Alessandro Barbieri liuyangzhuan/ButterflyPACK ButterflyPACK is a mathematical software for rapidly solving large-scale dense linear systems that exhibit off-diagonal rank-deficiency. These systems arise frequently from boundary element methods, or factorization phases in finite-difference/finite-element methods. ButterflyPACK relies on low-rank or butterfly formats under Hierarchical matrix, HODLR or other hierarchically nested frameworks to compress, factor and solve the linear system in quasi-linear time. The computationally most intensive phase, factorization, is accelerated via randomized linear algebras. The butterfly format, originally inspired by the butterfly data flow in fast Fourier Transform, is a linear algebra tool well-suited for compressing matrices arising from high-frequency wave equations or highly oscillatory integral operators. ButterflyPACK also provides preconditioned TFQMR iterative solvers. ButterflyPACK is written in Fortran 2003, it also has C++ interfaces. ButterflyPACK supports hybrid MPI/OpenMP programming models. In addition, ButterflyPACK can be readily invoked from the software STRUMPACK for solving dense and sparse linear systems. Use arpack as dependency Use magma as dependency