\summary{2015}{11}{8} \agendaitem{EAPI 6 approval} \index{EAPI!6} Reference: \agoref{gentoo-project}{f78e316074897a604842fe13d2860be6} EAPI 6 got approved by unanimous vote after a series of sub questions that were all approved. The sub questions covered that the package manager should set a bash compatibility level, that eapply\_user shall be idempotent and must be called at least once. The feature to allow directories for use.* and package.* entries in profiles (\bug{282296}) was deemed not ready for inclusion in EAPI 6 and consideration for the feature is delayed until a future EAPI. In a followup vote on bugzilla (\bug{565700}) related to the same discussion an amendment was accepted to sanitize LC\_CTYPE and LC\_COLLATE settings to ensure that certain casemod operators of Bash 4 can be used. \agendaitem{Bugs with council involvement} \bug{503382}, but as this has been discussed before nothing new was added in this meeting. \agendaitem{Open floor} \index{ChangeLog!generation}\index{ChangeLog!sort order} ChangeLog generation and order of entries was discussed briefly during the open floor. Listing entries starting with older first can potentially optimize rsync bandwidth usage in terms of incremental addition, however it will not likely impact the current default configurations used by portage. If the order is to be changed it was discussed that it is important to keep consistency between the various log files, and users are used to reading newest first in log files historically.