packages allow you to use the dotnet cli tool to run pre-compiled applications.
-Normally when you compile a dotnet core application, you have one of two options.
- * Compile it as a platform independent .dll file which doesn't include the runtime
- * Compile it as a platform specific executable file which does include the runtime - using a runtime identifier
-For platform independent .dll files these require the runtime packages on the host to use the dotnet cli tool to run / call the dll to start them as an application.
- * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43931827/how-to-run-asp-net-core-on-arm-based-custom-linux
diff --git a/Documentation/DotnetCore-Src.md b/Documentation/DotnetCore-Src.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 096fb60..0000000
--- a/Documentation/DotnetCore-Src.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# DotNet Core Source Builds
-I've experimented with building .net core from source and put some notes together below for trying to build under gentoo.
-Hopefully these might be useful for a future source based ebuild.
-make sure to use llvm/clang 4.0.1 not 5.0.1 which causes issues with the latest stable 2.0 release.
-Although I think this has been fixed within master
-## Dotnet core sandbox issues
-One of the issues currently with dotnet core is that applications seem to fail when run from within the sandbox.
-This includes dotnet restore or build
- * https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/8305
- * https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Knowledge_Base:Overriding_environment_variables_per_package
-To exclude a particular package from the sandbox we can use the following
-First we use this to create a setting called nosandbox
-mkdir -p /etc/portage/env
-echo 'FEATURES="-sandbox -usersandbox"' >> /etc/portage/env/nosandbox
-Next we apply this to any ebuilds that need it
-echo 'dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime nosandbox' >> /etc/portage/package.env
-I should probably mention that as of writing the current source build of dotnetcore-runtime
-doesn't use the dotnet restore command so it currently doesn't need this. But future versions may.
-## CoreSetup
-Coresetup seems to be a set of scripts used to generate the runtime tar.gz
-However I don't think these can be used currently to generate the sdk.
-I'm not sure core-setup actually builds source or just partially builds source and partially copies pre-compiled libraries in
-To clone the source
-git clone https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup.git
-cd core-setup/
-git checkout v2.0.4
-To trigger the build
-./build.sh -ConfigurationGroup=Release -SkipTests
-The place to look for .tar.gz files is
- * Bin/gentoo-x64.Release/packages
- * Bin/linux-x64.Release/packages
-From the looks of things the tarball gz is generated by the below target
-./Tools/msbuild.sh src/pkg/packaging/dir.proj /p:UsePrebuiltPortableBinariesForInstallers=true /flp:v=diag /p:TargetArchitecture=x64 /p:PortableBuild=false /p:ConfigurationGroup=Release /p:OSGroup=Linux /p:SharedFrameworkPublishDir=/root/test1/core-setup/Bin/obj/linux-x64.Release/sharedFrameworkPublish/ /target:GenerateTarBall
-It's also worth checking out the commands under **buildpipeline/Core-Setup-Linux-BT.json** to see what's being run inside there
-## Source Build
-Source build seems to be a set of scripts that sits on top of everything else including CoreSetup
-But I've not managed to get it to work fully yet.
-git clone https://github.com/dotnet/source-build.git
-cd source-build
-git checkout dev/release/2.0
-git submodule update --init --recursive
-I've found you may need to edit **tools-local/tasks/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.Tasks/GetHostInformation.cs**
-So that it always returns true and sets the OS to Linux
-To experiment building some stuff
-./build.sh /p:RootRepo=coreclr
-./build.sh /p:RootRepo=sdk
-## Building CoreCLR / CoreFX directly
-If you want to try compiling the CoreCLR / CoreFX repo's directly
-In order to build the libraries a version of the dotnet cli / sdk is needed as part of a boostrap process
-These typically end up un Tools/
-usually build.sh will call these scripts at the beginning
-I've found that RuntimeOS needs to be specified for corefx to work right
-./clean.sh -all
-./build.sh -release -buildArch=x64 -SkipTests
-./clean.sh -all
-./build.sh -release -buildArch=x64 -SkipTests -RuntimeOS=rhel.7
-I've found that for some reason the build defaults to strict mode which treats warnings as errors
-If this happens then one way around it is to add the following to the .csproj file
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin/Manifest b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index d31cf31..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-DIST aspnetcore.runtimestore.tar.gz 8049317 SHA256 7316d8c9b891fbbdc42d4fa884c795a14bb429dbbdcfd0ac2bc6dd705d18455c SHA512 a2646e0f47ccf47376fc9664bc4a4fe43f2d1a493dba27f3126bf71375e7d8f264845a1541d447bcb35fbe3d3016012b4b729c7fc5b8bf019e0b1d6e55c466e1 WHIRLPOOL 034ca3ff83be95130e35f84ceedd6348af7536a33305b2b0ff5befd061ee234dd86d856b04507c3d4fa3b2ceb11d872190de5ed48922a0243e2ceec0ebdba77b
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin-2.0.3.ebuild b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin-2.0.3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f55ba7..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin-2.0.3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION=".NET Core ASP.NET Runtime Store - binary precompiled for glibc"t
-amd64? ( https://dist.asp.net/runtimestore/${PV}/linux-x64/aspnetcore.runtimestore.tar.gz -> aspnetcore.runtimestore.tar.gz )
- >=sys-apps/lsb-release-1.4
- >=sys-devel/llvm-4.0
- >=dev-util/lldb-4.0
- >=sys-libs/libunwind-1.1-r1
- >=dev-libs/icu-57.1
- >=dev-util/lttng-ust-2.8.1
- || ( >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2h-r2 >=dev-libs/openssl-compat-1.0.2h-r2 )
- >=net-misc/curl-7.49.0
- >=app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.14.2
- >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.8-r1
- =dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin-2.0.4"
-src_install() {
- local dest="opt/dotnet_core"
- dodir "${dest}"
- local ddest="${D}${dest}"
- cp -a "${S}"/* "${ddest}/" || die
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin/metadata.xml b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b1262f1..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">
- <maintainer type="project">
- <email>dotnet@gentoo.org</email>
- <description>Gentoo Dotnet Project</description>
- </maintainer>
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin/Manifest b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 5581c25..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-DIST dotnet-runtime-2.0.4-linux-arm.tar.gz 12742851 SHA256 50e8955644ebbecce51ea2cd6f28a5db3b2b93b2f7201befae30da2fa17ac299 SHA512 f3fff6782f8a704f5a2fbdb2680d81b15b80758525b3ebf52936e3b24afbfb5096a337cbd4a26414dfa2019a099dbfe6ab4de6ddaa048bdbabf9860f1c654491 WHIRLPOOL 0326470e45976a6ecd24a312960e284d683d4502b00c3b74c89f2381d0b7fa880a0591a2837a01f4e1f2debd94a2d01ff3c2b3bb0996b3a9fcfe8fa209870f9e
-DIST dotnet-runtime-2.0.4-linux-x64.tar.gz 26017967 SHA256 9c0080bd82ea26a5721fa063885c5675071af9741693e90efeb8eea8c70ac6bc SHA512 447d9f20f97133e344bdc331c2e89d9b0d05818f9ad62a72ba021343d77df4cddad15f328f79797a67c9ca205a9f1fed1e6a3f156579467454aac24c7cf260b2 WHIRLPOOL 3f5900f3ffc2ad1a002de1a12398bf3c70dce5d8cff0463aa05650463926630a60df746377fe94c2ad785b1a8e03cdb2b37b3fafa0ced2d541269b964988df8e
-DIST dotnet-runtime-2.0.6-linux-arm.tar.gz 12746480 SHA256 57fb1c249af3389b4f9ac02cb02a5f67b95231edde02a68e1278fc21cb93c3ad SHA512 367ac4cef9507f8776edca8c73886dd100c1ad19a994139a0076c02426abac5ad1750ee16306c10be3fa6c428edcb02045ddbcd5b4603734a7b2a55ed0c4213a WHIRLPOOL 8b3218036ff4aa2bb78971b3d2da21aee0f95c1629f5250da88e08fba7e6f83f799899b34c5d438b1b0831a63e4a4045d87e8b7b096ba39f913ce1730dd5dcab
-DIST dotnet-runtime-2.0.6-linux-x64.tar.gz 26029472 SHA256 0eeb894d6e17ac0fc036997ba11ddf6665da5161e2e898788220e1945fa9bf11 SHA512 b8a00bbac9b0f4f9cf03785afa2aa71e6e5d24c1035ad9865e14c259eb06b3d98a524c1f2bb1567810a556a5c2380252642b7b43d919982c89962707e5361383 WHIRLPOOL 692fbc6de7c265fad2a6bb83cdf9f79113131f2b278d454dbd34870c0be6094e6a76692a001cfef3e642675cf6bc2fcae4dde86aec45d6a759ff14c6ce7b1bdc
-DIST dotnet-runtime-2.0.7-linux-arm.tar.gz 12751528 SHA256 f57d71ddeb4ad6a4771a052c305b2554f30b57af0344be05de85c5e105f6c8cd SHA512 e048c4ba6319c9cf6e11bcf8eb15675e43f22dc6a9893500ea9a86618bc692a8b09bc20e6d85ae82d5c11b4251ef8b6c9ba4b69fa0083ca016a44c8e3e99dd87 WHIRLPOOL 142e6a1c65bcb27df144683207fc68827dc518d24f28f1df35ab565bb092e4049330f91aa8bfb0795cbfec9dac8b57c1f3fbe1621f05ecb206e03e7d85d5ec1c
-DIST dotnet-runtime-2.0.7-linux-x64.tar.gz 26026608 SHA256 680ea40a1fafb7a6f93897df70077b64f0081b7d9b0f1358f5897ffd949d6b71 SHA512 d8f6035a591b5500a8b81188d834ed4153c4f44f1618e18857c610d0b332d636970fd8a980af7ae3fbff84b9f1da53aa2f45d8d305827ea88992195cd5643027 WHIRLPOOL 82f4dc4e09411ee377bfd324e2ca8e00ebdbbf6970c77a1e728e417bd9537adb0cdd069ed4d19324fb4f2be5c4a915d268a7efd18beddda4b2e44d96970096c7
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin/dotnetcore-runtime-bin-2.0.4.ebuild b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin/dotnetcore-runtime-bin-2.0.4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ba7aed1..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin/dotnetcore-runtime-bin-2.0.4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION=".NET Core Runtime - binary precompiled for glibc"
-amd64? ( https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/Runtime/${PV}/dotnet-runtime-${PV}-linux-x64.tar.gz -> dotnet-runtime-${PV}-linux-x64.tar.gz )
-arm? ( https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/Runtime/${PV}/dotnet-runtime-${PV}-linux-arm.tar.gz -> dotnet-runtime-${PV}-linux-arm.tar.gz )
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm"
-# The sdk includes the runtime-bin and aspnet-bin so prevent from installing at the same time
- >=sys-apps/lsb-release-1.4
- >=sys-devel/llvm-4.0
- amd64? ( >=dev-util/lldb-4.0 )
- >=sys-libs/libunwind-1.1-r1
- >=dev-libs/icu-57.1
- >=dev-util/lttng-ust-2.8.1
- || ( >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2h-r2 >=dev-libs/openssl-compat-1.0.2h-r2 )
- >=net-misc/curl-7.49.0
- >=app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.14.2
- >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.8-r1
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk-bin"
-src_install() {
- local dest="opt/dotnet_core"
- dodir "${dest}"
- local ddest="${D}${dest}"
- cp -a "${S}"/* "${ddest}/" || die
- dosym "/${dest}/dotnet" "/usr/bin/dotnet"
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin/dotnetcore-runtime-bin-2.0.6.ebuild b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin/dotnetcore-runtime-bin-2.0.6.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ba7aed1..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin/dotnetcore-runtime-bin-2.0.6.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION=".NET Core Runtime - binary precompiled for glibc"
-amd64? ( https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/Runtime/${PV}/dotnet-runtime-${PV}-linux-x64.tar.gz -> dotnet-runtime-${PV}-linux-x64.tar.gz )
-arm? ( https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/Runtime/${PV}/dotnet-runtime-${PV}-linux-arm.tar.gz -> dotnet-runtime-${PV}-linux-arm.tar.gz )
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm"
-# The sdk includes the runtime-bin and aspnet-bin so prevent from installing at the same time
- >=sys-apps/lsb-release-1.4
- >=sys-devel/llvm-4.0
- amd64? ( >=dev-util/lldb-4.0 )
- >=sys-libs/libunwind-1.1-r1
- >=dev-libs/icu-57.1
- >=dev-util/lttng-ust-2.8.1
- || ( >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2h-r2 >=dev-libs/openssl-compat-1.0.2h-r2 )
- >=net-misc/curl-7.49.0
- >=app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.14.2
- >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.8-r1
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk-bin"
-src_install() {
- local dest="opt/dotnet_core"
- dodir "${dest}"
- local ddest="${D}${dest}"
- cp -a "${S}"/* "${ddest}/" || die
- dosym "/${dest}/dotnet" "/usr/bin/dotnet"
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin/dotnetcore-runtime-bin-2.0.7.ebuild b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin/dotnetcore-runtime-bin-2.0.7.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ba7aed1..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin/dotnetcore-runtime-bin-2.0.7.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION=".NET Core Runtime - binary precompiled for glibc"
-amd64? ( https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/Runtime/${PV}/dotnet-runtime-${PV}-linux-x64.tar.gz -> dotnet-runtime-${PV}-linux-x64.tar.gz )
-arm? ( https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/Runtime/${PV}/dotnet-runtime-${PV}-linux-arm.tar.gz -> dotnet-runtime-${PV}-linux-arm.tar.gz )
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm"
-# The sdk includes the runtime-bin and aspnet-bin so prevent from installing at the same time
- >=sys-apps/lsb-release-1.4
- >=sys-devel/llvm-4.0
- amd64? ( >=dev-util/lldb-4.0 )
- >=sys-libs/libunwind-1.1-r1
- >=dev-libs/icu-57.1
- >=dev-util/lttng-ust-2.8.1
- || ( >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2h-r2 >=dev-libs/openssl-compat-1.0.2h-r2 )
- >=net-misc/curl-7.49.0
- >=app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.14.2
- >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.8-r1
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk-bin"
-src_install() {
- local dest="opt/dotnet_core"
- dodir "${dest}"
- local ddest="${D}${dest}"
- cp -a "${S}"/* "${ddest}/" || die
- dosym "/${dest}/dotnet" "/usr/bin/dotnet"
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin/metadata.xml b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b1262f1..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">
- <maintainer type="project">
- <email>dotnet@gentoo.org</email>
- <description>Gentoo Dotnet Project</description>
- </maintainer>
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/Manifest b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 480044e..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-DIST coreclr-1.0.0.tar.gz 34303728 SHA256 fad7bb05f78d90dfea6e8fec59f79ff12648fe95c0965cda5bc11beafabd0f27 SHA512 f4500fbc470044139e3dbb1a03e466b522546bba2b0964ec2506e1d002be7e78cf75592c4c42f2b09940881173b2305785b7499fb2967a32c4b72c03cc1bd8a9 WHIRLPOOL 3e1edfaf449538345f5b5effc8a83ab3e634c2298d5a67316c027e1d862a3272fd81669a84eff4110b9d9acfcf32e961d20286bcd2f02eb58aef8a4840cf0203
-DIST coreclr-1.0.4.tar.gz 34303931 SHA256 b49ba545fe632dfd5426669ca3300009a5ffd1ccf3c1cf82303dcf44044db33d SHA512 6f9eb317e1ebff2436b240b94bbe14d22240900b49014735f2c756ccc7730714bac63eafba7c4b55227123052cd51406e949abfa074c7e0a124e11798860006f WHIRLPOOL d269dbdebfbff1726cd3b1c7d1c3b55d3a00f45f87e34be15b914d8d3c48dadbc59eaf9820e0d22d1d004c949942b12d5b00fc104893d4ab8edfe927990a2c81
-DIST coreclr-1.0.6.tar.gz 34307210 SHA256 d2e76d4aef1d6b5c35f3903203033732c219e65515b04692aa13c5856301c3c5 SHA512 da87609e1dff7f64bab1bfa6b769722e251f6f8584304164ab0c53782c502cd6e48eb9970eca3c08563f98f28c2322655ef4c9e932d799f0b3ff213fe6afb08a WHIRLPOOL 87f04dfbc18d5a901157036ec614904ca1e847364f738f11a94f1ea885bf34fdf9a8368be8b317d5919635f0f9f3f59d0500a2cada1e2d8435e2937475d554e8
-DIST coreclr-1.1.1.tar.gz 44181000 SHA256 7b02720e3edd42b7275d55830dafdb0bec6e5d0bf5186536c23328c20067db1a SHA512 ad2e4662362c080ee575c3d964924562ba0914ee00e256dc5bb0ad25027660d253222b762866a8385ccdf0a5fb98cb0fadf18d7e7a53710e51f4b49e4a71bb19 WHIRLPOOL 8837bcf023f21ea68bb3bc24aeb4753657f0d6175d4e931f45b990b77fb53091626cbd5ed351e14796a8a989bba4a5a1e3452fbbbac6467978ca6b5c0b92b155
-DIST corefx-1.0.0.tar.gz 14017717 SHA256 98f9475ea42e5d55ad9402424e342a6c0ea7351f3fb5805a602132969b44b774 SHA512 29b44a30440629cb8bc37b225dbd71edce5b6519efe73d7e2b5d88dd47c759b384d2c9429091e3372dab5df33a18ab0d91c791cb042ed28c14d6eb5ef425183d WHIRLPOOL 08ebbdb6c1ffa5f8afb82d9b80c4c18776a4a1bdd6e9281d56e3071bd82b109b294ed096e3f8d891431f3d8d6b3c82b7e5e2d1e3b727f3e315e46e5a033939f3
-DIST corefx-1.0.4.tar.gz 14021796 SHA256 d2aae79caeaea56d1c66881a9e675223feb55d5d5a9a8b0c1b54735379389309 SHA512 ca5e9798baee25461090ed203c50e2263710069404ce7fda664a831dcf69eda2fd7546cf06b6e033b78d74e13cfd75acd909f39e2d4e615202690d2e76c7e292 WHIRLPOOL 314050b39c896bff6411242539b61bf046bb2f65e42f72676ba1088e630de08a7663d513062ed5c009ccdf6e85269dda2524a32cc3adbcded0390492169c6080
-DIST corefx-1.1.1.tar.gz 14468476 SHA256 7ce701e30cadef11289e2d88b2f7957baa30bdb9ada2a916c37e8e11652f955e SHA512 6830ff3a32f70d2cade1294d652db88933d27847fbe49ed1e402b2635358091aa7003947fcc6fb11f871b45a430d576be1c6c4742448e1e7166f918d92c6daa1 WHIRLPOOL 5a504b0ed9e1b636d65d20582e7397468f75a1eed3e0b22d4513ae6d42660fb7600af3b70a2b3e3b0397f975968bc99e88ee502f23a8f1d5e239c7a1da1d900e
-DIST dotnet-1.1.1-sdk-debian-x64.tar.gz 129938953 SHA256 84601397f83adaf2028653b73f27093f66d4c763dae5c770743351975477ee1e SHA512 3566100e6bf2a59452ac7feb1be4270321f039af0ee1eb8fd8aae5841a762d703bc125fc2e0710879108177ef0d04b6b19f1acbd64c8ab592b7e11bd513bf1af WHIRLPOOL 1e8ca2a7e4dfcee556699f50dba8f8871321d5126926aff9d81c0e4868dc6d52af6f903a728abf0bfacf774b01c63d47532d704a87e5ec75e87737a9a9af3a0f
-DIST dotnet-dev-debian-x64.1.0.0-preview2-003121.tar.gz 52085354 SHA256 204ceab7bc92c17d17691b0d5c1d54992fc78a969fc217a8423045875a4c63ed SHA512 56c387918e60d953ada190afaf01cb69634ea0bc554d91cc28732bb3e973a21cb64142229bdf08adc1f7c5449bdd499bfe2fcae4a33ecb7e36cd99c1994e43eb WHIRLPOOL 54e647e55a2e284040c3bd4bd0d4fdcbd3fa350929e07e1f89e572ed07ac95972f719c338faa71310d6b19296a2e9284d8aeb9a9556155de6c7e7b063af0c25a
-DIST dotnet-dev-debian-x64.1.0.0-preview2-003131.tar.gz 52099771 SHA256 bb3458b0e771182e1387ca5d9fa5946fc775b77ec55a2501fb3f75ddf29f8124 SHA512 2a99d871601b653ef5205e07967c515bdc73c673ee86e113d6dad0d2aa21aff859576ea004ba61dfee5606e2a5fbb5ba7694c9389be5a75ab32066fb64047e8e WHIRLPOOL 52f2700f7b0e78914c2b6d987aa14f4a0408df9d6a8e9511888b6b711ea531e94783a46d107fa3868ab2fc18b75d43a5b627d864c0147695c05e6f949d2cb43f
-DIST dotnet-dev-debian-x64.1.0.0-preview2-003156.tar.gz 52623456 SHA256 d61f2732930c050a1e2cc1270dc86829f496f3611dba4a5cb2409ceb1b821699 SHA512 82cc68c1a469f5cec7b8bc11265d56e8f4ecb4c1372dcf252e0d32009f322fc45d717db7d09dcf459b3011121f8d3e1e3e91e42161598214c7c9427b5fa0546e WHIRLPOOL 585c6f57a31d31d0a103f3780def81016803fc0fb7f98eba492203396606043104a7670b3eefd1e1ad4530f5df0b5fea91e05c799e27542c37601516accba2c5
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/dotnetcore-sdk-1.0.0_pre2_p003121.ebuild b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/dotnetcore-sdk-1.0.0_pre2_p003121.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 343d919..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/dotnetcore-sdk-1.0.0_pre2_p003121.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-#BASED ON https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=dotnet-cli
-DESCRIPTION=".NET Core cli utility for building, testing, packaging and running projects"
-SRC_URI="https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/archive/v${CORE_V}.tar.gz -> ${CORECLR_N}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/archive/v${CORE_V}.tar.gz -> ${COREFX_N}.tar.gz
- https://download.microsoft.com/download/1/5/2/1523EBE1-3764-4328-8961-D1BD8ECA9295/dotnet-dev-${DIST}.${MY_PV}.tar.gz"
- >=sys-devel/llvm-3.7.1-r3[lldb]
- >=sys-libs/libunwind-1.1-r1
- >=dev-libs/icu-57.1
- >=dev-util/lttng-ust-2.8.1
- >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2h-r2
- >=net-misc/curl-7.49.0
- >=app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.14.2"
- >=dev-util/cmake-3.3.1-r1
- >=sys-devel/make-4.1-r1
- >=sys-devel/clang-3.7.1-r100
- >=sys-devel/gettext-0.19.7
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk-bin
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin"
- "${FILESDIR}/${CORECLR_N}-icu57-commit-352df35.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${CORECLR_N}-gcc6-github-pull-5304.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${CORECLR_N}-segv-github-pull-6027.patch"
- 'libclrjit.so'
- 'libcoreclr.so'
- 'libcoreclrtraceptprovider.so'
- 'libdbgshim.so'
- 'libmscordaccore.so'
- 'libmscordbi.so'
- 'libsos.so'
- 'libsosplugin.so'
- 'System.Globalization.Native.so'
- 'System.IO.Compression.Native.so'
- 'System.Native.a'
- 'System.Native.so'
- 'System.Net.Http.Native.so'
- 'System.Net.Security.Native.so'
- 'System.Security.Cryptography.Native.so'
-src_unpack() {
- unpack "${CORECLR_N}.tar.gz" "${COREFX_N}.tar.gz"
- mkdir "${CLI_S}" || die
- cd "${CLI_S}" || die
- unpack "dotnet-dev-${DIST}.${MY_PV}.tar.gz"
-src_prepare() {
- for file in "${CORECLR_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V}/${file}"
- done
- for file in "${COREFX_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V}/${file}"
- done
- default_src_prepare
-src_compile() {
- cd "${S}/${CORECLR_N}" || die
- ./build.sh x64 release || die
- cd "${S}/${COREFX_N}" || die
- ./build.sh native x64 release || die
-src_install() {
- local dest="/opt/dotnet_cli"
- local ddest="${D}/${dest}"
- local ddest_core="${ddest}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V}/"
- dodir "${dest}"
- cp -pPR "${CLI_S}"/* "${ddest}" || die
- for file in "${CORECLR_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${CORECLR_S}/bin/Product/Linux.x64.Release/${file}" "${ddest_core}" || die
- done
- for file in "${COREFX_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_N}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${ddest_core}" || die
- done
- dosym "../../opt/dotnet_cli/dotnet" "/usr/bin/dotnet"
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/dotnetcore-sdk-1.0.0_pre2_p003131.ebuild b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/dotnetcore-sdk-1.0.0_pre2_p003131.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index dd5f410..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/dotnetcore-sdk-1.0.0_pre2_p003131.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-#BASED ON https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=dotnet-cli
-DESCRIPTION=".NET Core cli utility for building, testing, packaging and running projects"
-SRC_URI="https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/archive/v${CORECLR_V}.tar.gz -> ${CORECLR}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/archive/v${COREFX_V}.tar.gz -> ${COREFX}.tar.gz
- https://download.microsoft.com/download/1/5/2/1523EBE1-3764-4328-8961-D1BD8ECA9295/dotnet-dev-${DIST}.${MY_PV}.tar.gz"
- >=sys-devel/llvm-3.7.1-r3[lldb]
- >=sys-libs/libunwind-1.1-r1
- >=dev-libs/icu-57.1
- >=dev-util/lttng-ust-2.8.1
- >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2h-r2
- >=net-misc/curl-7.49.0
- >=app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.14.2
- >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.8-r1 "
- >=dev-util/cmake-3.3.1-r1
- >=sys-devel/make-4.1-r1
- >=sys-devel/clang-3.7.1-r100
- >=sys-devel/gettext-0.19.7
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk-bin
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin"
- "${FILESDIR}/${CORECLR}-icu57-commit-352df35.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${CORECLR}-gcc6-github-pull-5304.patch"
- 'libclrjit.so'
- 'libcoreclr.so'
- 'libcoreclrtraceptprovider.so'
- 'libdbgshim.so'
- 'libmscordaccore.so'
- 'libmscordbi.so'
- 'libsos.so'
- 'libsosplugin.so'
- 'System.Globalization.Native.so'
- 'System.IO.Compression.Native.so'
- 'System.Native.a'
- 'System.Native.so'
- 'System.Net.Http.Native.so'
- 'System.Net.Security.Native.so'
- 'System.Security.Cryptography.Native.so'
-src_unpack() {
- unpack "${CORECLR}.tar.gz" "${COREFX}.tar.gz"
- mkdir "${CLI_S}" || die
- cd "${CLI_S}" || die
- unpack "dotnet-dev-${DIST}.${MY_PV}.tar.gz"
-src_prepare() {
- for file in "${CORECLR_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V}/${file}"
- done
- for file in "${COREFX_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V}/${file}"
- done
- default_src_prepare
-src_compile() {
- cd "${S}/${CORECLR}" || die
- ./build.sh x64 release || die
- cd "${S}/${COREFX}" || die
- ./build.sh native x64 release || die
-src_install() {
- local dest="/opt/dotnet_cli"
- local ddest="${D}/${dest}"
- local ddest_core="${ddest}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V}/"
- dodir "${dest}"
- cp -pPR "${CLI_S}"/* "${ddest}" || die
- for file in "${CORECLR_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${CORECLR}/bin/Product/Linux.x64.Release/${file}" "${ddest_core}" || die
- done
- for file in "${COREFX_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${ddest_core}" || die
- done
- dosym "../../opt/dotnet_cli/dotnet" "/usr/bin/dotnet"
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/dotnetcore-sdk-1.1.1-r1.ebuild b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/dotnetcore-sdk-1.1.1-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f47522..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/dotnetcore-sdk-1.1.1-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-#BASED ON https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=dotnet-cli
-DESCRIPTION=".NET Core cli utility for building, testing, packaging and running projects"
-SRC_URI="https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/archive/v${CORECLR_V1_0}.tar.gz -> coreclr-${CORECLR_V1_0}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/archive/v${COREFX_V1_0}.tar.gz -> corefx-${COREFX_V1_0}.tar.gz
- https://download.microsoft.com/download/0/3/0/030449F5-F093-44A6-9889-E19B50A59777/sdk/dotnet-dev-${DIST}.${CLI_V1_0}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> coreclr-${PV}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> corefx-${PV}.tar.gz
- https://download.microsoft.com/download/F/D/5/FD52A2F7-65B6-4912-AEDD-4015DF6D8D22/dotnet-${PV}-sdk-${DIST}.tar.gz"
- >=sys-devel/llvm-3.7.1-r3[lldb]
- >=sys-libs/libunwind-1.1-r1
- >=dev-libs/icu-57.1
- >=dev-util/lttng-ust-2.8.1
- >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2h-r2
- >=net-misc/curl-7.49.0
- >=app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.14.2
- >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.8-r1 "
- >=dev-util/cmake-3.3.1-r1
- >=sys-devel/make-4.1-r1
- >=sys-devel/clang-3.7.1-r100
- >=sys-devel/gettext-0.19.7
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk-bin
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${CORECLR_V1_0}-gcc6-clang39.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${CORECLR_V1_0}-clang39-commit-9db7fb1.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${CORECLR_V1_0}-icu57-commit-352df35.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${PV}-clang39-commit-9db7fb1.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${PV}-exceptionhandling.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/corefx-${PV}-init-tools-script.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/corefx-${PV}-run-script.patch"
- 'libclrjit.so'
- 'libcoreclr.so'
- 'libcoreclrtraceptprovider.so'
- 'libdbgshim.so'
- 'libmscordaccore.so'
- 'libmscordbi.so'
- 'libsos.so'
- 'libsosplugin.so'
- 'System.Globalization.Native.so'
- 'System.IO.Compression.Native.so'
- 'System.Native.a'
- 'System.Native.so'
- 'System.Net.Http.Native.so'
- 'System.Net.Security.Native.so'
- 'System.Security.Cryptography.Native.so'
- 'System.Security.Cryptography.Native.OpenSsl.so'
-pkg_pretend() {
- # If FEATURES="-sandbox -usersandbox" are not set dotnet will hang while compiling.
- if has sandbox $FEATURES || has usersandbox $FEATURES ; then
- die ".NET core command-line (CLI) tools require sandbox and usersandbox to be disabled in FEATURES."
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack "coreclr-${CORECLR_V1_0}.tar.gz" "corefx-${COREFX_V1_0}.tar.gz" "coreclr-${PV}.tar.gz" "corefx-${PV}.tar.gz"
- mkdir "${CLI_1_0_S}" "${CLI_S}" || die
- cd "${CLI_S}" || die
- unpack "dotnet-${PV}-sdk-${DIST}.tar.gz"
- cd "${CLI_1_0_S}" || die
- unpack "dotnet-dev-${DIST}.${CLI_V1_0}.tar.gz"
-src_prepare() {
- cp "${FILESDIR}/corefx-${PV}-buildtools.patch" "${COREFX_S}/buildtools.patch"
- for file in "${CORECLR_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${PV}/${file}"
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.4/${file}"
- rm "${CLI_1_0_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V1_0}/${file}"
- done
- for file in "${COREFX_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${PV}/${file}"
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.4/${file}"
- rm "${CLI_1_0_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V1_0}/${file}"
- done
- for file in "${CRYPTO_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${PV}/${file}"
- done
- for file in "${CRYPTO_V1_0_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.4/${file}"
- rm "${CLI_1_0_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V1_0}/${file}"
- done
- default_src_prepare
-src_compile() {
- local dest="${CLI_1_0_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V1_0}/"
- cd "${COREFX_1_0_S}" || die
- ./build.sh native x64 release || die
- for file in "${COREFX_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_1_0_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${dest}" || die
- done
- for file in "${CRYPTO_V1_0_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_1_0_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${dest}" || die
- done
- cd "${S}" || die
- rm -rf "${COREFX_1_0_S}" || die
- cd "${CORECLR_1_0_S}" || die
- ./build.sh x64 release || die
- for file in "${CORECLR_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${CORECLR_1_0_S}/bin/Product/Linux.x64.Release/${file}" "${dest}" || die
- done
- cd "${S}" || die
- rm -rf "${CORECLR_1_0_S}" || die
- cd "${COREFX_S}" || die
- ./build-native.sh -release || die
- cd "${CORECLR_S}" || die
- ./build.sh x64 release || die
-src_install() {
- local dest="/opt/dotnet_cli"
- local ddest="${D}/${dest}"
- local ddest_core="${ddest}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App"
- dodir "${dest}"
- cp -pPR "${CLI_S}"/* "${ddest}" || die
- for file in "${CORECLR_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${CORECLR_S}/bin/Product/Linux.x64.Release/${file}" "${ddest_core}/${PV}/" || die
- cp -pP "${CORECLR_S}/bin/Product/Linux.x64.Release/${file}" "${ddest_core}/1.0.4/" || die
- done
- for file in "${COREFX_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${ddest_core}/${PV}/" || die
- cp -pP "${COREFX_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${ddest_core}/1.0.4/" || die
- done
- for file in "${CRYPTO_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${ddest_core}/${PV}/" || die
- done
- for file in "${CRYPTO_V1_0_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${ddest_core}/1.0.4/" || die
- done
- dosym "../../opt/dotnet_cli/dotnet" "/usr/bin/dotnet"
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/dotnetcore-sdk-1.1.1-r2.ebuild b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/dotnetcore-sdk-1.1.1-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b214b2e..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/dotnetcore-sdk-1.1.1-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-#BASED ON https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=dotnet-cli
-DESCRIPTION=".NET Core cli utility for building, testing, packaging and running projects"
-SRC_URI="https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/archive/v${CORECLR_V1_0}.tar.gz -> coreclr-${CORECLR_V1_0}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/archive/v${COREFX_V1_0}.tar.gz -> corefx-${COREFX_V1_0}.tar.gz
- https://download.microsoft.com/download/0/3/0/030449F5-F093-44A6-9889-E19B50A59777/sdk/dotnet-dev-${DIST}.${CLI_V1_0}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> coreclr-${PV}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> corefx-${PV}.tar.gz
- https://download.microsoft.com/download/F/D/5/FD52A2F7-65B6-4912-AEDD-4015DF6D8D22/dotnet-${PV}-sdk-${DIST}.tar.gz"
- >=sys-devel/llvm-4.0:*
- >=dev-util/lldb-4.0
- >=sys-libs/libunwind-1.1-r1
- >=dev-libs/icu-57.1
- >=dev-util/lttng-ust-2.8.1
- >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2h-r2
- >=net-misc/curl-7.49.0
- heimdal? (
- >=app-crypt/heimdal-1.5.3-r2
- )
- !heimdal? (
- >=app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.14.2
- )
- >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.8-r1 "
- >=dev-util/cmake-3.3.1-r1
- >=sys-devel/make-4.1-r1
- >=sys-devel/clang-3.7.1-r100
- >=sys-devel/gettext-0.19.7
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk-bin
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${CORECLR_V1_0}-gcc6-clang39.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${CORECLR_V1_0}-clang39-commit-9db7fb1.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${CORECLR_V1_0}-icu57-commit-352df35.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${CORECLR_V1_0}-llvm4.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${CORECLR_V1_0}-llvm4-intsafe.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${PV}-clang39-commit-9db7fb1.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${PV}-exceptionhandling.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${PV}-builtin-redefinition.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/corefx-${PV}-init-tools-script.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${PV}-llvm4.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${PV}-llvm4-intsafe.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/corefx-${COREFX_V1_0}-werror.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/corefx-${PV}-run-script.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/corefx-${PV}-werror.patch"
- 'libclrjit.so'
- 'libcoreclr.so'
- 'libcoreclrtraceptprovider.so'
- 'libdbgshim.so'
- 'libmscordaccore.so'
- 'libmscordbi.so'
- 'libsos.so'
- 'libsosplugin.so'
- 'System.Globalization.Native.so'
- 'System.IO.Compression.Native.so'
- 'System.Native.a'
- 'System.Native.so'
- 'System.Net.Http.Native.so'
- 'System.Net.Security.Native.so'
- 'System.Security.Cryptography.Native.so'
- 'System.Security.Cryptography.Native.OpenSsl.so'
-# This currently isn't required but may be needed in later ebuilds
-# running the dotnet cli inside a sandbox causes the dotnet cli command to hang.
-# but this ebuild doesn't currently use that.
-#pkg_pretend() {
-# # If FEATURES="-sandbox -usersandbox" are not set dotnet will hang while compiling.
-# if has sandbox $FEATURES || has usersandbox $FEATURES ; then
-# die ".NET core command-line (CLI) tools require sandbox and usersandbox to be disabled in FEATURES."
-# fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack "coreclr-${CORECLR_V1_0}.tar.gz" "corefx-${COREFX_V1_0}.tar.gz" "coreclr-${PV}.tar.gz" "corefx-${PV}.tar.gz"
- mkdir "${CLI_1_0_S}" "${CLI_S}" || die
- cd "${CLI_S}" || die
- unpack "dotnet-${PV}-sdk-${DIST}.tar.gz"
- cd "${CLI_1_0_S}" || die
- unpack "dotnet-dev-${DIST}.${CLI_V1_0}.tar.gz"
-src_prepare() {
- cp "${FILESDIR}/corefx-${PV}-buildtools.patch" "${COREFX_S}/buildtools.patch"
- for file in "${CORECLR_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${PV}/${file}"
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.4/${file}"
- rm "${CLI_1_0_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V1_0}/${file}"
- done
- for file in "${COREFX_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${PV}/${file}"
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.4/${file}"
- rm "${CLI_1_0_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V1_0}/${file}"
- done
- for file in "${CRYPTO_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${PV}/${file}"
- done
- for file in "${CRYPTO_V1_0_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.4/${file}"
- rm "${CLI_1_0_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V1_0}/${file}"
- done
- default_src_prepare
-src_compile() {
- local buildargs=""
- if use heimdal; then
- # build uses mit-krb5 by default but lets override to heimdal
- buildargs="${buildargs} cmakeargs -DHeimdalGssApi=ON"
- fi
- local dest="${CLI_1_0_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V1_0}/"
- cd "${COREFX_1_0_S}" || die
- ./build.sh native x64 release ${buildargs} || die
- for file in "${COREFX_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_1_0_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${dest}" || die
- done
- for file in "${CRYPTO_V1_0_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_1_0_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${dest}" || die
- done
- cd "${S}" || die
- rm -rf "${COREFX_1_0_S}" || die
- cd "${CORECLR_1_0_S}" || die
- ./build.sh x64 release || die
- for file in "${CORECLR_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${CORECLR_1_0_S}/bin/Product/Linux.x64.Release/${file}" "${dest}" || die
- done
- cd "${S}" || die
- rm -rf "${CORECLR_1_0_S}" || die
- cd "${COREFX_S}" || die
- ./src/Native/build-native.sh x64 release ${buildargs} || die
- cd "${CORECLR_S}" || die
- ./build.sh x64 release || die
-src_install() {
- local dest="/opt/dotnet_cli"
- local ddest="${D}/${dest}"
- local ddest_core="${ddest}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App"
- dodir "${dest}"
- cp -pPR "${CLI_S}"/* "${ddest}" || die
- for file in "${CORECLR_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${CORECLR_S}/bin/Product/Linux.x64.Release/${file}" "${ddest_core}/${PV}/" || die
- cp -pP "${CORECLR_S}/bin/Product/Linux.x64.Release/${file}" "${ddest_core}/1.0.4/" || die
- done
- for file in "${COREFX_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${ddest_core}/${PV}/" || die
- cp -pP "${COREFX_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${ddest_core}/1.0.4/" || die
- done
- for file in "${CRYPTO_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${ddest_core}/${PV}/" || die
- done
- for file in "${CRYPTO_V1_0_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${ddest_core}/1.0.4/" || die
- done
- dosym "../../opt/dotnet_cli/dotnet" "/usr/bin/dotnet"
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/dotnetcore-sdk-1.1.1.ebuild b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/dotnetcore-sdk-1.1.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d79c11..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/dotnetcore-sdk-1.1.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-#BASED ON https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=dotnet-cli
-DESCRIPTION=".NET Core cli utility for building, testing, packaging and running projects"
-SRC_URI="https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/archive/v${CORECLR_V1_0}.tar.gz -> coreclr-${CORECLR_V1_0}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/archive/v${COREFX_V1_0}.tar.gz -> corefx-${COREFX_V1_0}.tar.gz
- https://download.microsoft.com/download/0/3/0/030449F5-F093-44A6-9889-E19B50A59777/sdk/dotnet-dev-${DIST}.${CLI_V1_0}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> coreclr-${PV}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> corefx-${PV}.tar.gz
- https://download.microsoft.com/download/F/D/5/FD52A2F7-65B6-4912-AEDD-4015DF6D8D22/dotnet-${PV}-sdk-${DIST}.tar.gz"
- >=sys-devel/llvm-3.7.1-r3[lldb]
- >=sys-libs/libunwind-1.1-r1
- >=dev-libs/icu-57.1
- >=dev-util/lttng-ust-2.8.1
- >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2h-r2
- >=net-misc/curl-7.49.0
- >=app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.14.2
- >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.8-r1 "
- >=dev-util/cmake-3.3.1-r1
- >=sys-devel/make-4.1-r1
- >=sys-devel/clang-3.7.1-r100
- >=sys-devel/gettext-0.19.7
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-runtime-bin
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk-bin
- !dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-aspnet-bin"
- "${FILESDIR}/coreclr-${CORECLR_V1_0}-icu57-commit-352df35.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/corefx-${PV}-init-tools-script.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/corefx-${PV}-run-script.patch"
- 'libclrjit.so'
- 'libcoreclr.so'
- 'libcoreclrtraceptprovider.so'
- 'libdbgshim.so'
- 'libmscordaccore.so'
- 'libmscordbi.so'
- 'libsos.so'
- 'libsosplugin.so'
- 'System.Globalization.Native.so'
- 'System.IO.Compression.Native.so'
- 'System.Native.a'
- 'System.Native.so'
- 'System.Net.Http.Native.so'
- 'System.Net.Security.Native.so'
- 'System.Security.Cryptography.Native.so'
- 'System.Security.Cryptography.Native.OpenSsl.so'
-src_unpack() {
- unpack "coreclr-${CORECLR_V1_0}.tar.gz" "corefx-${COREFX_V1_0}.tar.gz" "coreclr-${PV}.tar.gz" "corefx-${PV}.tar.gz"
- mkdir "${CLI_1_0_S}" "${CLI_S}" || die
- cd "${CLI_S}" || die
- unpack "dotnet-${PV}-sdk-${DIST}.tar.gz"
- cd "${CLI_1_0_S}" || die
- unpack "dotnet-dev-${DIST}.${CLI_V1_0}.tar.gz"
-src_prepare() {
- cp "${FILESDIR}/corefx-${PV}-buildtools.patch" "${COREFX_S}/buildtools.patch"
- for file in "${CORECLR_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${PV}/${file}"
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.4/${file}"
- rm "${CLI_1_0_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V1_0}/${file}"
- done
- for file in "${COREFX_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${PV}/${file}"
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.4/${file}"
- rm "${CLI_1_0_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V1_0}/${file}"
- done
- for file in "${CRYPTO_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${PV}/${file}"
- done
- for file in "${CRYPTO_V1_0_FILES[@]}"; do
- rm "${CLI_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/1.0.4/${file}"
- rm "${CLI_1_0_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V1_0}/${file}"
- done
- default_src_prepare
-src_compile() {
- local dest="${CLI_1_0_S}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/${CORE_V1_0}/"
- cd "${COREFX_1_0_S}" || die
- ./build.sh native x64 release || die
- for file in "${COREFX_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_1_0_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${dest}" || die
- done
- for file in "${CRYPTO_V1_0_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_1_0_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${dest}" || die
- done
- cd "${S}" || die
- rm -rf "${COREFX_1_0_S}" || die
- cd "${CORECLR_1_0_S}" || die
- ./build.sh x64 release || die
- for file in "${CORECLR_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${CORECLR_1_0_S}/bin/Product/Linux.x64.Release/${file}" "${dest}" || die
- done
- cd "${S}" || die
- rm -rf "${CORECLR_1_0_S}" || die
- cd "${COREFX_S}" || die
- ./build-native.sh -release || die
- cd "${CORECLR_S}" || die
- ./build.sh x64 release || die
-src_install() {
- local dest="/opt/dotnet_cli"
- local ddest="${D}/${dest}"
- local ddest_core="${ddest}/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App"
- dodir "${dest}"
- cp -pPR "${CLI_S}"/* "${ddest}" || die
- for file in "${CORECLR_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${CORECLR_S}/bin/Product/Linux.x64.Release/${file}" "${ddest_core}/${PV}/" || die
- cp -pP "${CORECLR_S}/bin/Product/Linux.x64.Release/${file}" "${ddest_core}/1.0.4/" || die
- done
- for file in "${COREFX_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${ddest_core}/${PV}/" || die
- cp -pP "${COREFX_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${ddest_core}/1.0.4/" || die
- done
- for file in "${CRYPTO_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${ddest_core}/${PV}/" || die
- done
- for file in "${CRYPTO_V1_0_FILES[@]}"; do
- cp -pP "${COREFX_S}/bin/Linux.x64.Release/Native/${file}" "${ddest_core}/1.0.4/" || die
- done
- dosym "../../opt/dotnet_cli/dotnet" "/usr/bin/dotnet"
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.0-gcc6-github-pull-5304.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.0-gcc6-github-pull-5304.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 872c539..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.0-gcc6-github-pull-5304.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From 41912e3adb789b62f4cb46acffe915b6f1ab0e1e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=BCrgen=20H=C3=B6tzel?= <juergen@hoetzel.info>
-Date: Mon, 30 May 2016 11:45:49 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Don't use libstdc++ wrappers for stdlib.h (#5304)
-This prevents #undef of min/max macros. Refs #5006.
- src/pal/src/include/pal/palinternal.h | 4 ++++
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/pal/src/include/pal/palinternal.h b/src/pal/src/include/pal/palinternal.h
-index 4c01be8..fdebc8d 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.0/src/pal/src/include/pal/palinternal.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.0/src/pal/src/include/pal/palinternal.h
-@@ -567,6 +567,10 @@ function_name() to call the system's implementation
- #endif
- #include <ctype.h>
-+// Don't use C++ wrappers for stdlib.h
-+// https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/libstdc++/2016-01/msg00025.html
- #define _WITH_GETLINE
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.0-icu57-commit-352df35.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.0-icu57-commit-352df35.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d16369c..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.0-icu57-commit-352df35.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-From 352df35c124104586ee4c977556cb50ce720af62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jas <necmon@yahoo.com>
-Date: Mon, 30 May 2016 12:54:02 +0300
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix ucol_setMaxVariable detection for Gentoo Linux (#5309)
-The issue was the symbol is exported by the ICU lib. Including headers
-was not enough. The linker requires the libraries to succeed.
-With this fix, CoreCLR successfully builds on Gentoo Linux 100%.
-Tested with LXC gentoo container on Ubuntu machine.
-Steps to configure and build:
-Fix #5160
- src/corefx/System.Globalization.Native/configure.cmake | 7 +++++++
- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/corefx/System.Globalization.Native/configure.cmake b/src/corefx/System.Globalization.Native/configure.cmake
-index 4250c7c..138127e 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.0/src/corefx/System.Globalization.Native/configure.cmake
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.0/src/corefx/System.Globalization.Native/configure.cmake
-@@ -8,11 +8,18 @@ CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES("
- int main() { UDateFormatSymbolType e = UDAT_STANDALONE_SHORTER_WEEKDAYS; }
- check_symbol_exists(
- ucol_setMaxVariable
- "unicode/ucol.h"
- configure_file(
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.0-segv-github-pull-6027.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.0-segv-github-pull-6027.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d07157..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.0-segv-github-pull-6027.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-From 56ab756b0e9afef24cf9151a4a43f23e8d78de29 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jan Vorlicek <janvorli@microsoft.com>
-Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2016 21:34:04 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix Windows context to Unix context translation on AMD64
- (#6027)
-There was a bug in the context translation between the Windows context
-and Unix context on AMD64 caused by the fact that the Unix context
-gregs array contains CS, GS and FS in a single field (REG_CSGSFS) and
-the MCREG_SegCs accessor macro was incorrectly written to use the
-whole field as CS. So writing the CS into the Unix context also
-cleared the GS, FS and the topmost 16 bits described as padding.
-This issue was exposed on the Linux kernel >= 4.6.0 where the padding
-for some reason was not zero, probably used by the kernel for some
-internal purposes.
-I have fixed it by changing the accessor to modify only the 16 bits
-corresponding to the CS.
-I have also changed the code in the inject_activation_handler to
-save cycles and not to copy the Windows context back to the Unix one
-in case the activation function was not called and so the context
-was not possibly changed.
- src/pal/src/exception/signal.cpp | 5 ++---
- src/pal/src/include/pal/context.h | 2 +-
- 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/pal/src/exception/signal.cpp b/src/pal/src/exception/signal.cpp
-index dc26ee4..adeada1 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.0/src/pal/src/exception/signal.cpp
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.0/src/pal/src/exception/signal.cpp
-@@ -464,10 +464,9 @@ static void inject_activation_handler(int code, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *contex
- if (g_safeActivationCheckFunction(CONTEXTGetPC(&winContext), /* checkingCurrentThread */ TRUE))
- {
- g_activationFunction(&winContext);
-+ // Activation function may have modified the context, so update it.
-+ CONTEXTToNativeContext(&winContext, ucontext);
- }
-- // Activation function may have modified the context, so update it.
-- CONTEXTToNativeContext(&winContext, ucontext);
- }
- else if (g_previous_activation.sa_sigaction != NULL)
- {
-diff --git a/src/pal/src/include/pal/context.h b/src/pal/src/include/pal/context.h
-index 7591703..6f1b3fe 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.0/src/pal/src/include/pal/context.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.0/src/pal/src/include/pal/context.h
-@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ typedef ucontext_t native_context_t;
- #define MCREG_Rax(mc) ((mc).gregs[REG_RAX])
- #define MCREG_Rip(mc) ((mc).gregs[REG_RIP])
- #define MCREG_Rsp(mc) ((mc).gregs[REG_RSP])
--#define MCREG_SegCs(mc) ((mc).gregs[REG_CSGSFS])
-+#define MCREG_SegCs(mc) (*(WORD*)&((mc).gregs[REG_CSGSFS]))
- #define MCREG_R8(mc) ((mc).gregs[REG_R8])
- #define MCREG_R9(mc) ((mc).gregs[REG_R9])
- #define MCREG_R10(mc) ((mc).gregs[REG_R10])
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.4-gcc6-github-pull-5304.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.4-gcc6-github-pull-5304.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4455740..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.4-gcc6-github-pull-5304.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From 41912e3adb789b62f4cb46acffe915b6f1ab0e1e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=BCrgen=20H=C3=B6tzel?= <juergen@hoetzel.info>
-Date: Mon, 30 May 2016 11:45:49 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Don't use libstdc++ wrappers for stdlib.h (#5304)
-This prevents #undef of min/max macros. Refs #5006.
- src/pal/src/include/pal/palinternal.h | 4 ++++
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/pal/src/include/pal/palinternal.h b/src/pal/src/include/pal/palinternal.h
-index 4c01be8..fdebc8d 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.4/src/pal/src/include/pal/palinternal.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.4/src/pal/src/include/pal/palinternal.h
-@@ -567,6 +567,10 @@ function_name() to call the system's implementation
- #endif
- #include <ctype.h>
-+// Don't use C++ wrappers for stdlib.h
-+// https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/libstdc++/2016-01/msg00025.html
- #define _WITH_GETLINE
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.4-icu57-commit-352df35.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.4-icu57-commit-352df35.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b4797d..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.4-icu57-commit-352df35.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-From 352df35c124104586ee4c977556cb50ce720af62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jas <necmon@yahoo.com>
-Date: Mon, 30 May 2016 12:54:02 +0300
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix ucol_setMaxVariable detection for Gentoo Linux (#5309)
-The issue was the symbol is exported by the ICU lib. Including headers
-was not enough. The linker requires the libraries to succeed.
-With this fix, CoreCLR successfully builds on Gentoo Linux 100%.
-Tested with LXC gentoo container on Ubuntu machine.
-Steps to configure and build:
-Fix #5160
- src/corefx/System.Globalization.Native/configure.cmake | 7 +++++++
- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/corefx/System.Globalization.Native/configure.cmake b/src/corefx/System.Globalization.Native/configure.cmake
-index 4250c7c..138127e 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.4/src/corefx/System.Globalization.Native/configure.cmake
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.4/src/corefx/System.Globalization.Native/configure.cmake
-@@ -8,11 +8,18 @@ CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES("
- int main() { UDateFormatSymbolType e = UDAT_STANDALONE_SHORTER_WEEKDAYS; }
- check_symbol_exists(
- ucol_setMaxVariable
- "unicode/ucol.h"
- configure_file(
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.6-clang39-commit-9db7fb1.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.6-clang39-commit-9db7fb1.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f243bb..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.6-clang39-commit-9db7fb1.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/daccess/dacdbiimpl.cpp b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/daccess/dacdbiimpl.cpp
-index 26e3d6c..59f217c 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/daccess/dacdbiimpl.cpp
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/daccess/dacdbiimpl.cpp
-@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ IDacDbiInterface::IAllocator * g_pAllocator = NULL;
- //
- // Need a class to serve as a tag that we can use to overload New/Delete.
--#define forDbi (*(forDbiWorker *)NULL)
- void * operator new(size_t lenBytes, const forDbiWorker &)
- {
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/ee/debugger.h b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/ee/debugger.h
-index 6368647..59d1e66 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/ee/debugger.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/ee/debugger.h
-@@ -3512,10 +3512,10 @@ class DebuggerEval
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- class InteropSafe {};
--#define interopsafe (*(InteropSafe*)NULL)
-+SELECTANY InteropSafe interopsafe;
- class InteropSafeExecutable {};
--#define interopsafeEXEC (*(InteropSafeExecutable*)NULL)
-+SELECTANY InteropSafeExecutable interopsafeEXEC;
- inline void * __cdecl operator new(size_t n, const InteropSafe&)
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/ildbsymlib/symwrite.h b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/ildbsymlib/symwrite.h
-index 055b8ec..54ab11a 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/ildbsymlib/symwrite.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/ildbsymlib/symwrite.h
-@@ -839,7 +839,8 @@ class ArrayStorage
- {
- // Help mitigate the impact of buffer overflow
- // Fail fast with a null-reference AV
-- return *(static_cast<T*>(0)) ;
-+ volatile char* nullPointer = nullptr;
-+ *nullPointer;
- }
- return m_array[ i ];
- }
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/inc/dacdbiinterface.h b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/inc/dacdbiinterface.h
-index e61e240..24c3e24 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/inc/dacdbiinterface.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/debug/inc/dacdbiinterface.h
-@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- template<class T> void DeleteDbiMemory(T *p);
- // Need a class to serve as a tag that we can use to overload New/Delete.
- class forDbiWorker {};
--#define forDbi (*(forDbiWorker *)NULL)
-+SELECTANY forDbiWorker forDbi;
- extern void * operator new(size_t lenBytes, const forDbiWorker &);
- extern void * operator new[](size_t lenBytes, const forDbiWorker &);
- extern void operator delete(void *p, const forDbiWorker &);
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/src/exception/seh.cpp b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/src/exception/seh.cpp
-index 473c490..ad09e02 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/src/exception/seh.cpp
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/src/exception/seh.cpp
-@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ SEHProcessException(PAL_SEHException* exception)
- {
- // The exception happened in the page right below the stack limit,
- // so it is a stack overflow
-- write(STDERR_FILENO, StackOverflowMessage, sizeof(StackOverflowMessage) - 1);
-+ (void)write(STDERR_FILENO, StackOverflowMessage, sizeof(StackOverflowMessage) - 1);
- PROCAbort();
- }
- }
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.0.6/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.cpp b/coreclr-1.0.6/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.cpp
-index 4bef170..82061ac 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.cpp
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.cpp
-@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ DWORD TP_GetFullPathName(LPWSTR fileName, DWORD nBufferLength, LPWSTR lpBuffer)
- return GetFullPathNameW(fileName, nBufferLength, lpBuffer, NULL);
- #else
- char nativeFullPath[MAX_PATH];
-- realpath(HackyConvertToSTR(fileName), nativeFullPath);
-+ (void)realpath(HackyConvertToSTR(fileName), nativeFullPath);
- LPWSTR fullPathForCLR = HackyConvertToWSTR(nativeFullPath);
- wcscpy_s(lpBuffer, MAX_PATH, fullPathForCLR);
- return wcslen(lpBuffer);
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.0.6/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.h b/coreclr-1.0.6/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.h
-index 49e8f88..c196b0c 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.h
-@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ typedef void* HMODULE;
- typedef void* ULONG_PTR;
- typedef unsigned error_t;
- typedef void* LPVOID;
--typedef char BYTE;
-+typedef unsigned char BYTE;
- typedef WCHAR OLECHAR;
- #endif
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.0.6/tests/src/Interop/common/types.h b/coreclr-1.0.6/tests/src/Interop/common/types.h
-index 7d7f776..cb59c42 100755
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/tests/src/Interop/common/types.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/tests/src/Interop/common/types.h
-@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ typedef void* HMODULE;
- typedef void* ULONG_PTR;
- typedef unsigned error_t;
- typedef void* LPVOID;
--typedef char BYTE;
-+typedef unsigned char BYTE;
- typedef WCHAR OLECHAR;
- typedef unsigned int UINT_PTR;
-@@ -54,4 +54,4 @@ typedef int* DWORD_PTR;
- #define FALSE 0
- #endif
--#endif //_INTEROP_TYPES__H
-\ No newline at end of file
-+#endif //_INTEROP_TYPES__H
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.6-gcc6-clang39.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.6-gcc6-clang39.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d921dc3..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.6-gcc6-clang39.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-diff -rupN a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/src/include/pal/palinternal.h b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/src/include/pal/palinternal.h
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/src/include/pal/palinternal.h 2017-04-27 21:06:55.268009100 +0300
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/src/include/pal/palinternal.h 2017-04-27 21:08:23.705175087 +0300
-@@ -567,6 +567,8 @@ function_name() to call the system's imp
- #endif
- #include <ctype.h>
- #define _WITH_GETLINE
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
-diff -rupN a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/src/include/pal/sharedmemory.h b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/src/include/pal/sharedmemory.h
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/src/include/pal/sharedmemory.h 2017-04-27 21:06:55.268009100 +0300
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/src/include/pal/sharedmemory.h 2017-04-27 21:07:44.351101225 +0300
-@@ -182,6 +182,10 @@ public:
- virtual void Close(bool isAbruptShutdown, bool releaseSharedData)
- {
- }
-+ virtual ~SharedMemoryProcessDataBase()
-+ {
-+ }
- };
- class SharedMemoryProcessDataHeader
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.6-icu57-commit-352df35.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.6-icu57-commit-352df35.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cf81c7..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.6-icu57-commit-352df35.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-From 352df35c124104586ee4c977556cb50ce720af62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peter Jas <necmon@yahoo.com>
-Date: Mon, 30 May 2016 12:54:02 +0300
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix ucol_setMaxVariable detection for Gentoo Linux (#5309)
-The issue was the symbol is exported by the ICU lib. Including headers
-was not enough. The linker requires the libraries to succeed.
-With this fix, CoreCLR successfully builds on Gentoo Linux 100%.
-Tested with LXC gentoo container on Ubuntu machine.
-Steps to configure and build:
-Fix #5160
- src/corefx/System.Globalization.Native/configure.cmake | 7 +++++++
- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/corefx/System.Globalization.Native/configure.cmake b/src/corefx/System.Globalization.Native/configure.cmake
-index 4250c7c..138127e 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/corefx/System.Globalization.Native/configure.cmake
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/corefx/System.Globalization.Native/configure.cmake
-@@ -8,11 +8,18 @@ CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES("
- int main() { UDateFormatSymbolType e = UDAT_STANDALONE_SHORTER_WEEKDAYS; }
- check_symbol_exists(
- ucol_setMaxVariable
- "unicode/ucol.h"
- configure_file(
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.6-llvm4-intsafe.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.6-llvm4-intsafe.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2684bbb..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.6-llvm4-intsafe.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/inc/rt/intsafe.h 2017-07-01 21:44:44.431947107 +0300
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/inc/rt/intsafe.h 2017-07-01 21:45:03.236947035 +0300
-@@ -1449,114 +1449,4 @@
- //
- #define DWordPtrMult ULongPtrMult
--// size_t multiplication
--#define SizeTMult UIntPtrMult
--// SIZE_T multiplication
--#define SIZETMult ULongPtrMult
--// ULONGLONG multiplication
-- IN ULONGLONG ullMultiplicand,
-- IN ULONGLONG ullMultiplier,
-- OUT ULONGLONG* pullResult)
--#ifdef _AMD64_
-- ULONGLONG u64ResultHigh;
-- ULONGLONG u64ResultLow;
-- *pullResult = ULONGLONG_ERROR;
-- u64ResultLow = UnsignedMultiply128(ullMultiplicand, ullMultiplier, &u64ResultHigh);
-- if (u64ResultHigh == 0)
-- {
-- *pullResult = u64ResultLow;
-- hr = S_OK;
-- }
-- // 64x64 into 128 is like 32.32 x 32.32.
-- //
-- // a.b * c.d = a*(c.d) + .b*(c.d) = a*c + a*.d + .b*c + .b*.d
-- // back in non-decimal notation where A=a*2^32 and C=c*2^32:
-- // A*C + A*d + b*C + b*d
-- // So there are four components to add together.
-- // result = (a*c*2^64) + (a*d*2^32) + (b*c*2^32) + (b*d)
-- //
-- // a * c must be 0 or there would be bits in the high 64-bits
-- // a * d must be less than 2^32 or there would be bits in the high 64-bits
-- // b * c must be less than 2^32 or there would be bits in the high 64-bits
-- // then there must be no overflow of the resulting values summed up.
-- ULONG dw_a;
-- ULONG dw_b;
-- ULONG dw_c;
-- ULONG dw_d;
-- ULONGLONG ad = 0;
-- ULONGLONG bc = 0;
-- ULONGLONG bd = 0;
-- ULONGLONG ullResult = 0;
-- *pullResult = ULONGLONG_ERROR;
-- dw_a = (ULONG)(ullMultiplicand >> 32);
-- dw_c = (ULONG)(ullMultiplier >> 32);
-- // common case -- if high dwords are both zero, no chance for overflow
-- if ((dw_a == 0) && (dw_c == 0))
-- {
-- dw_b = (DWORD)ullMultiplicand;
-- dw_d = (DWORD)ullMultiplier;
-- *pullResult = (((ULONGLONG)dw_b) * (ULONGLONG)dw_d);
-- hr = S_OK;
-- }
-- else
-- {
-- // a * c must be 0 or there would be bits set in the high 64-bits
-- if ((dw_a == 0) ||
-- (dw_c == 0))
-- {
-- dw_d = (DWORD)ullMultiplier;
-- // a * d must be less than 2^32 or there would be bits set in the high 64-bits
-- ad = (((ULONGLONG)dw_a) * (ULONGLONG)dw_d);
-- if ((ad & HIDWORD_MASK) == 0)
-- {
-- dw_b = (DWORD)ullMultiplicand;
-- // b * c must be less than 2^32 or there would be bits set in the high 64-bits
-- bc = (((ULONGLONG)dw_b) * (ULONGLONG)dw_c);
-- if ((bc & HIDWORD_MASK) == 0)
-- {
-- // now sum them all up checking for overflow.
-- // shifting is safe because we already checked for overflow above
-- if (SUCCEEDED(ULongLongAdd(bc << 32, ad << 32, &ullResult)))
-- {
-- // b * d
-- bd = (((ULONGLONG)dw_b) * (ULONGLONG)dw_d);
-- if (SUCCEEDED(ULongLongAdd(ullResult, bd, &ullResult)))
-- {
-- *pullResult = ullResult;
-- hr = S_OK;
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
--#endif // _AMD64_
-- return hr;
- #endif // _INTSAFE_H_INCLUDED_
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.6-llvm4.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.6-llvm4.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b5bb5e8..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.0.6-llvm4.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
---- before/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/inc/pal.h 2017-02-09 10:11:27.000000000 +0300
-+++ after/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/inc/pal.h 2017-07-01 01:33:36.727950051 +0300
-@@ -5964,6 +5964,12 @@
- }
- #endif
-+#ifndef __has_builtin
-+#define __has_builtin(x) 0
-+#if !__has_builtin(_rotl)
- /*++
- Function:
- _rotl
-@@ -5982,11 +5988,15 @@
- return retval;
- }
- // On 64 bit unix, make the long an int.
- #ifdef BIT64
- #define _lrotl _rotl
- #endif // BIT64
-+#if !__has_builtin(_rotr)
- /*++
- Function:
- _rotr
-@@ -6005,6 +6015,8 @@
- return retval;
- }
- PALIMPORT int __cdecl abs(int);
- PALIMPORT double __cdecl fabs(double);
-diff --git a/src/pal/inc/pal_mstypes.h b/src/pal/inc/pal_mstypes.h
-index 0ca2871f2b7..0aa35ae1e5a 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/inc/pal_mstypes.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/inc/pal_mstypes.h
-@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ typedef LONG_PTR SSIZE_T, *PSSIZE_T;
- #endif
- #ifndef SSIZE_T_MIN
--#define SSIZE_T_MIN I64(-9223372036854775808)
-+#define SSIZE_T_MIN I64(0x8000000000000000)
- #endif
-diff --git a/src/gc/gc.cpp b/src/gc/gc.cpp
-index 745b24f5916..08de1facb28 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/gc/gc.cpp
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/gc/gc.cpp
-@@ -20356,7 +20356,7 @@ size_t gc_heap::update_brick_table (uint8_t* tree, size_t current_brick,
- dprintf (3, ("tree: %Ix, current b: %Ix, x: %Ix, plug_end: %Ix",
- tree, current_brick, x, plug_end));
-- if (tree > 0)
-+ if (tree != NULL)
- {
- dprintf (3, ("b- %Ix->%Ix pointing to tree %Ix",
- current_brick, (size_t)(tree - brick_address (current_brick)), tree));
-diff --git a/src/pal/inc/rt/intsafe.h b/src/pal/inc/rt/intsafe.h
-index 4ed70e7423f..6e28175e220 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/inc/rt/intsafe.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/pal/inc/rt/intsafe.h
-@@ -18,26 +18,6 @@
- #include <specstrings.h> // for IN, etc.
--#if defined(_AMD64_)
--#ifdef __cplusplus
--extern "C" {
--#define UnsignedMultiply128 _umul128
--UnsignedMultiply128 (
-- IN ULONG64 Multiplier,
-- IN ULONG64 Multiplicand,
-- OUT ULONG64 *HighProduct
-- );
--#ifdef _MSC_VER
--#pragma intrinsic(_umul128)
--#endif // _MSC_VER
--#ifdef __cplusplus
--#endif // _AMD64_
- #ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- #ifdef _WIN64
-@@ -1444,23 +1424,6 @@
- }
- //
--// UINT_PTR multiplication
--#ifdef _WIN64
--#define UIntPtrMult ULongLongMult
-- IN UINT_PTR ulMultiplicand,
-- IN UINT_PTR ulMultiplier,
-- OUT UINT_PTR* pulResult)
-- return UIntMult((UINT)ulMultiplicand, (UINT)ulMultiplier, (UINT*)pulResult);
--#endif // _WIN64
- // ULONG multiplication
- //
- __inline
-@@ -1475,23 +1438,6 @@
- return ULongLongToULong(ull64Result, pulResult);
- }
--// ULONG_PTR multiplication
--#ifdef _WIN64
--#define ULongPtrMult ULongLongMult
-- IN ULONG_PTR ulMultiplicand,
-- IN ULONG_PTR ulMultiplier,
-- OUT ULONG_PTR* pulResult)
-- return ULongMult((ULONG)ulMultiplicand, (ULONG)ulMultiplier, (ULONG*)pulResult);
--#endif // _WIN64
- //
- // DWORD multiplication
-diff --git a/src/vm/amd64/unixstubs.cpp b/src/vm/amd64/unixstubs.cpp
-index 29041490845..76d3cf18902 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.0.6/src/vm/amd64/unixstubs.cpp
-+++ b/coreclr-1.0.6/src/vm/amd64/unixstubs.cpp
-@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ extern "C"
- " mov %%edx, 12(%[result])\n" \
- : "=a"(eax) /*output in eax*/\
- : "a"(arg), [result]"r"(result) /*inputs - arg in eax, result in any register*/\
-- : "eax", "rbx", "ecx", "edx" /* registers that are clobbered*/
-+ : "rbx", "ecx", "edx" /* registers that are clobbered*/
- );
- return eax;
- }
-@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ extern "C"
- " mov %%edx, 12(%[result])\n" \
- : "=a"(eax) /*output in eax*/\
- : "c"(arg1), "a"(arg2), [result]"r"(result) /*inputs - arg1 in ecx, arg2 in eax, result in any register*/\
-- : "eax", "rbx", "ecx", "edx" /* registers that are clobbered*/
-+ : "rbx", "edx" /* registers that are clobbered*/
- );
- return eax;
- }
-@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ extern "C"
- __asm(" xgetbv\n" \
- : "=a"(eax) /*output in eax*/\
- : "c"(0) /*inputs - 0 in ecx*/\
-- : "eax", "edx" /* registers that are clobbered*/
-+ : "edx" /* registers that are clobbered*/
- );
- // check OS has enabled both XMM and YMM state support
- return ((eax & 0x06) == 0x06) ? 1 : 0;
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.1.1-builtin-redefinition.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.1.1-builtin-redefinition.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ee48fe..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.1.1-builtin-redefinition.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
---- before/coreclr-1.1.1/src/pal/inc/pal.h 2017-02-09 10:16:50.000000000 +0300
-+++ after/coreclr-1.1.1/src/pal/inc/pal.h 2017-07-01 01:34:53.949949756 +0300
-@@ -5967,6 +5967,12 @@
- }
- #endif
-+#ifndef __has_builtin
-+#define __has_builtin(x) 0
-+#if !__has_builtin(_rotl)
- /*++
- Function:
- _rotl
-@@ -5985,11 +5991,15 @@
- return retval;
- }
- // On 64 bit unix, make the long an int.
- #ifdef BIT64
- #define _lrotl _rotl
- #endif // BIT64
-+#if !__has_builtin(_rotr)
- /*++
- Function:
- _rotr
-@@ -6008,6 +6018,8 @@
- return retval;
- }
- PALIMPORT int __cdecl abs(int);
- PALIMPORT LONG __cdecl labs(LONG);
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.1.1-clang39-commit-9db7fb1.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.1.1-clang39-commit-9db7fb1.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c95b85..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.1.1-clang39-commit-9db7fb1.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/daccess/dacdbiimpl.cpp b/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/daccess/dacdbiimpl.cpp
-index 26e3d6c..59f217c 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/daccess/dacdbiimpl.cpp
-+++ b/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/daccess/dacdbiimpl.cpp
-@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ IDacDbiInterface::IAllocator * g_pAllocator = NULL;
- //
- // Need a class to serve as a tag that we can use to overload New/Delete.
--#define forDbi (*(forDbiWorker *)NULL)
- void * operator new(size_t lenBytes, const forDbiWorker &)
- {
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/ee/debugger.h b/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/ee/debugger.h
-index 6368647..59d1e66 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/ee/debugger.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/ee/debugger.h
-@@ -3512,10 +3512,10 @@ class DebuggerEval
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- class InteropSafe {};
--#define interopsafe (*(InteropSafe*)NULL)
-+SELECTANY InteropSafe interopsafe;
- class InteropSafeExecutable {};
--#define interopsafeEXEC (*(InteropSafeExecutable*)NULL)
-+SELECTANY InteropSafeExecutable interopsafeEXEC;
- inline void * __cdecl operator new(size_t n, const InteropSafe&)
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/ildbsymlib/symwrite.h b/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/ildbsymlib/symwrite.h
-index 055b8ec..54ab11a 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/ildbsymlib/symwrite.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/ildbsymlib/symwrite.h
-@@ -839,7 +839,8 @@ class ArrayStorage
- {
- // Help mitigate the impact of buffer overflow
- // Fail fast with a null-reference AV
-- return *(static_cast<T*>(0)) ;
-+ volatile char* nullPointer = nullptr;
-+ *nullPointer;
- }
- return m_array[ i ];
- }
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/inc/dacdbiinterface.h b/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/inc/dacdbiinterface.h
-index e61e240..24c3e24 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/inc/dacdbiinterface.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.1.1/src/debug/inc/dacdbiinterface.h
-@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- template<class T> void DeleteDbiMemory(T *p);
- // Need a class to serve as a tag that we can use to overload New/Delete.
- class forDbiWorker {};
--#define forDbi (*(forDbiWorker *)NULL)
-+SELECTANY forDbiWorker forDbi;
- extern void * operator new(size_t lenBytes, const forDbiWorker &);
- extern void * operator new[](size_t lenBytes, const forDbiWorker &);
- extern void operator delete(void *p, const forDbiWorker &);
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/pal/src/exception/seh.cpp b/coreclr-1.1.1/src/pal/src/exception/seh.cpp
-index 473c490..ad09e02 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/pal/src/exception/seh.cpp
-+++ b/coreclr-1.1.1/src/pal/src/exception/seh.cpp
-@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ SEHProcessException(PAL_SEHException* exception)
- {
- // The exception happened in the page right below the stack limit,
- // so it is a stack overflow
-- write(STDERR_FILENO, StackOverflowMessage, sizeof(StackOverflowMessage) - 1);
-+ (void)write(STDERR_FILENO, StackOverflowMessage, sizeof(StackOverflowMessage) - 1);
- PROCAbort();
- }
- }
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.1.1/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.cpp b/coreclr-1.1.1/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.cpp
-index 4bef170..82061ac 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.1.1/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.cpp
-+++ b/coreclr-1.1.1/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.cpp
-@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ DWORD TP_GetFullPathName(LPWSTR fileName, DWORD nBufferLength, LPWSTR lpBuffer)
- return GetFullPathNameW(fileName, nBufferLength, lpBuffer, NULL);
- #else
- char nativeFullPath[MAX_PATH];
-- realpath(HackyConvertToSTR(fileName), nativeFullPath);
-+ (void)realpath(HackyConvertToSTR(fileName), nativeFullPath);
- LPWSTR fullPathForCLR = HackyConvertToWSTR(nativeFullPath);
- wcscpy_s(lpBuffer, MAX_PATH, fullPathForCLR);
- return wcslen(lpBuffer);
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.1.1/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.h b/coreclr-1.1.1/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.h
-index 49e8f88..c196b0c 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.1.1/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.1.1/tests/src/Common/Platform/platformdefines.h
-@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ typedef void* HMODULE;
- typedef void* ULONG_PTR;
- typedef unsigned error_t;
- typedef void* LPVOID;
--typedef char BYTE;
-+typedef unsigned char BYTE;
- typedef WCHAR OLECHAR;
- #endif
-diff --git a/coreclr-1.1.1/tests/src/Interop/common/types.h b/coreclr-1.1.1/tests/src/Interop/common/types.h
-index 7d7f776..cb59c42 100755
---- a/coreclr-1.1.1/tests/src/Interop/common/types.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.1.1/tests/src/Interop/common/types.h
-@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ typedef void* HMODULE;
- typedef void* ULONG_PTR;
- typedef unsigned error_t;
- typedef void* LPVOID;
--typedef char BYTE;
-+typedef unsigned char BYTE;
- typedef WCHAR OLECHAR;
- typedef unsigned int UINT_PTR;
-@@ -54,4 +54,4 @@ typedef int* DWORD_PTR;
- #define FALSE 0
- #endif
--#endif //_INTEROP_TYPES__H
-\ No newline at end of file
-+#endif //_INTEROP_TYPES__H
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.1.1-exceptionhandling.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.1.1-exceptionhandling.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fd56af..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.1.1-exceptionhandling.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/vm/exceptionhandling.cpp.orig 2017-04-28 01:48:48.153258383 +0300
-+++ a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/vm/exceptionhandling.cpp 2017-04-28 01:50:38.150431673 +0300
-@@ -4730,7 +4730,7 @@
- }
- }
-- throw ex;
-+ throw std::move(ex);
- }
- #ifdef _AMD64_
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.1.1-llvm4-intsafe.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.1.1-llvm4-intsafe.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fb2487..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.1.1-llvm4-intsafe.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
---- a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/pal/inc/rt/intsafe.h 2017-07-01 23:09:42.103927661 +0300
-+++ b/coreclr-1.1.1/src/pal/inc/rt/intsafe.h 2017-07-01 23:10:17.995927524 +0300
-@@ -1449,114 +1449,4 @@
- //
- #define DWordPtrMult ULongPtrMult
--// size_t multiplication
--#define SizeTMult UIntPtrMult
--// SIZE_T multiplication
--#define SIZETMult ULongPtrMult
--// ULONGLONG multiplication
-- IN ULONGLONG ullMultiplicand,
-- IN ULONGLONG ullMultiplier,
-- OUT ULONGLONG* pullResult)
--#ifdef _AMD64_
-- ULONGLONG u64ResultHigh;
-- ULONGLONG u64ResultLow;
-- *pullResult = ULONGLONG_ERROR;
-- u64ResultLow = UnsignedMultiply128(ullMultiplicand, ullMultiplier, &u64ResultHigh);
-- if (u64ResultHigh == 0)
-- {
-- *pullResult = u64ResultLow;
-- hr = S_OK;
-- }
-- // 64x64 into 128 is like 32.32 x 32.32.
-- //
-- // a.b * c.d = a*(c.d) + .b*(c.d) = a*c + a*.d + .b*c + .b*.d
-- // back in non-decimal notation where A=a*2^32 and C=c*2^32:
-- // A*C + A*d + b*C + b*d
-- // So there are four components to add together.
-- // result = (a*c*2^64) + (a*d*2^32) + (b*c*2^32) + (b*d)
-- //
-- // a * c must be 0 or there would be bits in the high 64-bits
-- // a * d must be less than 2^32 or there would be bits in the high 64-bits
-- // b * c must be less than 2^32 or there would be bits in the high 64-bits
-- // then there must be no overflow of the resulting values summed up.
-- ULONG dw_a;
-- ULONG dw_b;
-- ULONG dw_c;
-- ULONG dw_d;
-- ULONGLONG ad = 0;
-- ULONGLONG bc = 0;
-- ULONGLONG bd = 0;
-- ULONGLONG ullResult = 0;
-- *pullResult = ULONGLONG_ERROR;
-- dw_a = (ULONG)(ullMultiplicand >> 32);
-- dw_c = (ULONG)(ullMultiplier >> 32);
-- // common case -- if high dwords are both zero, no chance for overflow
-- if ((dw_a == 0) && (dw_c == 0))
-- {
-- dw_b = (DWORD)ullMultiplicand;
-- dw_d = (DWORD)ullMultiplier;
-- *pullResult = (((ULONGLONG)dw_b) * (ULONGLONG)dw_d);
-- hr = S_OK;
-- }
-- else
-- {
-- // a * c must be 0 or there would be bits set in the high 64-bits
-- if ((dw_a == 0) ||
-- (dw_c == 0))
-- {
-- dw_d = (DWORD)ullMultiplier;
-- // a * d must be less than 2^32 or there would be bits set in the high 64-bits
-- ad = (((ULONGLONG)dw_a) * (ULONGLONG)dw_d);
-- if ((ad & HIDWORD_MASK) == 0)
-- {
-- dw_b = (DWORD)ullMultiplicand;
-- // b * c must be less than 2^32 or there would be bits set in the high 64-bits
-- bc = (((ULONGLONG)dw_b) * (ULONGLONG)dw_c);
-- if ((bc & HIDWORD_MASK) == 0)
-- {
-- // now sum them all up checking for overflow.
-- // shifting is safe because we already checked for overflow above
-- if (SUCCEEDED(ULongLongAdd(bc << 32, ad << 32, &ullResult)))
-- {
-- // b * d
-- bd = (((ULONGLONG)dw_b) * (ULONGLONG)dw_d);
-- if (SUCCEEDED(ULongLongAdd(ullResult, bd, &ullResult)))
-- {
-- *pullResult = ullResult;
-- hr = S_OK;
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
--#endif // _AMD64_
-- return hr;
- #endif // _INTSAFE_H_INCLUDED_
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.1.1-llvm4.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.1.1-llvm4.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 388f73a..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/coreclr-1.1.1-llvm4.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/pal/inc/pal_mstypes.h b/src/pal/inc/pal_mstypes.h
-index 0ca2871f2b7..0aa35ae1e5a 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/pal/inc/pal_mstypes.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.1.1/src/pal/inc/pal_mstypes.h
-@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ typedef LONG_PTR SSIZE_T, *PSSIZE_T;
- #endif
- #ifndef SSIZE_T_MIN
--#define SSIZE_T_MIN I64(-9223372036854775808)
-+#define SSIZE_T_MIN I64(0x8000000000000000)
- #endif
-diff --git a/src/gc/gc.cpp b/src/gc/gc.cpp
-index 745b24f5916..08de1facb28 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/gc/gc.cpp
-+++ b/coreclr-1.1.1/src/gc/gc.cpp
-@@ -20356,7 +20356,7 @@ size_t gc_heap::update_brick_table (uint8_t* tree, size_t current_brick,
- dprintf (3, ("tree: %Ix, current b: %Ix, x: %Ix, plug_end: %Ix",
- tree, current_brick, x, plug_end));
-- if (tree > 0)
-+ if (tree != NULL)
- {
- dprintf (3, ("b- %Ix->%Ix pointing to tree %Ix",
- current_brick, (size_t)(tree - brick_address (current_brick)), tree));
-diff --git a/src/pal/inc/rt/intsafe.h b/src/pal/inc/rt/intsafe.h
-index 4ed70e7423f..6e28175e220 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/pal/inc/rt/intsafe.h
-+++ b/coreclr-1.1.1/src/pal/inc/rt/intsafe.h
-@@ -18,26 +18,6 @@
- #include <specstrings.h> // for IN, etc.
--#if defined(_AMD64_)
--#ifdef __cplusplus
--extern "C" {
--#define UnsignedMultiply128 _umul128
--UnsignedMultiply128 (
-- IN ULONG64 Multiplier,
-- IN ULONG64 Multiplicand,
-- OUT ULONG64 *HighProduct
-- );
--#ifdef _MSC_VER
--#pragma intrinsic(_umul128)
--#endif // _MSC_VER
--#ifdef __cplusplus
--#endif // _AMD64_
- #ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- #ifdef _WIN64
-@@ -1444,23 +1424,6 @@
- }
- //
--// UINT_PTR multiplication
--#ifdef _WIN64
--#define UIntPtrMult ULongLongMult
-- IN UINT_PTR ulMultiplicand,
-- IN UINT_PTR ulMultiplier,
-- OUT UINT_PTR* pulResult)
-- return UIntMult((UINT)ulMultiplicand, (UINT)ulMultiplier, (UINT*)pulResult);
--#endif // _WIN64
- // ULONG multiplication
- //
- __inline
-@@ -1475,23 +1438,6 @@
- return ULongLongToULong(ull64Result, pulResult);
- }
--// ULONG_PTR multiplication
--#ifdef _WIN64
--#define ULongPtrMult ULongLongMult
-- IN ULONG_PTR ulMultiplicand,
-- IN ULONG_PTR ulMultiplier,
-- OUT ULONG_PTR* pulResult)
-- return ULongMult((ULONG)ulMultiplicand, (ULONG)ulMultiplier, (ULONG*)pulResult);
--#endif // _WIN64
- //
- // DWORD multiplication
-diff --git a/src/vm/amd64/unixstubs.cpp b/src/vm/amd64/unixstubs.cpp
-index 29041490845..76d3cf18902 100644
---- a/coreclr-1.1.1/src/vm/amd64/unixstubs.cpp
-+++ b/coreclr-1.1.1/src/vm/amd64/unixstubs.cpp
-@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ extern "C"
- " mov %%edx, 12(%[result])\n" \
- : "=a"(eax) /*output in eax*/\
- : "a"(arg), [result]"r"(result) /*inputs - arg in eax, result in any register*/\
-- : "eax", "rbx", "ecx", "edx", "memory" /* registers that are clobbered, *result is clobbered */
-+ : "rbx", "ecx", "edx", "memory" /* registers that are clobbered, *result is clobbered */
- );
- return eax;
- }
-@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ extern "C"
- " mov %%edx, 12(%[result])\n" \
- : "=a"(eax) /*output in eax*/\
- : "c"(arg1), "a"(arg2), [result]"r"(result) /*inputs - arg1 in ecx, arg2 in eax, result in any register*/\
-- : "eax", "rbx", "ecx", "edx", "memory" /* registers that are clobbered, *result is clobbered */
-+ : "rbx", "edx", "memory" /* registers that are clobbered, *result is clobbered */
- );
- return eax;
- }
-@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ extern "C"
- __asm(" xgetbv\n" \
- : "=a"(eax) /*output in eax*/\
- : "c"(0) /*inputs - 0 in ecx*/\
-- : "eax", "edx" /* registers that are clobbered*/
-+ : "edx" /* registers that are clobbered*/
- );
- // check OS has enabled both XMM and YMM state support
- return ((eax & 0x06) == 0x06) ? 1 : 0;
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/corefx-1.0.4-werror.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/corefx-1.0.4-werror.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e34868c..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/corefx-1.0.4-werror.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- before/corefx-1.0.4/src/Native/CMakeLists.txt 2017-02-10 06:02:30.000000000 +0300
-+++ after/corefx-1.0.4/src/Native/CMakeLists.txt 2017-07-01 00:59:23.425957884 +0300
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- add_compile_options(-Wno-disabled-macro-expansion)
- add_compile_options(-Wno-c++98-compat)
- add_compile_options(-Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic)
- add_compile_options(-fPIC)
- add_compile_options(-I${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Common)
- add_compile_options(-I${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Common)
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/corefx-1.1.1-buildtools.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/corefx-1.1.1-buildtools.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f401810..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/corefx-1.1.1-buildtools.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
---- packages/Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools/1.0.26-prerelease-01121-01/lib/init-tools.sh.orig 2017-04-27 23:44:58.528117115 +0300
-+++ packages/Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools/1.0.26-prerelease-01121-01/lib/init-tools.sh 2017-04-28 00:02:47.527856902 +0300
-@@ -32,39 +32,7 @@
- fi
- if [ -z "$__PUBLISH_RID" ]; then
-- OSName=$(uname -s)
-- case $OSName in
-- Darwin)
-- __PUBLISH_RID=osx.10.10-x64
-- ;;
-- Linux)
-- if [ ! -e /etc/os-release ]; then
-- echo "Can not determine distribution, assuming Ubuntu 14.04"
-- __PUBLISH_RID=ubuntu.14.04-x64
-- else
-- source /etc/os-release
-- if [[ "$ID" == "ubuntu" && "$VERSION_ID" != "14.04" && "$VERSION_ID" != "16.04" ]]; then
-- echo "Unsupported Ubuntu version, falling back to Ubuntu 14.04"
-- __PUBLISH_RID=ubuntu.14.04-x64
-- else
-- fi
-- fi
-- # RHEL bumps their OS Version with minor releases, but we only put the "rhel.7-x64" RID in our
-- # tool runtime, since there's binary compatibility between minor versions.
-- if [[ $__PUBLISH_RID == rhel.7*-x64 ]]; then
-- __PUBLISH_RID=rhel.7-x64
-- fi
-- ;;
-- *)
-- echo "Unsupported OS '$OSName' detected. Downloading ubuntu-x64 tools."
-- __PUBLISH_RID=ubuntu.14.04-x64
-- ;;
-- esac
- fi
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/corefx-1.1.1-init-tools-script.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/corefx-1.1.1-init-tools-script.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aa483c..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/corefx-1.1.1-init-tools-script.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
---- a/corefx-1.1.1/init-tools.sh 2017-03-11 23:35:22.604691000 -0600
-+++ b/corefx-1.1.1/init-tools.sh 2017-03-11 23:39:11.945691000 -0600
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- __init_tools_log=$__scriptpath/init-tools.log
- __PACKAGES_DIR=$__scriptpath/packages
- __TOOLRUNTIME_DIR=$__scriptpath/Tools
- if [ -z "$__BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE" ]; then __BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE=https://dotnet.myget.org/F/dotnet-buildtools/api/v3/index.json; fi
- __BUILD_TOOLS_PACKAGE_VERSION=$(cat $__scriptpath/BuildToolsVersion.txt)
-@@ -59,8 +59,7 @@
- fi
- fi
-- # Cannot determine Linux distribution, assuming Ubuntu 14.04.
-- echo "ubuntu"
-+ echo "debian"
- return 0
- }
-@@ -87,6 +86,7 @@
- fi
- if [ ! -e $__INIT_TOOLS_DONE_MARKER ]; then
- if [ -e $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR ]; then rm -rf -- $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR; fi
-+ mkdir -p $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR
- echo "Running: $__scriptpath/init-tools.sh" > $__init_tools_log
- if [ ! -e $__DOTNET_PATH ]; then
- echo "Installing dotnet cli..."
-@@ -116,6 +116,8 @@
- if [ ! -e "$__BUILD_TOOLS_PATH/init-tools.sh" ]; then echo "ERROR: Could not restore build tools correctly. See '$__init_tools_log' for more details."1>&2; fi
- fi
-+ patch -p0 < buildtools.patch
- echo "Initializing BuildTools..."
- echo "Running: $__BUILD_TOOLS_PATH/init-tools.sh $__scriptpath $__DOTNET_CMD $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR" >> $__init_tools_log
- $__BUILD_TOOLS_PATH/init-tools.sh $__scriptpath $__DOTNET_CMD $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR >> $__init_tools_log
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/corefx-1.1.1-run-script.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/corefx-1.1.1-run-script.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ad2d06..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/corefx-1.1.1-run-script.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- a/corefx-1.1.1/run.sh 2017-03-11 23:35:39.378691000 -0600
-+++ b/corefx-1.1.1/run.sh 2017-03-11 23:39:52.885691000 -0600
-@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- fi
- __toolRuntime=$__scriptpath/Tools
- $__dotnet $__toolRuntime/run.exe $*
- exit $?
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/corefx-1.1.1-werror.patch b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/corefx-1.1.1-werror.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2370d6d..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/files/corefx-1.1.1-werror.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- before/corefx-1.1.1/src/Native/Unix/CMakeLists.txt 2017-02-22 19:42:11.000000000 +0300
-+++ after/corefx-1.1.1/src/Native/Unix/CMakeLists.txt 2017-07-01 00:59:39.256957823 +0300
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- add_compile_options(-Wno-disabled-macro-expansion)
- add_compile_options(-Wno-c++98-compat)
- add_compile_options(-Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic)
- add_compile_options(-fPIC)
- add_compile_options(-I${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Common)
- add_compile_options(-I${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Common)
diff --git a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/metadata.xml b/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b1262f1..0000000
--- a/dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">
- <maintainer type="project">
- <email>dotnet@gentoo.org</email>
- <description>Gentoo Dotnet Project</description>
- </maintainer>
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index 669ae18..1625e37 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -32,11 +32,8 @@ Finally add the following USE flags if relevant.
- Fork & Contribute & Pull Request
- Open requests on https://bugs.gentoo.org with solutions from this overlay
-Dotnet Core
+.NET Core
-For using dotnet core see
- - [Dotnet Core Binary packages](Documentation/DotnetCore-Bin.md)
- - [Dotnet Core Source Build Notes](Documentation/DotnetCore-Src.md)
+To use .NET Core, install the `dev-dotnet/dotnetcore-sdk-bin` package.
+Multiple major .NET Core versions can also be installed using the different slots of that package.