{'description': {'en': 'The frabjous Gentoo overlay focused on crypto, server-side stuffs and some desktop apps'}, 'feed': ['https://github.com/csmk/frabjous/commits/master.atom'], 'homepage': 'https://github.com/csmk/frabjous', 'name': 'frabjous', 'owner': [{'email': 'csmk+gentoo@chaoslab.org', 'name': 'Ian Moone', 'type': 'person'}], 'quality': 'experimental', 'source': [{'type': 'git', 'uri': 'https://github.com/csmk/frabjous.git'}, {'type': 'git', 'uri': 'git://github.com/csmk/frabjous.git'}, {'type': 'git', 'uri': 'git@github.com:csmk/frabjous.git'}], 'status': 'unofficial'} $ pmaint sync frabjous WARNING:pkgcore:repo lacks a defined name: '/home/mgorny/sync/zugaina' WARNING:pkgcore:'genthree' repo at '/home/mgorny/sync/genthree' has unsupported profile format: profile-bashrcs WARNING:pkgcore:'xelnor' repo at '/home/mgorny/sync/xelnor' has unsupported profile format: build-id WARNING:pkgcore:repo lacks a defined name: '/home/mgorny/sync/zugaina' Already up to date. *** syncing frabjous *** synced frabjous * Sync succeeded $ git log --format=%ci -1 $ pmaint regen --use-local-desc --pkg-desc-index -t 1 frabjous WARNING:pkgcore:'genthree' repo at '/home/mgorny/repos/genthree' has unsupported profile format: profile-bashrcs WARNING:pkgcore:'xelnor' repo at '/home/mgorny/repos/xelnor' has unsupported profile format: build-id WARNING:pkgcore:'xelnor' repo at '/home/mgorny/repos/xelnor' has unsupported profile format: build-id WARNING:pkgcore:'genthree' repo at '/home/mgorny/repos/genthree' has unsupported profile format: profile-bashrcs * Cache regenerated successfully