\summary{2009}{5}{14} \agendaitem{Approve wording of PMS for EAPI 3} \index{EAPI!3}\index{EAPI!3!approval} This call for approval comes from the perspective that package manager developers currently do not know the specifics of what to code for EAPI 3. With this approved package manager developers can write code and testcases for each feature and know that the specifics of each feature is final(some features may be removed however). Conclusion: Approved, EAPI 3 specifications have been merged to the main PMS repository. EAPI 3 will be tagged when developers are able to use it. \agendaitem{Vote on GLEP 54} \index{GLEP!54!approval} This vote was called for by dertobi123. The vote was on whether to approve \glep{54} conditional on whether is passed. The reason for this is that \glep{54} is unimplementable without the problems mentioned in \glep{55} being solved. Conclusion: Conditionally approved on whether \glep{55} is approved. \agendaitem{Vote on GLEP 55} A vote was required on this GLEP since \glep{54} was already passed conditional on this vote. Conclusion: After quite a bit of confusion in the voting (people changing their votes), a tie(3-3) vote was reached. Therefore, no decision was reached. This vote will be brought up again next meeting so that the tie can be broken(hopefully with everyone present). \agendaitem{Discussion of dropping static libraries automatically} \index{static libraries}\index{libraries!static}\index{EAPI!4} Peter Alfredsen(loki_val) asked the council to discuss the ability to automatically drop static libraries from installs and the best way to do so. Conclusion: The council unanimously voted that developers, at their discretion, can drop static libraries but it will not be the default. The council also expressed support for an EAPI 4 proposal to automatically disable static libraries via configure options. \agendaitem{Council Election Update} The election team decided to hold nominations for the Gentoo Council from June 1st to June 14th with the voting period running from June 16th to June 30th. Results will likely be announced on July 2nd. The election officials for this election are NeddySeagoon, rane, and jmbsvicetto with fox2mike as the infrastructed liaison.