\summary{2014}{6}{17} \agendaitem{Approve Preliminary EAPI 6 Features} \index{EAPI!6}\index{eapply_user}\index{src_prepare}\index{PATCHES} \index{EJOBS}\index{eclasses!sourcing}\index{HDEPEND} The rest of the EAPI6 were discussed and voted on. Vote results listed here: \begin{itemize} \item \vote{ User patches: The council endorses an eapply\_user function in the PM to apply user patches in EAPI6. This will be called by the default src\_prepare, and must be called once if src\_prepare is overrided by either a non-virtual ebuild or eclass.}{ Aye: blueness, creffett (proxy for williamh), dilfridge, rich0, scarabeus, ulm; Nay: dberkholz. Passed.} \item \vote{ PATCHES support in default src\_prepare, \bug{463692}. (This item was re-visted in light of user patches being approved)}{ Aye: blueness, creffett (proxy for williamh), dilfridge, rich0, scarabeus, ulm; Nay: dberkholz. Passed.} \item Patch applying function in package manager, \bug{463768}. Needed for PATCHES support and user patches. This would duplicate epatch() from eutils, in simplified form. Name "eapply" has been suggested. (This item was not voted upon, as it was considered implied by the acceptance of the other two patch features.) \item \vote{ EJOBS variable, \bug{273101}}{ Nay: blueness, dberkholz, rich0, ulm; Abstain: creffett (proxy for williamh), dilfridge, scarabeus; Defeated} \item \vote{ Source eclasses only once, \bug{422533}}{ Nay: blueness, creffett (proxy for williamh), dberkholz, dilfridge, rich0, ulm; Abstain: scarabeus; Defeated} \item \vote{ HDEPEND: host dependencies for cross-compilation, \bug{317337}}{ Nay: blueness, dilfridge, scarabeus; Abstain: creffett (proxy for williamh), dberkholz, rich0, ulm} \item \vote{ Directory support for package* and use*, \bug{282296}; Not intended for gentoo-x86 tree (at this time), only to be used in overlays}{ Aye: blueness, creffett (proxy for williamh), dberkholz, dilfridge, rich0, scarabeus, ulm} \end{itemize} \agendaitem{Max EAPI Count in Tree / Min Time Between EAPI} \index{EAPI!count in tree} See the log for full discussion, but the Council felt that since future Councils already need to approve new EAPIs, they can decide at that time whether doing so is appropriate. \vote{Should the council set a limit on \# of EAPIs?}{ Nay: blueness, creffett (proxy for williamh), dberkholz, dilfridge, rich0, scarabeus, ulm} \vote{Should the council set a minimum time between EAPIs?}{ Nay: blueness, creffett (proxy for williamh), dberkholz, rich0, scarabeus, ulm; Abstain: dilfridge} \agendaitem{Semi-official Dev-hosted Services} \index{labs.gentoo.org} The Council accepted this provided that the name assignments make it clear what is and isn't official. *.dev.gentoo.org and *.labs.gentoo.org were given as possible suggestions. Aye: blueness, dberkholz, dilfridge, rich0, scarabeus, ulm; Abstain: creffett (proxy for williamh)\\[0.2cm] Meeting called and will be continued on 24 Jun 2014 at 19:00 UTC.