\summary{2008}{4}{10} Agenda call: \agoref{gentoo-dev}{0f6f6f5118a06929565edd2dbca8ae46} Agenda announcement: \agoref{gentoo-dev}{46bf3619625ec081d4c5c858e375c011} \agendaitem{Document of being an active developer} \index{developer certificate} There were no updates to this. \agendaitem{Slacker arches} \index{arches!slacking} \dev{vapier} said he's finishing this up and will have it posted tonight. \agendaitem{GLEP 46: Allow upstream tags in metadata.xml} \index{GLEP!46!approval} Reference: \glep{46} The restriction to http/https has been dropped as pointed out by \dev{amne}. The point for restricting the URLs to the mentioned protocols was that they shouldn't link to automatically updated ressources. This has been replaced by an explicit specification and a recommendation that http/http should be favoured over ftp/svn/gopher/etc to make the implementation for automated update discovery tools easier (they should of course ignore URLs they can't handle). \vote{Approval of \glep{46}}{Approved with 5 yes votes, 1 abstention} \agendaitem{Minimal activity for ebuild devs} \index{developers!minimal activity}\index{cia.vc}\index{ohloh} The current expected minimal activity for ebuild developers is 1 commit every 60 days. Should it be higher? Agreement was hard to find. Some people thought it should be 1 commit / week, others said that people have busy lives and questioned the benefits. A number of people did agree that we should trust the judgment of the undertakers. \dev{dberkholz} suggested that low commit rates may not maintain the quality of the committer, and that we should more carefully review the commits of these people. Various ways to track commit statistics were discussed, such as cia.vc and ohloh. cia.vc seems to have too much downtime to rely on. \dev{ciaranm} talked with ohloh people already. ohloh would require some modifications to ohcount to recognize ebuilds and eclasses, and a full copy of the cvs repository to start, but it seems worth exploring. Betelgeuse said he would tar up a copy of the gentoo-x86 repository. \agendaitem{Initial comments on PMS} \index{PMS}\index{EAPI!kdebuild-1} Reference: \url{https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/pms.git/} Are there any major changes needed, or just tuning details? A list of remaining items to be done was posted in the \agoref{gentoo-dev}{21de1bcb87913938d804afa39f8f1d35}. The council voted that kdebuild-1 and other unapproved EAPIs could not be in an approved PMS document. The spec isn't a place for proposals or things that will never be submitted for approval by the council. It's a specification, a reference of what is allowed in the main tree.\footnote{Haven't found a clear vote in the log yet, this seems to have been more of a conclusion that slowly crystallized.} \agendaitem{Open floor} \index{project!devrel} \dev{blackace} asked about complaints against \dev{philantrop}, \dev{eroyf}, and \dev{spb}. \dev{vapier} referred that to devrel. \dev{betelgeuse} said that there's been no rejection or action on those complaints yet, and internal discussion is ongoing. \dev{philantrop} complained that he hadn't heard anything about complaints, and \dev{betelgeuse} said that since some members already left, he didn't want to take matters into his own hands in sharing private information.