{'description': {'en': "Polynomial-C's overlay"}, 'homepage': 'http://www.gentoofan.org/gentoo/', 'name': 'poly-c', 'owner': [{'email': 'polynomial-c@gentoo.org', 'name': 'Lars Wendler', 'type': 'person'}], 'quality': 'experimental', 'source': [{'type': 'rsync', 'uri': 'rsync://rsync.gentoofan.org/poly-c'}], 'status': 'official'} $ pmaint sync poly-c [Receiver] io timeout after 180 seconds -- exiting rsync error: timeout in data send/receive (code 30) at io.c(197) [Receiver=3.2.3] *** syncing poly-c !!! failed syncing poly-c: all attempts failed * Sync failed with 1 * Will try to re-create $ pmaint sync poly-c [Receiver] io timeout after 180 seconds -- exiting rsync error: timeout in data send/receive (code 30) at io.c(197) [Receiver=3.2.3] *** syncing poly-c !!! failed syncing poly-c: all attempts failed * Sync failed again with 1, removing