# Packaging TODO If you find an interesting piece of software here, consider to package it, also you are free to add any package you want to see in GURU Name | Buildsystem | Category | User | RFH ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [spacelib](https://github.com/Alessandro-Barbieri/SpaceLib) | none | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [cpp-fuzzy-logic](https://sourceforge.net/projects/cpp-fuzzy-logic) | none | devel | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [free fuzzy logic library](http://ffll.sourceforge.net) | none | devel | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [solarized](https://github.com/altercation/solarized) | none | shell | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [zsh-history-substring-search](zsh-history-substring-search) | none | shell | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [fizsh](https://github.com/zsh-users/fizsh) | none | shell | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [zsh-directory-history](https://github.com/tymm/zsh-directory-history) | none | shell | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [zsh-you-should-use](https://github.com/MichaelAquilina/zsh-you-should-use) | none | shell | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [forgit](https://github.com/wfxr/forgit) | none | shell | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [openocl](https://openocl.org/) | none | octave | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [octave-scicosim](https://wiki.octave.org/Sci_cosim) | none | octave | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [matlab2tikz](https://github.com/matlab2tikz/matlab2tikz) | none | octave | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [silk-guardian](https://github.com/NateBrune/silk-guardian) | make | util | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [qepcad](https://www.usna.edu/Users/cs/wcbrown/qepcad/B/QEPCAD.html) | make | math | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [retroarch](https://www.retroarch.com/) | make | game | | [lucida](https://github.com/claritylab/lucida) | make | | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [embedded fuzzy logic library](https://github.com/zerokol/eFLL) | make | devel | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [Intel-sgx](https://01.org/intel-softwareguard-extensions) | make | devel | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [codipack](https://www.scicomp.uni-kl.de/software/codi/) | make | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [medipack](http://www.scicomp.uni-kl.de/software/medi/) | make | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [compcert](https://compcert.org) | make | compiler | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [predictive](https://www.dr-qubit.org/predictive.html) | make | emacs | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [tau](http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/home.php) | make | tools | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [plasma](https://github.com/NLAFET/plasma) | make | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [imb](https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/intel-mpi-benchmarks.html) | make | cluster | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [dimemas](https://github.com/bsc-performance-tools/dimemas) | autotools | cluster | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [argobots](https://www.argobots.org/) | autotools | devel | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [mochi-ssg](https://github.com/mochi-hpc/mochi-ssg) | autotools | cluster | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [mochi-margo](https://github.com/mochi-hpc/mochi-margo) | autotools | cluster | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [mochi-abt-io](https://github.com/mochi-hpc/mochi-abt-io) | autotools | cluster | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [machinekit](https://github.com/machinekit/machinekit) | autotools | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [libreoffice-online](https://github.com/LibreOffice/online) | autotools | office | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [latte-integrale](https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~latte/) | autotools | math | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [bonmin](https://projects.coin-or.org/Bonmin) | autotools | math | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [graph-tool](https://graph-tool.skewed.de/) | autotools | visualization | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [tides](https://sourceforge.net/projects/tidesodes/) | autotools | math | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [Cakeml](https://cakeml.org/) | autotools | ML | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [temanejo](https://www.hlrs.de/solutions-services/service-portfolio/programming/hpc-development-tools/temanejo) | autotools | cluster | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [geopm](https://geopm.github.io/) | autotools | power | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [warewulf](https://warewulf.lbl.gov/) | autotools | cluster | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [omb](http://mvapich.cse.ohio-state.edu/download/mvapich/osu-micro-benchmarks-5.8.tgz) | autotools | cluster | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [scalasca](https://scalasca.org/) | autotools | cluster | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [scorep](https://www.vi-hps.org/projects/score-p/) | autotools | cluster | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [jmodelica](https://github.com/jnorthrup/jmodelica) | autotools | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [blasfeo](https://github.com/giaf/blasfeo) | cmake | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [libfixmath](https://github.com/PetteriAimonen/libfixmath) | cmake | devel | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [hpmpc](https://github.com/giaf/hpmpc) | cmake | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [mercury](https://github.com/mercury-hpc/mercury) | cmake | cluster | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [chrono](https://projectchrono.org/) | cmake | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [cocos2d-x](https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x) | cmake | game | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [opensiv3d](https://github.com/Siv3D/OpenSiv3D) | cmake | game | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [grive2](https://github.com/vitalif/grive2) | cmake | filesystem | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [chapel](https://github.com/chapel-lang/chapel) | make | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [osmium](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmium) | cmake | geography | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [fuzzylite](https://github.com/fuzzylite/fuzzylite) | cmake | devel | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [valhalla](https://github.com/valhalla/valhalla) | cmake | geography | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [openenclave](https://openenclave.io/sdk/) | cmake | util | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [alpaka](https://github.com/alpaka-group/alpaka) | cmake | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [mochi-thallium](https://github.com/mochi-hpc/mochi-thallium) | cmake | cluster | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [flexiblas](https://www.mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de/projects/flexiblas) | cmake | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [blitz](https://github.com/blitzpp/blitz) | cmake | c++ | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [strumpack](https://portal.nersc.gov/project/sparse/strumpack/) | cmake | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [butterflypack](https://github.com/liuyangzhuan/ButterflyPACK) | cmake | math | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [adios](https://csmd.ornl.gov/adios) | cmake | cluster | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [superlu_dist](https://github.com/xiaoyeli/superlu_dist) | cmake | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [mfem](https://mfem.org/) | cmake | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [fmi-library](https://github.com/modelon-community/fmi-library) | cmake | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [aerodyn](https://github.com/OpenFAST/openfast/tree/main/modules/aerodyn) | cmake | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [llvm-ompss2](https://github.com/bsc-pm/llvm) | cmake | cluster | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [pagmo](https://github.com/bsc-pm/llvm) | cmake | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [enarx](https://enarx.dev/) | cargo | util | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [airshipper](https://gitlab.com/veloren/airshipper) | cargo | game | | [open-match](https://github.com/googleforgames/open-match) | go | devel | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [gridstudio](https://github.com/ricklamers/gridstudio) | go | visualization | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [osmosis](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmosis) | gradle | geography | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [Opensearch](https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch) | gradle | | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [cocalc](https://github.com/sagemathinc/cocalc) | npm | math | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [Gitfs](https://github.com/presslabs/gitfs) | setuptools | filesystem | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [usbkill](https://github.com/hephaest0s/usbkill) | setuptools | util | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [mapillary_tools](https://github.com/mapillary/mapillary_tools) | setuptools | geography | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [blockify](https://github.com/serialoverflow/blockify) | setuptools | audio | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [foobnix](https://github.com/foobnix/foobnix) | setuptools | audio | | [TauonMusicBox](https://github.com/Taiko2k/TauonMusicBox) | setuptools | audio | | [mmtracking](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmtracking) | setuptools | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [ueberzug](https://github.com/seebye/ueberzug) | setuptools | cli | | [greenclip](https://github.com/erebe/greenclip) | cabal | desktop | | [google-drive-ocamlfuse](https://github.com/astrada/google-drive-ocamlfuse) | dune | filesystem | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [kaitai](https://github.com/kaitai-io/kaitai_struct) | sbt | util | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [casadi](https://web.casadi.org/) | cmake swig | science | Alessandro-Barbieri | no [ipyleaflet](https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/ipyleaflet) | setuptools yarn | jupyter | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes [HOL4](http://hol-theorem-prover.org/) | ? | math | Alessandro-Barbieri | yes