\summary{2009}{7}{20} \agendaitem{Meeting format} \index{council!meeting!moderation} \vote{Should the channel be moderated during council meetings?}{6 yes, 0 no} solar moderated the channel at 1816UTC. \vote{Should council members watch another channel in order to paste ideas/propositions from the latter to the council channel?}{5 no, 1 yes} \vote{Do we need a secretary}{6 yes, 0 no} The secretary's role will be limited to providing logs and summaries of the meetings. \vote{Does the secretary need to be a council member?}{6 no, 0 yes} \vote{If no, do we confirm gentoofan23?}{6 yes, 0 no} \vote{Do we need a backup?}{3 no, 0 yes} \vote{Betelgeuse requested a vote on whether drafts had to be reviewed on the private alias instead of on the public mailing-list.}{3 public, 3 private. The decision was made to wait for lu_zero's vote by email.} \agendaitem{GLEP 39} \index{GLEP!39} \vote{Can the council decide on the process of voting amendments to GLEP 39 without an all-developers vote?}{4 no, 2 yes} \agendaitem{Meeting schedule} \vote{Periodicity}{6 monthly, 0 bi-weekly} Depending on 4.1 and your availability what week would you like to meet? $\longrightarrow$ Third monday of the month. Do we keep using a Doodle poll to decide when in the week we meet? $\longrightarrow$ Only in case of personal schedule issues, assuming a warning long enough in advance.